Ja wiem, że to pod prąd, ale nie naciskałbym na „wycofanie z komercyjnych SM” bo to jedno z miejsc na którym się może zawalić (przez zwykły bunt ludzi którzy chcą mieć informacje tam gdzie siedzą). Natomiast SM powinny być w tym systemie jedynie dodatkową tablicą ogłoszeniową. Treść powstaje na stronie (BIP) a na facebooki i fediwersy leci tylko jej zajawka wraz z linkiem do treści. Poza tym naciskałbym na konieczność publikowania na każdej takiej stronie RSS z tą samą zawartością co wyżej.
Samą wojnę przeciw SM na tym etapie lepiej ograniczyć do usunięcia ich skryptów śledzących ze stron urzędowych.
Samą wojnę przeciw SM na tym etapie lepiej ograniczyć do usunięcia ich skryptów śledzących ze stron urzędowych.
Wiesz co? Jakkolwiek popieram skasowanie skryptów śledzących (por. petycja ICD oraz Panoptykonu), tak twierdzę, że dopóty rząd jest na social mediach, to ludzi tak szybko się nie wyprowadzi stąd. Pozbycie się trackerów to tylko (przynajmniej tak sądzę) połowa sukcesu, ale kto wie co przyniesie przyszłość? Obecnie mam odczucie, że politycy rządzący wręcz nadużywają opublikowania ważnej informacji wpierw na Facebooku/Twitterze, i dopiero jak ktoś się upomni, na stronie internetowej, która się nie ciska, że ktoś nie ma konta. Już raz tak mieliśmy podczas powodzi z 09.2024, nie chciałbym powtórki z rozrywki, gdyby nie daj Bóg wojna wybuchła.
Tylko tak sobie myślę, że jeśli postawić teraz postulat, żeby się wynieśli to będzie bardziej argument za tym, że to pierdzielenie szaleńców i wszystkie nawet te bardziej możliwe do zrealizowania argumenty na tym stracą bo całość będzie oceniana jako pomysły oderwanych.
Historia pokazała wielokrotnie, że nawet najwięksi upadają, lub ich wpływy są znacznie ograniczone. Dla przykładu, Cesarstwo Rzymskie padło w 476 roku. Wielka Brytania, która kontrolowała dawniej sporą część świata poprzez m.in. kolonie, choć dalej istnieje – jest obecnie państwem wyspiarskim, a British Commonwealth (którego UK jest jednym z założycieli) jest bardziej czymś w stylu organizacji międzynarodowej. To można przetłumaczyć (oczywiście z zachowaniem odpowiedniej terminologii w poszczególnych przypadkach) na np. różne gałęzie przemysłu czy usług. Nic nie trwa wiecznie.
Games were better before achievements. Admit it, you’ve played a game in way that you actively don’t enjoy or long after you’ve lost interest, just to pop some worthless achievement.
I understand a few studios take the time to make achievements humorous or worthwhile to the actual game your playing, but that’s just another reminder that most studios don’t.
It might be related to the recently announced move to make Ubisoft Connect completely optional for Steam games.
I’m just speculating since they only mentioned it in regards to The Rogue Prince of Persia (bottom of the page) but they might roll out it to everything else as well? Maybe? Possibly.
If they do remove Ubisoft Connect, I really hope the cloud saves on Steam get supported. Ubisoft Connects implementation of Cloud Saves are so buggy for me
Considering Ubisoft is struggling to stay relevant after saying players should feel comfortable with not owning games anymore, poor sales with Star Wars: Outlaws, and the controversy over their upcoming Assassin’s Creed Shadows game, I’m sure they’re doing everything they can to draw people back to their games right now. Achievements bring some replayability to their old titles.
That’s what I was thinking too. As much as I’m happy about this, I feel like it’s definitely an attempt to pull players back to their old games.
At least my Achievements will sync with Ubisoft’s. Knowing Ubisoft I wouldn’t have been surprised if you had to start over just to get the achievements on steam just so they can get play counts up
Yeah. The Breach is fantastic. Ready to pick up and set down. Utterly fantastic tactical gameplay. Cool tech, interesting progression options.
All that said, it’s not my go-to cozy game, because it’s atmosphere is too well done.
They only thing about “The Breach” is that it’s so dang well done that I can’t take a turn not seriously. It regularly makes me make movie heroism level of decisions. Do I make the safe play, or try to save everyone? Am I willing to sacrifice my pilot for this win?
I like TLOZ:BotW a lot. But I need to say that it is my favorite game so it could not be that relaxing for others. Forager is also a great casual game. I cab also genuinely recommend these:
World Box
Spaceflight Simulator
Good Pizza Great Pizza
Surviving Mars
Before We leave (At one point it becomes very buggy and the save is basically useless)
You can’t expect people to understand the acronym of a game you are just introducing :) Google tells me you mean “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”.
From the trailer, its clear that its ~15-20 year time skip, she is able to drink witcher potions so she passed the trial of grasses, and clearly has much more control of her powers.
The trial of grasses point is where im concerned, yes she would have plot armor for a procedure that has a notriously low survival rate, plus the school of the wolf (Geralt, Vesimier and co.) destroied their old records after the events of the first game so that noone could produce more witchers.
The video game is based on the Cyberpunk Tabletop/pen and paper RPG. Think like D&D but in the world of cyberpunk, hacking instead of spells, etc. I’m not an expert (still trying to get a real life game together tbh) but I don’t think any of the TTRPG games have focused much outside of night city. You can of course put your game anywhere, but the premade stuff is all in and around night city.
Yeah, I know what it’s based on, and I think you’re probably right that most of the setting in the original tabletop game takes place in Night City, but I don’t know if that means that CDPR will follow that lead or not you know? Obviously I hope they do but currently no one outside of that company has any idea what the plan is as far as I know so all I can do is hope.
I’d be very disappointed if they don’t. But I have faith that they will stay close to the source and remain in Night City for at least the main storyline.
Honestly I kind of hope there will be DLCs with completely different characters and smaller stories to play, though I kinda doubt that’ll happen. Would be interesting though.
Voices of the Void has been my go to time waster for a couple years now. Dev is a little weird, but the game is amazingly well done and gets somewhat regular updates that expand the story and add new content. You are essentially a scientist sent to work at a SETI-like site in Switzerland. Your job is to maintain the site and search for signals in space, analyze them, and then ship them out to your colleagues, for which you get paid to buy supplies and other things. As you play, random events occur, some funny, some scary. There’s tons of items to buy and decorate your base with. Lots of locations to discover. Sooooooo many secrets to find. I’m constantly impressed by all the work they’ve done with a very small team.
My only complaint is having to reset my save when an update comes out. It’s generally worth it, as there’s usually new events that you’ll miss otherwise, but having to redecorate the base and lose collectables you’ve spent hours on is a bummer… That and I hate the new drive storage rack. I wish they’d bring back then old one as an additional storage item.