affiliate, do games w Palworld announces Terraria crossover

2025! is quite a ways away


13082033478585225956056333208054576745409436178226342908066265566934614672842161048304768562947313435389842049149535921090512687475188845950481368402436444804007734225703575500327336811537670190540034537231636693839145971463875771016113794100905049942366677141759676424283214208772398352253862399075809896854471602760838622772525181979549290936932940921979559250982223468099574333899135034765980981077568062106227769465285984389474844862019289187129392239342484946229074983744167803649274348715287487829533964691017070965513283663606106812428993495619076086224947686918393208549192435223921866339416300875558457504592256237268486721674507381347194656886167348052784210624808070267003883372515441581683700853425257202924499386551871205396302529013529128818001970756246384209290762003603135011921122344529842666094323476265918070749834884276245039438646092504241147773177261824745390122050610211867889490106883769206943537169643722601497304704038464903932759366813704505680966098392554275015587958310623666048487185111155223176837472166075774650921113813721156120157211082655949936213901087983159094464770015354317655566262477578745491010205220411502999603396399382043413258874985087692228173904721628577170442861451468392721637744119467384687250905783398595706202578674022303778107914577005193768796610652313464937160788215475269182396286668979624375583971331742549459009693122791238608906943620686969928985528703697583076301708353568200723067667761366415684814251804758361904610633196231078296158451244581072015355510360625579630747872655155993417793876610159791350706056085489620234463454571826799111678580195263031608974870904177074721377432775651262476648853981198254891302503620333271812634107189394365535565481055170284299030164140757278391560253757591204388378183481011158489876764602389234087507481049179834503697867206994325976870325114852729009846534387155161704406253473325641668942516261735855483570089318699014945729809748871428700322769763306721035154223683593192717642702469478783326125037341834580680776570299113669636955983305462692518650396394314764872708466269496680447944712121316873046798676087404979258644469095797420201507318430142710699670552464450047297868913490696249973331677229945580636518723384709252848727607384151358321476400473377068677159420140232594322647811119204965653790398303986040127552813939369454118213126387180166895368914220580132000785602390824620093551604060696648269931104988128593975721996043636639530757887017516286280972781201882582840066622108453699873383660624823827501393379510711667786159802467430694509596492042513359593235290301934482978615511668331559287809596932401347245270170044040508026559850579652635480035731262128939250523229587323247457446126502445031865948757690486466731228289915310535301894506628079317265110072901464390485532354514230446682747498044871877407216528458781957724140384263024222024277506804745244895320982295682248565468780004852700379609109107921425498612481277147277994049308654810186676821755314397431229309965516685736055042381714415855930187791830796390535903426989886286229891912900630871614648779811122224874801662389361394358597760922386229416231490821331112745502862654645298514994669053597412959637081156234018562462764334372648914330560478155694625389878936351659106100437373322758559543245639018054151540648297052123643302469840310880423375747972177861576491434183956736888218794437734198419939561156463332477624322634774406732956234100885348827974564158815294722560754878851806952146421378056418524474573604202472348494562439349368016015278198417740116591010305332017410589743410884568763232877190131575399380354884519181501078916818425628761563321061162101763103922493485293139379662488459409698111812594251856668085292481319934435157411500716277076165240919007960702508979683155601314456397782220991344172814146922393983152337759429806174455814660565983985778498861454009592682976510775393071558722536639602310064262780447735236115652727962273115371447987075802342423571913339954442421012871662799796682098789586059202851736812143237231059785820542682887751873072445432394574196978415105709996742238037619548082889162799891245663009197049924661282762569969722926367887975657460019572668765095109563447141092044568474402198612685086828173035004652627111544505845433587174411475006611708349224192600297549625499632071499364557148750680697470361638236526372960073052409543309005572405721543763002596901015692334783479978233169944518303522512583626590297940380878303262810900403721533844234692714996392449599149515822810720755515210482649345388444574637992959573264539792915685647330809794453067263058850988094369743046708835433737912505344918655257867807878269044627165397017268861456554590512351597973167228542255875539028675550185456661877636740078429314852258047233008436998727477103636545217821357950020128993239371033495368348936467887434791085592468580470950528313929634178009288170244937842576943422768995239455653220757432097648173089199565589033553083969395368907072010953579981505504548317859212308094947926996865719148417010517453197981105625176439706036094938299976908237525311664241798808293564863107878538007119419612538964901063230138533990422480388552239672076134411478855526934092859755290315787934392495815045274101837805627599849339238213411962451540426359606325558844828045693425748466359977002737336320000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 more years to go!


