I was a young idiot making minimum wage and I spent 500 dollars in a gacha game over a three month period. It’s been years and I still wake up at night, remember this and feel the strongest remorse.
I’m sorry, it really sounds like it turned into an addiction for you. Very happy that you got away from it. Be careful with addictive substances or activities in your life, some people have a predisposition for it.
I very much have that predisposition. I’ve noticed that I have addictive behavior towards sugar and caffeine as well (I’m fine as long as I don’t have any, but if I have some I’ll continue to crave more at shorter and shorter intervals until I go to sleep and it resets), and recently celebrated my third month nicotine free after about four years total smoking and then vaping.
Addictive proclivities are a personal defect normally. But when you exist in a context where there are people whose job it is to get you hooked on things, they become a handicap.
I don’t allow myself to play any mobile games anymore. Spent like $300 on one of those idle games. Not worth it. I refuse to play any free to play titles at all, no matter the platform these days.
I once spent $10 on a mobile game. You can get a special item by purchasing gems or by winning coins for which you have to grind for a year. After getting the item, i felt so disgusted that I gave up mobile gaming and shifted to PC.
This was pretty much my experience. I played some browser game with friends, way before gatcha and mobile games. Gor today’s standards, the game was actually pretty good, but i started like a week or two later than my friends so i payed for a booster pack or something that was like 10 dollars and i immediately regretted it so hard. I almost felt sick and like an idiot.
You escaped addiction (hopefully) without too many long-term consequences, hopefully that remorse will help you avoid similar situations in the future :)
Damn, I’ve never thought of myself as a whale before but I guess for a while there I was. I wonder how many of the people we see in these games with all the premium characters and skins are like me, struggling. I always thought of them as having more money than sense but maybe they (we) lack both.
I watched a documentary on Darksyde Phil. He managed to spend 44000 on a Wrestling gambling game per month.
I think the bright side is that you learned something even tho it was a 500 dollar lesson.
I used to work with a guy who was super cheap. Like i sometimes payed for his coffee or whatever, because i always did that with friends and co workers, and sometimes they would pay too. He never did that. One day we talked about video games and spending habits. He said he doesn’t play video games, but he played clash of clans. I didn’t really know what clash of clans is, aside from seeing some screenshots and seeing memes. He said that he spend 500-800 dollars a month on the game. It kinda blew me away, because i knew that whales often spend a bunch of cash on games, i just was a bit shocked about the amount and that it was HIM. He looked at me and said, oh that’s nothing, you should see what my girlfriend spends on candy crush.
I didn’t know it existed until a popular streamer begrudgingly “reviewed” it at the last minute. Found it strange that there was zero marketing for such an expensive and long developed investment.
My guess is that they knew it was going to be a shit game, but realized too deep in the development phase. So they just released it as soon as possible and didn’t waste more money on it (marketing). My guess is that the released it instead of cancel just in case they were wrong and people actually liked it.
Just imagine how much worse it would have been for sony with Concord in the EU if this law were reality. Flop a game, a live service game no less and then they would have to leave it in a playable state for like a couple hundred people that ever played it in the EU. I don’t know how this law would work in this case. Would they be mandated to give out the server code that people could run their own servers?
It’s really ambiguous how it would or how it would be revised work for games that are multiplayer only.
Would they be mandated to give out the server code that people could run their own servers?
Sort of. The Idea is that people should be able to run their own servers, but developers wouldn’t need to give out their code. All you need is the server binary. After all server software is just that software, just like the client and they don’t need to give out the source code for that for you to run the game. Alternatively they could patch the game so it’s peer-to-peer. (and yes in this case that would be unreasonable as the game is not successful enough to even break even)
The initiative is so ambiguous (to the extend that it is - I’d argue that it’s a lot clearer than many people claim) because it’s not actually legal text. It’s not supposed to be. All it should do is describe the problem and explain why the problem falls under EU jurisdiction. Everything else is supposed to be handled by EU lawmakers after the initiative has met it’s signature goal.
I think the idea is more that if this were in place companies like Sony would be more incentivized to make sure they release games worth buying and playing, because if they didn’t then they would have the financial burden of keeping them alive.
Side note: it doesn’t require constant support from the developers. Just update it so players can run local servers, then it would technically still be playable. Of course I’m not a game dev so I’m sure thats more complicated than I’m making it sound, so that’s again why they should focus on making games that are good to begin with.
I think in Sony’s case a reasonable alternative is to just refund, which is what they’re doing anyways. There’s no way a full refund would not be considered a true option, so I think the Concord side is a bit irrelevant to the primary issue of server owners shutting down servers for old games and keeping the money.
Literally how would this change anything? Nobody played the game because it’s bad. Everyone who bought it got a refund. Why would you want a law forcing them to give people a game they don’t want?
