
ItsAFake, do gaming w The Last Of Us Part II Actor Says Fans Threatened Her Son

No, not fans, psychopaths threatened the son.


No, fan is correct. We just forget it stands for “fanatic”.


Fan was originally short for fanatic, but language changes over time and now it means someone who likes something or someone. These “people” do not like, they hate. They are not fans, they are fanatics. And even that term feels too kind.


You can’t deny their personhood, just because they’re horrible people.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Oh sure they’re people. Otherwise there’d be no legal basis for jailing them and throwing the key away, so that’s an important aspect.


No one refers to people who despise X as “fans of X” or “fanatics for X”.


Goodbye supposedly gradually derped off from ‘god be with you’ and that feels pretty different to me even when used for the same purpose


You can be both


I feel like articles like this promote more psychopaths. If they know that their threats are working and effecting their target they are going to keep doing it.

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

That’s how I feel about right wing terrorism in US politics.

The fact that Democratic runners willingly cave to that kind of pressure not only emboldens these nutjobs but also shows a complete lack of spine.

Empricorn, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

I genuinely have no interest in anything he does any more. Not actively boycotting his projects or anything, more complete disinterest. And I’m not even saying all art has to be viewed through the lens of the artist. But there are people that have such memorable or distinct performances that afterwards they have trouble getting other roles… This is like that, but cranked up to 11.

And I know he’s a meme and we joke about it… but because of his weird hangups he chose to use violence on another person on a world stage, with cameras on him. By his own actions he made it impossible for me to lose myself in any character he plays, instead I’ll only think about The Slap.


I genuinely have no interest in anything he does any more

This was me when he started trying to shoehorn his kid into the spotlight with those cringe interviews and that really awful movie about not being scared of aliens or whatever. I care about it so little that I can’t remember the name of the movie and have zero interest in looking it up.

This comment about not caring about Will Smith is the maximum effort I’m willing to put into anything related to him.


His kid has been in a few movies now, and his daughter made that one song. I honestly don’t care that he is trying to promote his kids because I think they wanted that and Will had the sway to do it. I think most parents would use their privilege to help their kids. But I do agree that that alien fear movie was trash.

@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

I really only liked Will Smith as an actor because he seemed to be a likeable person. Now I know better.


Eh, I think he’s a good person that was hit by a horribly misplaced attempt at chivalry. There’s a lot of stuff he’s done that I don’t like, but it’s mostly been in his attempts to protect and help his family.

There are worse reasons to do bad things. It’s not an excuse; I just think he’s not a terrible person.

@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

Oh, for sure. I don’t think he’s necessarily a bad person, he’s just not particularly likeable anymore. Maybe it’s age, or what life has thrown his way, but his personality no longer seems as appealing. That’s the main thing he had going for him, imo.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Terrible? Nah. A jerk? Yes.


Oh yeah, he deserves everything Chris Rock decides to throw at him. A mistake isn’t an excuse.


Keep Will Smith’s name out of your fucking mouth!!!

Th3D3k0y, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I think I got GTA5 for 5 bucks. I think I’ll wait for GTA6 for 6 bucks


I got it for free from Epic.

With that being said, I did purchase it for Xbox one when it first launched.

@garretble@lemmy.world avatar

Getting it for free on Epic was how I played it. And honestly, it’s a fine game, but from the time it came out to when I got it, so many good open world games had come and gone it maybe didn’t land for me as well as it might have ten years ago.


I 100% know what you mean. The game feels old, but that’s because it’s a 360 title. It’s hard to remember that at times.


GTA V didn’t first launch on Xbox One, it launched on the 360.


Yeah, when it first launched on Xbox one.



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  • Lucidlethargy,

    Lol this is how I do everything now. Starfield looked okay, but I won’t touch it unless it goes below $30. I do not feel like I’m missing absolutely anything.


    I’ll never be able to afford GTA 100.

