pimeys, do gaming w Super Mario Maker 1 is now beaten!

It was great to watch all these runs on twitch. Now if Nintendo would just release an open source version of the server and all the content people have created…


You’re funny


Not Nintendo but:


Did they get all the MM1 levels somewhere? There are some true classics that would be really sad to lose…


A full archive of SMM1 levels is available on

storksforlegs, avatar

Thats nice to know they’re preserved somewhere.

ytsedude, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

Minecraft. I know it’s a big company now or whatever, but back when it was just Notch, it was still completely captivating.

Also, Stardew Valley!

dinckelman, do games w What does getting "delisted" off Steam means for games I already own?

Nothing changes for you, if you already own them. They’ll still be in your library like before. Visually, the only difference will be that those specific games will have no store page

DrainYou1967, do games w Recommendations for Pirate Games?

Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. Also, the sea battles in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey are fantastic.


Yup - Black Flag - half tempted to even purchase the remaster if that actually comes to fruition.


I’d like a spin-off. Less land stuff and more sea stuff. Instead of the ‘armada’ thing, how about being able to buy or capture larger ships for personal use? Or being able to directly control 2-3 ships? Or fight large scale coordinated naval battles?

That concept has so much more potential and I wish somebody would do more with it.


They’ve been trying with skull and bones but it’s both in development hell, been delayed multiple times and even changed play styles over the years. I’m not hopeful sadly.

LunchEnjoyer, avatar

And somehow Skull and Bones is coming out this month! Not getting it (cos its Ubisoft) but excited to see how the game will be taken in by the players, if at all…


I played AC:Oddyseey in 2021 and am currently playing through AC4:BF now for the first time. I’ve been wondering if the Ody ship mechanic was as great as I remember of if it was just a nostalgic feeling having it for the first time in the tail of Origins and throughout Odyssey. Sounds like it was actually great. Not-true-to-AC argument aside, Ody was an excellent game as someone who started on Unity.

I do recommend AC4: Black Flag as a pirate game. It does take a fair amount of somewhat normal AC gameplay (and Ubisoft side quest trinket distractions) to get enough upgrades to the ship to feel like a real pirate of the Caribbean and not just a poop deck swabber, but my ship is nearly maxed at ~75% story completion. I make sure my wanted level stays maxed so the pirate hunters chase me in level 60 men’o’war every time it loads me at sea. Two types of side cannons, forward chain cannons, rear fire barrel mines, long range mortars, front ram, and the option to board disabled ships for swashbuckler combat to gain different rewards. Plus a little tabletop smuggling across the Atlantic with turn-based sprite battles for a laughably insignificant amount of money compared to the work it takes to capture proficient ships.


Ayy I worked on the Odyssey ships, I’m glad you enjoyed playing with them :D

Zahille7, do games w Can someone explain to me why Honkai: Star Rail is treated as something other than trash? I keep seeing posts about it, all over.

Why even waste your time making this post if you don’t actually want anyone to debate you? In your post, and in a couple comments, you say you can’t/won’t be dissuaded from your opinion; so literally why waste your energy making this post (or any of your other bullshit ones, for that matter)?


I actually got my answer. Apparently, there really are elements in the game that would have been valid, if they were in an actual game, instead of a money-sucking, immoral racketeering enterprise.

I wanted to know if that was the case, or if it was just about anime perverts getting off on anime tiddys.


Or is it just an excuse for you to call out and talk shit on anyone you don’t like for whatever reason?


whatever reason

Ain’t no “whatever” about it, my dude. Have I not explained my reasons enough for you to have a basic understanding of them?

And I literally was curious. I was wondering if this game had any nuggets of actual unique (wasted) potential, or if it’s just particularly successful at playing the psychological trickery of: ANIME TITS --> SLOT MACHINE ELEMENTS --> MORE ANIME TITS --> A TINY SLICE OF GAMELIKE ACTIVITY --> MORE TITS --> MORE GAMBLING --> MORE TITS, etc.


