MentalEdge, do gaming w Dev cancels Switch port of Wipeout-style racer blaming controversial Unity fees avatar

TLDR: They can’t afford the greater costs of the new license, so they are sticking with the version of unity their current license is for.

This will block them from releasing a switch port as nintendo version gates unity games to a recent version of the engine.

Anissem, avatar

Way to go Unity

randomaside, do gaming w Nintendo makes first Switch 2 announcement avatar

I think Nintendo is dancing into dangerous territory here. I have a feeling this thing is going to be loaded with anti-features here specifically designed to curtail modding, piracy, and even unlicensed peripherals. The games themselves are going to get HD re-re-eleases and Nintendo will charge you full price again for the moderate upgrade.


So everything as usual


I’m betting on a game streaming service


The steam deck isn’t successful for nothing. It’s the ultimate open mobile gaming platform


Sold my switch for a deck 🤷your move Nintendo


They got so cheesed after Nvidia shipped the device with the RCM exploit.

Kyrgizion, do games w Alan Wake, Control developer agrees €15m convertible loan from Tencent

Tencent will grow to become the anti-Steam, mark my words. They already have their grubby mitts all over devs worldwide, and every single one will live to regret it (or their players, at the very least).


You say that like they don’t own a sizeable chunk of Epic.

acosmichippo, avatar

exactly they are already doing it.


Not just games, movies too. And anything that gets Tencent money ends up with subtle pro-China propaganda.


they own WeChat too, China’s biggest chat app, also used for bill payment and government tracking.


I haven’t played in a few years, have they done any of that in EvE Online?


I’m not saying there isn’t, but do you have some examples of pro china propaganda in games and movies? I heard something about the live-action mulan movie being filmed in xinyang, but besides that i haven’t personally noticed anything.


It’s more about the scripts being given a passover of approval from the CCP. Want your movie in China? Usually, there’s some adaptation for the region, no big deal. However, I remember articles coming out about how the movie adaptation may not be accepted if the U.S. version doesn’t fit the standard, meaning the U.S. version would have changes made at the suggestion of the CCP.

Sorry for the NYT link, but it has some examples


Oh thankyou! Yeah that does make sense. That is pretty messed up.


It’s okay. The Fediverse assured me again and again it won’t matter how much Tencent owns of your company so as long as you “don’t think about them (Tencent)”. Whatever that means.

echodot, do games w Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam

I might actually bother getting it now.

It’s kind of ridiculous nowadays that games are released, and then developed afterwards.


Weren’t they pushed into releasing the game early?


they were coz cdproject red is still a company with multiple investors-buiness ppl but it still wasn’t an excuse the state game was in. it was really at a no excuse territory specially considering the scope amount of money that was spent on it . it wasn’t just outside pressure they did fuck up royally . but despite shit bugs (some very hilarious) at its core was a really good game and it showed even back then. so good on them ( despite the launch issues which are still inexcusable


Yeah, upper management at CDPR ignored the devs who told them the game wasn't ready to ship yet, but they really wanted to take advantage of the new market of players staying home and playing video games after covid first hit.

That short-sighted money grab cost them so much in the long run. It's actually insane to see CDPR's redemption arc play out after how badly they handled the launch.


Cyberpunk was in development for atleast 12 years, I agree that corporate needs to be hands off when it comes to things like that, but at what point is there a line drawn and you just have to publish what you have got.


Its worth mentioning that the 12 years was not at all productive. The first 6 years was basically just two guys with rough concepts, only 6 years of actual dev time. Then about 3 years in they got a new creative lead on the project who decided to scrap essentially everything and start from scratch on a whim. Then the devs get the release date the same time we do which is 2 years earlier than they expected having assumed that they’d get around 5 years of actual dev time since being made to start over.

So yeh there was a lot of screwing around by management.


I’ve never heard this claim. Googling it I see one thing that says 8, and that likely includes pre-production and all that stuff, before you move a full team into development. The Witcher 3 came out in 2015, so the team could not have moved to CP2077 before then, and some of them stayed to make the DLC and patches. That leaves 5 years of full time development, which is not odd for a modern AAA game.


I figured it was probably around 12 years, since the first teaser trailer came out 11 years ago, add afew years for the work they needed to do to even be ready to do a trailer (world lore, characters, etc)


It’s based off of a tabletop game. That trailer mostly just needed CGI work, and a basic feel for what they would aim for. That trailer was probably before pre-production even started.