    @edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

    You’ll also be quite dead before that ever happens, especially at the rate they’re releasing them now

    @edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

    Damn that 20% inflation

    money_loo, do games w GTA 6 Leaker Hacked Rockstar With Just An Amazon Fire Stick In A Hotel Room

    “…and a mouse and keyboard and an android phone to access cloud services, along with an entourage of fellow hackers that are mostly still at large all over the world” doesn’t have the same ring to it, I guess.

    @Call_Me_Maple@lemmy.world avatar

    Gotta fluff it up for the masses I suppose.


    They also don’t mention how he did it, just repeat this one stupid sentence about Firestick.


    They’ll have flashed the Fire Stick with a Linux distribution. Makes for a discrete computer.


    “woman commits arson with Takis hot chip”

    No she didn’t, she lit the chip on fire and used that to set the gasoline on fire.

    Gotta love clickbait exaggeration.

    otp, do gaming w Ex-Blizzard Exec Dragged For Suggesting Gamers Start Tipping

    Is dragging what happens before someone else slams them?


    I would assume after. They’re already down, after all.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    It comes after getting “blasted” I would assume.


    Let’s hope no one gets wrecked


    Which of course precedes being KERBLOOIED!

    ChicoSuave, do gaming w Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

    Ah, the yearly ritual continues. Bethesda makes a game that needs bug fixing, let’s the players fix it with mods, then B tries getting players to pay for the mods in the hopes they can finally charge money for mods that are needed to fix the game.

    Classic Todd. Can’t wait until he quits making games. Bethesda might actually use a new game engine besides the Creation Engine.


    The Creation Engine is not bad. It’s very purpose built for RPGs and has all the frameworks for worlds, NPC AI behaviour, quests, dialogue trees etc already in it.

    It also has in-built support for creating addons, which is why the modding scene is so robust.

    You should install the Creation Kit on Steam to check it out.


    Hi, Bugthesda employee! Poppa Todd forced you to expand the totes-not-publicity to the fediverse, did he?

    @Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

    I’d rather have the easily moddable engine it’s on now than turn their games into cut and paste UE5 clones with no mods.


    Personally, I’d rather have games that “just work” like the ones on UE5. I guess I’m weird that way.


    Whether a game is buggy or not depends on the competency of the developers building the game, not the engine.

    The engine is just a platform, like a canvas to an artist. How effectively it is used depends on the skill of the person using it.


    It’s both.

    The architectural decisions are at the engine level and that stuff has a massive influence on the likelihood of bugs in the code running in that engine.

    For example, traditional Unity (not ECS) runs all game code (so the code provided by those coding the game) in a single thread, which avoids A TON of multi threading bugs (as that’s one of the hardest parts in programming to master) but is very bad for performance in multi-core CPUs. Game programmers can fire up separate threads using the standard libraries of the programming language itself and manage them, but everything in the development framework that’s part of the engine pushes them to use that single-threaded model, so only advanced devs bother and only for very specific things.

    Also the choice of programming language forced by the engine itself has a huge impact in the likelihood of bugs, but since I don’t want to start a Holy War I’m not going to star pointing fingers at specific languages and criticizing them ;)


    True, resolving bugs depends on how effective debugging tools available to the developers are.

    But there is no perfect game engine. All have quirks and bugginess of a game usually just comes down to how willing the team is to find and squash them. That’s why all games need patches after launch.

    Language is not really an issue here since the Creation Engine uses Papyrus for all game logic, which is good enough for what it does.


    It’s not about debugging tools.

    Different, high level software designs (i.e. architectural designs) which are normally imposed by the game engine, have different probabilities of the developers who are making the code for those to produce bugs, because of lots of factors including things like of how they approach error validation and handling in the engine itself and in which domains does the engine leave the most freedom to coders and which ones does it leave less - some things are pretty safe to leave in the hands of even bad developers, others are not.

    The example of multi-threading in Unity should’ve been clear: put a game engine that doesn’t impose a single thread pattern in front of somebody with little or no experience in multi-threaded programming and you will have a huge rate of bugs (mainly critical race conditions) and as it so happens most developers out there have little or no experience in multi-threaded programming. Yet multi-threading can yield far more performance in modern CPU since they’re all multi-core. For that specific game engine a software architectural choice was made to go with a structure that is not as performance but significantly less likely to lead to a higher bug rate when used by the average coder, probably because Unity targets less experience coders.

