chloyster, do gaming w Bought my first Steam Deck after seeing the deep discounts on refurbs...what should i know as a first time Steam Deck/PC gamer?

If you are comfortable tinkering a bit, I’d recommend checking out the Decky loaderThis tool adds the ability to get a lot of different plugins for your steam deck, from changing the home theme, to editing fan controls. There are a lot of tools here.

If you want to emulate, emudeck is another great tool. It’ll set up a bunch of stuff for you and download emulators and set them up with good configurations for steam deck. I also believe if you do this, it will set up decky loader for you (don’t quote me on that, it’s been a while since I set it up)

For epic game store games, id recommend checking out Heroic launcher. It’s an open source launcher that connects to gog and epic games accounts and lets you download and play games you own on those stores. Another option is The non steam launcher tool on GitHub. This allows downloading a bunch of various launchers, including epic.

As for Xbox game pass, the situation is less ideal. If you have gamepass ultimate, you can utilize Xbox cloud gaming to play your gamepass games. This article is by Microsoft to set up cloud gaming on your deck. If you want to play then natively, you’ll need to dual boot your steam deck to have a windows partition. I have personally never done this, but I have friends who have, and it works well for them.


For Xbox cloud gaming I’d recommend the greenlight application:

It works for both local streaming from an Xbox as well as cloud gaming.


Oh this looks really slick. I haven’t done much Xbox stuff in my steam deck so this wasn’t on my radar. Thanks!


I love this comment. I don’t have a deck, but I saved it. Thank you so much <3


Aww. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it 😊

Armok_the_bunny, do games w Looking for a survival sandbox game where you progress through technological ages

Modded Minecraft is the best I can think of.


Something like Sevtech:Ages?

ShadowCatEXE, avatar

TerraFirmaCraft is also something that came to mind, but this seems to fit OPs request better.


Yeah good suggestion, that’s the most progression focused one. And had some more guidance than others.

Beyond that, most tech packs would fit the bill, but you’d want to be somewhat familiar with the mods by that point. Thinking of like… create above and beyond, multiblock madness, sky factory…

EighthLayer, do games w Cities Skylines 2 player feedback avatar

Early game I’m getting 50-60 FPS @ 1440p on a 3070 and i7-12700K. Haven’t got to a high population point yet but I expect a drop as my city gets bigger.

Overall the playability is good so far. A few stutters here and there, and also some texture flickering. Not as bad as I was expecting from all the noise surrounding the game at the moment.


if there is no noise surrounding, what will be your verdict?

EighthLayer, avatar

A solid foundation to build on I’d say. Needs better optimisation as my GPU runs hotter than I’d expect. As far as I can tell there are still a lot of quality-of-life things missing that were in the first game via mods. I’ve only played it for a couple of hours though so far though.

DredUnicorn, do games w You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next?

Valheim, so probably killed by a falling tree.


100% death by tree. Specifically one that I wasn’t chopping in the first place.

ringwraithfish, do gaming w Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded.

Post your specs and driver versions


This is important.

ono, (edited ) do gaming w How to let my kids find quality games on Android? Right now they only find the pay to win / ad riddled games.

I agree, open source games are designed with fun in mind instead of attention grabbing garbage and ads.


Thanks, that’s a good idea!

Fjor, do games w Are there any reputable independent gaming sites left?

I know it’s not quite what you’re asking for, but it’s where I get my gaming news from at least. I have subbed to SkillUp on YT for a very long time, and he covers loads of games and does weekly news videos where he covers the latest. The vids are very genuine and authentic, imo.

He, and a few of his friends also started a very chill and good podcast called Friends Per Second going more in depth on different gaming topics.

Highly recommended 🙌

tb_, (edited ) avatar

Am a fan too. I’d mention YongYea here, but the unorganized unscripted way in which he makes 20 minute videos on every topic really kills it for me.

SkillUp’s weekly summary is much nicer.

Edit: remembered a word


Yeah unfortunately I agree. I think Yong seems like a cool guy but his videos always start with a lengthy recap which anyone who watches his channel already knows from his previous video on whatever is recapped, and then he takes the longest possible route to explain the topic too.