Could be 20 years, for all I care. Let them cook. It’s done when it’s done.

p03locke, avatar

No. That’s called Star Citizen, and it’s a scam at this point.

FuCensorship, avatar

Honestly you gotta have that mentality now when buying games.


Yep, only buying games after they go on discount couple months after release. By that time, the game is usually also finished

AdrianTheFrog, avatar

Yeah, I think games just take longer to develop nowadays than anyone is prepared for, especially the managers. Both companies and gamers have yet to realize that there is only so much you can accomplish in a certain span of time.

mp3, do gaming w Starfield group fixing Bethesda's bugs say their job is tough as mods feel an afterthought avatar

feel an afterthought

It’s not a feeling, it is an afterthought

Faydaikin, avatar

Which is weird when you think about how dependent Bethesda is on the Modding Community.


I see so many people excusing Bethesda’s poor design choices and lack of content by saying mods will fix them.

That may be true, but the publisher making hundreds of millions shouldn’t be offloading their work onto the free labor of the community.

HKayn, avatar

This will not change unless the free labor ceases.


I see that as a net positive, because the alternative is likely them killing mod support altogether.

ampersandrew, avatar

The alternative is people not buying games that are perceived to be so buggy as to require fixing. Then they have to put out a higher quality product.


I wouldn't count on millions of people suddenly all deciding to boycott now, if all the egregious practices of this industry weren't enough to get them to do it already.

ampersandrew, avatar

I'm not. Choosing not to buy a bad product has incremental effects on what gets made in the market from 1 person choosing not to buy it all the way out to no one buying it.


Not really. Often companies degrade their products as a calculated choice, considering that they will save and increase their profits more than they will lose. If only a few people protest, which seems to be the case here, then they have no reason to change course.

But chosing to buy from companies that do better can at least carve out a niche.

ampersandrew, avatar

That's exactly my point. At some point, Divinity: Original Sin was a niche. Now Baldur's Gate 3 is poised to be called Game of the Year and outsold Larian's wildest expectations. Many of those sales came from people who bought BG3 and not Starfield. That sends a message for what customers actually want. There wasn't some mass campaign to boycott Battlefield 2042; their customers just told them, by way of not buying it like they used to, that the product EA put out was not worth the price they were asking.


Honestly Bethesda games are just a modding sandbox for me. I’ve played hundreds of hours of Skyrim and I’m not sure I’ve ever finished the main quest. I know I’ve never taken a side in the civil war. The built in story and quests are important but my fun comes from downloading mods and just roaming like a wandering monk doing whatever quests I run into. Sometimes OP, other times with immersive mods or alternative perks or spells.

I’m probably not a typical gamer as I’ve had hundreds on hours into BG3 and only made it to act 3 once so far and have yet to finish any of my runs before I decide to have a relationship with someone different or try a durge run, or evil, or realized I forgot to resolve some quest that is now closed. I’m not sure how long a full run is maybe 100 hours? But it’s a lot to invest before I get bored and want to try something new.

I also have a need to collect all the gimmicky items even when I know I have or will get much better stuff for the slot. I play Bethesda games the same way. Gotta run over and collect the book of arcane bow if I’m going to be an archer…

Anyway, mods are a core part of the deal for me. They should prioritize them more.


It always impresses me how seemingly every corporation adopts this mindset of not needing the “little guy” to function. Like their company isn’t made up of “little guys” that produce their given product.

Faydaikin, avatar

It was pretty much one of the biggest lessons of the whole covid affair. The groundfloor personel is the most essentiel part of everything. Without, the whole system collapses.


putting in an official way for users to create and load mods takes resources that the small indie company Bethesda just can't afford to use; the modders can do the work for that, too

PerogiBoi, do games w "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours avatar

Honestly all I want is to replace Laezels nipples with floppy peens. It’s all I ask for. It’s all I want. I love Baldurs Gate 3 but it’s missing this. I cannot hope to be satisfied fully in any other way. Im a reasonably happy guy with a reasonably good life but if someone was to make this I’d pay BIG money. I’m talking more than $5.


I didn’t know I wanted this but now it’s all I can think about.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I know what I’m lucid dreaming about tonight

PerogiBoi, avatar

See??? I can’t complete my act 3 playthrough because Laezel is too bare!


Be the change you want to see in the world.