what if i can’t wait that long

Leg, avatar

It’s not that long. You’ll be okay.

Iheartcheese, avatar

Skill issue tbh


To quote a legendary sbemail:

That is not a small number! That is a big number!


Unexpected factorial.

charonn0, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar

“Here come the test results: ‘You are a horrible person’. That’s what it says, ‘a horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that!”

bungle_in_the_jungle, do games w Greatest video game ever played?

Portal (1&2)


Portal is amazing, also the community DLC but unfortunately not my greatest.

I’d go with something like Satisfactory or Dota 2 (gasp).

CaptainHowdy, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Work work


Zug zug


Job’s done!


This is why I came here!


Me not that kind of orc.


More lumber is required!

LovableSidekick, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

<span style="color:#323232;">ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US.
Mandy, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Zug zug


Awe, more work?

mercano, avatar

“Join the army, they said.”

“See the world, they said.”

“I’d rather be sailing!”

theskyisfalling, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Extremely random one but the TVs in Max Payne show a slideshow of some drama show where the dialogue goes

“My Lord”

“My Lady”

“but my Lord, I must insist!”

Fuck knows why that lives rent free in my mind.


Hope this stays in the remake


I must insist…!

purrtastic, do games w I spent 6000+ hours of my life building this character

Seriously though, I never got near those numbers. I did put about 2500 hours into TFC and TF2 before it became a bot hellscape.


Maybe 2500 on 2 accounts that were both my gf and I on rocket league. Usually on the same team. Over several years in our 30s.

Maybe hit 1000 on worms2demo online as a kid.



At some point you don’t play the game because you enjoy some relaxing time on it, but because you have to. That’s were I put my limit, now. No fun, stop playing.

Katana314, do games w I don't think it's possible for me to complete this Steam achievement

Still a fan of the player mocking in The Stanley Parable around achievements.

One example has the narrator taking you on a chain of complaints starting with “…Are you seriously just doing this for the achievement??”


Yeah, that kind of mocking is a direct attack at me, and I honestly like it because I feel like my weird achievement hunting is definitely mockable (especially because I already know how ridiculous I am and thus will not change in this respect)

AmidFuror, do games w [Satisfactory] 130 hours in, i have built a turbofuel-powered oil rig. (more pictures and details in description)

Great. More fossil fuels destroying the climate and putting billions of people at risk of poverty and displacement.

And don't get me started on electronic Monopoly!


That’s the thing, it’s on an alien planet, so the only ones at risk are the horrible aliens


Oh, so you support genocide?


They wouldnt die if they didnt impede on my automation, exploration and exploitation. So really, it’s their fault.


It’s for the good of FICSIT… …and humanity


Mostly FICSIT, though.

Psaldorn, avatar

The stingers genotype would not be missed.

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

Satisfactory is a weird game where coal and oil are renewable, but trees, as far as I’m aware, are not.


Next you'll be telling me the wind turbines in the game cause cancer.


and you burn through nuclear fuel like nobody’s business.


Funnily enough, there are no renewable energies available

!deleted6348 avatar

On purpose, I think the game did a great job at highlighting certain… Horrible practices we have lol

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

I mean, theres geothermal


true, forgot about geothermal.

Wooki, (edited )

Plenty of mods that do renewables!!

