gravitas_deficiency, do xbox w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Elder Scrolls: Spacerim


Outer Worlds 0

Prox, do xbox w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Direct link to the titular site:



muhyb, do gaming w For the first time in 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the A button – and it only took 86 hours

Developer of Super Mario 64:

  • y tho
RememberTheApollo_, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

Because EA games is weak. It’s all retreads of ancient franchises or bloated games with no risks taken.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

All dictated by management with zero input from anyone else. I get sad for developer’s working for EA. Having zero influence on the games they make. I believe that everyone can have a great idea or a solution to a problem no matter what department they’re in.

Lots of developers have overlapping skills from making they’re own games that aren’t being utilised.

Working under EA is probably alot like working for McDonald’s, yeah if they did it ‘this way’ they would sell more burgers but good luck getting your voice heard.


What part of this game fits your statement here?


Did you read the post? I think the well formatted and easy to read bullet pointed list explains it


Because EA games is weak. It’s all retreads of ancient franchises or bloated games with no risks taken.

Which part of this sentence fits this game.

mrfriki, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

I’m very into shooters and this was a hard pass because it looked like a generic and boring Call of Duty re-skin and I’m not into that game.

Maybe the problem is not the current AAA or shooters landscape. Maybe it is more about the quality and the fun your games are.

blindsight, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor.

$30 cosmetic microtransactions are reasonable in Path of Exile, imho. But it’s free-to-play, and most of their MTX are purely cosmetic.

To get the “full” experience, I suppose you’ll want to drop a retail-box-price on a supporter pack to get some stash tabs, but you can reasonably play the game to end game content (30+ hours of play time for the first time for a new player, I’d guess?) without spending a cent.

But MTX in a game that’s over $100CAD on release? ಠ_ಠ

AFallingAnvil, (edited ) avatar

Reasonable? Big pass from me chief. Grinding Gear Games isn’t some indie studio that needs every penny anymore, they just used the inertia to get people used to dropping 300$ on a game


I haven’t played much since before Ascendancy Classes were added to the game, so I’m well out of the loop (although I do keep up with some of the news), so maybe I’m still emotionally attached to the studio I started following in alpha.

That said, I don’t really have a problem with their business model. They need to get paid, and they don’t sell game-breaking MTX, beyond needing a map tab, a currency tab, and a premium quad tab. I don’t regret the money I spent on supporter packs; I got over a thousand hours out of the game.


$300? I’ve met people that buy the highest supporter pack tier every year plus the highest supporter pack from the seasons. That can add up to over $1k/year.

I think at this point I probably have more than $300 in MTX too, but I paid much more than that to FFXIV sub since 2014.

verysoft, (edited )

There's no such thing. It's just milking people who are crazy enough to fall into the trap of buying them.
$30 is not a microtransaction, thats a macrotransaction, thats an entire other video game.

Free to play doesnt give a game a pass on predatory business tactics, they are free to play for one reason only... to sell you worthless pixels for ridiculous prices. F2P games are designed for that purpose and that purpose only.

But I agree that any paid game should have zero MTX, cosmetic or not. Industry is killing its creative aspect with all this monetisation shit.


I spent about 40 bucks on poe. I don't think it's worth spending much more. It's a trap.

Maestro, avatar

I spent about the same on a couple of stash tabs during a sale. I don't regret it. The game gave me a couple of hundred hours of fun. That's more than most games

Tagger, do gaming w It's been 20 years, and The Simpsons Hit and Run developers are just as surprised as you that the cult open-world game hasn't got a sequel yet

Someone should really remaster and remake this game.


A fan did it, but cant release it publicly for obvious reasons


This makes game development look much more fun than it probably actually is


Like with any skill, the yt videos feature the 1% of the time when they get to show off progress. But of course the other 99% of the time is spent on the struggle bus. And like with any skill, if you can learn how to slog through the lows, the highs can be a very rewarding experience.

There’s really nothing like seeing someone play your game for the first time. I assume it’s similar to a musician showing off their music, or a director showing off their film. But that interactive element is very unique; getting to see how people interact and respond emotionally to this thing you built. Actually, maybe it’s like being a toy maker.

SkullHex2, avatar

I’ve been playing an unofficial HD remaster on Switch these days, pretty solid work


Whaaaa? Where? The dude said he couldn’t release because of copyright. Is it on torrents?

