
Son_of_dad, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

That’s why I will never PC game. You spend thousands on your gaming PC and it can’t play a game that will come out in a year


I’m sure a $1k+ PC can run pretty much any game, but not at the same graphics quality as a $4k HPC that helped create it.

@jinarched@lemm.ee avatar

Wait, what? I have to buy a PC about every 10 to 15 years and it does’t cost me “thousands”. Last year, I bought one for about $700 and I can run every game at maximum settings with no issues.

Just wait for components to be on sale (it happens often) and you’ll have a good pc for a very good price.


What did you buy for $700 that can play every game at max?


It’s a quantum computer, I got it from Canada.

The exchange rate is good right now.


To be fair people who pay thousands are probably perfectly fine with Starfield, although they may have to be satisfied with 120fps instead of 240fps.

The ones mainly hurting are the ones with similar budgets as console gamers. And console gamers are hardly unfamiliar with performance issues.

Being a pc gamer has much more to do with what ecosystem you get to tap into, rather than how much you’re spending.


The game averages 75fps with a 4090 or 7900xtx at 4k high settings


Actually its quite the opposite usualy and games on conosles run well while on pc they can be a buggy mess. Granted on pc they will/can look better but the optimization is mostly done for console players.

@RandomStickman@kbin.social avatar

Just stop chasing trends and play everything on a 5-10 year delay. Or better yet, just play indie. I save so much
money and my backlog is so long I don't even have time to play all of it.

@Anduin1357@lemmy.world avatar

Any recommendations?

@RandomStickman@kbin.social avatar

I've just installed STALKER: Anomaly, a total conversion mod for STALKER: Call of Chernobyl. If you've never played the STALKER series before it is one of my favourite games of all time.

Operation Harsh Doorstop and Ravenfield are fun fps to casually dick around. I like them for their growing Steamworkshop mod scene, especially with Ravenfield.

Return of the Obra Dinn and Disco Elysium are two games on my backlog that saddens me every time I see it because I'd love to finish them but I just couldn't find the time.

Project Zomboid and Deep Rock Galayctic are fun times with people.

I was gifted Frostpunk and Outer Wilds. I haven't got around to playing it yet but my brother loved it.


I spend something equivalent to around $2k in USD every 5-7 years and I'm fine.


To be fair that’s a lot more money than a console.


You realize that game developers no longer optimise their games, they lie and simply do a money grab?

Anyway, Steam Deck sounds like a solid choice for you. ~500 bucks and you can play almost everything.


I much prefer that, like a console I just want to be able to pop something in and have it run.

@Anduin1357@lemmy.world avatar

It’s funny, Steam Deck is so much weaker than the typical gaming PC and will definitely not outperform an ~RX 6700XT at the same quality level but Steam Deck resolution vs at 1440p. Worse, Steam Deck shares 16 GB of RAM between CPU and GPU, so this guy is gonna have an even smaller list of games they can play on a docked Steam Deck vs a PC.

Also, Steam Deck can’t be (read: processing power) upgraded, and doesn’t have 3D-VCache, that’s not good for CPU bound games. And then you might also be defaulting to Steam OS, which doesn’t have full compatibility with Windows games, and have a complicated compatability file structure, which could complicate modding and 3rd party utilities.

So yeah, Steam Deck as a complete desktop replacement has more issues than you might expect. And the worst part is, absent docking portable HDDs, everything is an SSD, so welcome to the SSD $/GB world. TF cards have even worse $/GB.

zikk_transport2, (edited )

There are certain benefits of having Steam Deck:

  1. It’s comfortable - play on your couch, bed sofa or wherever.
  2. Portable - battery-powered handheld gaming device. Play anywhere.
  3. Powerful - it’s not Android-based device, it’s fully featured computer that is capable of running even the latest games at 30fps (but as you said - it’s not always the case).
  4. It’s cheap - you can have a gaming “PC” for 500$/€
  5. Linux feature - instant sleep & resume mid-game. Perfect if “free time” isn’t your second name.
  6. Device feature - no closed OS. Which means mods and no jailbreaking or any other unnecesarry workarounds required to fully use the hardware.