I reckon if he made 5 min videos without all the fluff he’d be great.


YongYea just reads reddit threads without providing any actual commentary or context of his own. He repeats himself until he crosses the video length threshold for monetization.

He also had a nasty case where rushed his Cyberpunk 2077 review to be one of the first to monetize, and then monetized his apology video where he stated he didn’t really play the game enough to review it. And he admits he “went way too easy on this game in a way that I wouldn’t have with other games or companies and the review shouldn’t be up”.

I also remember when I used to watch him before Final Fantasy 7 Remake came out and he acted like he was a longtime huge fan of the original game, but when he watched the ff7r trailer he seemed like he barely knew the basics.


SkillUp is great, I have a bunch of new games specifically because of him.

GrayBackgroundMusic, do games w What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved?

Hardspace Shipbreaker. You’re a wage slave (literally) in a space dock, taking apart ships and throwing the bits into the right bins. Doesn’t sound super fun, but it is. 1) You’re chopping up ships but you get to use LASERS!!! and the energy grappling hook. So satisfying. 2) The physics is 90% spot on. You’re in 3d, but it’s not purely inertial. There’s a dampening field that slows things down, so it doesn’t get too outta hand. There are a couple of other quirks, but they’re not hugely impacting. 3) The soundtrack is perfect. It’s a very bluesy, banjo style for a very bluecollar type job. 4) The voice acting is amazing. Every line from Weaver is just perfect. You hate Hal with a passion (you’re supposed to). The writing is a little hammy, but they have to rush it bc it’s really a minor bit of the game. (Spoiler, it’s very pro-labor and anti-capitalist, so if that triggers you, don’t play it.)

Hardspace: Shipbreaker - Launch Trailer | PS5 Games It’s also on PC and game pass.

I’ve played it thru twice. The first time as-is, but the 2nd time I shut off the “15 minute shifts” option. I think that breaks things up too much. I think open-shift is better. I bought the vinyl soundtrack. I’m not a huge fan of vinyl, but this is the right style of music that would benefit from it.

Hardspace Shipbreaker - OST Full

Hardspace: Shipbreaker - Americana Beats to Chill to


I remeber playing Jedi fallen order and seeing ships being broken down like that during the opening mission. I thought that I would rather be doing that and then hardspace showed up on steam a few days later. It’s been on my wish list for way too long, definitely going to pick it up for my next game


I’ve just recently said that on Lemmy - I said to a friend I wanted a game where you broke down and scrapped star wars ships, and they pointed me towards this game. It was recently on sale so I picked it up. It’s been an absolute blast and exactly what I was looking for (though I still wish I could do it with SW ships). I also agree about the shift timer, so thankfully there’s an option for that.

Chailles, avatar

The writing is a little hammy, but they have to rush it bc it’s really a minor bit of the game. (Spoiler, it’s very pro-labor and anti-capitalist, so if that triggers you, don’t play it.)

Which annoyingly, is the reason I bounced off the game. Breaking down ships is fun. That’s literally the whole reason I want to play the game. The story wants me to hate playing the game and won’t let me play until I listen to the entirety of why capitalism is bad.


I listen to the entirety of why capitalism is bad.

Capitalism is pretty bad, so it didn’t bother me. It was refreshing to hear it in a narrative. Game devs don’t usually get to say stuff like that, so it was nice.

Chailles, avatar

Yeah, but you don’t need to tell me that in an unskippable cutscene (the fact that it’s unskippable is the part I have an issue with) and ironically, the gameplay is so compelling that I absolutely do not mind just wasting my life away toiling under these ridiculous work conditions.

Edit: Let’s be real here, the game didn’t need a story. Just set me up with a ridiculous amount of debt and let me just break down ship after ship. They could have just added more ships and systems than make a story that people actively would work against.

captain_aggravated, avatar

The main point of criticism Yahtzee had amounted to “just play the audio log over gameplay. Let me listen to it while I break hard space ships”

captain_aggravated, avatar

You know, it seems that several of the games I play has some element of “corporations bad” to it. Subnautica’s Alterra, Satisfactory’s Ficsit…

FireTower, avatar

Major studios pander to current sentiment but don’t seek to resolve the issues. For example the cyberpunk genre is an indictment of many things including the reckless pursuit of technology and corporate super powers. Yet Cyberpunk 2077 with partner with Amazon Prime gaming and let the man leading Neurolink voice a character in their game.

