@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

In Helldivers you just pitch that shit on the floor, ain’t nobody got time to belt that back on, we’ve got bugs incoming

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nearly an entire generation lacks the wisdom that comes with struggle and now we’re reaping the effects of that.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is just Blood Bowl, but in real time.

I am immediately sold on this.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because Rockstar is going to do it and sell a gorillion copies, so it’s basically a guarantee that everyone else will jump on the opportunity. And once every game is $100, what are people going to do, stop buying video games? I find that unlikely anymore. They’ll bitch and complain about it and sales might drop a little on average but studios will survive. And now we have a new price floor set forever.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

You’ve got more faith in the purchasing public than I do, then. I’ve been watching them buy a new copy of the same COD slop every year for a fresh $60 basically since I’ve been old enough to buy my own video games.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

This also may explain why Nintendo can’t implement competent networking features to save their lives.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

How does one get into that?

People have been telling me that I have “a voice for radio” ever since I was a teenager, but I’ve never really been into show biz, I’ve been fixing computers and cars my whole life. I’ve been considering just recording a long portfolio of a bunch of different voices and start sending it off to random companies but I can’t help feeling like that’s not my best move.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar


@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

“Save scum” is an optional Second Wave option; you can opt in or out either way. I think by default it preserves the RNG on reload.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Hulshult is an Old God of the gaming industry at this point and I expect he will never perform work that is unsatisfactory.

But the whole situation with Mick Gordon still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’d have liked if they reconciled and brought him back, but that may not be possible for any number of reasons, not least of which is Mick himself telling them he’s lost trust.

But lacking Gordon, Hulshult is still an excellent choice.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

SS13’s insanity of discombobulation and randomness is fun because that’s the point of the game, though. There is no actual objective over than “the station is definitely going to die; let’s just have fun while it burns”.

I guess it’s very similar in a lot of ways but SS13 feels better to play to me because it feels like it puts a lot less focus on “winning”. Everybody is gonna die, either by syndicate sabotage or by engineering fucking up singularity containment. You’re just along for the ride.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Animal Well is a staggering work of art on multiple fronts, not least of which is the code golf required to keep its size so small. Incredible game.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Third for Chrono Trigger. I didn’t get to play that one when I was a kid so I played it for the first time in 2020. Holy shit what a game. The original definitely still holds up today.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Hollow Knight gives a pretty fucking solid try, to be fair. But yeah, I do agree.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

It definitely still caught me by surprise. Not like it might have in 1996 - I just played Baldur’s Gate 3 within the past year, after all - but the first time I played I definitely managed to get almost every single piece of bad evidence against me that I could rack up without even meaning to.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

1v1 where you’re expecting Oddjob is a lot different than 4P deathmatch where one guy is Oddjob. That’s where it’s a real dick move cause he’ll catch you by surprise.

Still, though. Respect.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

It is essentially confirmed that the Doomslayer is the same Doom Marine from Doom 1 and 2. Doom 3 is canon but the protagonist is a different guy. 2016/Eternal pick up the story of the original guy.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Debit card is tied directly to your bank account with no rollbacks. If somebody gets that info and decides to clean out your bank account, that money is gone, period, and you’ll never see it again.

With a credit card, you have a degree of separation and the ability to contest or roll back charges. Debit cards don’t do that.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, guilty as charged

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Unless your console has a file browser with an Extra Content folder in it, I’m gonna guess no.

However, the same rulebook is also available for free on Roll20.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

When had this ever been an issue?

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ah, I misunderstood what you meant. I took that to mean they had previously announced an update and then rolled it back, which would be news to me.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well lucky you, there is! Wander mode makes all factions neutral and changes XP from being granted by kills to being granted by exploration and water rituals.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Works great on the deck and one of the primary goals for 1.0 was polishing up the controller support. I still think M+K is the superior method (I’ve been playing it like that for probably 10 years now) but Deck is totally supported.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

I fucking love this game with a burning fervor that is not matched anywhere else. Qud could have been made for me personally and it wouldn’t be any more perfect than it is. I’ve been playing this game damn near ten years and I still come back to it for every single major update. I’m stoked to see the 1.0 finally release and I hope it gets the attention it deserves.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