Off the top of my head not really, but I just woke up
But there’s this magic way to learn about stuff called “looking it up” you can try! I recommend the people the post is talking about, you’re obviously really poorly informed on the topic
This is so important to you that the government must be petitioned to act but you don’t have a single example? Did you purchase Concord? Have you ever purchased a game that no longer works? Why do you think you have the right to tell the devs what they should be doing if you didn’t buy their game?
This is so important to you that the government must be petitioned to act but you don’t have a single example?
Yup, that’s exactly what I said, nailed it!
Did you purchase Concord?
No, irrelevant anyway
Have you ever purchased a game that no longer works?
Yes. Multiple, even!
Why do you think you have the right to tell the devs what they should be doing if you didn’t buy their game?
Because nobody should have the ability to take a paid-for product and make it no longer work after the fact. That flat-out _shouldn’t be an options for anyone
You should really inform yourself on this topic, it’s super clear you’ve got no idea what youre on about
I loved Fallout 4, and I still play it. I’ve got it installed on this computer, but I don’t have Skyrim installed. I’m not as attached to the London mod for it, TBH.
Can’t say a lot about what Bethesda is going to do with the next Elder Scrolls games, but I’d love to see a return to the more complicated skill trees and level advancement that they used in Morrowind and Daggerfall. I also really loved the limitless number of randomly generate dungeons in Daggerfall, and how it took years (in real-time) to walk across the continent, but that’s probably not what most people want now.
You have to beat the game first to unlock it but I love the realism mode in jedi survivor. Lightsabers actually kill like in the movies, but get shot maybe 2x and you’re dead.
This is how harder difficulties should be. You have lower HP, but so does the enemy, forcing both parties to think things through before running in guns a’blazing. If you have to make enemies bullet sponges in order to increase the difficulty, then your AI programming is bad and you should feel bad.
Modern fallout games do difficulty badly. Walked up to one of those boomer guys in fo:NV , he gave me some shit, so I shot him in the face with a revolver. He didn’t fall over dead.
I got a bunch of mods to make everyone a lot more of a glass cannon, but made power armor very effective (and other armor somewhat so). Was a lot more fun. But also there was a lot more reloading because, like, sometimes a baddie would get the drop on me and I’d be dead from two shots.
try fo4 survival mode. you can actually die from a bloatfly swarm if you arent careful, but can also eliminate an entire raider base with 1 well place molotov cocktail
I think I will have to disagree somewhat. Difficultly should change how you play, not how long. Needing to Grind better gear is not respecting the players time.
That said there are games I did enjoy the grind, “the world ends with you” is one of them, but that is a case of earning new ways to play in most cases.
Yeah thats kinda what i meant. Because of the increase in required DPS you will need to unlock harder to obtain gear with higher DPS which will bring your total playtime back to previous levels. But its a difficult to balance thing for sure.
They had pre-arranged intersections with set traffic patterns and multipliers and stuff scattered about, so it was a puzzle as well as a driving challenge.
Crash mode was sort of like Angry Birds but with exploding cars and 10x the production value. You’d get score multipliers for causing the most damage possible.
They’re both fantastic games, but the original (in which you go to Hamburg and a space station) felt more adventurous rather than the more grounded sequel (in which you go to the arctics and even more exotic locale: my hometown of Calcutta). Set it in the fictionalized disco-themed cold-war with the lead jet-setting around the world, and we’re golden!
Also, only a single game, but: Arcanum. (At least this one’s possible to buy on Gog and Steam…)
Arcanum supposedly had a sequel in the works at some point: Journey to the Center of Arcanum, and frankly, while I’d prefer to see other continents on that world explored a là Around the World in 80 Days, I’d still be sold on a hollow-earth adventure any day!
A friendly reminder to everyone: there is a fan project, part 1 and 2 updated to run on modern systems. They have their own page, the full games can be downloaded from there, and they just work. Just Google the title and fan update.
After fiddling with my original CDs back two years I gave up and installed these! Wide-screen, stable, high resolutions, perfect! I was so happy fans decided to get them running again!
Me too! My original discs for the sequel was unreadable even before I got to play it (it was a hand-me-down).
I also found this mod on itch as well, after your post. I think I had to edit the configs to get the resolution writing for Nolf2 even on the revival copy (and, save files from different resolutions don’t load!) If this patch can work around those issues that’d be great.
Time for another playthrough of the series, on the Steam Deck!
Infamous. I don’t know why the series just disappeared after Infamous Second Son, I feel like we could’ve gotten way more in that universe. While they’re at it they should port Infamous 1 & 2 to modern consoles…
I would love to have them on PC. Honestly why Sony doesn’t port all their old catalog (Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter etc.) is beyond me. That would get them so much money.
Came to say inFamous, but specifically picking up after the evil ending in 2. The way that frames it could allow for character customization, and maybe even getting to choose your powerset.
It could even have multiplayer elements if that’s where they wanted to go with it. Not sure how well PvP would work out, but co-op missions could be fun. But, it could work just fine without any of that