Ilflish, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Slow grounded movement in open world games is so dumb. Why the fuck do you think I want to spend 5minutes walking across a plain or on a path I can’t that forces me to move slowly. I do appreciate how some games like this actively just take control for you so you can do a chore (Final Fantasy XIV autodrive, RDR2 lets you automatically move on a path while riding a horse) butIf your open world is that boring, can you just add a mode that brings me to my destination?

I’d much rather a more densely populated world on a smaller scale (Yakuza) some fun extreme forms of movement (Gravity Rush, Tears of the Kingdom). Heck even just have a faster option for mobility on basic terrain is better (Elden Ring). If there was a big desert and you gave me a dune buggy that goes 100mph, that feels way better then having to walk/trod around a hilly or mountainous landscape dotted with areas you have to move around or carefully move through.

Obviously if you lean into that mechanic as being intentionally frustrating, feel free.


In a similar vein for me, I really dislike cutscenes in a lot of first person games where you still have control of your character, but the only thing you can do is sloooowly move forward or move your camera slightly to the side. Just make it an actual cinematic so I can just sit back and watch instead of pretending it’s gameplay.


Death Stranding is a game completely about grounded movement, but it makes it enjoyable. Usually traveling in games is mostly about turning your brain off and moving forward. DS you need to pay attention to your environment and character and plan a path forward. It’s actually engaging. I don’t expect other games to do as well as a game where that’s 99% of what they were trying, but I’d hope they learn from it at least. I haven’t seen much, if any, of that yet though.

Toribor, avatar

Death Stranding 100% gets this right, although it’s a bit weird in the end-game when your optimal choice is typically some combination of vehicles and ziplines.

Paying attention to the elevation, pathing around rocks and trying to stay level is a lot more fun than it sounds. Some of the best moments in that game it just lets some chill music play while you carefully walk from A-B and it’s a ton of fun the whole time.

Then you finally reach your destination and the story feels almost entirely detached from the walking experience and characters with the dumbest names imaginable explain some made up bullshit to you for 45 minutes.


If you didn’t guess that last paragraph was specifically about Death Stranding. No reason to fault that game for what it is


This is one big reason why I liked Fenyx way better than Breath of the Wild. The Fenyx world is far smaller, but also more dense with actually interesting things to do. You have a horse in both, but the distances in BotW are still just pointlessly big, esp. when 90% of the things you can find are just the same two things: shrines and koroks.

trashhalo, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

Omg remember games that didn’t have saving but had a code you had to write down on physical paper to get back to where you were?

!deleted4210 avatar

Very much so! For the longest time I had a xerox of some gaming magazine with all the save codes for Lemmings!

snowbell, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

Star Citizen, lmao

TofuScramble, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

Genuine question: how much of the marketing material did you see? I thought it was always clear that it was gonna be an exploration/puzzle game in a cyberpunk world with a baddie.

I had the opposite reaction, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed the small things, like scratching a carpet!

I do hope you find something more like what you’re wishing for, though 🙂

OMG_its_mustard, avatar

The cat flopping over the first time he wears the backpack was spot on


I forgot about that but at the time I almost died because that was so real!

beefcat, avatar

Yeah if OP went into stray expecting an open world survival game, that’s on them. It’s kind of silly to be disappointed that a game does not meet expectations fabricated entirely within your own head.

ExcursionInversion, do games w RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it avatar

Might have been banned for talking about the new pricing outside the mega thread tbh

wreckedcarzz, avatar

For 1y though? Mod defo has microscopic pp


That’s true for any mod.

taiyang, do games w Andrew Greenberg, co-creator of the classic RPG Wizardry, has passed away

I remember from an interview that the first JRPG, Dragon Quest, was heavily inspired by Wizardry (as with other CRPGs of the time). Most others copied that design, including Final Fantasy, so in many ways we can thank Greenberg for helping lay the groundwork for virtually all RPGs, not just CRPGs.

AliasVortex, (edited ) do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Infested Planet

RTS. Kind of reminds me of the ground comabt from Star Wars Empire at War crossed with Starship Troopers. Command a squad of space marines tasked with battling an overwhelming alien horde. Pretty fun campaign (if a bit of a predictable story), plus an endless mode. Not exceedingly difficult, but definitely challenging enough to make you think tactically and keep you on your strategic toes. Somewhat limited replayability makes the sticker price hard to recommend (unless your bread and butter is RTS), but it regularly goes on sale for less than $5, which it is absolutely worth!


