NuPNuA, do gaming w Steam Deck VS rivals

Steam Deck is shaping up to be the “Nintendo” of handheld PCs. Not the most powerful thing on the market, but cleverly put together with its own bespoke software that allows users to customise and tweak games at the system level via quick access to its features. Having windows on the other machines makes your access to games better but means you have to dig harder or install extra software to do what the deck does. To paraphrase Sega’s 90s marketing, It Does what Windon’t.

bookmeat, do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?

Game is good. People like to talk about stuff they like.

!deleted7243 avatar

It’s that simple.


Most great games never get anywhere near this much buzz.

I think it’s a product of the genre. BG3 is in the CRPG category, which had a bit of a resurgence lately between Pillars 1+2, Pathfinder 1+2, and (perhaps most relevantly) DOS 1+2. Good games in an existing category of game helps build up buzz in that category and more players. More players creates more demand… but there hasn’t been that much being made in the CRPG bucket lately.

Then, on comes BG3. It fits in that bucket. It has much higher production values than the other recent games in that bucket. It’s got one of the most valuable CRPG IPs attached to it with Baldur’s Gate. And it’s reportedly amazing as a game on top. The last part wouldn’t get it anywhere near this much attention on its own, but in conjunction with the others it’s gotten lots of buzz.

I also feel like Larian handled the early access part really well for keeping the game in discussion without making the game oversaturated in gaming circles. They got a lot of “free” (not actually free, but you know what I mean) marketing out of that.

sneaky_b45tard, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

For me Half Life: Alyx was not even the best VR game but maybe one of the best games i played in my 20+ years gaming experience. It really shows how great VR can be if developers put an immense amount of time, effort and love into a game. Other honorable mentions: Pavlov VR, Blade and Sorcery (especially the Star Wars mods) and War Thunder


Completely agree. I had experiences in Alyx that were unique to any other game I’ve ever played. Things that are just not possible outside of VR.

ICastFist, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Evochron Legacy if you want a space game that also lets you fly down onto planet’s atmospheres, with the appropriate air drag limiting your max speed.

I should probably try playing it again sometime, it’s very rough around the edges, but can be fun for people that enjoy ship piloting in space.


Had to downvote but it really is an awesome game. Great physics and combat, universe, politics and economics.

ICastFist, avatar

Guess it’s more well known than I’d thought!


I’ve had this game on my wishlist for years. Maybe time to take another look.

acosmichippo, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? avatar



Nice choice! Would you like them to start afresh or would you like them to continue on from a specific game?

acosmichippo, avatar

I think the Revan storyline is about tapped out, so starting a fresh story is probably the way to go. but I’m open to anything.


I recently started my 1st replay since I was a kid. Loving it on the steam deck, battery lasts forever with the old gem!


Have you ever played swtor? It’s a lot like kotor 3 in many respects.

FenrirIII, avatar

But online and grindy


You can hide chat and you’ll barely even notice it’s online. And I don’t see how it’s grindy - in fact they made the base game so easy your companion can kill everyone for you.

If you just play the base game content from 2011, it’s 8 completely voice acted stories that are interconnected into one big story. And it’s free.

Riccosuave, avatar

This is my number one pick as well. Just keep it the fuck away from Disney.

shani66, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

Rain world is up there with the best games of last decade.

Terraria is amazing.

Dwarf fortress is obligatory.


Did you mean rimworld?

all-knight-party, avatar

Rain World is a sidescrolling platformer in which you play a small rodent who must survive on a planet of other life forms pelted with recurring lethally powerful downpours of rain. You must learn to control your creature (who moves with dynamic physics, along with all other creatures), and learn to interact with and hunt the various other creatures (who have varied and intelligent AI and are not necessarily hostile) in order to gain food to sustain you through the next rain cycle.

Through all of this you explore a large interconnected world of different areas that show a background lore of a world that previously inhabited intelligent industrial beings (who have vanished) and uncover the mysteries within and find others of your kind.

That was as succint as I could make it to show off the unique qualities of Rain World. Its visual style is beautiful, its gameplay has a moderate learning curve due to the physics, and the AI of the creatures are successful in creating a dynamic ecosystem wherein the player feels like they're a small incidental piece of a world that has its own goals and behaviors that the player must learn to fit in with and work within.


Awesome! Thank you, I’ll check it out.




I really wanted to love rain world since it seemed right up my alley. I bounced off it not because of the difficulty, but I think because the character’s movement feels bad. You’re slow, can’t jump high, a lot of maneuvering is fiddly.

Maybe I’ll try it again at some point though, because the world they made is brilliant and has interesting emergent behaviors.

dogslayeggs, do games w What are the best Samurai period games?

