Darksouls1234, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Mass effect trilogy


What remains of Edith Finch

Stanley parable

Spec ops the line

Fallout new Vegas

Detroit become human

Deus ex and deus ex human revolution


How would you classify Detroit becomes human? Its been in my queue for awhile. The preview looks great, sounds great, but I havent heard anyone bring it up. Which makes me worry if its worth the time.

DichotoDeezNutz, avatar

I’d say its worth the time. It has a lot of replayability, but I only played it once.


It’s awesome. Mainly a dialogue-based game. Drama. A lot of choices that you have to make. Emotional.


I want to second What Remains of Edith Finch. Tip: play it in a single go. It will take about 2 hours, but trust me when I say it’s worth it.

Fisk400, do gaming w Saint Row developer, Volition, is shutting down

Am I correct in my understanding that Volition was doing fine but Embracer group fucked around with their money and now has to sacrifice a company that didn’t do anything wrong in order to save themselves?


I‘m not sure if I‘m missing something, but I‘d be really surprised if Volition was doing fine. Agents of Mayhem didn‘t do well at all and the Saints Row reboot was pretty terrible. Their last somewhat successful launch was probably the Saints Row 4 expansion back in 2015.

It‘s always sad to see a developer shut down, especially one with such history. But I can honestly understand closing a studio which hasn‘t had any great release for over eight years.

TWeaK, (edited )

By “fucked around with their money” is that perhaps a leveraged buyout? That’s what killed Toys R Us, and various other major high street brands, and it’s also what’s been happening to Twitter.

Edit: Apparently not. Embracer acquired Volition in 2013 after THQ went bankrupt and they put it under the Deep Silver subsidiary, then in 2022 Embracer moved moved Volition over to Gearbox, and then recently a multi-billion deal Embracer had lined up fell through so now they’re cutting costs and Volition ended up on the block. So maybe not so sinister, this one - the studio has been in decline since Agents of Mayhem in 2017.

HiDiddlyDoodlyHo, do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?

Disclaimer: I also had a lot of fun with this game but I got it for free with a graphics card.

Part of it was getting rid of the old beloved characters. Shaundi, Pierce, etc. were well loved among fans and sorely missed when the game out. People found the new characters boring and generic, but I don’t know if that criticism survived past the release stage.

It also released with quite a few game breaking bugs which had to be ironed out. Par for the course with big budget games these days, frankly.

As a fan of SR3 and SR4, I missed the zaniness of those entries, but that wasn’t a common feeling among fans of SR2.

A lot of people hated it for how “woke” it apparently was by having… people of color in it? Commentary about racism and feminism or something? I don’t know, it’s been a while since I played so I can’t recall any instances in particular of it being “woke” enough to offend people who care about that. As a woke SJW myself, I felt it was pretty good on that front without being overbearing.


For what it is worth. It is implied that this takes place in the Agents of Mayhem timline as you find the 3rd Street Saints symbol in an abandoned church, Johnny Gat is mentioned in the description of one of the weapons as being a famous person, and you can buy an Agents of Mayhem T Shirt.

So the old characters not being present is explained.


I remember that being a complaint as well so that seems to me to just be blindly trying to dislike things just to dislike them

ByteWizard, do piracy w How can I find my schools Adobe Premiere/Photoshop Elements 2020 key?

Talk to your IT dept. They might have a student version you can get for cheap.

And btw, 3 years is nothing for software like that. All the major features are already in the software. They just have to keep adding crap to it so people will buy the new version. It’s a big cause of software bloat.

TheOtterITGuy, do games w I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3

I’m playing a gnome druid with dark urge, his troubled background is what causes the urges but deep down he just wants to be a good guy. Although, the urges do sometimes win, he tries to shop with every merchant to help the local economies. While necromancy is typically considered evil, he views it more as a “it’s stopping living people being hurt in battle.”

I only bought it last week and I’m already up to 50 hours, but I feel there’s so much I’ve missed. The amount of content is insane, and speak with animals/speak with dead just seems to increase it even more. I’ve been talking to every animal I came across and the depth of every character surprises me every time. It’s nothing like Bethesda’s “go talk to the boss, I’m a lowly grunt” esque chats, even the children have their own entire arc. I may be slightly enamored with it, I’d go so far to say this should be the gold standard of game releases.

iltoroargento, avatar

Lol I missed out on speak with animals with the startled boar near the beginning area and I’ve regretted it ever since. Makes me want to reload a save and see what it has to say.

Edit: *Makes me, not “Make some”.

Love mobile.

riskable, avatar

Yeah… I want to go back and turn into an animal first before I talk to the boar. Just to see what happens!

I’m sure he doesn’t give you anything special but my curiosity must be satisfied!