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

well no, there just arent any wind turbines as far as I remember. No solar either

Deconceptualist, do gaming w This is spot on for so many games

Eh, except so many double-down (or triple) on the swamps and caves while omitting more interesting settings like glaciers, oases, rainforests, and river deltas.

Kowowow, do gaming w Which unplayed game in your library are you most looking forward to playing eventually?

Disco elesium eventually


Play it ASAP, it’s great.


I just finished my first playthrough and wanted to start a new game immediately afterward. I’ve never felt like that after a game before. Disco Elysium is an amazing game.

bbb, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service

I’m confused. Are you running out of games to play? Do you only play on console or something?


No, I play on PC. It’s just tough to find new games for me. I use reddit’s gaming suggestions sub, sometimes they’re good. That’s how I first discovered things like Wasteland 2/3, and Deep Rock. But now, it’s challenging to find new games to play… people just play the same things or recommend “the hits” repeatedly. Can’t tell you how many times I have seen the same games recommended on Steam. I’ve started ignoring them now entirely. Idk how to find new games now :\


Google search for good games and read through various results and see if there’s something you haven’t seen. Or in Steam customize your search for what you’re looking for and crawl through the options. If you get off the front page of Steam the entire catalog is available to filter and search.


This just sounds like you’re being kind of lazy, to be honest. You can browse Steam by tons of filters, narrowing down a genre with like a dozen subgenres and tags (including only showing single player/offline games). Then you can sort that list by rating, release date, cost, if they’re on sale and/or offer a demo, etc. If you’re just going to hate on people’s suggestions/recommends, then get to searching the long lists and find something that looks interesting. Steam lets you refund anything under 2 hours, so there isn’t much to lose.

2xsaiko, avatar

Just buy humble bundles and check the games based on their Steam user reviews

Vinny_93, do gaming w HDMI 2.1

First off: cables don’t have version numbers. The host and the client have ports that adhere to a certain spec and the HDMI foundation made that very unclear by incorporating 2.0b into 2.1 and now not every 2.1 port supports the same things. Cables are defined by their max bandwidth, i.e. high speed, ultra high speed or high speed with ethernet. You might see marketers saying something is a 2.1 cable, that just means it is capable of supporting some or all of the 2.1 spec.

Second: the only reason to get new HDMI cables, like you said, is if you currently have a very old one and have devices that actually make use of the bandwidth. And I’ll tell you right now, most of the high speed cables will do just fine. It’s when you start doing 8k120 with HDR and VRR with eARC you’ll need heftier cables. The only external devices to support that, though, are either supplied with cables because their makers don’t want you bottlenecking your device, or they are PCs.

Third: the only reason HDMI is even a thing is because this joint venture behind it successfully lobbied their inferior product to TV manufacturers. DisplayPort has always been and will always be the better interface for video.

osaerisxero, avatar

First off: cables don't have version numbers.

Yes, and this is unironically a problem. I am frankly happy to see this push just so I don't have to find out that the video issue I've been troubleshooting for the last 2 hours was due to a cable that's marked the same as any other cable happens to have half the bandwidth as some other arbitrary one.

Fuck HDMI. All my homies hate HDMI.


DisplayPort gang rise up


While I almost completely agree with you, never underestimate the power of using the right tool for the right job. HDMI is actually far more resilient to signal corruption in my experience than display port since it implements TMDS and the cables are more commonly well shielded since they expect them to be used in device dense environments, which isn’t really applicable to anyone familiar with technology (don’t group up your cables next to something with significant RF noise/leaks, duh.) but does matter for the end user use case these see. The fees hdmi charge are a scam though fr and we could ask better from the industry.


I have a 4k120hz gaming monitor and I have some HDMI cables that don’t support that quality.

I also just use DisplayPort because it’s better anyway (e.g. lower latency).


What are the symptoms of an hdmi cable having too little bandwidth?


Mostly unable to make use of certain features. Say your display supports 4k @ 120Hz. If you have an improper cable you might be able to get 4k30 or 4k60, but not 4k120.

shneancy, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?

because they run on everything and are free

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