heckypecky, do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield

Link to arntzen’s technical description.…/1694


I’m so glad steam hired this guy cause if he was doing this sh*t to cover slack for Bethesda and the huge publishers all for just a personal side project I would lose any hope I had for humanity.

asymmetric, do games w Helldivers 2 gets its first rebalance patch

Is there a name for the phenomenon when a company or group has access to all of the metrics for a product or good then makes foolish decisions using that information?

Right now Arrowhead can deflect all criticism of their actions by saying “we made this decision based on the numbers” while ignoring the fact that metrics aren’t magic numbers blindly meant to be followed, you are supposed to use them to discover underlying reasons for why those numbers exist in the first place.

This patch is a big L for me and a bad omen for what is to come of this game if the devs are making their decisions like this.

Carighan, avatar

Why? The changes seem pretty sensible in regards to what was clearly above and below the power curve?


For the railgun specifically, it was about the only actually effective way to deal with the multiple chargers the game likes to throw at you constantly. Now you’re pretty much fucked.

Should have brought other options up. Shifted the curve right rather then left.

jballs, avatar

Yeah I just made a similar comment. At the higher levels, you have more tank enemies than are practical to deal with using orbitals and airstrikes alone. The railgun was the only thing feasible to deal with wave after wave of tanks. Taking that away without giving alternatives is a major blow to level 7 and above.

all-knight-party, avatar

The railgun is still effective, you just have to use the overcharge mode and be precise, they specifically left the overcharge mode at the same damage potential.

They also buffed other weapons, including the flamethrower and the laser Cannon's wieldiness and armor penetration. This is also the very first balance patch, it's not gonna be perfect, it already wasn't perfect, try out some other options and strategies and see how they seesaw the balance. I think if they keep it up they'll get it right.


It’s not the same potential, though. It takes about 4 unsafe shots to strip chargers leg armor for example. Before it was 2 safe shots. That’s over twice as long and twice as much ammo.

all-knight-party, avatar

They specify that to retain the damage output you have to target headshots and "other specific weakpoint shots to maintain maximum damage efficiency". That's a bit vague, but it's not quite a full range damage debuff


That’s what they mean though. Weakspots multiply the damage received. Their only lever without redesigning the way weakspots function is to drop base damage.

The Arc Thrower for example ignores armor but does relatively low damage, however sometimes it will oneshot a beefier enemy when the arc hits a weakspot. Even with the flamethrower it is better to hit the charger’s armored leg because that is a weakspot on that enemy.


The leg is the closest thing to a weak point that a charger has, though.

all-knight-party, avatar

Their butt is the true unarmored weak spot, I usually main autocannon and circle around and just blast the butt, once it explodes they start bleeding out and change to a slower animation set


It’s not technically a weak spot, doesn’t take weak spot damage. Whereas an exposed leg DOES take weak spot damage

all-knight-party, avatar

Huh, is that info in a sheet somewhere or something? They don't expose that info in-game as far as I know


Hard agree. Played a 7 today and it felt really bad. Without balancing other weapons to make them viable, they just nerfed the only gun that can do shit.

I love the autocannon gun, but it’s useless against bugs and only good against automatons.

I’ll be sitting this patch out. It just wasn’t fun to play with these changes.

MufinMcFlufin, (edited )

I don’t know if there’s a term for that, but imo Rocket League had the same thing going for years. The game used to always queue a team based on the MMR of the highest ranked team member. People complained they couldn’t play the game with their super low level friends in competitive play, so they changed it so it would average the rank between team members.

The reason I always hated this change was because an average bronze player can barely compete with an average silver player, and etc through the ranks. If you play in 2v2, then you can have a bronze and gold player against two silvers and the game thinks it’s a fair fight. In reality, the gold player is likely going to run circles around both of the silvers while the bronze player barely needs to do anything except try and interfere with the silver team’s defence for it to be no competition at all. I can only imagine the problem would have been even worse in 3v3 matches.

At least before when everyone queued by the highest ranked member’s MMR, then you had to be selective about who you brought with to make sure they can carry their weight. After the change, they streamlined the smurfing and boosting problems the game already has.

Tried bringing it up in community discussions but the whole community (especially at the time) wanted to do nothing but circle jerk Psyonix’s dicks with that same argument: “well Psyonix has the data and you don’t, so how do you know this is a problem? They have the data and they made the change so clearly it must not be a problem”

SandLight, do games w The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing

Just bought and played through Pony Island. $.75 and 2.5 hours later, a nice little experience.

lambda, avatar

Great game!


Huge fan of that game. Can’t wait for the second one


If you haven’t played it already - Inscryption - by the same author - is also really good.

… and I should lay off the emdash for the rest of the night.