As someone who has gaming PC (nvidia 2080Ti, ryzen 9 3900x, 32gb ram, FHD 280Hz monitor) as well as gaming laptop (nvidia 3080m, intel i7 something, 32gb of ram, 2K 240Hz display) and Xbox series X with LG C1 TV - I am still spending most of my time on Steam Deck. Why? Convenience.

@Anduin1357@lemmy.world avatar

#1 you’re also restricted to whatever plays nice with the steam input system, and custom inputs are generally more tedious to use than a mouse and keyboard.

#2 that’s the entire point of the Steam Deck.

#3 isn’t the hallmarks of something “powerful”, I’m surprised that you would consider 30 fps acceptable given that you know what 240 fps is like.

#4 it’s not cheap. It’s just at the right proce for the hardware. The only reason why it doesn’t feel worse is because it’s running at 1280x800p. The display is literally from the discard pile with its terrible colours.

#5 Windows could do the same if Valve tried hard enough. Suspend/Resume isn’t that special and I’ve manually invoked it on desktop for all kinds of things before. >Task Manager.

#6 that’s because Steam is doing the legwork to make things work for you. See what they did with Elden Ring’s stuttering problem. I challenge you otherwise to access the game directories of any game running through proton. There’s a whole emulated filestructure that you have to understand before modding the game on Steam Deck.

Power user stuff is outside the scope of gaming for most people.

reddig33, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

If there’s an Xbox One version, then there’s really no excuse for it not to load on a PC with similar or better cpu/memory/graphics specs.


There isn’t.


Looks like you’re right. You have to scroll to the bottom of the Xbox page to see Xbox X and S as system requirement.



I think it was known since 2 years now, so maybe they didn’t bother publicizing it on the page. In fact, MSFT said they won’t be putting any games on Xbox One anymore.


Did you mean Series S?


There isn’t, MS stopped supporting the One last year.

lustyargonian, (edited ) do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

Damn this is a pathetic response. He could’ve said “We’ve tried our best to make it as polished as possible before launch, and are working towards further optimising it to give you the best experience, wherever you play”. Even if they did jackshit, it would not come out as condescending and snarky. Maybe he wasn’t prepared for a tough question on the spot right at the beginning of the interview, but it does show how he thinks about his games. In his mind, the game running at all on PC is optimised enough.

I am not saying he’s bad for not making Creation Engine super optimised engine on this planet, I’m saying he’s bad for not acknowledging it is currently most demanding engine despite looking merely half as good as Cyberpunk 2077 or idk Arkham Knight.


It’s not even about graphics alone.

They’re clearly building their games in an extremely inefficient way. Starfield does not have anything going on in it that other games with much lower requirements also have done.

You see evidence of this in their previous games. One of the major performance issues with Fallout 4 for example, was that instead of building their cities in performant ways, they literally plonked every building as an individual asset into the world which thrashed the CPU for no reason. Modders just had to merge them all into one model to significantly improve performance. Their games are full of things like this and Starfield will be no different.

@Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

Unless I’m completely mistaken here, modders didn’t combine the buildings together, that’s how they are by default. Mods, however, sometimes needed to break said system which resulted in massively degraded performance.


Nah the Boston performance was terrible in vanilla. The precombination fixes made huge performance improvements. There were issues with mods breaking precombined meshes but that was a separate issue.


Why would he? Todd hates everyone who plays his games and cares only about separating money from pockets. Fallout 76 made that quite clear to everyone.


If he gave a standard appeasing PR statement without following it up at all, that would somehow be preferable? This may be snarky, but at least you know what to expect.


I mean, yeah I guess this does help temper expectations that they are done optimising, so maybe you’re right, being blunt is probably for the best.

balderdash9, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose

I’m getting no mans sky release flashbacks. Hopefully they keep working on it like the no mans sky team did

Faydaikin, (edited )
@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

I guess that depends on the amount of copies sold and the ‘refund ratio’.

If both are within acceptable parameters, they won’t do anything. Just leave it to the modding community to fix whatever needs fixing. They already have your money, don’t they…

It’s the Bethesda way.


I really don’t think it’s anything like that.

It’s a design decision, in the sense a bit like elite dangerous where the planet generation is realistic, as far as we know, even at the expense of being boring.