Even still you can’t help but degrade the thing you don’t like. And you still haven’t given me a valid reason as to why, other than “WEEBS BAD”


Hey, I didn’t mean to make it exclusively about anime titties. There are completely non-anime-related games that use exploitative gacha mechanics.

I’m referring to games that exploit gambling addicts. Do you understand that situation? The harm that is being caused by games openly exploiting people who can’t control themselves?

It’s exactly the same as serving alcohol to an alcoholic. If you do that shit, you’re an asshole.

And gacha games are even worse than actual casinos, for two reasons:

First, because they don’t involve the players winning money, the racketeers aren’t even putting any of their own cash at risk. Even with the house advantage, there’s always SOME chance that a real casino will lose money, every time someone pulls a slot machine lever. Gacha games, though, they don’t lose any money when you win a character, or a skin, or a weapon, or some fake gold pieces.

Secondly, because there’s no real money being won, gacha games evade existing laws against gambling. People are free to LOSE their money, all the way to zero, but they can’t win a cent, so it’s all nice and legal.

That shit is fucked up. Gacha games are built on savage exploitation. I’ll hasten to add that not all F2P games are based on the most awful version of this metric. Some games don’t encourage the gambling mentality nearly as much, and I should have given them credit, sooner. If you’re just able to buy skins or gold or whatever, it’s not as bad. As long as the game doesn’t come back in some other direction and get you by limiting your ability to play the game with artificial “stamina” mechanics, or whatever else, and pry exploitative amounts of money out of you, that way.

Diotima, avatar

Are you just... angry it lacks anime tiddys or something? Maybe someone can point you toward a more suitable gacha game, then.

slimerancher, avatar

The actual question is, since they don’t want to properly debate/discuss anything, why are we wasting our time commenting here? 😀

Diotima, avatar

Sometimes, you just have to poke the bear. ;-)

Kedly, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

Cue the BUT STEAMS MONOPOLY idiots that completely ignore that Valve does nothing to stop anyone from competing with them, its just that anyone who has tried (outside GOG) has only produced anti consumer garbage

shapis, avatar

DRM is never good for the end user.


Who downvoted this?

trk, avatar



People who understand nuance exists in this world. Steams DRM is a VERY RARE check to the internet that you own the game, and its an OPTIONAL thing that developers can choose. EA UBI and EPIC’s versions of DRM is FAR WORSE, and if you really want to be extreme in your hatred of even reasonable level DRM, GOG exists


Steams DRM is a VERY REASONABLE compromise between the interests of the devs and the consumer not wanting to be unfairly punished/annoyed. Steams DRM has literally NEVER caused me a headache aside from ONCE when steam was super new, its a non issue at this point

shapis, avatar


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  • Kedly,

    Yeah, and when I show up to work, regardless of how much I like what I do or my coworkers, I expect to be paid for it, your point is? They created a form of DRM that is the least obtrusive out there, made it optional, and they gave us one of the best store fronts out there as compensation for it. Again, Ubi, EA, and Epic’s DRM is FAR WORSE.


    I would agree with you, but Steam is also anti consumer garbage.

    MaximilianKohler, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

    It’s definitely convenient to have everything in once place, and Steam has way more features, but it’s good to avoid Steam becoming too monopolistic. We saw recently how badly that can go with reddit.

    Despite the widespread worshipping of Steam and GabeN, I’ve had lots of issues with Steam and Valve over the years.


    Convince other companies to be not shit competition then. Steam has its near monopoly because its competition is dogshit


    No, Steam gained its near monopoly through anti-consumer practices as well: being mandatory for playing Valve games, even offline, as soon as 2004; being DRM-ridden; locking consumers out of their right to sell their games on second-hand market; still enforcing an old revenue share system that’s hurting devs; or putting micro-transactions everywhere with their collectible system that you can’t really disable at all. Just to name a few.

