supersonicstork, (edited ) do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

I got curious myself and agreed, so I went looking.

A lot of sources specified that it was part of a technical requirements checklist, and…

Yeap. It doesn’t explicitly require a “press any key” screen, but it gives a more pleasant screen to look at while you select a user. People online also say it’s used to detect which controller is in use.

If you add a feature like this to a game, it becomes harder to maintain if there are discrepancies between builds. So presumably it’s usually just left in rather than removed.

Durotar, avatar

People online also say it’s used to detect which controller is in use.

I don’t get it. Any modern game can detect when you connect or disconnect a controller on the fly, in the actual game.


Yet they are not built in features to game engines such as Unity and Unreal


Unity's new input package does exactly this.


Keyword: new. From now on people can do it, but prior to now it wasn’t possible from what they’re saying.


The New Input Package is actually just what Unity users call it because it isn't the original and requires a package manager install from the stock LTR releases but it's been out for a few years now. Still, you're right, although I see no reason not to adopt it, most games that are using it will probably be releasing this year.

snowbell, avatar

Some games use it to determine who is player one vs player two. i.e. whoever presses the button first is treated as player 1.


I remember a lot of games assigning the “press any button” controller has player 1 back in the day.

GolGolarion, do gaming w I used to be concerned about a game being too short. Now I worry that it will be too long.

I think you’ve nailed it by outlining the worry of kids without an income of their own - if you can’t buy what you want whenever, game length is a plus, but when you’ve got disposable income, summer sales, the odd free game, and new good titles coming out all the time, brevity’s more valuable than each game being a forever-game.

MentalEdge, (edited ) do gaming w Why don't we have motion smoothing on current consoles? avatar

Because it introduces latency.

Higher framerates only in part improve the experience due to looking better, they also make the game feel faster because what you input is reflected in-game that fraction of a second sooner.

Increasing framerate while incurring higher latency might look nicer for an onlooker, but it generally feels a lot worse to actually play.

Codilingus, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?

People like that CS doesn’t change. It just eventually gets visual upgrades with new engine versions. You can hop on CS, and know the exact game play you’re going to get.

Also, custom CS servers for extremely different game play are a thing.


Dropping in and not having to get back up to speed with a game has become more important to my gaming life than I wish it was. I don’t have time to change it. Even minimal-story games like Valheim or Elite: Dangerous have become too cumbersome because I have to spend a bunch of time figuring out what I did last, what I need to gather, and what I need to build to progress. I can either go mine/sail iron in Valheim, I can hope my pirate hunter ship and pirate activity are close to where I last docked… Or I can just play some basic game and take 5 minutes to get up to speed instead of spending the first 45 minutes recalibrating my memory. It makes a difference when you might only play 3 times a week and have less than 2 hours left. I’m hoping next year goes better, but for now, it’s battle Royale, team match, or racing games.

Obviously, there’s a massive competitive attractiveness for some people to games like PUBG and CS as well. But it’s not all trigger-finger addicts. Some of us are just trying to have an OK time, not the best time.


E:D doesn’t really have them, but valheim and other information heavy games tend to have writeable signs. Since early modded minecraft, I have utilized these signs to communicate with my future self; writing down what I’m doing at the time and what my major goals are before logging off for the night is just part of my gaming routine now. Takes me a few seconds of reading to trigger the flow of action again. When games don’t have signs, I use a notepad .txt file to track what I was up to, or failing that I’ll save a note in my phone.

I would never have finished factorio or satisfactory without text files and signage. I would never have finished most large minecraft modpacks without signage. Organization skills rock.

I_Has_A_Hat, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?

AAAA was a term said by a single out of touch Ubisoft executive for a single game that wasn’t very good. He was ridiculed for it at the time.

So AAAA means nothing. At all. Stop using it.


I think there is some merit to using it in a critical sense, just based on what happened that one time it was used.

To me, AAAA means a game that was given way too much budget for its scope, to its own detriment. Take what should be a niche, mid-budget game and pump it full of cash. The game becomes too big to fail and needs to use every “play it safe” strategy the MBAs demand in order to recoup its budget. So it aims for broad appeal, which makes it fail at being the niche game it was supposed to be, and it ends up flopping.

helenslunch, avatar

And AAAA is a reference to that Ubisoft exec. It doesn’t have any other meaning, so now it’s obviously just satire for a shitty game that the publisher is overconfident in and wants to charge too much money for (they were trying to defend the $70 price at the time).


AAAA is those tiny batteries that power electric pens

Paradachshund, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

I hate bullet sponges, but I do think this joke gets too reductive for my taste. There are many games where enemies die so fast on easy mode that you don’t get to experience whatever mechanics they have. By increasing health it can have the impact of revealing those mechanics that already existed.

