JCreazy, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

This is the first time I’ve ever even heard of it.

LoamImprovement, do gaming w Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is"

Well I don’t know how to make a game, but I do know how to write interesting characters and stories, and Emil clearly doesn’t, so something something glass houses, Bethesda.

vanderbilt, avatar

Just like I don’t need to be a ship captain to tell when the titanic is sinking. It doesn’t matter how it’s made, a product is bad if your model audience doesn’t like it. Starfield isn’t some avant-gard experimental piece, it was meant to appeal to the masses. He can’t use the excuse of opinionated craftsmanship to excuse its poor quality.

Fafner, do gaming w Why did Baldur's Gate 3 blow up? Larian lead writer says it's thanks to "a big gamble" with CRPG standards avatar

It was because you could fuck the bear.

ono, (edited )

Spoilers suck.

TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

I honestly don’t intend to be rude, so please don’t take this the wrong way. But this is a very minor detail that was featured in prelaunch marketing and went heavily viral. I understand not wanting to encounter spoilers about important events in a game, but this is not that.


I had it spoiled for me as well when the game launched. I didn’t consume any of the promotional material and didn’t see anything about it across my algorithm so fuck me right?

I don’t really care that it was spoiled, like you said it’s not integral. I do care about the flippant attitude that just because 100 other people knew about it already, that means you should too. Real “crabs in a bucket mentality”.


Yeah. It baffles me that some people prefer to make excuses for being inconsiderate, and even suggest that anyone who doesn’t like it leave, rather than simply add a spoiler tag.


this is a very minor detail that was featured in prelaunch marketing and went heavily viral

It is a mistake to assume just because you have encountered something that everyone else has as well. Not everyone follows viral media. Some of us actively avoid it.

And yes, this was indeed a spoiler for me. I would rather it had been a surprise in-game.


It’s totally fair game to discuss what is in official promotional material from months ago in a diacussion thread about the game.

It’s also fair to try to avoid spoilers about the game, but if you are so spoiler averse that you don’t even want to know what was in the games advertisements, you should avoid all discussion threads about the game.

FoundTheVegan, avatar

We as a community should hold ourselves to a higher spoiler standard than the marketing teams.

While I know that sounds like a reach at first, consider other media. Movie trailers tend to give a lot away, but that isn't within the control of the directors. It's done by the studios who are trying to generate as many eyeballs and clicks. Not deliver a complete narrative experince.

I have had the bear bit spoiled for me as well, would have rather seen it blind in game. But oh well, however I don't think that should preclude folk from discussing reviews, mocap and how unusual of a production cycle this game has had. Discussing the game itself doesn't require specfic story points. Much like discussing the Barbie movie set production require details on plot.

!deleted7120 avatar

I’ve had people on here yell “spoilers!” over a thing you literally find out in a character background video in the character creator before the game starts. It’s wild.

I stand by my feeling that if someone is that sensitive about what they think is a “spoiler,” then they’ve really got to not click on anything related to the game, especially comment sections, where people talk about playing the game. It’s on them at that point, because most folks don’t define “spoilers” that broadly.

snowbell, avatar

IMO some people are way too sensitive about spoilers. Why should the entire world have to cater to their desire to not hear about a game? Taken to its extreme it means nobody ever gets to make casual covnersation about a video game. I always wonder whether most people actually care about this or it is just an extremely loud and angry minority. I only have two friends who care about spoilers.

stopthatgirl7, (edited )
!deleted7120 avatar

It’s completely acceptable to not want to hear about major plot points when a game has only been out a month or so, but folks getting mad about stuff that was in promo materials and you can learn before you even start the game proper have really got to recalibrate.

I want to play FF16 but can’t until it comes out on PC, in a good year or two. So am I on game forums or posts about FF16? Nope. I even avoid twitter threads (or did when I was still used twitter), after clicking on one and finding out about a character death randomly, that everyone there knew about because they were playing the game and assumed everyone reading it was, too.