Reminds me of Creeper world except faster paced and more dynamic.

2xsaiko, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar


An immersive first-person horror adventure where you play the role of LIANA - a young girl who arrives home after major surgery and is met with a strange mannequin claiming to be her mother.

This is part of a trilogy which I highly recommend checking out. All three of these are great.

lazycouchpotato, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

20 Small Mazes

If you’re looking to kill a couple hours and love puzzle games, give 20 Small Mazes a go. I really enjoyed the variety.

Best of all, it’s free.

bjoern_tantau, do gaming w Android games for girls? avatar

Here are some favourites of my daughter:

  • Minetest, a completely free and open source Minecraft clone
  • Picsart, a drawing app. I couldn’t find any free app that is similar in features.
  • the camera app, to make short videos, even cool stop motion videos, or pictures to paint on with Picsart
  • Signal, to share her art with the family. Although I don’t think it will run on a tablet.
  • Toca Boca World, a cute little game where you can decorate houses and play with figures
  • GCompris, a compilation of learning games, although she seems to have grown out of them in third grade

If you have a PC great games for her besides Minecraft are Spider-Man, Goat Simulator, Life is Strange: True Colors (we play that together) and GTA 5 (seriously, give her a 100% save. the interactivity in that game is through the roof)

kratoz29, avatar

This is the most useful answer and yet not the top answer or the answer that OP needs 🙄

I’d like to add Unpacking to the list, my girlfriend found it amazing, I am unsure if a school girl will find it fun too though.

acosmichippo, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation avatar

but they do have all the money in the world, no external pressure, no publisher to shit on them, it’s just their developers and artists and a vision.

I think that’s part of the issue. Supposedly they do have multiple games in development and a large percentage of their employees are working on them. But they are content to let the creative and technical processes play out, without announcing too-ambitious release dates which inevitably get pushed back and still have a buggy game released. And sometimes they even cut their losses if a long term project just isn’t working out.

masterspace, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

Games should just get rid of character creators. Just play the damn game with whoever the main character is and learn to empathise with someone other than yourself.


This reminds me of that “vessel creator” troll from Deltarune

HawlSera, (edited )

See, I don’t really care that the player is referred to as “They/Them” in Deltarune, because it’s established that you are playing as Kris and those are their pronouns.

(and in Undertale, the monsters simply had no idea what Frisk’s gender was due to an unfamiliarity with humans so it’s kept intentionally vague… with they/them simply being the most gender neutral thing to call them and the fanbase having their own headcanons on what Frisk actually is. Personally my head canon is Frisk is male and Chara is female, which seemed to be the most common interpretation in the fanbase back then… my headcanon for Kris is that they’re intersex with they/them pronouns as I see them as being representative of both Frisk and Chara, but however you see the situation is just as valid unless the creator comes out and says “No it’s this specific way, everything else is wrong!” and to my knowledge Toby Fox has not done that)

Sidenote: First non-binary person I ever met used ey/eir pronouns, this was so long ago that ey called eirself “Genderless” instead of Non-Binary as the latter wasn’t a word. Ey was femme presenting, but very much not female. Sadly we’ve drifted apart and wherever ey is I wish eir well.

I always wished ey/eir had caught on instead of “singular they”, because personally I thought “ey” sounded cooler and was more straightforward than “singular they”. But hey I’m not non-binary myself so it’s not really any of my business.

On a similar note, I used to see shi/hir pronouns more often than I do now as well, though that was more for intersex individuals than non-binary. I still see some usage of shi/hir, though the people I see with those pronouns tend to self-identify as “hermaphrodite”, a phrase that is considered highly insulting by most. I guess what I’m saying here is that there are all kinds and it’s probably best not to make assumptions or assume gender to be a one-size fits all phenomenon.


I would like to thank you for taking your time to write this response. For some reason, I was feeling blue. Seeing the lenght of your comment made me feel heard and really happy. Thank you for sharing this with me, may you have a wonderful day/night!