SkullHex2, avatar

You could probably find it, but personally I simply followed the instructions on GitHub:


Thanks! I thought you got a hold of that remake done in Unreal Engine.

simple, do games w After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'

50,000 reviews now. It’s a shame, I used to play OW1 a lot even after they stopped providing new content for it. Came to OW2 and I just couldn’t be arsed to grind for characters I don’t have unlocked. You need to win 35 games, and since there’s a basically forced 50% winrate that means you need to play 70 games to unlock a character each time. Wanted to play Ramattra, saw he’s locked, uninstalled and didn’t look back. The monetization is terrible. The balance feels worse than it’s ever been.

This wouldn’t be such a problem if they didn’t literally SHUT DOWN OVERWATCH 1 to shove people into the cash shop grind sequel


I know next to nothing about neither Ow1 or OW2, but from the sound of it they turned OW2 into a game focused on grinding, where you can pay to skip (part of) the grind. Is my assessment correct? If so they must’ve looked at War Thunder and taken that idea.


Yes. OW1 cost money, but you got all the content. The only paid service was cosmetic outfits for the different characters. You could buy loot boxes for cosmetics. But you had all of the characters, maps, game modes, etc available to begin with. You got the whole game, then could grind for cosmetics.

OW2 takes that and flips it on its head. The game is free, but each character costs money. The problem is that they shut down OW1, so now the players who owned 1 are having to grind for everything. They’ve also had some weird server bugs, with players getting indefinitely locked out of characters they already own.


Wait. I bought overwatch 1 but stopped playing a few years ago. If I go back into overwatch I would have to grind for characters that I used to previously have access to?


No, this applies only to characters released in OW2. All the original characters should still be playable for free.


Fuck everyone that played OW2

How stupid do you have to be to see this train wreck coming and still contribute.

Hopefully after OW2 and Diablo 4, people finally stop downloading Blizzard games.


I personally have no problem with the monetization, but the balance is really, really bad.


I really don’t need another subscription in my life


Yeah, but honestly I don‘t think it ruins the game. Sure, it’s not the best idea, but I don‘t care too much. I actually care more about the fact that the gameplay currently sucks and is completely different to Overwatch 1. 5v5 and the overall balancing sucks.


The balance of OW2 is way better than OW1 though. OW1 was a boring shield-shooting simulator for the last 2 or 3 years of it’s life.

Pxtl, avatar

That’s not the balance, that’s the gameplay. There are still balance problems like the era of Mercy damage amping.

And while they’ve solved the CC and barriers problem, they’ve made teamfights too swingy. With only 5v5 and a single op tank, teamfights are often basically over after a single death or a single Rez. Especially for the tank. That’s just too much pressure, so nobody wants to tank anymore.


Shields were too strong in OW1, so much so that the meta revolved around having two shield tanks. How is that not a balance issue?

I agree there’s too much pressure on the tank currently, but I’ll definitely take that over the problems 6v6 OW had.

Pxtl, avatar

So don’t? You get the new hero like a month or so later then. I haven’t put a dime into ow since I bought it. You don’t need the cosmetics. Let the dumb whales fund the game.


Have you played OW before? I can’t imagine a hero which wasn’t OP on release, fuck that game and it’s P2W subscription

Pxtl, avatar

Picking lifeweaver at his release was widely considered throwing.

p03locke, do gaming w Hades player beats unmodded 64 Heat difficulty run - "arguably unachievable in thousands of hours" avatar

It’s important to understand that Angel1c (Jade) and Baj were the only two players with the skill level who could have possibly had a chance to beat unmodded, unseeded 64 heat. They already beat 64 heat runs with mods or seeds, so it was a matter of getting that insanely luck RNG to reach the goal.

Defaced, do games w Small games can be good for AAA studios, and "directly contributed" to big RPGs like Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, says Obsidian's Josh Sawyer

Obsidian really got the last laugh considering what Bethesda did to them with New Vegas. Now the roles have essentially been reversed. I’m really looking forward to Avowed.


I just powered through outer worlds in a couple of weeks, and loved every bit of it. Also look forward to avowed!

yamanii, avatar

I’m glad outer worlds is getting the recognition it deserves, it was drowned by the disruptive Disco Elysium but it’s still a great RPG with a great sense of humor that made billionaire fanboys mad.