I’m not saying it’s the best and definitely isn’t some obscure title, but I really liked Ghosts of Tsushima. The combat is fun, the story is decent, and the graphics are beautiful. Good replayability with the Legends Mode, too.


I’m not saying the combat is straight up bad, but throughout my 6-7hrs with the game (so far), it was definitely its most underwhelming aspect IMO.
I have to give it another go, but Sekiro’s was definitely more fun (or at least rewarding), while Ghost of Tsushima’s felt tedious. Maybe it just didn’t “click” for me though.


they had all the right ingredients but pigeonholed the combat stance mechanics too much. I wish they did the stances more like Nioh 1 & 2, it could have been amazing. Like fuck man I just want to use the wind stance kick on people without being interrupted with a tutorial message that never stops showing up trying to cajole me into using the “right stance”, fucking inane.


It’s definitely not made to be Dark Souls/Nioh/Sekiro in terms of combat, it’s closer to being Assassins Creed or Far Cry, though much more grounded and a little more thoughtful than those two. For me, the combat was not the thing keeping me interested, and that’s fine. I was more than happy to just travel from POI to POI since the world was so beautiful, and the little samurai challenges were neat (bamboo cutting for example) and the duels were super cool and cinematic, even if the combat wasn’t particularly deep.

iAmTheTot, do games w What games run well with integrated graphics? avatar

"Integrated graphics" is a massive range of capability.

yukichigai, avatar

Yeah, we'd need to know the gpu or even vague specs on the laptop to give a good answer.

Even assuming that OP is talking about Intel Integrated Graphics that's still a huge range depending on which series it is.


At one point I tried running Halo Infinite on my gaming laptop from late 2020 with the dedicated graphics card disabled, and the AMD APU did run it at 55fps on low to medium settings in a 4 on 4, surprisingly.

There’s a big gulf between that type of computer and your barebones “works for office use.” An older laptop I had rocked an AMD E1-1200. In 2015 I got to play League of Legends at 10fps with minimum settings. Strangely, Windows 8.1 runs faster on it than the other i5-7200U laptop I replaced it with later on Windows 10.

paddirn, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

Seems like they were already planning on stopping the project anyways, Valve’s DMCA just happened to come while they were already deliberating on it:

While we were discussing the project’s future internally recently, we already came to the conclusion to stop the development of the project due to the current state of the code being unusable anymore with s&box’s recent major engine changes, and that we overall moved on from it.

Sadly, this means this DMCA takedown is the nail in the coffin. We cannot bring it back and we’ve hit Valve’s attention, it seems like they definitely don’t want us to use their IP (which is totally fair and legal from them).

Astaroth, do gaming w LOL? lol

Secondly, the purchase UI seems to have been designed to ensure that a new player can never understand it. I’m sure like all things it becomes clear over time but jeez, did a professional team really work on that thing?

Yes it’s professionally designed, like all microtransaction games the shop is the most important feature and they’re always designed to be confusing by forcing the user to jump through hoops and use multiple currencies to make it less obvious how much money you end up spending on the game if you’re a “whale”.

They don’t want you to be able to have a direct association between how much money or time anything costs, that’s why these games are so predatory and you should not be playing them, regardless of what you think of the actual game itself.

Well, I will say, for a “free” to play game League isn’t that bad (especially not when compared to mobile games), or at least not last I played (3~4 years ago) but they still use the same methods.

Also as others have mentioned, the game’s reputation in terms of it’s community isn’t exactly stellar. Being very “toxic”.

But what I think is even worse than the language, which you at least can mute, is that the most popular streamer for the game “Tyler1” constantly rages, shouts, screams, destroys equipment and punches furniture etc.

Let’s just say if your son starts doing those kinds of things then it’s not (only) because they’re going through a teenage phase it’s probably also because of bad influences from the game and its community.


Sorry should have been more clear, I meant the one inside the battle, when you can buy items to help you in the game. Haven’t got as far as working out if you can pay to get better items on that list!

My lad has been pretty calm about playing it, and most other games but I’ll look out for the behaviour and language, thanks


Lots of items in the shop are built out of other items. You want to built towards one big item first, plus boots.


The recommended tab is where you will want to stay until you know more. It’s pretty straight forward.

Yucky_Dimension, (edited ) do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

I don’t think I ever cried playing a video game, but I can think of three moments that almost got me. Spoilers, obviously.

  1. Metal Gear Solid 3. Hearing how much The Boss had to sacrifice for a country that will forever hate her and remember her as a traitor.
  2. Fighting the Hollow Knight and at some point it starts stabbing itself. The music changes from this epic battle theme to a tragic lonely little violin. It can barely even stand, yet is still forced to keep attacking. At this point it changes from a battle to assisted suicide.
  3. Doki Doki Literature Club. Living with depression myself, I knew exactly how Sayori felt. I’m not even talking about THAT scene, but the day before.
Big_Boss_77, avatar

DDLC fucked with me hard core... first time I played it and got to "that" part, I cold killed my pc and sat in the shower in the fetal position until I ran out of hot water.