    Good Senior Designers and Technical Architects don’t design the high level structure of the software for themselves as coders, they do it for the kind of coders that are likely to be coding for it.

    Of course the developers themselves also have different capabilities and hence different baseline rates of creating bugs, hence why I said “both”.

    @denshirenji@lemmy.world avatar

    I very much agree with what you are saying. If the engine changes we will lose mods, or at the very least there will be significantly fewer. I don’t make a habit of playing many games from 2012… except for Skyrim. I also dont play many games from 2001, except for Morrowind. I will spend hours or even days setting up a modding environment. Please let me have that for future Bethesda titles.

    Also people calling us folks that like user-made mods shills, when they are trying to force a shift to the very much corporate owned Unreal Engine is funny.


    You very much missed the point of my comment. After the “professional” response the public got when leaving very justified negative feedback on Starfield, I now don’t trust any comment supporting Gamebryo to not be a Bethesda employee. Nor was I advocating for shifting to Unreal, it was the next person who brought up a different engine which I said I’d prefer since it’s reliable. I don’t really care what engine the next Fallout is made with, for example, so long as it isn’t made in Gamebryo by a bunch of hacks.

    @denshirenji@lemmy.world avatar

    You seem alright and I agree that gamebryo is typically crash heavy. I really didn’t mean it as an attack on you personally and apologize for conflating your opinion with someone else’s.

    I do feel very strongly that whatever engine they use should support user generated mods, but let’s be real, I probably won’t have the time to spend on it anyway.

    deathmetal27, (edited )

    No, I’m saying from having used the Creation Kit and I modding Skyrim and Fallout.

    I’m not defending the games or Bethesda. It’s their game design and narrative team’s fault, not the engine’s.

    Modders have been familiar with Bethesda’s engines since Morrowind (Netimmerse and then Gamebryo, which form the basis of the Creation Kit), which is why the modders are able to make mods pretty quickly for these games. I’d rather still have the community use this experience with future Bethesda titles for modding than use something like Unreal that does not have the same level of customisation and tools.

    @CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

    Imo it’s not about having a new engine, it’s that they don’t make enough changes to it and it’s very apparent. On launch, their games are some of the most lackluster games visually. I remember the update from Skyrim to fallout was just that they added god rays to the engine, that was basically the only difference.

    Then Fallout 76 came out and not only was it extremely ill equipped for multiplayer and online, but graphically the game suffered.

    Then we talk about the quest systems in the engine, and that’s great and all, but the quest systems haven’t been fundamentally updated since Oblivion came out. Go play any other RPG, they’re running circles around Bethesda in quest design.

    What’s worse is that Starfield was met with mixed reviews and showcased their inability to modernize their engine with the loading screen problem. So ES6 is set up to make or break Bethesda.


    What you described are game design issues. The art is always only as good as the artist who makes it and the Bethesda game design team are not very good (or perhaps Todd is a mediocre director since he is directly responsible for almost all aspects of the game).

    If you see how ENB and Sweetfx enhance the visuals you know that the engine is capable of much more. There is a mod called Enderal which is a total conversion of Skyrim that uses the same engine but improves the visual in almost all aspects: better models, better post processing, new game mechanics, etc. There is also a team working on porting Vampire The Masquerade Redemption to the Skyrim engine with all new assets (guns, etc).

    So basically Bethesda games being mediocre is due to a mediocre team and direction. Even if they start using Unreal their games will still be mediocre.

    Edit: Before someone points it out, I know that ENB is not a part of the Creation Engine, but an external postprocessor that hooks into the DirectX API and modifies the rendered output. I was just saying that Bethesda could use something like this to enhance the lacklustre visuals but they deliberately chose not to perhaps due to their artistic vision for the game.