I will start this off by saying, I don’t know jack all about the Retroids, looking it up when you asked me about it here is the first I’ve ever heard of them. But looking at the specs I think it would probably run fine. I’ve played Qud on some absolute potatoes of desktop PCs before. I feel confident it would run on the processing power of an Android phone and the Retroid 5 has a snapdragon 865 in it. It’s a good bet. Late game might lag a bit but it’s turn based so who cares.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

I primarily play on PC and don’t have a problem with screen size. When I’ve played on the Deck I’ve found myself peering a bit at the smaller text, toolbars and item descriptions and so on, but it was all readable and my vision isn’t exactly stellar. If the Retroid has a smaller screen than the Deck though, it’s possible you could run into trouble there. I think the dev team has accounted for that with some UI size multipliers in the settings menu but I might be misremembering that. I’ll check that tonight when I’m off work and I’ll update here if I remember to.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’ve just checked and there are indeed UI scaling options in the menu. Up to 2x normal! So I think you’ll most likely be fine.

Are there games with real collision detection?

All (action)games I know of don’t have real and proper surface collision detection, except some physics games. Just an example: If my Char hits something or someone the weapon goes straight through without any physical reaction, it just counts the damage I’ve done. Are there any games out there, in which physics are...

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Exanima does this.

Its a little bit half baked right now but it’s been under construction for the better part of a decade. I think the plan now is to use Exanima as a proof of concept and then pivot that technology into a “real” game. But I find it very fun in its current state and does exactly what you’re asking for.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

The slow burn lowering prices over time also maintains a bit of long term income for a maintenance team to patch and improve the game. This game is 2 years old and is getting slammed down to $5, that says to me they’re just trying to cash out on whoever is left that wants to buy it but hasn’t, and then I’d bet this game never sees an update ever again afterward.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

My PS5 already spins its fans up loud enough to drown out the TV from clear across the room, so if they expect to create a device that runs PS5 games at comparable quality and also make it handheld, I don’t foresee this device actually being usable. The fans will be louder than any speakers they’ll want to fit in there and the thing will be the size and shape of a cinderblock.

I could be wrong, and I have been before, but if I am this time I’ll be pretty surprised.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s less than six months old and has its own dedicated shelf… I did think to check that, but no, it came right out of the box being this loud.

Now that I think about it though, I haven’t seen any other PS5s in person to compare, so for all I know I just have a bad unit.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

You know what, now that you mention it, you’re actually completely right. It’s the disc drive making that noise. The fans are loud, but tolerable, the disc drive is the loud one. Hot damn. I never actually put 2 and 2 together there, I just went and checked it after what you said, and yeah it’s the drive.

So, actually, I was totally wrong, and I highly doubt Sony is going to try to make the PS5P run discs, so that’s an interesting turn of events.

You know what would be cool? If all those (job name) simulator games could all be joined.

So I’m playing Supermarket simulator. And if you notice TCG Simulator looks VERY similar. That’s because it uses the same assets. It looks like it’s actually the same shop location, on the same street. But in one game, it’s a supermarket, and in another game, it’s a card game similator....

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, I managed to completely forget about that. My dad was really, really into that game. Like, that’s about all he did for most of 4 years and ended up leaving my mom for someone he met in game.

I guess SL wasn’t really any worse about that than any other game, plenty of people meet and get married in MMOs, but I think the raging custom-content sex parties in SL probably didn’t help matters at the time.

Wonder how that game is doing these days. Cursory web search says it’s still alive. I probably would have found it to be pretty interesting if I wasn’t so turned away from it by my family experience.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

On machines that were actually strong enough to run it, it was mostly fine. I played on PC and while I admit the later balancing update was probably necessary, I didn’t run into most of the real nasty bugs people liked to talk about. I had a great time putting in 100 or so hours in version 1.

A solid 80% or more of all the problems Cyberpunk had at launch stemmed from trying to launch it on last-gen consoles. It absolutely was not intended for PS4 or XB1 and targeting those platforms was a mistake. Once they pulled availability for those and buckled down on getting it prettied up for next gen, the quality jumped by a mile within the next year and a half of updates.

The launch was rough, I grant you that, and maybe I’m just simping for CDPR but even at the time I was in the vocal minority saying, hey this game really isn’t that bad if you give it a chance and run it on hardware that it was intended for.