MurrayL, do gaming w New Naruto fighting game receives backlash for questionable redub, raising eyebrows over potential AI voiceover: "I can guarantee I did not say that line that way"

As mentioned in the article, these are all union VAs and their new agreement explicitly protects them from AI being used without their permission.

If it turns out they really did use AI to rework some of the voice lines, there could be a major lawsuit coming…

dopeshark, do games w Here are all the Golden Joystick Awards 2023 winners avatar

Starfield for the xbox? Poor xbox…


I‘m quite enjoying it.


Me too, and I don’t recall much other competition. Forza Motorsport had promise, but definitely needed another 6mo to cook


Me too, and I don’t recall much other competition.

That’s mainly because the xbox gaming landscape is a wasteland.


I‘m quite enjoying it.


What are you playing Starfield or the other game?


Right now I’m mainly playing Starfield, have started Alan Wake remastered and only quickly tested Forza Motorsport.

Before Starfield came out I played through some of the Game Pass Library: AC Origins, A short Hike, Bramble, Quake II, Lego Starwars, Lego City Undercover, Planet of Lana, Tunic, lots of Witcher 3, A Plague Tale Requiem, High on Life, Starwars Jedi Fallen Order and many more.


So basically a both xbox games (Starfield & Forza) and a bunch of old, multiplat and indie games.

Not really a good reason to get an xbox over a PS5 which has a string of amazing exclusives. Let alone the fact that there is no VR support on xbox (why even bother releasing a racing game without VR in 2023?).


I paid 500€ for a Xbox Series X and three years of Game Pass Ultimate, and as I said twice before:

I‘m quite enjoying it.


Imagine having to play mediocre games for three years.

altima_neo, do games w After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative' avatar

Because it’s s shit game


From a shit company.

They earned their reputation pretty hard

Copernican, do games w $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players

How is Lemmy so anti corporate, but bends over backwards to defend steam as an immaculate corporation. I love steam, and 90% of my game purchases or from their store. 5% are from stores that let me redeem steam keys.

I think their market position should have some scrutiny.


Lemmy is not a monolith.


Obviously. I’m Lemmy and against that. But there are dominant pov’s on Lemmy that saturate threads and are reflected in up votes and down votes

Fubarberry, avatar

A few reasons:

  • I feel like any other major company with Steam’s marketshare would be far less consumer friendly than steam.
  • Steam funnels a lot of money into Linux, and Linux is very popular on Lemmy. If you use Linux, you are benefiting from Steam’s success.
  • Steam is just nice to use, and has good deals. It’s nice to have my games in one place, and I don’t know if any other storefront with as many nice user benefiting features as steam.

I agree with all these things. But I dont understand the hail corporate mentality of being upset or knee jerk defending steam. I’m curious to see where the suit goes and evaluate if I should consider joining a class action suit as I learn more.


I think theres also the secondary unstated factor some of us have, that being that Steam is working as a solid buffer against more malignant groups. The fact that Steam is for a lack of a better term incorruptible is frankly very useful, especially with groups like the Saudis and China investing a lot of money and influence into gaming recently. Better a flawed but ultimately decent corporation than whatever the fuck the Saudis or China would replace it with.


Its more we’re defending against Steams competition and dont want to see them gain any ground (Except itch and GoG, they’re cool)


They’re not immaculate. They used to outright deny people the right to refund their games, but they turned that around after a massive lawsuit from a government agency. Good change! I support that. But they’re not behaving in an anti-competitive manner. What, are they supposed to intentionally make themselves worse in the hopes that other stores pop up? That’s not how any of this works.


Mainly because Steam actually provides a really good quality service. Most corporations over time charge more while getting worse on quality. People can sell their games for cheaper on Epic which only has a 12% fee, but Epic’s service is much worse.


Yup. If Steam wasn’t around I’d have the joy of choosing between Epic, Origin, GOG (actually not bad but no official Linux client can be annoying), or GFWL (which would probably still be around in this situation)


We’ll let their position have some scrutiny when the PC marketplace has some actual decent competition, I’d rather not shoot the PC gaming sphere in the foot just because Lemmy hates corporations.

UKFilmNerd, do gaming w After 23 years, developer reveals he snuck a cheat code past Sony that turns a cult-classic horror game into a godsend for retro enthusiasts avatar

What the article didn’t mention, and it says in the video, Alien: Resurrection was possibly going to be a multi cd game at one point and the dev was experimenting with the code to get that working.

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