I can second this, wasn’t into card games when Inscryption released but I was hooked on it until completion. Excellent game.


Bought that game years ago as a joke and it ended up actually being a cool indie game lol

Caligvla, do games w Unicorn Overlord Devs Denied PC Port avatar

In Japan PCs always had this weird association with porn, and Japan wouldn’t be Japan without all the antiquated traditionalism, so PCs fell out of favor for a while. Now that they’ve noticed PC as a gaming platform prints money in ludicrous amounts they’ve started changing their minds… So it’s a matter of time until the boomer execs get a stroke or something and younger people take their jobs, really.

yamanii, avatar

I thought Nasu was the last one of these dinossaurs, since even he caved in and now the Tsukihime remake is on PC after he said that it wouldn’t be.

dvdnet89, avatar

even Fate stay night have they own official Steam page and it is great


Weird, considering how low quality Japanese porn games usually are, and how big the porn industry in Japan generally is. But hey, even Sony saw the light, and overall actually does a half decent job with most of their ports.

Though, we've heard the whole mantra of the death of the gaming PC for decades in the West too. And if anything, consoles got closer and closer to PCs, so arguably it seems kinda the other way around.


thats just due to market size.

virtually anyone can watch an adult video without context. not everyone can play a japanese game with no context. the latter also takes more time to develop.

thr console pc paragdim imo started to switch around when consoles are no longer bleeding edge tech. although price/performamce optimized, they are no longer considered visually the best experience, and everything outside of switch carts needs a digital connection to update. on the PS3/360 launch, their performance was considered high end. Nowadays consoles release with middle of the pack performance to minimize cost. Consoles are slowly losing their plug and play status and resorting to other methods of monetization.

Caligvla, avatar

Weird, considering how low quality Japanese porn games usually are, and how big the porn industry in Japan generally is.

This is precisely the reason why though, in Japan porn games have existed since the introduction of the home computer and they flourished because of the lack product standards in the platform. With the release of the Famicon, consoles started getting really popular to the point where many devs and consumers stopped buying PCs for gaming, and since Nintendo (among others) enforced strict standards porn games obviously weren’t allowed on their platforms. After a while, because of this shift most games available on PC were Visual Novels, many of them having porn in it in some form or another, so the platform got increasingly associated with pornography and a stigma was created.

SimplyTadpole, do games w The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing avatar

I’m VERY tempted to buy Fallout 4: Game of the Year edition due to my hype for Fallout: London (which releases in April of this year), but I’m worried of getting burned if it turns out to be a bad/disappointing mod. :/

Coelacanth, avatar

Same boat man. Tough call.


Buy it, don’t play it so you keep play time under 2 hours, refund it if it turns out to be a disappointment, keep it if not!

ClassyHatter, avatar

Or just wait for the reviews, and then the next sale. These Steam sales aren’t one-off special offers, they happen a few times every year.

the16bitgamer, avatar

If you’re still considering it, you can get it for like $10-$15 on GOG. Same price of steam but DRM Free, and it’s almost always onsale.

Wahots, avatar

FO4 was…okay imo. It pales in comparison to NV and 3 imo though.

Deceptichum, avatar

As someone who couldn’t tolerate F3/NV because they paled in comparison to 1/2, I actually really enjoyed 4. It lost a lot of the engine jank and felt like a decent FPS with light RPG mechanics, wearing the aesthetics of Fallout.


Imo, FO4 did everything better than FO3, except the plot. But FO3’s plot was already kinda bland to begin with. I mean, back then… It was incredible. But not by today’s standards.


4, for it faults, is a wonderful framework for mods and survival playstyles.



If you liked FO3 you’ll like 4.

It’s a lot stronger mechanically than 3 or NV - shooting is a lot less janky and the gun customization adds some great emergent quests.

The Boston of FO4 has its moments - a certain duck pond stands out to me in particular - but aside from Nick Valentine the questlines are largely forgettable.

Still, the core game loop is a lot of fun - go here, blow stuff up, scavenge bits to upgrade your stuff.

As a longtime Fallout fan (came for the isometric apocalypse, stayed for the 3D googie architecture) I still put 80 hours into FO4.

It’s a good fuckin’ game. It’s just competing with the legacy of a lot of other great games in the series.

swayevenly, do games w Remedy acquires full rights to the Control franchise from 505

The team behind the Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and Control series…

Proceeds to leave out Max Payne.


Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

Milk_Sheikh, (edited )

Look how they massacred my boy

As someone who loves the first two Max Paynes, and enjoys the third; the series should be left alone. With the way Max Payne 3 ended, there’s no good way to revive that franchise.


Mona comes back alive again.


Look at the games Remedy have been making since splitting from Rockstar.