I’m actually all for this as well, unless the game is some open-ended roleplaying experience just give me a character to play as and design the game around who this person is (I think the original Dead Rising did a good job of this with Frank West, the remake… well unless previews are from an earlier build than what we’re getting in September not so much)

And I mean a REAL open-ended roleplaying experience, not something like Fallout 4 that was blatantly designed for me to play as Nate, a lawful good heterosexual cisgender male military vet with predefined goals… with gay romance options and the ability to play as his wife Nora existing solely to give the illusion of choice… An Illusion I still appreciate because when I play I always wind up being Nora with Curie as my wifey.

(I feel like FO4 would be far less divisive if it was a spinoff about Nate’s journey rather than a sequel to a series that is known for player agency, and even then the Brotherhood of Steel suddenly being a bunch of Nazis is still stupid as hell)


I see the point of character creators, but games shouldn’t be afraid to do what’s best for them, for some games character creators are basically the only way that makes sense, but also yeah I’d like to see more games that didn’t have them at all

Swedneck, avatar

keep the character creators, but only let the player use a randomizer button and a silliness slider.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

sea of thieves style


I don’t know whether we would have ever gotten the absolute brilliance that is Turg if proper customization weren’t available.

!deleted4132 avatar

Then we’d be going back to having the vast majority of games having a cis male protagonist. No thanks. I don’t mind playing as them from time to time, but I want a choice, especially if the main character is one of those blank slate types.


I’m not advocating for that either and I don’t necessarily they think they would these days. Ubisoft is steadfastly ignoring the dumbasses around the black male / Asian female leads for AC, no matter how loud they whine.

!deleted4132 avatar

Yeah, hopefully the inclusiveness trend continues.

luciole, avatar

Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn made me realize I vibe so well playing as a woman. If I had had the choice I probably would have picked the masculine option since that’s my gender. I’m glad that game forced my hand, now when I have a choice I give it a real thought.


Games could have multiple protagonists with different bodies, genders, personalities, etc… something like Overwatch did have that, you could even play as a hamster or a robot!


But what about games that require you to distinguish yourself from other real-life players as in all massively multiplayer games?

Famko, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

Outer Wilds is an amazing game to 100%, all “collectibles” are pertinent to the world and story of the game.


I stopped at 90% ish. Couldn’t get the timing and got annoyed.

Watched the ending and it’s great. I’d recommend it for anyone with more skill or patience than me.

x4740N, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia

Pluto is still a sphere, this is an unfair comparison because Pluto hasn’t been unwrapped

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

It’s actually 4π*(0.5*(length-of-australia))^2 bigger than that.


Fun fact: the surface area of Pluto is only about 4% larger than Russia.


So thats why Russia wanted to expand


Pluto unboxing video.

toomanypancakes, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers? avatar

Super Metroid because it’s amazing, and Castlevania Symphony of the Night for the same reason. I may be biased because those are two of my favorites ever but I swear they legit hold up.


As someone who didn’t play them back in the day, I feel like SotN holds up but Super Metroid doesn’t. Just as another opinion. I couldn’t really get into metroid fusion either. To me it feels like the moment-to-moment action gameplay is too clunky in the early metroid games I’ve played, even if the exploration element is neat. I did enjoy playing SotN for the first time a couple of years ago though. It’s been a while since I played either, so they’re not totally fresh in my memory - I guess it’s possible that I’m just more forgiving of clunky melee combat than clunky shooting.

Tangentially related, always amuses me how “metroidvania” has become the genre name, when originally it was just a way that reviewers poked fun at the big change between SotN and earlier castlevanias. They were like “this isn’t what I expect from a castlevania, it’s a great game but maybe they should have named it metroidvania”, and the name stuck. Another odd fact about that terminology is that according to interviews, the SotN designer never played metroid - they were inspired by the non-linear exploration with different routes opened up by items/upgrades in Zelda games (although obviously adding that to castlevania’s platformer gameplay makes it more closely resemble metroid). So it should probably be considered a zeldavania.


Ummm do not know who would disagree with you about Super Metriod but that is my go to game when I am sick of the stupid shit that is being pushed out today.

fadingembers, avatar

I played super Metroid for the first time in 2019 and it was amazing. Felt like it hadn’t aged at all and the atmosphere was incredible

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