RealityCavesIn, do games w What are y'all buying on the steam sale?

Bought DOS2 because I finished bg3 and is going through withdrawal


I have a feeling you’ll really enjoy it! DOS1 is also awesome but rough around the edges in comparison. The story is super whimsical though. I really loved the story in dos 1 lol


Ah thanks for the recommendation! Due to kids and life in general I am about 7-8 years behind when it comes to gaming. It’s nice being able to get back to playing every now and then. Also, no need to get latest and pay full price which is also nice.

wide_eyed_stupid, avatar

If only for the soundtrack, it’s worth playing once, at least. It’s so haunting and beautiful. The first time I played DOS1, I knew I would love it the moment I heard the music at startup. RIP Kirill, his music was so beautiful. Also nice they put his music on the piano in a certain evil dude’s house in DOS2!

Maybe I should replay it again. Just like OP I’m having a bit of a BG3 withdrawal issue. RIP Kirill.


Dunno if it’s on sale, but Solasta Crown of the Magister is a great dnd game made by a small studio. It’s much shorter, but imo the general mechanics are really good and the use of height in combat is better than in bg3.


It is! 7€ on steam now. I have never heard of this one but it looks awesome. Into the cart it goes. Thanks for the rec!

Edit: 9€ not 7


Also not to mention workshop support! There’re a few campaigns that come with the game already, but people can make their own and add them through the steam workshop


That looks okay. What’s with all the DLC?


As they are a small studio, they did not have the money to buy all dnd licensed content upfront (Wizard if the Coast makes it quite expensive). When the game was a success, they added dlcs for additional races/classes they could now afford.
Lost Valley and Palace of Ice add new campaigns (they are ok but I enjoyed the base campaign more).

If having all the races and classes from official dnd content matters to you, I would recommend the Unfinished Business mod (you can find it on nexusmods). Personnally I played the first campaign with the limited options from the base game and I still had a real blast :)


Thanks, I don’t really have any attachment to the DnD brand so doesn’t bother me. Will go for the base game.


I hope you’ll have fun :)

TJDetweiler, avatar

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I liked DOS2 more than BG3. Not to say I don’t love BG3, but I love DOS2


I’ve read this opinion a few times actually which is great news for me. Bg3 was the game that pulled me back from a long hiatus from gaming and after finishing it I was kinda lost about what to play next. Lookin forward to playing it.


Also highly recommend the Pillars of Eternity series! I LOVE Deadfire. Who doesn’t want to have their own pirate ship?


Wow that also looks really fun! Looks like it will run on my potato-pc also. Thanks for the rec!


Haven’t bought anything yet, but this one is in my cart!

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Whilst we’re recommending… >:3 points at Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, grins :D

Character creation is the first boss 😅 Took me… many hours to beat that one. Good luck! :D

Splatterphace, do games w Favourite developers


FireTower, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Might be an unpopular take but the Red Dead Redemption 2 campaign. I’ve tried twice to start a second campaign but it’s so slow. The first time around the narrative carries it, so it doesn’t feel so slow. But knowing what happens next takes that away. The worst part is how ridged it is with mission failure/success conditions. It removes room for creative solutions.

This is not to say it wasn’t wonderful to play once. But it plays like they wanted to make a movie not a game.


My biggest complaint with R* games is that they refuse to let players leverage the open world to even a minor extent in their missions. I understand that restrictions are important to telling the story and can even nurture creativity but for as detailed the world and fairly deep their systems are their missions are quite dictatorial.


I couldn’t even finish it once and it took so long to get to where I stopped that I had important bits spoiled by random comments mentioning who dies and whatnot… It was really good for what I experienced but oh my God is it longggggggg.

owsei, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

Untitled Goose Game

once you played it, or even just watched it, it loses the initial trill.

Toribor, avatar

I still have fun watching other people discover it.

When people are over at my house and we are just hanging around doing nothing I like to put on a game and toss a controller to someone with no explanation and just let them play while everyone watches. Goose Game, Donut County, ABZU and Journey are always a hit even for people that aren’t normally into video games.


Am I missing something? I tried it for 5 minutes and felt like I didn’t understand?