If you’re going to a place where people are talking about a game, you had best be prepared to be spoiled. If you’re not, stay off them until you’ve played the game. You can’t police people talking about minor or funny events in a game they figure other people know about, just because you haven’t played it yet.

!deleted6508 avatar

Knowing you can fuck the bear isn’t the same as knowing what it is like to fuck the bear. I’m glad I know fucking the bear is possible, because now I can go fuck it.

Draedron, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

I would love an AAA single player shooter. If it is done well and fun. So no chance EA could do it

Franzia, do games w Titanfall 3 hopefuls are getting desperate as Respawn teasers continue: "This is ether god-tier trolling or a confession"

Damn that’s crazy. I thought TF2 was one of those games you can’t play anymore, because they had people abusing bugs to crash servers or whatever. But it got fixed and you can genuinely play it like… 7+ years after release? Titanfall 2 also used to use the “we need you to buy mtx to keep the servers open” strategy, lmao. I also think the artists behind TF and TF2 are leading passion for the project and a few have just made more art in the same vein in their free time, as well as more collabs and promotions after release. But again this is years ago.

!deleted4407 avatar

Alot of the original tf team from respawn moved and made a company called gravity well source

Hiccup, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

Some games just need to fail. This is one of them.

BlackLaZoR, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Netflix is also working on a live-action film adaptation

This totally won't be a disaster.

NOT_RICK, avatar

There have been quite a few great video game adaptations lately. Last of Us and Fallout come to mind


Neither of which were Netflix series. They just have a way of ruining franchises

NOT_RICK, avatar

Castlevania and Edgerunners were good but I recognize those aren’t live action.


They’re going to hyperfocus on the shades and the armblades, and totally miss the whole point of the series, I guarantee it.


I would argue that Bioshock is one of the few video game franchises that would probably do well in a non-interactive story medium. It's a very story driven video game. As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material and come up with a compelling story, I think it could be great. There's always a chance that it's a disaster though.


As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material

Witcher flashbacks...

steeznson, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

This game was the most AA shit I’ve ever seen. In the PS2 days it would have got a 7.5 average from most reviewers then it would have had a not-insignificant number of people pick it up.

They are delusional for thinking a UE5 asset flip is a AAA game.


Wait for the “Body Cam” games to flood the market with their UE5 asset flips. Its all shit.

Mango, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

If you don’t have a vision, don’t try to turn money into more money by making a game. Everyone loses. Dumping money on assets doesn’t make your trope copy/paste any better than the other million cheap Chinese clones on an app store.

KingThrillgore, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" avatar

Not at that price point, of course. Ultrakill has a sub 2 million USD budget, its one of the most critically praised games on Steam, and its not even finished yet. I can’t look up Steamcharts at work but I have good reason to believe its more than made back its production budget.

Live service games are starting to turn into a very expensive scam and if you can’t make a good single player game, you need to cut costs somewhere. AAA production budgets are just too huge and the product isn’t good.


But that’s a problem with a lot of AAA developers. You can’t make a AAA game that isn’t a Skinner box for a price that players will pay.


God of War? Elder Ring? Baldur’s Gate? Spiderman? Last of Us? Super Mario? Zelda? Red Dead Redemption? Cyberpunk?

KingThrillgore, avatar

They certainly have the production budget of an AAA game.


Obligatory, I fucking love Ultrakill graaah

Badeendje, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" avatar

Also EA has to understand more and more people have experienced their garbage launches and will skip their gold plated launch prices because of the risk you end up buying a lemon that is subsequently abandoned.

Making sure the gameplay loop is interesting and the game performs properly is important. Focussing on all the latest engine features that requires people to have top tier hardware is only good for marketing. Marketing then eats up a tremendous amount of budget without adding anything to the offer they make.

ampersandrew, avatar

The last EA game I bought was Jedi: Fallen Order for $4, and I still felt ripped off, because EA adds a mandatory online connection check to every game they release now, including Immortals.