Knitwear, do games w Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently

Bet they get cancelled after the first boss heyyyoooo (drum drum cymbal sting)



WarmSoda, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 dev says it won't release paid DLC until performance "fixed to our standards"

It’s unclear exactly what the developer’s standards threshold might be, given the mess that was deemed acceptable enough to release in the first place.

SatouKazuma, avatar

This should be the top comment. Anyone even considering the game at this point should really avoid it out of principle. The only way things like this will stop happening will be when people STOP BUYING SHIT-PERFORMING GAMES!


I bought it and refunded it, which I rarely do. I could run it fine, but some of the implementations didn’t seem done


Refunds hurt more than not selling a unit. So it’s actually a good thing you did it that way.

SatouKazuma, avatar

I did the same thing when I pre-ordered. I didn’t know it’d be this much of a clusterfuck. This feels almost as bad as KSP2, which I wanted so, so badly to be good…


Dude. I got KSP1 way back when it was in crazy early alpha, before steam. Loved that game so much.

I haven’t even considered getting 2 at all. I actually forgot about it.

SatouKazuma, avatar

Well, supposedly the devs have finally implemented autostrut in the upcoming update. I’m just in it for the multiplayer, which is going to be stupid fun if they don’t fuck it up. As an actual aero engineer, I’ve loved KSP since before I could remember, really.


Specially for devs in countries that don’t have tax treaties with the US, if you’re buying it in the US. They’ll refund you fully but still have to pay 30% of the value to uncle Sam.

SomeGuy69, do gaming w Twitch "isn't profitable" admits CEO, in wake of recent layoffs avatar

I simply don’t believe this. They probably don’t count all the gamers, who get Amazon prime for all the twitch loot. Then you also have people who throw around subs like confetti. Thot streams.

OminousOrange, avatar

Subs of which they can often take 50% commission on.


I simply don’t believe this.

Best financial analysis I’ve ever heard. But maybe look up video hosting and streaming costs before speculating so confidently?


very typical for people that never even run or host their own server from data center or even cloud service.

live streaming is worse in bandwidth consumption compare to youtube with same resolution input to output. Like youtube can do whatever they like to keep the outgoing low even if you encode according to spec. But streaming with the demand of like 4~6s delay their 2nd pass to try lower the output bitrate is just not gonna be as good as youtube. That’s why twitch still don’t have 4k stream, they have new beta programs thanks to newer codec on newer GPU, as otherwise their data center is gonna get crushed hard.

CleoTheWizard, avatar

They’re also probably relying on AWS right? I’m assuming the pipeline for serving up prime video would be similar but it’s hard to tell how much that service “makes”. I feel like anything they’re using their own GPUs for is losing quite a bit of money compared to charging their cloud compute customers for it.

If twitch shuts down in a few months I won’t be surprised.

PenguinTD, (edited )

Since they are bought by Amazon I think any service they wasn’t on AWS would have been moved to AWS. Basically, on demand video streaming service (netflix, youtube, etc) does have finer control of how they want to re-encode and have like bit rate throttle on the server/client side so you don’t see too much buffering if internet connection is acting up. This means they can throttle you down to 360p like youtube auto if their data center isn’t fast enough to fetch the high bit rate yet and then feed you the higher quality one once they got it. (or down grade if your connection goes bad) But twitch stream is like I have a 10Mbits stream incoming and I have to copy, run a 2nd pass on the fly for different resolution, duplicate to outgoing servers and send to user all under 46s delay. I am not expert on the backend side and only have some experience dealing with streaming around 20162018. So to me that’s incredible feat but the short timespan means they can’t crunch the output bit rate even if it’s pretty static video. Compare to youtube, if I uploaded a 2030 minutes video in about 12GB on disk, it took them about 35 hours to re-encode, even if the source is already encoded with AV1. (I am not partner so I join the queue like any normal pleb on the internet.)

edit forgot to respond to the cloud GPU thing, I think AWS will be charging Twitch the same way as other company, so AWS aren’t really “losing” money if Twitch choose to use cloud instance with GPU(which would be kinda dumb). They need higher throughput for the data in/out so whatever the CPU ingest part I mentioned above is just to breakdown the stream and feed to user as quick as possible. They are not going to waste anytime to give you better quality stream with lower bandwidth cost. they just feed you whatever fits into their bandwidth budget basically.

turkalino, avatar

It is believable when you remember that American companies simply don’t need to be profitable anymore

jmcs, do gaming w CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months

*Devs working in Poland. Unions in Europe are per profession or economic sector not per company.