MuhammadJesusGaySex, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

I have a 3080 ti, and a 12700k, and 32 gigs of ddr5, and a 2 terabyte ssd. It runs great for me. I don’t understand the problem. /s


So, this system runs it fine? Good to know. I was worried that my computer would not be able to run it smoothly, but now no worries at all.


I've got that but with a 4080 - no issues.

I admittedly feel like I went full retard on my build and seriously hope these specs aren't what's necessary...


Hey at least you don’t have to upgrade for a while, could probably run it for another yr if todd is generous


I've got an 8086K and 3080, running on a 4K screen - with Ultra settings and FSR of 80% I'm getting 35-40fps, which honestly doesn't feel too bad. It's noticable sometimes but it's a lot smoother than the numbers suggest.

Because my CPU is a little long in the tooth, I've gone probably a bit hard on the visuals, but my framerate didn't improve much by lowering it. The engine itself has never really liked going past 60fps, so I don't know why people expected to be able to run 100+ frames at 4k or something.


Sorry mate but 35fps on a 3080 with FSR is just objectively bad performance.

Starfield is not doing anything in terms of graphics or gameplay that other games that run 3-4 times as well aren’t doing.


That’s because they’re CPU limited, mate.

Easy 1440p60 on ultra everything with no scaling on my 3090. Frequently up in the 80-90 FPS range. This game runs fine. It’s not a “teetering mess” as you say.


What exactly is it doing that an 8086k is CPU limited to 35fps?


Completed some testing on my end, using intels PresentMon and sitting at 35fps average in New Atlantis my GPU busy is pegged at about 99% of the frame time, so nothing really.

I do get a bit of a CPU limitation when it's raining, but nothing significant, dropped to about 30fps.

Trying at 1440p with the same settings as the 3090 above got me around 50fps, 1440p is almost half the pixels of 80% of 4k as well, so that's not helping my GPU much!


I’d really not expect the performance difference between a 3090 and a 3080 to be that large, and the only difference I can think of in our systems is the CPU. (5800X3D vs 8086k)

New Atlantis is a smooth 60+ fps with every setting maxed out at 1440p.

deranger, (edited )

Considering that CPU is less powerful than what’s in the Xbox Series S, which does 1080p30, I’m not at all surprised they’re getting a similar frame rate.

If this was a “teetering mess” you would have heard it in the Gamers Nexus benchmarks. Steve says nothing to this end, and the game benches predictably across the spectrum of hardware tested.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

for me the game runs pretty well with ~90+ fps on high and activated fsr2.

5800x 3D, 64 gigs of ram and a 6900XT I shot cheap during the great gpu collapse. And by the looks of the game this seems pretty reasonable to me.


AMD users are having a better time with it, unsurprisingly. I wish I hadn’t gone for Nvidia but too late for that.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

I think there wil be patches and some updates to NVIDIAs shitty driver that will fix things in the future :) Otherweise yeah maybe get an AMD GPU next time, don’t fall for the NVIDIA Marketing. Using Radeons since the 9800 pro Bundle with Half Life 2 and never had any issues with them or their drivers.

rambaroo, (edited )

Hopefully. I’ve always been more of an AMD/ATI fan, but for this laptop the deal worked out to be better with an Nvidia card. But next time I’m not settling for it. AMD CPU and GPU is the way to go. Especially because I’m trying to daily on Linux now and the driver side is much much nicer with AMD.

Piecemakers3Dprints, (edited )
@Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

You had me in the first sentence, and then I realized it was sarcasm. 🤪 I’m running a similar rig, but it’s primarily for rendering work, etc., so for juuust a second there, I wondered if it was falling behind. 😅🤓

AdmiralShat, (edited ) do games w [Rumor] Nintendo Switch 2 reportedly uses Nvidia's DLSS to boost frame rates

While there’s a current DLSS thread, am I the only one who actually likes the aesthetics of DLSS, regardless of FPS? It adds a softness to the whole image that reduces eye strain for me and make the game more cinematic almost.


From what I understand, DLSS is also the best anti aliaser there is. No jaggies makes everything easier on the eyes

@Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de avatar

The recent versions are much better. But it also depends on the engine. I haven’t played Cyberpunk2077 since release, but there the trailing shadows of moving people and cars were very visible. Hopefully these issues are a thing of the past.