It has to be a reasonable increase that doesn’t turn into a slog though.


The only thing i really dislike is that there is often no middle ground. Easy is super easy, normal is still easy, and hard is annoying. I like games that tell you what difficulty the game is made for. Doom for example, the game is geared towards “nightmare” (i think) and the game really is best played on that harder difficulty.


Totally. It’s a hard problem of course. Everyone wants an experience that’s right at their personal edge, but that’s different for every player.


Plenty of people’s edge is somewhere around Weenie Hut Junior which definitely complicates things when you also want to capture the “uses all the hard skulls in Halo” crowd.


Going from expert to expert+ in beat saber was jarring. Songs that we getting easy on expert still seemed impossible on expert+.

Until I realized the modifiers on the side weren’t just a cheat board, but a way to smooth the curve. And that no fail was essentially free (doesn’t affect score if you pass, reduces score by 50% if you fail).

So you use difficulty increasers on the expert songs and difficulty reducers on the expert+ and the transition is way smoother. I’ve gotten to the point where some of them are fun again at expert+.


That can be fixed by changing the factors that affect difficulty. Instead of giving the enemies less health or making your attacks stronger, give the player more health or weaken the attacks of enemies on easier modes. This would result in each combat experience being roughly equal in length and intensity, but allowing a more novice player to make mistakes and soak attacks that would be fatal in higher difficulties. You would still be able to experience an enemy’s special mechanics.

This scales well in the other direction as well - say an enemy has a powerful attack that you need to dodge. On easy, you can maybe tank 3 of them from full health, medium is 2, hard is 1, and nightmare is a one-shot kill.

Another scaling option is the speed of enemies either movement speed or the time it takes for them to land hits, attack animation timing, etc.


I think having multiple things change with difficulty is good just as you say. I was focusing only on raising health because that was the joke in the comic.

vasus, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

The Last Sovereign (NSFW) is an 18+ RPGmaker game. The basic premise is this: What if you had a setting with a bunch of hentai tropes lumped together and played straight, with no porn logic or stupid characters?

You play as a middle aged, very competent army veteran who gains the powers of an incubus, and reluctantly uses them with the aim of making the world a better place, slowly developing a harem of well realized, cool characters along the way. There’s sex scenes, obviously, but you very quickly forget all about them as you are plunged into an underdog story where you have to manage your fledgling armies + resources and have to constantly make tough decisions.

2xsaiko, avatar

This item is currently unavailable in your region

Piss off Steam, this sounds hilarious


The game is free, you can also get it on the author’s blog or through


f95zone has it almost certainly, if not, request it in a request thread, done.

works for pretty much any NSFW title ;)

2xsaiko, avatar

I’ve got it already from the page the other user posted. But thanks!

HollowNaught, avatar

It speaks volumes that this is the only game in the comment section I have to downvote

Virkkunen, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation avatar

"An overwatch looking moba shooter"

No, it plays like Battleborn and Monday Night Combat, a third person shooter with moba elements. It's not overwatch, it's not Dota.


The point stands that it’s derivative. I’m convinced Valve can do better.

Virkkunen, avatar

And isn't everything derivative? What's the issue with that? If feel like you're really trying to gather negativity towards this game simply because it doesn't pander to your tastes


Well, I guess your are right that everything is derivative. I also think some things are more alike than others and also some markets are more saturated than others. When Half-Life came out it was in a saturated market of FPSs but it also revolutionized the market. When Portal came out no one could compare it to anything other that a student project. Half-Life Alyx is still considered the no 1 most polished and complete game in the VR space. We’ll see the impact that Deadlock will have I guess.

MentalEdge, avatar

Even if it is, it’s a derivation I’ve been sorely missing. Ever since Battleborn got shut down, there’s been a Battleborn shaped hole in my heart. Deadlock fits in that hole really well.

It’s possible that the whole impetus for creating Deadlock came from something like that. Someone at valve, like me, enjoyed the hell out this particular mix of mechanics.

There’s nothing like it. Dota doesn’t do the trick, neither does Overwatch. Of all things, the closest thing might be Titanfall 2’s titan combat.


Did you ever try Paladins? I somehow ended up playing Battleborn when it came out and really liked it, even though it got panned. Always thought Paladins was a close second.

MentalEdge, avatar

No. Some also like Gigantic, but they never appealed to me enough to try em.

I was in the Battleborn beta, and had such a blast I absolutely had to keep playing, so I bought it day one.

I was really sad to see it be loved by those that played it, and hated as an “Overwatch clone” by everyone else.


Gigantic: Rampage Edition is free to claim on Epic Games this week, so if you might be interested in the future, it would be worth grabbing now.

Carighan, avatar

Also calling Overwatch a “MOBA shooter” is like calling Mario Kart a “Rogue like racer” because you start each race fresh with everything reset. It’s just an FPS, nothing MOBA about it.