I put it in the Goat Simulator territory of twitch players love it because it’s great for streaming and doing weird shit.


It’s a puzzle game of working out how to complete your to-do list, so that the next area unlocks. Beyond its meme status, I do think it’s a very smartly designed puzzler, with lots of experimentation and observation.

Godthrilla, do games w What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3?

Planescape: torment. Just do it


Seconded. This game is above and beyond my most cherished game.


Absolute best game.

umbraroze, do games w What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3? avatar

I recommend one of my favourite CRPGs of all time: Neverwinter Nights - for the modern hassle-free experience, get the Enhanced Edition. The first single-player campaign is pretty meh by Bioware standards, but the expansion packs (included in the NWNEE) are pretty great. Heard a lot of good about the premium modules (a few of the original premium modules come with NWNEE, the rest are available as DLC).

The official campaigns are set in Forgotten Realms, the same D&D setting as BG3, but you really don't need to worry about diving headlong into horrors. More fantasy vibes and less visceral stuff. (the second expansion pack is a bit more in the direction of subterranean spooks, but not, like, excessively so.)

However, the real big strength of NWN was not the campaigns. It was deliberately designed for player-created adventure modules created with the included Aurora Toolset. There's loads of them and some of them had really great production values and writing. They're currently hosted at Neverwinter Vault and NWNEE also has a custom content browser (though the latter doesn't have much stuff). Custom modules also have a whole bunch of genres and settings, as expected.

Oh and it's a game from 2002 so it runs on any ol' potato. (Well the EE needs a vaguely modernish machine, but not anything unreasonable.)

Klanky, do games w Does anyone remember this game? avatar

All I can think of is Strong Bad’s vector graphic head appearing and saying stuff like ‘your head a-splode’ in that voice you describe. :-)


That’s crazy go nuts!

squirrelwithnut, do games w Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo?

Last Epoch. It has the best crafting and best skill system of any ARPG IMO.


Absolutely this, the crafting system is a great balance of getting what you want but also giving you something to try again and again for.

Basically that and the talent trees inside skills sold me on this game.


And it has an actual endgame, leaderboards, and it’s half the price of Diablo 4. It’s a no-brainer IMO.

wildginger, do games w Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo?

Path of Exile.

Its 100% free, so you can play it like a demo until you are either fully in or bored.

It gets a season refresh every 3ish months with an entirely new mechanic, so most experienced players restart it 4 times a year, play a new build, and then stop playing when bored and return at the new season so its always got reasons to peek back in and see if you want to rejoin.

The leveling system is a little daunting at first, but the base game is completely playable newbie blind even if you pick “suboptimally” from the skill tree. If youre too worried about FoMo, there are tons of guides online for builds, both top level and newbie friendly.

The attack/skill system is very interesting and completely moddable, tons of replayablility.

If you like diablo, try PoE.


Looking forward to PoE2

Wojwo, do gaming w Seeking: Kid-friendly Adventure/Exploration Games (PC)

The putt putt line of games. They run on scummvm and my kids love them. Later kings quest, and stardew valley. The lego marvel super heroes on Xbox 360 (I think there’s a pc version) has an entire Manhattan island that they can roam around freely and interact with.

Ashen44, do games w What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about?

Crosscode is one of my favourite games of all time. It’s an immensely charming action RPG heavily inspired by the 2D Zelda games. It has some absolutely insane combat and surprisingly challenging puzzles. The story is also very good and really touching at times. The devs spent 7 years making this game and I feel like it never got anywhere near the attention it deserved.

It’s just $20 on steam AND it has a free demo, so there’s no reason not to check it out!


I bounced off Crosscode hard. Which sucks because I wanted to love it. The pacing and difficulty were all over the place. And making the puzzle dungeons a race between you and other characters just made me hate them. I want to stop and think! After dying to a particularly nasty boss I was trying to beat as fast as possible so I could maybe eke out a win in the dungeon, I ended up cranking the difficulty all the way down, and was the last out of the dungeon anyway. I put the game down and haven’t looked back. That was about 25 hours in, and nothing of consequence had occurred with the plot by then, anyway. I might go back sometime and see if it gets better, but it left me pretty sour.