I discovered speak with animals last night and my friends and I were having a riot hearing what the animals had to say. A cow talked shit at me, a rat led me to treasure. Fantastic

GreneArwe, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

I love to boot up Red Dead Redemption 2 and go on little hunting / fishing trips as Arthur. I play it as close to real life as I can, meaning I don’t just sprint across the map on horseback and get to my destination in five minutes or less. I have Arthur eat breakfast, ride the trails for a few in game hours, eat lunch, ride until dark, set up camp, eat dinner, brush / feed the horse, sleep, repeat. If I go through a town on my way, I’ll usually stop for a day to experience some entertainment or do a bit of gambling. It can take multiple in game days to reach a hunting / fishing spot. I’ll set up a camp once there, do some hunting / fishing for a few days, and then ride back home. It’s just super relaxing for me and helps me appreciate the little details in the game even more.


I never got anywhere near finishing the story due to this. Its a beautifully relaxing game if you just drink it all in and immerse yourself. I’m a big fan of the daily routine at the camp and if I don’t make it back one night, spend the return catching up with everyone and doing some chores.

fox, do gaming w Steam Deck VS rivals

You can press the power button on the Deck while in the middle of a game and it’ll suspend. Pick it up hours/days later and hit the power button and it’ll instantly resume your game. I don’t believe the Ally can do that.

tonyn, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I am a collector, and inventory management is always the thing that makes or breaks an RPG for me. Unlimited inventory is just completely unrealistic, but on the other hand, making an RPG inventory completely realistic is just no fun. Of course I want to be able to lug all that sweet loot home, including battle axes, broadswords, several full armor sets, myriad other weapons, potions, etc. Having an encumbrance such as Skyrim has makes total sense to me. I love the idea of being able to sort and filter my inventory, and store items in whatever container I own. I also like to be able to compare the stats of new items with ones I own so I know if something is a trade up.

I hate storage block inventories, where items physically take up one, or a few “squares”. I don’t want to play a tile puzzle with my items.

ninboy, avatar

This is my line in the sand too. I couldn’t play Witcher 3 more than the first hours because of the inventory management.


I got a zero weight mod so I wouldn't need to bother with inventory management.

AnonymousLlama, avatar

Need to make sure you hoard those hundreds of potions and wheels of cheese "just in case" 🧀🧀🧀

gus, avatar

RDR2 has one of, if not my favorite, inventory systems. Your own 'backpack' that had a weight limit and could only carry smaller things. Big things you'd have to lug onto the back of your horse or find a cart. All of your equipped weapons are displayed on your person. If you want to swap weapons you have to run back to your horse and exchange weapons at your saddle bags


I often find mechanics that only exist to waste time incredibly annoying. In the case of loot, a limited inventory is kind of that. You could absolutely just portal/teleport to town, sell your stuff, and then get back to playing. There’s no challenge involved, EXCEPT that it wastes your real-world time.

I liked the pets in Torchlight for this reason. You could send them off to sell loot, while you kept playing the part of the game that’s actually fun.

One exception is something like Resident Evil, where the choice is relevant to the gameplay directly. But even then, I would’ve preferred limits on individual elements (Only X weapons, only X healing items, etc.) and having extras automatically stored.

shiveyarbles, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

Have you considered becoming a furry


Not everyone can afford a fursuit capable of “judiciously spraying things to maintain your territory”… or be let anywhere in one 😄

match, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Our Adventuring Guild doesn’t look like much on its cover but it scratches all the management sim and tactics RPG urges that I enjoy, while also having some surprisingly cute writing (while still mainlining the classic fantasy RPG themes)


Picked this one up on a whim from a summer sale discovery queue and it’s been such a delightful surprise! I’ll second scratching the RPG and tactics itch, just wish I had more free time in my life right now because the game is turn based crack for me.

Bonus points for being a Unity game which makes it technically moddable (even if the developer has no plans of adding official support for it).

AliasVortex, (edited )

Throwing in Tactical Breach Wizards, because it just came out and has very similar trun based tactics vibes, but with more sarcastic/ absurd humor that you’d expect from Heat Signature or Gun Point (on account of being from the same developer).

Scratch that, there’s an entry further down:

bouh, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Nexus: the Jupiter incident. It is a now a bit old tactical space combat game with a big focus on the narrative. It’s awesome, but I never see it mentioned anywhere.


Ha, “bit old” indeed.


God how badly do I want to see a remaster/remake. So under rated. With a bit more fleshing out (It’s a pretty short, pretty linear experience) it could easily compete with the mechanics in Homeworld.

ashok36, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation

I’d much rather have a game like deadlock developed out of love and passion than some suits dictating to the devs to make games they don’t want to. That’s how we get Avengers, Redfall, Gotham Knights, etc…

eupraxia, avatar

Especially considering a lot of the creative talent behind Valve’s acclaimed single player catalog are no longer at the company. Valve is a different company now and so their games will be different too.


On the flip side, they still have that Valve spice. Alyx was worthy of the Half Life badge, something I was skeptical was still possible after all that time.