I really enjoyed Control and the Alan Wakes for the plot and narrative decisions. That’s who Remedy have become, story focused with emphasis on world building. MoCap actors, FMV segments, parallel world building via audio logs and journals, etc while keeping the lessons learned from the Max Payne series for the gameplay combat loops.

All the Max Payne games are mechanics centric; tight gunplay and bullet-time combat. They also have decent-to-solid plots, but I didn’t replay MP2 dozens of times because I wanted the Mona-Max arc’s dopamine hit, nor pathfinding through NYC apartment mazes. Nimble combat against formidable and fair AI is the core part of that series.

It wouldn’t be what you want it to be, and that’s okay that it’s in the past. Remedy have worked an EU and are leaning into that instead, and have done well consistently.


I play Max Payne (2 is my favorite) for the story, characters and game play. They’re all great. I think I disagree with just about everything you’ve said.

KingThrillgore, avatar

For what it’s worth they are working with Rockstar on remastering Max Payne 1 and 2


I wonder what folks’ reaction will be. Will they pull a GTA Definitive Edition and fuck it up with a bad AI uprez? Will gamers still feel entertained by a one-note gameplay mechanic? I love MP, but I recently replayed 1 + 2 and they feel quaint by today’s standards. The bullet time thing would be a nifty little tech demo in 2024.

iforgotmyinstance, do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield

It’s the same trash engine they’ve used for 20 years. To be perfectly honest, they should put it in the ground and build a new one from scratch instead of pushing their Frankenstein engine along.


But how is it getting worse? Or did you always had to load every door you open. I honestly can't remember


Yeah you always have. They’ve been screwing modern graphics features to the old dog for years and hoping it’ll continue to work. There’s some serious limitations in it that another engine would be able to work through for a game like this. Seamless planet travel for one, and less abrupt loading.


People really have no idea about anything in game development. I agree it should have seemless planet travel, but it is not something that an engine “can just do.” It takes so many complicated systems to make that function. There’s no engine that does it out of the box.

Basically any engine can do it, but it requires it to be built. The land must be deterministic at all points, it must be able to create chunks accurately for all points (which gets really weird at the poles, but any latitude above 0 because your chunks shouldn’t be square anymore), and they must be able to be streamed in to their correct position seemlessly.

It is quite complicated, and there’s no reason the engine developed for an arena shooter (Unreal) would be able to handle it any better than any other engine. It just has to be built.

colonial, avatar

There’s a reason Hello Games wrote their own engine for NMS. We all know that it was pretty bad gameplay-wise at launch, but under the hood NMS was (and still is) something of a technical marvel. No loading screens except for a disguised one when jumping between systems is quite impressive.


Impressive for sure. They had to choose to not have a lot of things to do it though. They knew what they wanted and did it, which is smart.


Also, IIRC, NMS doesn’t have different gravities, right? Been a year or two since I properly played, but I don’t remember ever really jumping higher or being forced to the ground. That’s one of the sacrifices for seamless landing.


I don't buy this. Plenty of games allow you to adjust gravity on the fly using console commands. All they would have to do if you enter a new planet's atmosphere, is adjust the gravity value.

Source engine has allowed this forever, changing gravity on the fly. No reason it can't be implemented in other engines.


I guess though I mean it is expected at this stage of game development for this genre to have something like seamless planet travel for a space game. Like it didn’t have to be NMS or Elite Dangerous, they could’ve copied something like how Jedi Fallen Order did it, where basically your ship takes off from the planet, jumps to hyperspace and loads the next one during hyperspace and lets you know when you’re ‘arriving’ (aka when the destination is loaded) and you then take an action and land on the loaded planet. It ends up being the same thing as what Starfield basically does but handles it much more deftly.

Idk, just saying there’s better ways they could’ve handled it even if the engine couldn’t handle seamless planet travel in a traditional sense.

kogasa, avatar

I have no game dev experience but I have a math and software background. I’m just curious about what “it gets weird at the poles” means. If I wanted to (abstractly) generate tiny square chunks of a large sphere, I would generate them as (proper) squares and then pass them through an explicit diffeomorphism to the associated region of the sphere, relying on the relative smallness to guarantee that the diffeomorphism doesn’t change things too much. From a game dev perspective, what approach do you take that causes issues at the poles?


Imagine trying to find the intersections of a line or region as it crosses multiple cells of a non-euclidian “grid” near the poles where an entire axis can flip from one cell to the next.

kogasa, avatar

Are you suggesting using a stereographic projection? That seems like a bad idea. You wouldn’t want your projection to depend on the coordinate system. Am I missing a reason why you wouldn’t use proper, nonsingular spherical coordinates?


Games, support libraries, and engines don’t really support spherical coordinate systems. If you don’t want to write everything from scratch, you gotta go Cartesian.

kogasa, avatar

You can still use local Cartesian coordinates.