    Steam is not better than others. You’re just used to its flaws.

    TwilightVulpine, (edited )

    Steam is better than Epic at least. On top of all that, Epic makes itself mandatory for third-party games too.


    Epic is worse on some points listed here, better on others.


    The only one that goes on Epic’s favor is the cut, but frankly I think the whole “old revenue share system that’s hurting devs” is nothing more than Epic’s propaganda trying to get marketshare. 70/30 in favor of the devs while Steam handles hosting, community platform, multiplayer and modding tools, so forth, is neither unusual nor ripping anyone off, certainly not worth how maligned it was. I understand devs who prefer Epic’s cut, but I don’t think Epic is doing this out of fairness, nor that it can be relied on if they ever do gain ground.

    In the other aspects, it’s either equal or worse. It has as much DRM. Steam provides options for people to trade extra copies they didn’t activate but as far as I know other stores don’t. Neither allows people to trade away activated copies so that’s no points for anyone.

    I assume the microtransaction thing is talking about Steam Trading Cards and such, they are a bit of an iffy worthless addition to get people to waste money… but if the person is concerned over how much money the devs are getting, they do get a cut from every transaction, so under that perspective it should be counted as a plus. Which, by the way, is entirely up to the dev to add or not.


    I don’t really remember asking for your opinion on what a fair cut should be or what you think is a rip off. But the fact is that Steam takes more money from developers than other powerful competitors around (but 30% is barely enough to get servers running if I listen to you :D ). Okay. Sure. Yes. Right.

    The microtransactions are so awful in Steam that with proposed laws in some countries (like the Netherlands) it would make the whole thing illegal. Some of the worst Valve practices already are, like the loot boxes (they’re banned there).

    I don’t tell you that you should switch to something else than Steam. I don’t tell you that there’s a better choice (maybe GOG?). But what I’m saying is that Steam is indeed predatory and has been known for its anti-consumer practices, despite what some True Gamers™ seem to believe.


    I don’t really remember asking for your opinion on what a fair cut should be or what you think is a rip off.

    Too bad, this is a public forum. I don’t need to ask for your permission to say whatever I want. But if that’s how you are going to go about it, then feel free to think whatever you want on your corner.


    What I was saying: “your opinion doesn’t state a fact and some devs are indeed complaining about the 30% cut, maybe you should listen to them”


    Kedly, (edited )

    Yeah, Steam has DRM. Its the least annoying DRM that exists entirely because they gave us one of the best shop fronts that exists on PC as a trade off. And all companies have the right to sell their own games on whichever store they wish. Unlike Epic, Steam doesnt buy the exclusive rights to OTHER companies games, its just their own games. Your imaginary competition utopian dreamland doesnt exist, and you’re turning optional mole hills into mountains in order to pretend the best option we have is bad. If you don’t like collectible trading cards and the least annoying DRM ever created, go buy on GOG, EPIC UBI and EA all have FAR WORSE practices

    Cybersteel, avatar

    They bought out the Devs of portal to make portal for steam


    Valve saw a demo and was impressed by it to the point they funded the full game, damn you guys get desperate to paint Valve in a bad light.


    Avoid it in favor of GoG. Ubisoft can’t be trusted with a single drop of goodwill. As we can see by how they inject their clunky garbage manager even in games they sell through other stores.

    Jackthelad, do games w This console generation seems skippable

    I think this is by far the worst generation for gaming.

    Obviously from a technical standpoint, it’s great. Fast loading times, better performance, graphical prowess. But in terms of the quality of the games, it’s dire. I honestly don’t understand why I was in such a rush to buy a PS5, because most of the games I’ve enjoyed have had PS4 versions, so whilst I may have experienced that better performance and graphics etc, I didn’t really need to buy a PS5.


    I didn’t need to buy my PS5 either, but my PS4 was a much older device I’d bought cheap from a co-worker and I felt like it was getting slow.