And of course now with its updates and DLC it’s just genuinely a great game.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

You could ask the same thing of Wizards of the Coast who sent goons to a guy’s house over some Magic The Gathering cards.

We live in an age where these two things are becoming interchangeable.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Just because EA claims something is an expansion on the box, does not make it true.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

The relative success of Teardown refutes this, I think.

Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? (lemmy.world)

So I just read this book on history of games called “Blood, Sweat and Pixels” and was fascinated by the chapter on The Witcher 3 and mostly how the team put in so much thought and care in every single side quest. And seems that there are a lot of moral decision to be made on each adventure. So I finally decided to give it a...

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Put the baby in the oven

Just trust me on this bro

You’ll know when the time is right

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

It can be charitably described as above, and uncharitably described as “Hold down S and LMB for an hour at a time”. I kind of bounced off these. They aren’t bad games, in fact they were pretty popular but most of your gameplay loop is going to revolve around getting the attention of a horde of goons and then backpedaling while you whittle the group down from 80 dudes to none.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Roboquest actually kind of kicks ass. It’s a way better game than I expected it to be when I picked it up. I think those guys deserve more attention than they’ve been getting.

Also, shout out to Gunfire Reborn as well, I’ve been a big fan of that one for a couple years. Similar style to Roboquest. It’s a Chinese game and some parts of it are a little poorly translated but the gameplay is very fun and solid.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Solasta’s campaign feels a little half baked in some ways, especially if you’re coming from Baldur’s Gate, but where it really shines is in building your own campaigns to run your friends through. It’s a perfectly reasonable platform to host online D&D 5e in, especially with mods to expand the content. And there are plenty of user-created workshop campaigns to download, but in general, I wouldn’t recommend it as a single player experience if that’s what you’re looking for. I absolutely do recommend it for group play.

Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

Starfield steam page for the DLC currently shows eight user review score of 41%, making this one of the worst Bethesda DLC’s released of all time. This is so horribly, shockingly bad for Bethesda, because it shows as a gaming company, they are no longer capable of delivering a really good gaming experience as they had in the...

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

I was holding out hope that the modding scene would help support the game, because traditionally speaking Bethesda modders have done some incredibly amazing work on other titles. But no, alas, Starfield is such a fuckin’ trash fire that not even the modders are willing to put in the work to unfuck this heap of shit. Somebody might release a killer overhaul for it after they’ve had a couple more years to basically rewrite the entire engine, but frankly I don’t see anyone caring that much about this game to make it happen. I know of at least one guy who rather than getting involved in the mod scene, instead got on Steam and said fuck you, I’ll make my own fuckin’ Starfield, and started whipping up Spacebourne 2, and even this half-baked early access alpha jank has clear signs of being the seed of a better game than Starfield was. I’m sure that others have had similar ideas.

What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

I remember fondly the days of playing Heroes of Might and Magic II, never played HOMM3 or anything after, but as I looked at the latest and most “recent” heroes games… they’re all rated/reviewed SO harshly. Apparently, they never gained steam like the earlier titles. RTS seems to have the same issue, tapering off....

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Wrath of the Righteous is hands down a better game than Baldur’s Gate 3 in every observable metric except for graphics and I will gladly die on this hill.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s what the difficulty settings are for. No joke. Nearly any trash build can cruise through the easy difficulties with no more than a basic understanding of how turn based combat operates, and you’ll need to be a sweatlord with three spreadsheets open to reliably pose a threat to the hardest difficulty. Personally, I like to play in the middle but still overoptimize my party, so the early game is a challenge and then I just completely steamroll the final third of the game once we really get cooking with mythic levels.

If you already know DnD then you can play pathfinder with minimal confusion. An hour’s worth of reading a couple good build guides will give you a good idea where the differences lie and why certain choices are commonly made (Point-Blank/Precise Shot feats for instance). If you don’t already know DnD and you’re coming from something like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity Original Sin, you might have a little bit of a rough landing. But that’s what a wiki is for, or just straight up following a build guide if you’re timid.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t think you even can play it anymore, can you?

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ah, fair enough, suppose I could have checked that myself. For some reason I thought I remembered the old version being delisted and replaced. Suppose I’m just going crazy.

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