Sure, I guess, but constantly mapping between them gets complicated and adds overhead. Plus, now you are dealing with curves instead of lines when checking for intersections, and that gets far more expensive to compute when you are trying to do thousands if not millions of checks per frame when trying to run at 60 or 120 frames per second.

I’m not saying it isn’t possible, just that games haven’t traditionally been written that way, so you can’t build on what they have already figured out. That makes it harder to find people who have game dev experience in that kind of math.


Unreal is older than their engine no? And everyone uses that…so what does this even mean?

The difference is that Epic barely makes games. They have their Fortnite which they can put in some minor effort to keep the money flowing and otherwise they can focus on the engine. Maybe with MS now being behind Bethesda they can also put in more work into their engine…maybe. We’ll see.

scuffle, do gaming w The top 6 best TV shows based on games

I hate to be a conspiracy theorist about stupid shit like this, but I can’t not believe that Sonic Boom being directly above TLOU is a ploy to generate engagement from people that will inevitably disagree. There’s no engagement like disagreement, right? (I have fallen for the trap)


No, because you are posting on a non profit forum, so the outrage clicks don’t help them.

people_are_cute, avatar

They obviously didn’t make that headline to be reposted on Lemmy. It’s for Reddit, Twitter, Google etc.

all-knight-party, avatar

Probably a case of TLOU having less impact for those who already played the game compared to Sonic Boom which is those characters in situations that are new compared to the games.

Damaskox, do games w The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing avatar

I bought a cat game where you need to find and click 100 of them! They had cute noises and every single cat was named!


What’s the name of the game?

proper, avatar

makes me think of this, but these are “free”?


I think the DLCs cost money.

CluckN, do games w Helldivers 2 gets its first rebalance patch

Oof those extermination missions were always a fun end-cap after doing 30+ minute intense missions. Shame to see them extended.

jballs, avatar

Yeah, if they were concerned about people spamming those and nothing else, then I wish they’d balance the rewards / mission effort, rather than just extending the mission time.


Who gives a shit about people spamming then? They only drop common samples so at best all anyone can get from spamming them is xp, credits, warbonds, and the first tier of ship module upgrades if they grind them.

There’s no value in XP after 20, no value in credits past your first ~50k when you have all the strategems you’re interested in, warbonds are nice but mostly useless except for the boosters and breaker (which just got nerfed), and the first tier ship modules are just quality of life improvements which everyone should be able to get easily anyways after 20 hrs of play.


Because people spamming those missions aren’t completing operations, which means they don’t contribute to major orders at all, and lower the medal output rate.


Also IIRC they even contribute to making these major orders harder, because cancelling an operation counts as failing it


Then fix the issue with the medal output rate


There’s no issue to fix?

Kolanaki, do games w Mouse is an upcoming FPS heavily inspired by old-school Disney cartoons
!deleted6508 avatar

On one hand, I love the aesthetic and have been saying we need more games with cartoon vibes and physics.

On the other, I can’t say I’m digging the monochrome color scheme. The first full color cartoon came only 2 years after Steamboat Willie. Most classic Disney cartoons other than that first one were in color.

Zahille7, (edited )

I’m still trying to wrap my head around this “viral” marketing campaign(?). Like why is everyone jumping into this bandwagon when Cuphead had literally the same art style (except in color) and came out years ago?

Edit: holy shit I just realized: this is an entire game based on GMod Nextbots. You’re just shooting at animated PNGs that shoot back. Holy fuck.

!deleted6508 avatar

holy shit I just realized: this is an entire game based on GMod Nextbots. You’re just shooting at animated PNGs that shoot back. Holy fuck.

So like Doom.

mrfriki, do games w Unicorn Overlord Devs Denied PC Port

You can find it in your nearest Ryujinx so it’s ok.

randomaside, do games w Remedy acquires full rights to the Control franchise from 505 avatar

“TAKE CONTROL” -Old Gods of Asgard

echo64, do games w Review: Analogue Duo

Avoiding the reddit like pessimism and cynicism of the other comment…

This is an fpga recreation of the turbo duo. It’s capable of playing original pc engine, turbografix16 games, as well as cd games and the six (Six!) Super graphics games.

Why does fpga matter? It means the games run as close to as they were at launch, including the as close to zero lag as possible for a modern display (and actually zero ms lag when it has dac support).

If you don’t have any original tg/pce games, then this likely isn’t something you will care about. If you do, this is likely going to be the best way to play your game collection for the foreseeable.

TIMMAY, (edited ) do games w The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing

is it spring? i have completely lost track of the flow of seasons at this point. Its like the game of thrones weather but every other day instead of every ten to twenty years

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