I love the entire 16 bit era, and JRPGs, and action RPGs, and Crono Trigger, and difficult games, but Crosscode just took all those elements and somehow made them unpalatable to me.


I think if I have one criticism of the plot is that it takes a while to get going. If I may, I’d recommend you to play thorough it at your own pace, possible also at the lowest difficulty just to experience the story. It’s well worth it just for that.

Carighan, avatar

I can’t even remember any plot. I know I got past some hourglass shaped pyramid and then a few more steps. But it all felt utterly disconnected. I might have actually finished it, but I can’t even recall.

Carighan, avatar

Not only that, the combat was also utter jank.

If you play with M+KB, you can aim as good as the game clearly expects you to. But you will rapidly develop RSI from the spam-clicking, nevermind how the melee attack has the weirdest input I’ve seen in a long time.

If you use a controller, most controls work fine, but in return you cannot aim that well. Which is still preferrable, but the game clearly originally built for precise aiming.

Combined with how janky all the enemy attacks and hit boxes are, it just feels frustrating. Plus the difficulty is wild, 90%+ are boringly easy, and then the odd totally normal enemy wipes you in seconds.


The comment you replied to reminded me how much I wanted to love Crosscode, and yet I also “bounced off” it (amazing phrase).

Your comment made me understand why I bounced off of it. I had exactly the same experience as you, with the controls.


It really sucks that you bounced so hard. Some tips in case you ever do want to go back to it:

Enemies are puzzles too. Nearly every single enemy in the game has a specific trick to them that, once you get it down you can beat them much more easily. This includes bosses. Usually this is indicated by breaking the enemy.

Don’t worry about the races. I think I only ever won a single race in the entire game, and it has literally zero consequence other than a couple lines of dialog. It’s purely a feel good thing, and to connect you more with Emily through a friendly competition.

The story can feel a bit confusing and disconnected because there’s 2 stories happening at once: the crossworlds story and the actual story. The actual story only really starts to get serious towards the end, so until then just focus on enjoying the fake-mmo world!

If it’s not for you, it’s not for you and there’s nothing I can do about that, but I really want others to enjoy this game as much as I did because I do believe it’s something special.

Seasoned_Greetings, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

In this thread: People who don’t like a genre of game, criticizing games for being that genre

linearchaos, avatar

I mean it’s actually fair and it’s not the game’s fault.

Hell I bet if we dug into a deeper it turns out to be age gap as much as anything else.

When I grew up, video game consoles were hard for the sake of being hard because the games didn’t have enough storage and ram to be that long. Back then I hated dragon’s lair because it was so f****** pretty and I really wanted to play it so bad, but it was just a coin eater and I was too young to have disposable income

I moved into first person shooters around the time of Quake. I was decently skilled but not amazing, but I was making enough money that I could afford a really nice rig and a really fast connection. Slowly FPS started turning into military combat which I really didn’t care for.

Many years later I got into mmorpgs, I spent thousands of hours playing in guilds, running raids, and grinding equipment. I still hated the same things but didn’t really focus much on them because the only thing I did was MMO.

Years later I start a family, now I hate anything that’s not casual. If I can’t pick it up play it for 30-40 minutes and put it away it’s going to do nothing for me that cost me pain.


I mean games are pretty homogenized anymore. There’s strong trends and bandwagons giving rise to new genres and subgenres everywhere. The OP asked for games but I don’t think there’s a problem replying with genres.

Copernican, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Basically any game where crafting is a central mechanic. Why do people love repetitive boring tasks and looking at grids of items for hours on end.

Buttons, avatar

Perhaps I could interest you in some Palworld then?

weeahnn, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

Ohhh i just got one that will be really controversial.

I’m not a big fan of Morrowind.

Yeah the world has a very alien style, and the lore is cool. But the actual world feels empty and boring to me. Like IMO the map is way too big for it’s own good.


The map is actually really small, you just walk insanely slowly at realistic speeds at lower levels

Omegamanthethird, (edited ) avatar

When wandering around, there’s always a cave or tomb around to explore. But yeah, there aren’t a lot of people out in the wilderness. Just the occasional naked nord or plantation.

bluetardis, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

Steam or GoG

Anything else is too much pain.

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