That’s not to disparage 2077 just an acknowledgement of the reality of triple A game development. They’re making products most of the time rather than art. Their worms can still be enjoyable but rarely get to make scathing statements.


Major studios pander to current sentiment but don’t seek to resolve the issues.

Lol, seek to resolve issues? They’re not the government. They’re art. Art critiques things and suggests people to change things. It came write laws.

Yet Cyberpunk 2077 with partner with Amazon Prime gaming and let the man leading Neurolink voice a character in their game.

The devs and writers don’t make the business decisions. Wish they did, they’d have a better product, imo. The marketing is done by someone else who the devs, usually, have no control over.

FireTower, avatar

From my perspective producing art can be pivotal in impacting change, good or bad by swaying public sentiment. I’m not claiming that they can pull out the old quill and ink and pen up some statues, but that voicing distaste is the first step in enacting change.

Voicing thought alone doesn’t impact change, but neither does enacting laws, you also require enforcement. But laws enforced without public support don’t last forever.

On the last paragraph I think we had a disconnect, I had assumed you said devs in reference to an entire studio. But it seems you were strictly speaking about the individual of that occupation in a larger studio.


It still is a little lib-ish. The game goes to great lengths at showing Silverhand (and anyone blaming capitalism) as being a bit too harsh or off their rocker, with V explicitly mocking his leftist opinions in dialogue many times (replaying the game, once during an elevator ride, another after dealing with the chapel in pacifica). The game is very on the nose about blaming corporations but spares the rod when talking about the system.


Yep, there’s a reason for that!


Underappreciated for sure, but to be fair, it’s super repetitive. If they’d added a secondary component or loop where you could black market trade or participate in the economy of the game some how to drown out the monotony of breaking the same ships over and over, I’d have played it more.

wccrawford, do games w Steam wishlist is buggy and sometimes lies about discounts

Steam has rules intended to curb this behavior.

Specific Discounting Rules

<span style="color:#323232;">You can run a launch discount, but once your launch discount ends, you cannot run any other discounts for 30 days.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">It is not possible to discount your product for 30 days following a price increase in any currency.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Discounts cannot be run within 30 days of your prior discount, with the exception of Steam-wide seasonal events.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Discounts for seasonal sale events cannot be run within 30 days of releasing your title, within 30 days from when your launch discount ends, or within 30 days of a price increase in any currency.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">You may not change your price while a promotion is currently live or scheduled for the future.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">It is not possible to discount a product by more than 90% or less than 10%.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">it is not possible to create new discounts for a product that would result in the price in any currency falling below Steam's minimum possible transaction price. See details.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Custom discounts cannot last longer than two weeks, or run for shorter than 1 day.
nekusoul, (edited ) avatar

This is just a hunch, but could there be a loophole possible with those promotions where you get a discount, but only if you own another related game? Maybe devs can just add discount for owning a free game and fake a permanent discount that way?

But as OP already said, we’d need a dev who’s already published a game to confirm these kind of theories.

Edit: This comment is probably right and it’s just an automatically applied bundle discount, but there’s a bug in the Wishlist where it shows the combined price of the bundled games. If that’s the case then Valve should really fix this ASAP, since it probably falls under false advertising in some countries, even if it’s a bug.

DocMcStuffin, avatar

Yep it’s a bug. When I did an “Add to Cart” it added both games even though it only shows the one game on my wishlist.

I edited the post to reflect that.

Skwerls, do games w What games have the best mining/smelting/forging components?

Factorio, although it’s more about automating those things. Satisfactory or Dyson Sphere Program, which are 3d versions of the same concept.

If you want more of a creating bench style, there’s a whole crop of games under the “open world survival craft” genre such as valheim, raft, rust, project zomboid, green hell, and so on.

!deleted6348 avatar

+1 for satisfactory, and the 3000 hours I have logged in it.


Ah, so you are approaching mid game.