Stamets, do games w Upcoming James Bond game Project 007 is being described as "the ultimate spycraft fantasy" avatar

I’ve been a die hard fan of both Bond and Hitman for a very long time. This game has had my attention since its announcement. I platinumed Hitman 3 in like 2 weeks. Look forward to doing the same as Bond.


The hitman series is fantastic, but I will buy a PC and pirate a cracked version of this if they make online necessary.

I lost a lot of progress when I moved house and bought Hitman 3, couple of weeks waiting for connection and then when I get it it constantly drops the server connection.

This game is likely to be incredible but do not IO do that shite again.


I didn’t understand the Hitman games at all.

Then I played the Hitman World of Assassination trilogy. It’s fantastic.

I’ll buy anything from that studio now.

Oha, do games w Titanfall 3 hopefuls are getting desperate as Respawn teasers continue: "This is ether god-tier trolling or a confession"

I need the other tf3 but valve aint gonna do it

Jackcooper, do games w Titanfall 3 hopefuls are getting desperate as Respawn teasers continue: "This is ether god-tier trolling or a confession"

Halflife 3 memes can finally be retired

vzq, do games w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

I really really liked ME1 and 2. Sure, there are some nits to pick, especially with the act 2 gameplay (stupid mako, silly scanner), but they are great games.


ME2 is a good game in isolation, but I think it played a big part in getting Bioware where they are now.

ME2 saw them move far, far more into the action-RPG direction that was wildly popular at the time, with a narrative that was in retrospect just running in place (ME2 contributes effectively nothing towards the greater plot and zero major issues are introduced if it is excised from the trilogy). I feel the wild success ME2 saw after going in this direction caused Bioware to (a) double down on trend chasing, and (b) abandon one of their core strengths of strong, cohesive narratives. ME3 chased multiplayer shooter trends, DA:I and ME:A both chased open world RPG trends, Anthem chased the live service trend, and the first try at DA3 chased more live service stuff before Anthem launched to shit and they scrapped the whole thing to start over.

All while, of what I saw first hand (of those I played) or read about secondhand (of those I did not play) none of those games put any serious focus on Bioware’s bread&butter of well written narratives. ME3 in particular is a narrative mess, with two solid payoffs (Krogans + Geth-Quarians) and the rest being some of the worst writing I’ve seen in a major video game.

ME2 was great. ME2 also set Bioware on a doomed path.


ME2 vastly expanded the universe of mass effect from the very bare bones level of the first game. It makes the reapers into more than vague robot threat that kills the universe every so often. It established other races as more than basic caricatures. You can keep the basic narrative intact without it, but you lose the sense of payoff in 3 without seeing krogan as a dying race, geth as a sentient race that deserves equality, and the truly desperate nature of the nomadic quarians.

3 was pretty good until the final ending that was clearly rushed in establishing the full reasoning behind each choice. Yes it had multi-player tacked on, but it was clearly a rushed effort and cutting it wouldn’t have fixed the story. The multi-player is also the best coop gameplay I’ve ever played and nothing has came close to the feel. You’re problems with 3 and other Bioware releases seem directly related to the broad direction EA was forcing everyone down.


There is a big failing in ME2 that made me sad: the shift to a human centric story and universe.

ME3 I don’t see anything interesting in the scenario right from the start. It’s very similar to DAI btw.


Ah that’s true, I realize it now that you put it your finger in it: ME2 is really a “let’s tour the universe” kind of story fleshing out the background of known races (and adding new ones) and places.


I think you’re putting an awful lot of blame on ME2. Visceral combat in no way precludes good storytelling.


This is very true. And it’s ironic because when I saw BG3 I thought that bioware paved the way for it. They had everything to make a BG3 since kotor and nwn2, they successfully kick-started their own IP with ME and DAO, but they went on the path of ME3 and DAI instead.

They mistakenly thought the kotor and neverwinter nights ways were different. And then they failed at adapting to the openworld era.

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