Didn't play it again for several days afterwards.

finthechat, avatar

I had a really good time with DDLC. I'm glad I went in blind.

Blapoo, do gaming w Get ready for shitty games from WB next year that are full of always-on and battlepass

There must be more profit than last year.

We’re witnessing gaming devour itself from the inside in pursuit of this impossible goal.

Buy indie



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  • chunkystyles,

    Just capitalism, which has sucked for centuries.


    Just greed, which has sucked for millennia.

    frauddogg, avatar

    What indie fighters even exist? Party game platform fighters and pony-cruft?

    Sanctus, do games w Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' avatar

    In ten years, the only place you’ll be able to truly own what you buy and play how you want is on Linux from These fools are salting the earth they grow their crops in.

    HKayn, avatar

    And here I thought there wasn’t a way to shoehorn Linux into this thread. deserves the shout-out though

    Sanctus, avatar

    Not much of a shoehorn when we’re speaking of the spawn of the eldritch god Microsoft. The article is even about unthinking destruction.


    So how does it work ?

    You need a rig to play indie games ?

    DreamySweet, do gaming w AITAH for pirating games before buying them? avatar

    No. Demos are rare and games are expensive.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I tend to find I can make a pretty darn informed decision off of Let's Plays, quick looks, etc. in a world without demos.


    That still can’t inform you properly on how a game ‘feels’ to play. I’m very tempted by Alan Wake 2, but having bounced off many other similar games because of how they control has me pining for a demo. I’ll not be dropping 50 quid without being able to try it first

    ampersandrew, avatar

    A good quick look or early game LP with commentary will fill that in. The Giant Bomb format has one person asking another a series of questions, and game feel usually comes up. ACG reviews so many games that it's more than likely he covered it in a video. If you find a couple of YouTube channels where the reviewers or LPers have similar tastes as you, it ends up being as good a method as any to make an informed purchase. Demos can also sometimes be misleading, depending on the game. There's no perfect answer here, but there isn't for any other purchase either.


    I dunno about that. Another person can describe a game however they see fit, and they may even be thorough, but what someone might define as clunky controls might feel fine to me. I can’t know how a game feels to play unless I play it for myself. Most of the games I regret buying were games I bought based on what youtubers and reviewers were saying

    ampersandrew, avatar

    It's not perfect. Nothing is. But it does make for a pretty informed decision. As long as you don't abuse it, there's always 2 hour refund policies as well. I don't think it makes the OP an asshole to pirate a game as a demo, but I've been burned so few times by this strategy that I've never considered some other means of trying out a game to be necessary. If you're really unsure, you can wait for a sale, too.


    If OP doesn’t spend money, and pirates the game, the devs get no money If OP Doesn’t spend money or pirate, the devs still get no money. It doesn’t actually matter to them whether or not you have the game, only whether you pay

    And you should pay if you think it’s a worthwhile experience, but piracy frees you from gambling on the marketing tactics made by corporations. I don’t even know for sure that the reviewer I’m listening to isn’t sponsored by the devs. If a person cannot afford to buy a game, they should just pirate. It’s a sale the devs would have never made to begin with. If a person needs to make sure their money is being well-spent, it’s the same thing with a bit more financial give. Ultimately, game devs can either release demos, or let pirates do it themselves

    I just think of all the poor souls who actually spent money on Arkham Knights or Babylon’s Fall

    ampersandrew, avatar

    You'll know if the reviewer is sponsored by the game, because they legally have to disclose it. ACG probably takes one or two steps more than necessary to prove he's incorruptible.

    The type of person who buys Arkham Knights or Babylon's Fall despite the plethora of warning signs is either such a fan of Batman or Platinum that they can't help themselves, or they're like my friend who needs to see every major shit show in gaming. Neither game sold many copies.

    DreamySweet, avatar

    If that works for you, great! I’m going to keep pirating games without demos though.

    CarbonatedPastaSauce, do games w Anyone have good memories of (or still belong to) a gaming clan or guild?

    My clan started with Quake. Eventually it grew to IRL get togethers. We all grew up and had families and jobs so we don’t game together as much, although sometimes a new game comes along that gets us all playing together again. But 26 years later we still come from all over the country to get together IRL once a year, without fail.

    It’s pretty awesome.

    ArmoredCavalry, avatar

    That sounds amazing, it is good to hear there are still some groups that have kept in contact, even after all that time!

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