Kolanaki, (edited ) do games w whats your unconcious sign that you really really like the game you are playing
!deleted6508 avatar

When I think I’ve been playing for 1 hour, but it’s actually been 12.

This is why I’m not sure I actually like Starfield… that simply isn’t happening :/

blashork, do piracy w Which cracks and repacs works best on linux? avatar

there’s a group called johncena141 who do linux specific repacks. They put the windows game in a dwarfs read only compressed archive, and then have an editable layer on top of it where saves and changes get written. The windows games are put into a wine wrapper and then you can run them while they’re still compressed. It’s pretty cool, but can be a bit finicky. Getting dwarfs installed can be a pain depending on your system. I find their stuff can be very hit or miss, but I like that they exist.

Besides that, ymmv with all the other repacks. Sometimes fitgirl works fine for me, sometimes it fucks up completely. Same goes for dodi. though I’ve found dodi to be a bit more reliable on wine than fitgirl.

That’s my two cents on stuff.

Deestan, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states?

Atrio: The Dark Wild - has you control a clone with a limited life span. When you die and resume from a new clone, the old clone corpse is lying around and you can harvest it for parts necessary to continue the story.

Sifu - when you “die” your character ages and gets stronger before trying again.

Karateka - plays a lot like a regular game with lives, but it’s not the same life. Every time you have to resume from a new life, it’s a different person attempting to get to the end.

Shadow of Mordor - when you are killed by an orc, you resurrect from a spirit. The orc, however, gets high-fives from all his mates and gets promoted, plus some new skills. Next time you see him he will call you out.

Hades - the entire story is based around you repeatedly failing and dying.

Super Meat Boy - well basically you die and restart, but when you finally beat the level, you get an instant replay with all your failed attempts simultaneously playing on top of it. The effect is more glorious the more you struggled to beat the level.

massive_bereavement, avatar

Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system is fantastic, and also a shame they copyrighted it, not allowing others using it...


A DC game with the system would be interesting. Not necessarily Batman, but on the street level of Batman. You start with a bunch of known villains and random thugs and as you progress and take out the known fixed villains, you get to see the progress of your own rogues gallery. That would be amazing. You see a villain at the end of the game and know their origin story, which you may have been part of, you know where they earned scars, where they got equipment and what drives them.

You know that's not Evil McDouchebag that someone directly wrote. That's the Evil McDouchebag that naturally occured and was forged in your play through.

(I specifically mention DC because WB has the licence, so what's keeping them)


Just saw that Monolith is actually working on a Wonder Woman game. Not quite street level, but otherwise I kinda might get my wish.

massive_bereavement, avatar

That sounds fantastic. I would also rather start as a grunt that knows some martial arts or is good with gadgets and have a rockman/megaman mechanic that let's you learn/open the skill tree from the enemies you defeat.

That would mean that going for a big baddie can give you a big reward, but you're also risking making it stronger.

Plus it would give a boon to strategize lining oponents as you see what skills you need for defeating bigger enemies.


That would be a dream too.

Not just enemies emerging dynamically, but your hero developing too.

beefcat, do gaming w Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old? avatar

Might still be a little too intense if Luigi’s Mansion is your starting point, but Bendy and the Ink Machine is basically a mix of Bioshock and Amnesia but for kids. It has a great 1930s cartoon aesthetic.

rikonium, do games w Do you find the description Live Service Game off-putting?

I don’t have a problem with the core concept since it can technically be done well (Fortnite, despite it not appealing to me personally) but since everyone wants the “live service” staying power and money without putting in the “live service” effort it’s become a red flag to me to prepare for an unfinished, buggy, likely money-grubbing “game” with a shaky future - case in point, Halo Infinite’s campaign pretty much going nowhere and being Act 1 of what will be pretty much nothing now since all the campaign staff went bye-bye.


Honestly 99% of the time “early access” is just a red flag now


Man, Infinite’s campaign was such a disappointment. Halo to me was always about the big set pieces and new locations. Infinite had 2 locations essentially the whole game, not to mention the non story that happens mostly off screen. It’s too bad because the grapple hook was one of the best additions to Halo since Bungie but you don’t have anything fun to actually play with it.

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