    The bonus of having both is that the PS4 is comparatively light and compact, so I can travel with it, and for the two PS5 exclusives I have, there is an option to remote play the PS5 on the PS4, so I’m generally happy with my purchase.

    All that notwithstanding, I’ve got an Xbox One X and I’ve seen no real need to upgrade that to a Series X. There are no Xbox exclusives for the Series X/S that have been driving forces.

    This generation honestly feels like it lacks direction. The consoles are more expensive and are huge devices, with controllers that now cost more than games. With the original scarcity of the newer consoles, nearly four years into this generation, new releases are still available for the older gen. I feel like we’re reaching a point where console evolution either needs to take an enormous leap, or we just stop seeing console generations altogether.


    The size of this current console gen is strange TBH. Consoles have always been smaller and more compact than a full fledged Desktop PC.

    I was taking my brand new PS4 on work trips and playing games all the time. No way that’s happening with the size of the PS5.

    Consoles aren’t supposed to be portable I understand that BUT it’s definitely a consideration for a subset of customers that are on the go.

    I prolly won’t get a PS5 unless I’m burning cash when GTA6 comes out.


    I agree, thoughts are dire, from a AAA perspective, but the Indie scene is still hopping fun on Evercade and SteamDeck.

    This is actually why I got a SteamDeck - I’ll dip into the AAA titles occasionally, but the Indie games are what I pre-order now.

    RHOPKINS13, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices

    Pokémon. You get to choose from Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle for your starter. And everyone you know will judge you for which starter you picked.

    tryptaminev, avatar

    When you have a link cable and a friend you just exchange starters to each other so you have all three of them.


    What if I have two link cables and no friends?

    MelodiousFunk, avatar

    Nipple tassels.


    Doesn’t the original only have a single save slot?

    So you’d need at least a third copy for both of you to get all three.

    tryptaminev, avatar

    Two copies are enough.

    You just safe 5 starters on one copy and then move the two that are double back to the other copy when they got their third starter.


    Ah yeah I see!

    I was just thinking of trying to do it without erasing anyone’s game or making them start over.

    JackGreenEarth, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

    Minecraft Java. Minecraft bedrock is full of microtransactions, and we both dislike those.


    Minecraft Java isn’t available on Xbox, is it?


    No but pc is now available on tv. The more people use it, the faster these monetization machines called this decades consoles can wither and die.


    Idk, on Android you can run Pojav Launcher, but I don’t really know much about x boxes. Probably a mistake to buy such a closed ecosystem in the first place, from the little I have heard.


    They are ten. They’re not going to use third party launchers


    Why would being ten have any relation to using Pojav Launcher?


    At ten I was coding basic stuff and figuring out lan networks to play multiplayer games in the early 90’s. An average 10 year old is very capable of figuring out tech stuff.


    I’m sure they are. But they are not going to in order to play Minecraft with their friends.


    Eh… Like I said, I was doing a bit more just to play with friends. I guess these days it would depend. If you did the install and introduced it as the method for launching the game I don’t think they’d even question it.

    GammaGames, do gaming w Rant: Valve's new Steam Deck screws speak volumes about their ethos.

    I wonder if the decision has anything to do with selling refurbished units. It’s a good change, glad to see this!

    SnotFlickerman, avatar

    Almost definitely. When they did the initial release, it could have easily been a flop, and if it was a flop, it would have been pointless to have gone in planning to repair and sell refurbished units. Now that sales are showing its a hit, they are taking the time to invest in changes for more long-term support.

    Self-tapping screws made sense for a product in an entirely new product category without knowledge if it would be successful or not. Torx screws that slide into metal threads makes a lot more sense for what is expected to be a product with long shelf-life.


    The only thing is, the refurb market can’t be that great to pay for this change. You might not think it, but changing to better screws and adding the metal threads is crazy more expensive.

    theneverfox, avatar

    Crazy more expensive for raw profits - per unit, it’s basically negligible.