I personally think MOBA should be used to broadly describe a style of game rather than what’s done while playing it. I know that when Riot coined the term, they were referring to games like DotA, LoL, etc.; to me the whole approach to a match’s flow is echoed similarly enough throughout multiple games, that applying the term MOBA to other games is a logical extension.

To me a game is a MOBA if:

  • The way to interact with it is primarily designed around playing with other players online (the M and O of MOBA.)
  • The goals of the players are against the goals of other players — ie. it’s competitive rather than cooperative (the B of MOBA.)
  • Any player at the beginning of a match has access to all the same options as any other player. This one is a little more vague, but as the A in MOBA stands for arena, I imagine it like a group of gladiators standing before a communal weapon rack that they’ll all pick from; no one has any options that the others don’t have access to.

Following these criteria, something like Overwatch is a MOBA, as is DotA, and ironically LoL isn’t as you have to unlock options meaning you don’t satisfy the arena condition. To differentiate games like DotA, Smite, Awesomenauts, Deadlock, etc., I prefer the term lane-pusher as that’s a lot more specific and understandable.

Does it really matter what it’s called? Not really. I mostly just do it so I can feel superior to Riot for coming up with a vague term that is applied, how I deem, incorrectly, while also excluding their own game from the term that they made to describe it.


I think they’re calling deadlock a moba, not overwatch

domi, avatar

Monday Night Combat

Well, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.


I don’t get how everyone keeps comparing it to those games when Smite exists and it’s damn near identical?!

Virkkunen, avatar

Because it's not identical. SMITE plays like the top down mobas but in a third person perspective. Deadlock plays like a third person shooter with moba elements.


I think they’re comparing it visually to overwatch

PhlubbaDubba, do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

There are some sicilians who are about to be horrified listening to all the characters suddenly sounding like their third cousins from America who insist they can speak “italian”


Lol I can imagine, it’s often the same with shows and movies trying to do Dutch and then it ends up being the most incomprehensible and cringe attempt with an insane accent.

Hopefully they just hire legit Sicilians to do the voice acting. Otherwise they might just as well not bother.


I was talking more about how Italian Americans that are native speakers tend to speak a dialect that largely derives from Sicilian and other southern dialects that have since fallen out of use in favor of common italian, which is technically an entirely different language based on a northern dialect.

The joke is that these sicilian speaking mafiosos will sound like the american cousins because the dialect the Americans speak is closer to sicilian than the modern italian Sicilians are more likely to use in their everyday right now.

It’s actually a pretty hilariously documented phenomenon across the old world and in multiple places within the new world, where countries that endured a nationalist unification period adopted a common tongue, and in doing so diverged the language from native speakers that had migrated to the Americas.

Similar sitch with “inauthentic” ethnic cuisine being criticized by others in America and elsewhere in the Americas, it’s not different because it’s inauthentic, it’s different because it’s a preserved cultural artefact which predates a prescriptionist change dictated from the elites (who tended to be from a single language/culture group) to the common public, while the forms seem in the Americas are those predating cultures and traditions.


I don’t know about Italian but I can tell you Greek Americans plainly can’t speak Greek.

Same with ‘ethnic’ cuisine, they don’t put lettuce in “Greek” salad because that’s how it was originally but because that’s what was available and accepted in the US.

Its also far more likely that very regional or even just family traditions/customs/recipes got attributed to whole nations rather than an elite managing to wipe it out from the original group.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

Wait wait wait, can you give an example? I have to see this 😅


One recent example that comes to mind from recently is a scene in Oppenheimer where apparently there’s a bit of Dutch during a lecture, but nobody can really tell what they’re even saying lol

code, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

My son and i play weekly. Heres our faves

Deep rock galactic

Helldivers II


Remnant and remnant II


ThunderWhiskers, avatar

How is the Helldivers community these days? I had so much fun with that one before the whole PSN debacle. It kinda killed the vibe for me at the time and I have since moved on to other things, but I was so surprised how much a third-person online shooter sucked me in at this point in my life.


Games playerbase is like, less than half what it was on Steam. Arrowhead has put out like 3 or 4 “apology” letters about “we hear your feedback, we will fix stuff” but its like, how many times you gonna say that? You know?

I haven’t played for a while. Last I played, the bots spawn rate was too high when only two people loaded into a 4-5 star mission. They said they put out an update so I played to check, and they actually made it worse. Maybe it has improved since, but I haven’t been back to check.

capt_wolf, avatar

They just put another one out last week.

The fact that they’re still apologizing for not listening to the player base and then going ahead and just not listening to the player base really doesn’t fill me with confidence.