I remember the Witcher 3 had some pretty shitty interactions with DLSS, too

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

There’s “DLAA” which has the DLSS softness without the upscaling part. Some games support it, would recommend checking it out.


Noted, thank you


I’ll check it out when I can afford a gaming pc again

hal_5700X, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'
@hal_5700X@lemmy.world avatar


Get a new game engine, Todd. Bethesda owns id Software. id Tech is right where.


Exactly this. It was only two generations ago when idTech was an open world engine, id can and have made it to do whatever they want and to suggest that despite Bethesda money (let alone MICROSOFT money) id couldn’t make a better engine with similar development workflows as Creation is just dishonest to suggest.

@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It’s a shame idTech is no longer released publicly. It would’ve been amazing to see what people could do with the beast of an engine that powered DOOM Eternal, especially modders.


I assume you’re talking about Rage, which had an open world map, but no where near the level of simulation systems as a Bethesda game. In fact I remember back at the time most of us saying the map was pointless as it was just a way to travel between levels with nothing to do in it.


There are no “levels of simulation systems” in Starfield. NPCs don’t even have schedules in this game, they literally just stand around in the same spot 24/7.


It’s still keeping track of lots of variables across a big play space at any time regardless of NPC schedules.

They tried that once with Oblivion and clearly it didn’t add enough to the game and players experience to return to.


“keeping track of lots of variables” doesn’t cost CPU time though, since nothing that isn’t on the same map as you is ever relevant for anything. Their engine just fucking sucks.

rambaroo, (edited )

Keeping track of variables doesn’t use CPU time? Ok man. I’m all for hating on Bethesda’s shitty engine but that’s just not true. At the very least it does track what NPCs are doing off screen which is how they end up at your ship when you tell them to go there. They will actually walk to your ship if you don’t get there first.

On the other hand it’s basically guaranteed that Bethesda spent zero effort optimizing that. I bet it’s the same code they ran for Skyrim.


They tried that once with Oblivion

They advertised that with Oblivion’s AI but never delivered on half the claims.

Go look at the pre-release claims of the Radiant AI and what was actually delivered.


Starfield has less simulation than Fallout 4, it just has more (mostly empty) maps.


You are completely talking out of your ass.


ID tech is nowhere near flexible enough for something like Starfield or even Skyrim. It’s partially the reason why it’s so efficient. It simply isn’t fit for the task.

And the Bethesda developers are intimately familiar with Creation Engine, achieving the same level of productivity with something new will take a long time. Switching the engine is not an easy thing.

Not to say that Creation Engine isn’t a cumbersome mess. It has pretty awful performance, stability and is full of bugs, but on the other hand it’s extremely flexible which has allowed its games to have massive mod communities.


If Bethesda can’t take the time to do it then who can? People act like they’re some small time developer but they’re not. They simply refuse to expand their dev team to do things like a redesign.

Creation engine is not going to hold up well for another 6 years, there’s no way their cell loading system will be considered acceptable by the time ES6 comes out. The amount of loading screens in Starfield is insane for a modern game. This company needs new talent badly.


You realise custom engines are built for specific game types right? iD Tech is great for creating high fedelity FPS games with linear levels and little environment interactivity. That’s not what Bethesda make though.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

They could do everything they usually do but better if they used Unreal. They don’t need a custom engine. They just need an engine that isn’t over 2 decades old with a bunch of shit taped to it to make it look modern. Not to mention, ID already did make a custom built engine that handles much of what Bethesda RPGs do when they made RAGE. They could have used that, with the only issue being learning it. Not sure what their turnover rate is like… maybe they’re just too used to GameBryo/Creation to be able to switch now. It might take too long to learn anything new. Plus it would have to be able to have a toolset. If they didn’t release those easy to use modding tools, there could be rioting in the streets.