Pencilnoob, do gaming w It's irritating how low effort AA+ games are these days avatar

We’re living in a golden age of indie games! I’ve been loving games like:

  • Celeste
  • Manor Lords
  • Predecessor
  • Fire watch
  • What remains of Edith Finch
  • Curse of the Golden Idol
  • Cuphead
  • Stardew Valley
  • Luck be a Landlord
  • Return of the Obra Din

If you want good bigger budget games there’s still great options like:

  • Elden Ring
  • Stellaris
  • Palworld
  • Balders Gate 3
  • Deep Rock Galactic
_haha_oh_wow_, avatar

I would argue all those games but Elden Ring and BG3 are more indie games (not familiar with Stellaris though).

You would probably also enjoy Dead Cells and Hollow Knight btw

Pencilnoob, avatar

I forgot Dead Cells! It’s so goooood.


I’ll have to add Hollow Knight to the list, thanks for the suggestion


Having played most of these indie games already, I agree with you completely. Indie gaming is awesome, and I can’t wait to see what new games are developed. I’m also hoping to develop my own title, but I have first hand experience with development, and it’s a crazy amount of work. It’s going to take me at least 12 months Just to even get the first town or area in my game done because of how much learning I have to do, how much design and development, then coding. Truly astounding how much work goes into creating something incredibly small scale. These big massive companies with billion-dollar equity behind them, They have all these crazy resources to Create these games absurdly fast. They can just plop down a resource generated set of walls and textures, and in days, You have an entire town created. I’ve seen it done, makes me kind of jealous and hope that indie developers can get this kind of stuff later on


cyberpunk was good if you waited to buy when they got it fixed decently

GlassHalfHopeful, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia avatar

Honestly never had a clue. Thanks for the share.

Toes, do games w Do you prefer RPGs or FPS games?

RPG and FPS don’t need to be exclusive tags.

For example cyberpunk does a pretty good job marrying the two.

I prefer games with a strong character creator which tend to be RPG games. I’ve been really enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3.

However, games like the sims, left4dead2 and the Borderlands series are pretty fun too.

Banichan, avatar

Please tell me how left4dead2 is fun


or sims lol


Haha, it’s not for everyone. But my favourite games have been games like the sims or SimCity.

Have you ever played rimworld or CDDA?




oof these threads got hit by Thanos

Nima, avatar

seriously. no idea what on earth happened.


this comment(my comment) was saying: “I LOVE CDDA” because the other person brought it up. Some mod at .world powertripping

Nima, avatar

fun is classified by having a feeling of enjoyment from playing a video game.

hope this helps.

Banichan, avatar

You’re so sarcastic with your little quips



  • Loading...
  • Banichan, avatar

    There are countless games that do the formula waaaaaay better



    Proceeds to list none

    Banichan, avatar

    I’m not your list whore

    RIPandTERROR, avatar




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  • Deestan,


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  • Banichan, avatar





    So what’s fun about that series has changed overtime.

    When I first got l4d1 I was excited to share a spooky experience with friends. I found the atmosphere of the campaigns and characters interaction to be enjoyable.

    When l4d2 came out I was a seasoned player and I felt that the level design was worse (but still fun) than the first game except for Hard Rain, that campaign was very challenging. However the addition of melee weapons was huge and the new variety of monsters appreciated.

    But what kept me coming back was how much love went into the game over the course of its lifetime. All the l4d1 campaigns and characters got imported, extra campaigns were added. All for free (on PC) to enjoy.

    The workshop added infinite replayability as there’s so many custom campaigns and other whacky content to explore.

    Also the PvP mode where your team takes turns doing the campaign and playing as the zombies was easily the best way to play the game in my opinion.

    So if you didn’t get into the game with a group of friends back when it was the zombie game to play. I could see why you might not think it’s fun or if you didn’t have any friends to play with. It’s not a great single player experience and the AI sucks.

    Banichan, avatar

    I played it with friends, but quickly got bored of the simple mechanics and lack of progression. It’s like a zombie game skin over Half-life 2.


    Yeah it’s pretty basic compared to modern games.

    At the time ‘world at war’ was the other popular zombie game and it’s also pretty simple by today’s standards.

    I like the lack of progression, it’s nice to know everyone starts the same with each game. No special meta build just to enjoy the game.

    I think the game back4blood seriously shot themselves in the foot by lacking the co-op verses mode l4d had. It’s the biggest complaint I hear against it, that and the lack of workshop support to make your own campaigns and content.

    ampersandrew, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    What? I want my progress to carry over multiple play sessions. Is that so wrong?

    Aldo, I’ve been playing video games for 42 years. I need new and complicated mechanics to keep my attention.

    deafboy, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    You’re not as clever as you think you are, kid.

    ampersandrew, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    Number go up is boring as shit. Great for when I was a child.

    ampersandrew, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    Not across multiple play sessions. Context is important.

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