corytheboyd, do games w What are your go-to sources for game reviews and finding new games? avatar

I’ll be honest, I just look at the steam store page for the game. If the initial impression from the images is good, and it’s a genre I want to play right now, I watch one or two of the videos and read a few top reviews. Then I just go for it. I don’t watch streams or anything. I am usually perusing indie games so it’s at most like $20 on the line, not the end of the world if I hate it, or if it needs a few years of patches to feel worth playing.


Generally not being interested in $60 AAA games makes it so much more fun to peruse new games and experiment.

sneezycat, do gaming w The Talos Principle 2 Review Thread avatar

Been waiting 9 years for this game and hyping myself up. Somehow I’m not disappointed, and I’m even impressed?

How the guys at Croteam manage to make such thought provoking games with some of the -if not the- best puzzle gameplay ever is beyond me.

And it’s only 28€!!! (even less if you have the original). They could’ve made it 60€, and I would’ve happily paid them. Suck it AAA!


Yeah, I was rerunning the old game and now in the dlc part, almost done and still like all the more challenging puzzles.

Many of the terminal questions and interaction though is what make you stuck the longest. I know you can save scum if you want to see what other path from you choice, but you can also do that online by checking the wiki for example.

They don’t really have real consequences game wise, but make you still think about those questions when you lie on the bed.


Because they aren’t part of a huge corporation trying to make as much money as possible, as fast as possible, as cheap as possible.

Aielman15, do games w What did you think of Sea of Stars? avatar

The gameplay is fantastic and offers a lot of variety (especially as you grow your team and unlock more skills and combo attacks), and the art style and art direction, locations, and the soundtrack are beautiful. I had a lot of fun exploring, looking for treasure, talking to everyone, finding tons of secrets and side quests. The story is very much cliché and mostly an afterthought, but it’s fine (not bad, not good, just fine) and the cast is cute.

Unfortunately, 2/3 into the game, the developers either depleted their budget, or they stopped giving a shit. The story feels super rushed in the last act, and the ending is downright insulting. Half the cast enters a portal at the end of the second act, and you never see or hear from them again. One of the main party members goes like “Oh my, this thing I just discovered changes everything, I need to study this more” but you never see them again until the very end, and they don’t do anything, nor do they say why the thing they found was important or what did they study. A lot of things that were foreshadowed or hinted at, like the legendary sea slug or the Queen that was, are just random optional bosses scattered in the game’s world with no purpose or backstory whatsoever. Most don’t even have a dungeon attached to them. The true ending is a slap in the face.

I loved the game, but the last act and the ending really soured my experience with it.


That’s a good point about Resh’an. I kept expecting him to come back and be like “Sorry I left. This is still our best hope.”

Why do you say the true ending is a slap in the face?

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

I’d have to spoiler tag the entire message to be able to reply to that.

spoilerFor a multitude of reasons. First of all, the true ending is achieved by collecting random Shells around the world. Sure, you have a magical parrot telling you where the missing chests are, but in my case it would tell me that a chest was missing in the Flooded Graveyard, and I’d spend four hours straight going up and down the same map over, and over and over again, until I finally gave up and looked for an internet guide to tell me where the missing chest was. I’m a completionist, but I don’t care about achievements: I like exploring maps and collecting stuff and finding secrets, but I hate random, pointless collectibles and I never care about them in the games I play. Having them tied to the true ending was a huge mistake IMO and ruined my experience. Secondly, as I said in another comment of mine: I despise time travel. Always. It just doesn’t work, unless you put a lot of thought into it, and the Sea of Stars developers clearly didn’t even try. Garl’s chapter was probably the most emotional moment of the game, but the true ending comes and says “Yeah, no, he’s alive and well, and actually it never happened. B’st did those things, not Garl”, which doesn’t make any sense as B’st did not know Garl and would not be able to imitate him, nor do the same things he did. The purpose of reviving Garl was for him to throw an apple at the bad guy to taunt him and have him choose to fight in place of his minion? Seriously, you go through the hassle of collecting all conches, and that’s the only thing that differs from the normal ending. The rest plays out exactly the same. You defeat the Fleshmancer, and… Resha’an shows up, takes his bf into a portal with him, doesn’t say a word to the party, and goes away. And everyone’s happy. To say that I was underwhelmed is an euphemism. I was expecting some new revelations, some closure, but all I got is a slightly different turn of events with a different boss fight and an equally disappointing ending. Meanwhile, dozens of questions remain unanswered. What was Resha’an researching? What the heck was the “night” inside of Zale, and why had he to confront it? Valere is able to fly just as well as he does, and has no night inside her at all. Why was Serai hiding her true identity from her crew? What happened to Brugaves, the Acolytes and the Dweller? (Yes, I know that they end up being boss fights in the Messenger, but I should NOT be required to play an entirely different game to have some closure to this storyline. That would be like Capcom asking their players to play Monster Hunter to know what happens to Ada in Resident Evil)

CosmicSploogeDrizzle, do games w What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? avatar

I haven’t played the beta yet but I’m hoping that The Finals, which is made by ex-Dice devs, will be a good alternative to Battlefield and COD. I just miss destructible environments so badly. Bad Company 2 was so so good back in the day.