    You could say this if s consumer focused effort to achieve market share or sell more games, but I choose to believe this if just what happens

    Personally, I think this is just what happens when you have an employee run tech company. They lose out on like 0.05% profits, but more then make up for it through game sales and reputation

    I mean realistically, this is probably a few cents a unit. Across hen million units, that’s real money. But quality pays over time. They lose out on quarterly profits, but they don’t worry about that bs - they’re not publicly traded, and they’ll make way more on a 5 year timespan


    Parts are cheap, new tooling for different moulds and an extra processing step is not though!

    theneverfox, avatar

    Fair point, although I’d argue that this is probably a cheap and standard extra step

    Molds and turn around time are definitely expensive… But much cheaper if you wait until the next version that probably will have different mount points for the newer internals

    I’m not saying this isn’t worth praising, I’m just saying this is exactly what integrity and giving your employees autonomy looks like. You come back for version 2, and you take your lessons learned, you explore the improvements that you thought up during the last version

    It’s just basic craftsmanship, but that has unfortunately been smothered in most places these days. You have to be big enough for this to be an R&D effort you can afford to fail, but small enough no one has bought you up to wring you for value

    Tak, avatar

    That and they want as many Steam decks to be working as possible. They don’t make their money on Steam Deck’s as much as they make money on people buying games for them.

    helenslunch, avatar

    Right, and having them last longer means they can be obtained for a lower price on the used market.

    Haui, do gaming w Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded. avatar

    I get that you‘re frustrated for more reasons than a freshly released game has bugs but this is literally the first time I hear of bg 3 being not completeable. What specs are you running on?

    exododo, do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks?

    But how would you know when something is funny then? (canned laughter)

    Draconic_NEO, avatar

    You just have to use your judgement and laugh at what you find funny on your own, if you need peer pressure (opinions of others) to find something funny then it’s not really funny to you and maybe isn’t even funny for many people to begin with.

    This might be controversial but maybe many Sitcoms that do this were never funny in the first place and used laugh tracks because try as they might they had to force people to find it funny via artificial peer pressure, that either constitutes of a crowd being told to laugh on cue, or a recording of them doing so, which is what a laugh track is.

    Here’s the key point and why we stopped using them, things aren’t funny, people think certain things are funny, and they also think plenty of things are not funny, and like it or not people are not always going to find the same things funny.

    jameskirk, avatar

    It was a joke, man.


    I think the response may have been one too, at your expense.


    I always thought it was because the earliest stuff was actually filmed infront of a live audience (Like a theatre) who did laugh, so when switching to non-live-audience stuff, the viewing public would be ‘put off’ by no laughter, so they injected it with canned laughter… then as time went on they realised this was rubbish and stopped it.

    But maybe I’m just missing the joke in the previous two comments, I dunno.

    Draconic_NEO, avatar

    In the earlier days it was like that but as time went on it became a technique known as sweetening to make the joke seem funnier, sometimes they would even use it to fill in silence or dead air since that was frowned upon (I wonder why people said TV rots your brain for the longest time… can’t be related to any of these practices could it?).

    The beginning part is essentially saying that if people need laugh-tracks to find things funny they are dry and humor-less, a joke at their expense but also at the same time it’s 100% sincere, a person who can’t find things funny without others lacks a sense of humor.

    Severed_Fate, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing.

    This post definitely wasn’t made by a dragon in disguise

    TacticsConsort, avatar

    I wish, oh I wish.

    ShranTheWaterPoloFan, do piracy w How can I find my schools Adobe Premiere/Photoshop Elements 2020 key?

    If you think it’s crazy your school uses three year old programs wait until you find out how many businesses are running XP!


    My school is running Windows XP on many computers. Only this year they finally got rid of 32-bit machines.


    I’ve seen BMS software running on Windows XP since 2008! And I mean they still run.

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