I remember just a handful of months ago when everyone was saying how “helldivers is already game of the year”

Lmao how the mighty has fallen


They just added a bunch of new missions, planet modifiers, and ship call downs, which was a pleasant surprise. Also, there is a lot of speculation that they’re going to introduce the third enemy race pretty soon, so if you were enjoying it before, now might not be a bad time to dip your toe back in the pool.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

I have considered it a few times and I even have Helldivers installed still, buuuut I’m balls deep in my first run of Elden Ring right now and I haven’t even hit the DLC yet, so 🤷‍♂️.


Ah, well I’m sure it will still be here if/when you escape from Elden Ring. Have fun!


We easily fill with friends so its a blast. We have a group we’ve been playing with for over 15 years when we need more than 2

Nacktmull, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played? avatar

FTL - Faster Than Light

Dead Cells

HonorIsDead, (edited ) do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Instead of offering anything to be a better platform they are burning money on the platform in hopes they can pay their way to dominance by paid exclusivivity and giving away games. One of those isn’t bad for users. Now consider what Epic offers beyond being able to buy and download a game. Nothing. Epic is only a storefront and they’ve had years to work on this at this point. Steam has gained dominance and maintains it in no small part due to all the additional features available to everyone. Do you use the steam workshop for any of your games? Have you used the steam community forums to troubleshoot a problem? Do you use big picture mode for a more console like experience? Do you customize your controller settings with the pretty expansive controller support built into steam? The overlay? How about the custom profiles and badges and trading cards? Epic is only a storefront. That’s it. That’s all that’s on offer. So they supplement it with bribing devs to be exclusive to their store and giving away games to try and attract users.


I love the steam chat, as someone who doesn’t use discord very often at all. Having the chat is an easy to too flick a message off to someone while i play


These are true criticisms, but I’m not sure if they’re fair. To the best of my recollection, Steam had none of those things in 2008, either, about the time they were the age of the EGS, now.

You could say they should (be able to) compete on the merits alone, without free games or paid exclusivity, but that argument wouldn’t reflect reality: you need a hefty carrot to lure people away from their comfort zone.

Strepto, avatar

Steam had none of those things in 2008

Yes, true. But it’s not 2008 anymore. It makes no sense for companies to compete based on features and functionality equivalent to their age.

If someone starts a company today offering only old 1960 color TVs, I’m not going to say “Well they’re new, and that’s what TV manufacturers would have had at the time”. That makes zero sense.

If Epic wants to compete with steam they need to actually compete. They offer nothing of value presently. They have the money and the technical talent to make a good launcher. They just appear to choose not to.


They have the money and the technical talent to make a good launcher. They just appear to choose not to.

This is completely the case. You can’t tell me the makers of Unreal Engine couldn’t figure out how to replicate at least some of the more commonly used features of Steam. Of course they can do it. Someone somewhere in the corporate ladder decided they don’t need the extra features to compete with steam. Maybe burning money on the exclusivity contracts and game giveaways will work out in the long run, but I doubt that when they flat out said they’re spending more money than they earn in their 800+ person layoff just a few months ago.


Not only that, the storefront runs atrociously slow and the privacy policy is invasive.

Mini_Moonpie, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Epic doesn’t see gamers as their customer - they see developers as their customer and shape the customer experience around that. For example, Epic said that if/when they add reviews, developers could choose to opt their games out of reviews. That’s very pro-developer, but very anti-consumer, whatever you might think of the value of reviews. Informed customers can rattle off a long list of reasons they don’t like Epic and why they’re bad, but they are a small minority of PC gamers. The “silent majority” doesn’t keep up with this kind of stuff or really care about it, so they are literally judging stores on their merits and Epic is a bare bones platform that doesn’t offer customers a good reason to spend money in their store because they don’t think they need to.

loganberryq, do games w Recommend a game for me to play with my partner

“It Takes Two”, check it out.


I also recommend this game as one of the best co-op / split screen games I’ve played.


My wife and I loved that.

boothin, do games w Steam wishlist is buggy and sometimes lies about discounts

I believe the developer is in complete control of the pricing on steam, so it would be the developer being shady

DocMcStuffin, avatar

Could be, IDK. I’ve seen that with a regular discount and the price gets raised when a sale starts, but never with a double discount.

Perhaps someone that has published on steam could shed more light.

KingRaptor, avatar

In the store I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. I think what you’re looking at is actually these two bundles, not the base games:

Also, as it was pointed out, Steam does not control pricing, that would be entirely in the hand of the publisher or developer, not to mention it is against TOS (and also illegal in some markets)

DocMcStuffin, avatar

That looks like it. I checked one of the bundles.

Then tried adding to cart from my wishlist. It added both games, but on my wishlist it only shows the one game. That’s just really buggy, and fortunately only unintentionally deceptive instead of intentionally.

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