I really, really hope that it doesn’t get overrun with cheaters like warzone did. I have really high hopes for the game because I’m having a blast with the beta. Not often does a game come along out of nowhere and just tick all the boxes with having such a solid formula. Last game I felt like this with was Alex Legends. Pls devs don’t screw this up 🙏


Saw an article on that game recently that they’re using AI voices in that. I don’t think it’s for everything, but if you happen to be an opponent to AI, that’s something to know. If not, well, carry on 😅


I honestly think it’s a good application of AI. It really sets the “tournament” vibe


I mean, you could make an argument that AI announcers have an in-game reason to be a thing.

MolochAlter, do gaming w AITAH for pirating games before buying them?

Nah that’s essentially the same as buying and refunding. If you can’t afford a purchase it’s perfectly fine.

BastingChemina, do games w Looking for a survival sandbox game where you progress through technological ages

Eco could fit your description.

There is a single player option but the game is way more interesting as a multiplayer game.

You have 30 days to avoid a meteorite destroying your world. You start on a wild planet and you need to progress through several technological advancement to build a laser able to destroy the asteroid.

You have some classical resource collection and processing. However where it become interesting is the fact that every action impact the environment, slowly first then more drastically towards the end.

If the miner left his tailing on the ground untreated then it will slowly pollute the ground and impact the production of the farmer.

If one of the woodcutter cut too much woods in the forest then you create some deforestation, less trees means less pollutions to be absorbed. The hunter can hunt some animals species to extinction or help them to thrive.

Since it’s a multiplayer game there is the possibility of voting laws to protect some lands and which money will be used for global exchange.

It’s a fascinating game, unfortunately it is quite time consuming and not very polished but I love the concept.


Sounds interesting, but it’s in early access. Can it be finished as of now?

Chailles, avatar

Yes. Stopping the meteor requires a number of materials as well as powering the device to destroy the meteor. Also just to clarify, 30 days to stop the meteor is 30 real time days. The game is largely complete and honestly, I don’t think you’d even really notice what’s missing unless you specifically look up what’s not there.

ourob, do gaming w How has Cities:Skylines II been for you?

I haven’t had time to build up a big city, but so far I’ve enjoyed it. I’m running on Linux with a 5600X + 6600XT, and 1080p at medium gets me 30-40 fps.

I LOVE that roads transmit power and water. Money is way more available early game than in 1. The only annoyance for me so far has been the terrain overlay that comes up when you select a zoning tool (similar to how selecting water pipes switches to underground. You can make it go back to normal by hitting i after selecting the tool. It’s minor, but its an annoying difference from 1.


Definitely easier to manage new/remote developments in this game. Government subsidies are also a nice hand-hold but I have no idea how it’s calculated. Trains in C:S1 are super unprofitable, government investment makes it work well. (I’ve gotten subways can be profitable in C:S1 after lots of work).

I wouldn’t mind the terrain overlays if it looked clearer with it selected, for some reason it was hard to use, especially at night.

dawnerd, avatar

That overlay has such bad contrast it’s hard to see what’s going on. Big accessibility issue.

Carighan, do games w I tried over 20 Steam Next demos so that you don't have to! avatar

Sidenote: Pioneers of Pagonia is by the actual developer of the actual old The Settlers.

I loved it. And yeah, it’s a simple management game without much depth or fuss, but that chill easygoing settling of the landscape is what enchanted me about the original right around 30 years ago, and it worked just as well with the demo. In fact I found that comparing Against The Storm, I kinda prefer the less gameplay that PoP has, exactly because it has less gameplay. ATS sits a bit in the middle, still being a chill town builder but also wanting to be deeper, and in that case I just want a proper 4X or Grand Strategy game instead. PoP is then the exact opposite of that for me, it appeals to the chill&relax part of gaming, a bit like playing Dorfromantik or something.

Though, as you say, it really was quite janky.

amju_wolf, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you? avatar

Some of my most favorite games were fairly short experiences.

In fact I value when a game doesn’t waste my time and is 100% fun, great content without fillers and stuff to just give you FOMO that ends up being boring and underwhelming when you actually try to do it. Even worse when you can’t tell what is and isn’t the filler.