Unions don’t work the same way in all european countries.

In France, the union I belong to is organized by local company and public service, with a spawling system of dual cascading federations by geographic sector and economic sector.

And there are several competing national union organizations which overlap. I don’t know exactly how the other ones are organized


Austria has basically one big union (ÖGB), in which there are specific unions for different industries.

So, yeah. Every country has their own history and different approaches to unionization.


This is the difference between a trade union and an industrial union. You can join an industrial union elsewhere in Europe or even in the US, such as the IWW.

FrankTheHealer, do games w Nintendo demoed Switch 2 to developers at Gamescom

Im not interested unless it has; Hall effect thumb sticks to reduce stick drift

An OLED screen

Backwards compatibility with Switch 1 games.

A headphone jack that allows game chat and game audio

And is designed to be easily repaired, like not having tons of adhesive, uncommon screw types etc


They’re never going to get rid of the tri-wing screws.


Is there a practical reason they use those obnoxious screws or is it simply to discourage home repairs? When I had to replace my Switch’s fan last year, those insanely tiny screws were a pain in the ass to not accidentally strip.


It’s purposeful to discourage user servicing. I recommend purchasing a quality tri-wing driver, e.g. from iFixit or Proskit.


I figured as much. And yeah, when I replaced my fan I bought the iFixit kit which was really useful.


I’m usually not one to advertise, but they provide extremely accurate and complete guides for precision electronics repair, and sell the necessary tools and parts with sufficient quality and reasonable prices.


iFixit have the best driver at the price point, period


iFixit’s pro kit is great even if you only open up one device a year


So you want a modded steam deck?


Wait, you can put a OLED screen on the Steam Deck?




Lmao keep dreaming then. The switch aint ever gonna be that.


You’re not going to be interested then.


There’s already a version of the switch that has an OLED screen


Yes and the switch 2 needs to continue with this trend

SkyNTP, do games w Starfield's new PC patch delivers the game we should have had at launch - Eurogamer

Lack of graphics settings aren’t why I stopped playing. It’s the game mechanics. The game isn’t that fun for two major immersion breaking reasons.

  • Loading screens. So many loading screens. Just reminds me I’m using software instead of being in a universe.
  • Over reliance on fast travel. Yeah, space is boring. But why have a space setting at all if we are going to skip through it? Why bother building custom ships if there are no real challenges to overcome with them because spending time in space is not necessary at all ? Worse, it’s a bad experience because of the loading screens.

There should be a happy medium. I haven’t played Elite Dangerous in a year because I’m 50 jumps away from where I need to go, which means like 3 hours of nothing but travel. But the realism is out of this world. This Starfield thing of never needing to fly is too far in the other direction. I think a happy medium would be a system like Elite Dangerous, but if you need to travel more than a couple of systems over, have a long distance jump gate or something like that, and maybe autopilot. Eve online has jump gates and autopilot, but it can still take hours to cross the universe. It’s more entertaining to have a quick travel option for those scenarios. Eve has wormhole systems that will let you cross the entire universe in a few jumps, but finding those connections will take longer than just flying directly, unless you’re in a huge wormhole corporation that uses 3rd party tools to map all of the wormhole connections to known space.


Why doesn’t Elite let you travel offline? Like, set the destination, close the game, and reopen it 3h later.


I’m not sure. I guess because they go hard in the simulation aspect of the game. Although if we’re being realistic, it’s unrealistic that you’d have an interstellar space ship without an autopilot. I read that there are mods to enable autopilot, but I also read they can get your account banned, so I stopped looking into them.

lorty, avatar

Because they decided to make the game always online in a persistent galaxy so the possibility a ganker finds has to be respected.


That’s not true, you can play solo (but you still need to be online) and you won’t see other players

lorty, avatar

I actually forgot that’s an option, which just makes the always online an even weirder choice.


Its not about good game design.
Its a kind of DRM - a move inspired by the hypothesis that making a game hard to pirate will improve sales.

The data suggests that hypothesis is false.
An EU-funded study found that profits of blockbuster movies are negatively impacted by piracy, music industry profits are unaffected, and profits from selling books and video games are increased by piracy.