As far as I know, Bethesda are unusual in modern Devs in that they have a small team for the size of game they make, but they have strong retention of staff so have huge amounts of institutional knowledge about how they do things. Shifting to a new engine would basically mean starting from scratch on a company level. Unlike Ubisoft or Activison, they can’t just throw several thousend Devs at a game to brute force the development either.

rambaroo, (edited )

But that’s their biggest problem. There’s no reason for them to have a small unchanging team. It’s very very obvious that they never get an influx of new ideas. Starfield feels like it was made in 2016 and the optimization effort is comically bad. The writing is still mostly boring, campy and naive like it was written by a 15 year old Mormon. The facial animations are incrementally better than fallout but still noticeably worse than much older games like Witcher 3. I could go on.

It’s not a bad game at all but it could’ve been so much better if Bethesda execs weren’t greedy cheapasses and the dev team was open to changing their process.

This why Bethesda needs to be criticized instead of constantly getting fellated by fanboys. ES6 will be an outdated mess because Bethesda never sees any feedback except over the top praise for half-assing their games.

Saltblue, (edited )

Fanboys downvote you but you are right, even if I love the fallout franchise, the same gameplay loop, the same engines, potato faces in 2023, outdated animations… etc, right now I would prefer Microsoft to force obsidian to take care of the next fallout, and ban Todd Howard for ever putting one foot in the dev took, even in the building. He can go fuck himself and his shit engine.


I know they don’t want to switch, but it would be worth it to make the swap to something like unreal, even if it takes a few years of customization to get the open world stuff right. Creation Engine just feels so old.

infamous_trade, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

nice argument lol

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Who needs logic and rhetoric when you have 💰

Lord knows there’s enough content creators now to self sustain shit games and businesses for all of time regardless of what genpop is interested in

zalgotext, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Exploring is supposed to be a reward in itself

Oh yes, exploring 6 levels of nested menus is incredibly rewarding


Pro tip: if you just fast travel between Far Harbour and Nukaworld over and over you get the same experience as Starfield for free

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar


Heard if you 3D print a copy of no man’s sky you actually just get starfield

marx2k, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

Damn, glad I didn’t buy it on day 1. Got baldurs gate instead and am enjoying that

NightOwl, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

Wish they had asked him why the console version isn’t optimized either running at only 30.

MargotRobbie, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'
@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar



But uhhh, you can climb ladders.

@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar


Well, I got what I wanted, carry on.

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

Loved you in Barbie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Birds of Prey, the Suicide Squad movies (yes, both of them) and Wolf of Wall Street btw

@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

Still no Oscar… 😞


Only a matter of time

trigonated, (edited )

Maybe they really lost their ladder. Why Todd would know where it is beats me, tho. Or maybe Todd is one of those people you lend stuff to and will never give it back.

AgentGrimstone, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

Do you guys not have better PCs?


I understood that reference.

technohacker, do games w Rust adds attack helicopters, homing missiles to blow up attack helicopters, parachutes to escape exploding attack helicopters

std::attack_helicopter::AttackHelicopter::new() cool!

avater, (edited ) do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

people really need to put the nostalgia googles down…back in the days nobody played Crysis with full details and a steady framerate.

You were in 1024x768 and turned everything down just to play the game with barely 30fps and you know what, it was still dope as fuck. So yeah guys get used to lower your settings or to upgrade your rig and if you don’t want to do that get a xbox


Crysis was built by a company specialising in building a high fidelity engine. It was, by all accounts, meant primarily as a tech demo. This is absolutely not the case with Starfield - first, the game doesn’t look nearly good enough for that compared to Crysis, and second it’s built on an engine that simply can’t do a lot of the advanced stuff.

The game could be playable on max settings on many modern computers if it was optimised properly. It isn’t.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

sure mister gamedev, please continue to tell more on how an engine you clearly worked on, should run…

I dont say that Starfield is a well optimised game and performance will get better with upcoming patches. But I also don’t think it’s an unoptimized mess, I think it is running reasonable and people really should start review their rig, because modern games will need modern components

Oh and also other games did not run that well like you maybe remember ;)


sure mister gamedev, please continue to tell more on how an engine you clearly worked on, should run…

I can easily compare between what different game companies do. Why are you acting like I need to be a developer on a game to criticise that game?

I dont say that Starfield is a well optimised game and performance will get better with upcoming patches.

Todd could have said so. He didn’t. Why?