Like, I’ve bought Outer Wilds for maybe 20€ or so and it is probably my favorite game of all time. I wouldn’t have bought it for 60€ (and it’s especially a hard sell because you can’t really entice anyone to play it without spoiling some part of the game to them which really sucks; like, I’d argue even the Steam description already spoils some of the magic). But it would be 100% worth it even if I 100% the game after maybe 10 hours (and there is no way to replay it, unfortunately).

Similarly, I’ve gotten A Short Hike for free with a Humble Bundle subscription (and not like free to own as part of the monthly bundle but just free in their “trove”) and I also completely loved it - was maybe 5 hours.

Meanwhile I played, say, Cyberpunk 2077 for free, finished it, and I am still kinda disappointed? Like there was good stuff in the game but I’m really glad I didn’t pay for it - it’s enough that I paid by putting the time in it. It left me with a feeling of wasted potential and like “surely there has to be something more” and then I finished the game and there wasn’t more. It’s so hard to explain… Like yeah, I enjoyed many hours of it, I think. But in the end it doesn’t feel good overall.

So yeah, these are the extremes, but I really don’t think you can put value on a game like that. Games by their very nature vary a lot and length isn’t (or shouldn’t) really be the main criteria. And enjoyment varies a lot as well. It can be so good that a few hours of it is enough, and it can be so mild that it’s not really worth playing. Oh and that also completely ignores the fact that some games are made to be played for hundreds of hours by design (Factorio, Rimworld), while purely story games can hardly be stretched for dozens of hours and still be fun/interesting. And games with balanced narrative and gameplay can reach a few dozen hours but even for the larger ones going 50-100 hours is usually a stretch.

Callie, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you? avatar

Minecraft hands down. I’ve put more time into that game than any other in my life. I constantly go back to it, and almost everyone I meet online plays it or has played it. There is so much enjoyability from a game as limitless as that

OutlierBlue, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you?

Rimworld for sure. I paid full price for it on Ludeon’s website and played it a lot. When it released on Steam I started playing it there and now it’s my most played Steam game by far. Based on some quick and dirty math, it’s cost me under $0.03 per hour of enjoyment.

Another big one is Against the Storm. I’ve only played a few hundred hours so far but that’s been worth every penny I spent too. I bought it during the last Winter Sale on Steam and I’ve put in about 200 hours.


Same, about 0.02 USD per hour at this point, with DLC included. Would be even lower if I had bought the game earlier instead of pirating it for months.

Devion, do gaming w Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.

Well, maybe this is why AMD is bringing back threadripper?

TheHotze, do games w What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack?

Mine are Subnautica, I’ve put myself in danger in that game just for the music. Honorable mentions include horizon (zero dawn specifically, but I am currently playing through forbidden West for the first time, so I still might prefer it), Halo(CE), and Skyrim for me as well.


+1 on Horizon Zero Dawn! Listening to the album I faved these ones:

  • Aloy’s theme seems pretty obvious
  • Years of Training was really epic and the matching cinematic was awesome to watch, xou really feel empowered
  • Homecoming no spoilers but damn, still giving me goosebumps

City on the mesa is my personal favorite! Also, looking at the album again, something needs to be said about how big that soundtrack is. It contains eighty songs.

sub_, do gaming w What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?
  • Dual subtitles, aka polyglot mode. Doubt that it’d ever happen, probably I’m the only one who wants it. Sometimes I’d just merge 2 subtitles with python script and upload it to my Plex.
  • Fast forward and save states especially for classic remaster. Some have this, some don’t
  • Bigger subtitle fonts

I don’t think I count as a polyglot (Native English, Spanish proficient, learning Japanese and German) but what is that even useful for? I feel like it’d be really confusing to have two subtitles for the same dialogue.

I just watch, in whatever language I want to practice.


I think the term came from polyglot books, i.e. books that are written in 2 languages on each side.

Often times for me, the spoken foreign language can be quite fast or filled with colloquials, so I prefer to have subtitles in that language, and also English subtitles. Or in some cases, such as for Japanese voiced games, I’d prefer to have a Japanese subtitles to help me recognize the Kanjis, and additional English subs for translation.

I tried this method on Plex, uploaded dual subtitles for some movies, and it helped me a lot in acquiring new vocabularies. I think Netflix allows users to do the same thing too.


I could see it being a lot more useful for Japanese or other no Latin alphabet languages. Especially for the kanji. I’m too early in Japanese to watch content.

bungle_in_the_jungle, do games w Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Review Thread - (92/100 OpenCritic)

Man I chose a terrible time to be broke 😭


Do you have a computer? ;3

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