I think the X-Series did this really well


Everyone loves to hate on it, but one thing that Star Citizen absolutely nails is the sense of immersion. From the time you load in until the time you are inevitably disconnected from the server, and from ground to ship to space, you are in one experience with no loading screens

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I’m 50 jumps away from where I need to go, which means like 3 hours of nothing but travel

If you upgrade your fuel scoop, that’ll cut down your time severely. I can do about 30 jumps an hour with my Krait Phantom. Refuels before my FSD is even cooled down.


Given every single system in Starfield is already explored and built on, I think they should have just given up on the jump system and gone with a gate system like Freelancer or the X series. You get to fly to every point without menus while still being time efficient. The reason they didn’t go with this is presumably because of the supposed “exploring the unknown” angle, but you never explore anywhere new in Starfield anyway.

amenotef, avatar

I must confess that sometimes fast travel removes a lot of value from a game. While it saves you a lot of time like a cheat. Cheats also save you time.


The GTA 5 problem.


It’s a lot of fun to drive around in GTA 5 though


You see this issue when one of your core game loop isn’t enjoyable. It happens a lot in games, and you notice it if a game gives you and item or ability to play the game less.

This can be okay if this item comes in just as that loop gets boring (like you unlock special flash grab drives part way through the game). But if they let you fast travel from the beginning the likely case is that they found the whole space travel boring and they ended up providing a way around it.

Which leaves people asking “why’d you bother adding it in there”

canis_majoris, do gaming w Star Citizen developer hit with layoffs amid claims of a "highly toxic company" avatar

The company that’s been running one of the most successful scams in gaming for over a decade is toxic? No way.

raccoona_nongrata, avatar


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  • canis_majoris, (edited ) avatar

    No, the game is still a scam because it’s been literally over a decade of development and every time I’ve been invited to go try the latest and greatest in their innovation, the game is laggy as balls and the servers never work. Also the fact that they have ships costing as much as actual automobiles that people purchase despite still being technically in beta is absolutely bonkers. They’ve had several waves of crowdfunding and the game is still in a pretty garbage state.

    Trust me, I’ve wanted an actual successor to Freelancer for longer than this game has been in development, and it still doesn’t scratch the itch because whenever I try to play it, the game essentially doesn’t work.

    Cost discipline is the last thing on these guys’ radar. A 20,000 dollar ship? That’s like a third of somebody’s annual salary.


    (It’s also kind of boring)

    raccoona_nongrata, avatar


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  • canis_majoris, avatar

    Have fun defending a broken game. Sunk cost fallacy is a traditional trait of SC players.

    raccoona_nongrata, avatar


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  • canis_majoris, avatar

    Anything with a twenty thousand dollar “microtransaction” is a fucking scam.


    You really believe that mess called Starfield took a decade to make? That’s funny

    raccoona_nongrata, avatar


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  • DebatableRaccoon, (edited )

    More because I don’t believe a single word that comes out of Bugthesda and the fact that what they made was their same old shit but even more tedious somehow. It’s not about denial, it’s about Todd Howard being a pathological liar.

    pancakes, do games w NBA 2K24 is already the second-worst reviewed game on Steam avatar

    Another lazy iteration of a yearly sports game with massive glaring issues? Colour me shocked, surprised, and astonished.

    brihuang95, avatar

    honestly, when was the last “good” 2k game?

    EDIT: just read the article. i forget that for the PC version they keep using the last gen version of the game lol, how difficult is it to use the current gen version?

    ConditionOverload, avatar

    2k12 was probably the best one. 11 years ago.


    I still have that one for 360! I was never very good, but it’s always a ton of fun to play

    In my uneducated opinion, it feels like the gaming industry advanced past “quarter-eating” mechanics and have reverse engineered their way back there. The rubber-banding doesn’t feel fun/competitive anymore. Even playing solo just feels like it’s just trying to give you a taste of success in an attempt to get you to spend real money. Those of us who won’t ever “pay-to-win” just see an arbitrarily difficult or awkward game. For example, one of the later ones feels like it changes the player speed drastically based on who IT wants to do better now


    EDIT: just read the article. i forget that for the PC version they keep using the last gen version of the game lol, how difficult is it to use the current gen version?

    Jesus, really? It's one thing to do that for the Switch, but for PC?

    brihuang95, avatar

    yeah, that’s what my brother has told me and it’s why he hasn’t been buying the new ones

    LunchEnjoyer, do games w Activision Blizzard boss Bobby Kotick departs in just a few days avatar

    Fuck this guy.

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