But I also don’t think it’s an unoptimized mess, I think it is running reasonable and people really should start review their rig, because modern games will need modern components

I never stated this. I simply said: comparing Starfield and Crysis is deliberately disingenuous, because Crysis was fundamentally meant to break boundaries, which Starfield doesn’t do.

Oh and also other games did not run that well like you maybe remember ;)

Okay, what’s the argument here? Do you think I say for those games “well, you’re not Bethesda, so I’m fine with you not running well”?


you don’t have to know the internals of the engine. you just need some basic deduction powers.

does it look it look good compared to other AAA games? no

does it run fast? no

ergo. the engine is crap.

the same thing happened to cd projekt red but they ditched their engine after the cyberpunk fiasco. they will just pay epic

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

does it look it look good compared to other AAA games? no

well I beg to differ on that, but it’s quiete a subjective topic right ;)

does it run fast? no ergo. the engine is crap.

Again very subjective, very dependend on your hardware and also a pretty dumb conclusion, since an engine has more qualities then to run “fast”.

I already mentioned in this thread, the games runs quite well for me and I would call fps in the range from 80 to 124 quite fast for a Bethesda Open World Game. So what do we do now with our subjective oppinions 🤔


well you can put your “not in my computer” opinion in your ass. widespread benchmarks by established gaming journalists show good computers struggling.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

ok 😀


I don’t know why they keep using that piece of shit engine, Microsoft should order them to format every PC and start again with UE5, the engine that it’s actually next gen


You don’t have to be a game dev to see that games that came out before Starfield look and perform better. If you bought the game and you enjoy it, that’s all fine and I won’t make fun of you for it, but let’s not defend what is an obvious point of incompetence on Bethesda’s side.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

why buying starfield when it is on gamepass 😅

And buddy, I’ve been playing Bethesda Games since Daggerfall and believe me, Starfield is a fucking polished diamond compared to their old good games and compared to their latest shitshows like fallout 4 and fallout 76…


I’m not your buddy

You’re comparing Bethesda games to Bethesda games, which we all know are buggy messes. Starfield falls short of my expectations for what a polished diamond looks like.

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

okay not-buddy 😂 I think we are also pretty much done here, since I dont see any point in discussing this any further with you. So byeeee and have a pleasent day not playing Starfield I guess.


Will do

@hogart@feddit.nu avatar

There will always be that game that pushes the boundaries between current gen and next gen. Sometimes even more. Crysis is the perfect example of the past. Starfiels seems to do a decent job right now even if it’s probably not even close to what Crysis did. When people spend a lot of money we feel entitlement, thats only natural. No one did anything wrong. So no need to point a finger anywhere.

rambaroo, (edited )

Please explain in detail how Starfield is pushing the edge graphically in any way that’s comparable to Crysis.

Also please explain how you expect them to improve as a developer when you refuse to criticize them.

hogart, (edited )
@hogart@feddit.nu avatar

You seem to have missed the part where I wrote that Starfield is probably not even close to pushing the boundaries in the same way that Crysis did. So I can’t do much explaining in detail about that it is.


But it didnt tho, it looks shit and hogs more resources compared to other games like cyberpunk which is probably a better example for next gen graphics


Except this time even with 1024x768 and lowest settings you can barely break 60 FPS due to the huge CPU overhead.

And that’s with a Ryzen 7 5800X.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

I have the same processor and no issues. 1440p 80-125 fprs, high Details, 100% and FSR2


In New Atlantis City outdoors? Mine barely stays above 60 FPS, sometimes dipping under.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

yep. 70 fps in the worst case


It’s system by system, I have the same cpu and do fairly well, admittedly with it boosting to 4.5ghz. My wife has the same cpu and it struggles on her machine. It feels like the game just wasn’t tested well.


complains about others wearing nostalgia goggles

calls Cysis dope


After all this time I don’t think I ever heard anything about how Crysis plays or what’s the story and such. People only talk about how hard it was to run and how fancy these graphics were. Doesn’t make it sound all that great.

@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

Story is meh but lots of people will say how the open ended nature of Crysis was fun and a pity that it was removed for a more linear CoD style in Crysis 2


Wtf Crysis 1 was awesome… At least the first part without the aliens… And not because of the graphics

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