    @CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

    This is sort’ve true but post processing isn’t where the game struggles per se. Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 lacked LOD lighting and featured prominent Z-fighting of many textures, that’s an inherent way that the LODs are calculated in the engine.

    So most of what I’m talking about like lackluster quest design and poor visuals aren’t unfixable by the engine, but they’re direct results of developing using it. The quest structures are mostly the same as they have been for decades.

    And yes, they could easily code something like an ENB mod but they just don’t. They’re so bad at this in fact that they can’t even get proper anti-aliasing working. If I remember right, Fallout used TAA and it was so awful that I preferred a 3rd party FXAA to their solution.

    Also to be fair, ENB is similar to other graphics injectors which aren’t new on the block but you dont really want to use an injector so they’d have to code something like an ENB into their DLL and that would affect the engine so they don’t do it. It needs a big update to add stuff like that and this will be the third game they haven’t bothered to significantly change it.


    Makes sense. Though I would still rather they not abandon the Creation Engine and improve its underlying technical features. The modding community has more than a decade of experience with its underlying subsystems and what actually contributes to the robust modding scene of Bethesda’s games.


    Just call it what it really is: Gamebryo.


    Idk, last time they pulled this it was at least a game people liked. What’s their angle here?

    Crackhappy, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
    @Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

    “I’m not a predator” said the tiger as he approached the sheep.

    @Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar


    PP_BOY_, do games w Concord Director Steps Down As Studio Behind Historic PlayStation Flop Waits For Sony's Decision
    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s actually pretty crazy just how hard that game flopped. I would have always thought that a company like Sony could’ve just brute-forced such a big project to achieve some success (or at least break even), but 25,000 units sold is almost unheard of for a game as expensive as Concord.

    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    “Historic” is right.


    What mystifies me is usually when they do this sort of thing they throw it on Plus and get a mountain of players. Fall guys, and Destruction All Stars spring to mind as examples. I guess the effect isn’t so strong with the new tiered system, but it may have saved them some face.

    @ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

    When the game had a free beta, there was hardly anyone playing it. At some point you’ve just got server costs and promises of live service content rollouts that can only cost you money.


    A lot of games media has talked on it (to varying degrees). But Concord basically had a bad beta/demo and launched at a time when EVERYONE wanted live games to fail (see: Stop Killing Games Initiative). AND it managed to piss off the gamergaters in the process.

    We’ve seen this to a lesser degree in the past with… basically every Battlefield since the WW1 one? Bad demo/beta (mostly because people still haven’t learned to not play Conquest and to instead play Rush) coupled with the CoD/BF fanboy war results in outlets and Gamers actively wanting the game to fail and shitting on it every chance they get. It is just that EA understand that BF is the kind of game that still sells enough to justify keeping Dice around.


    battlefields a bit different. battlefield basically nowadays is that the game always launch in a terrible state, and fixes itself a year down the line. battlefield players will play the game regardless and maintains ~6000 user playerbase active


    I mean… where do you think the “this has a terrible launch” comes from?

    If Influencers like a game, everyone looks past the massive performance and stability issues. If influencers don’t like a game, a single crash is enough to mark it as trash that should be ignored until a couple patches… which is a death sentence for a multiplayer game that requires a critical mass of players to be worth buying.


    I totally get disinterest, but I get rubbed the wrong way when people “want games to fail”. I want the world to have more games that are good - and yes, occasionally those would come from publishers we traditionally grumble about.

    I had no interest in Concord, but I’m not making video content laughing at its failure. I think that practice is a bit weird sometimes, and even victimizes some of the game devs that didn’t do anything wrong. I would guess at least 80% of Concord’a devs did their job well - just based around a bad concept.

    @altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

    Its pretty tough when they release a game that took so long to develop, that was meant for an era of gaming when live service games were hot. Now that a lot of live service games are flopping due to over-saturation, I think even Sony saw it wasn’t worth the effort of trying to push the game further without either reworking it into something else, or just cutting their losses.

    golli, (edited )

    Importantly they tried to enter the market with a $40 purchase price, when the existing competition is mostly free to play.


    It’s crazy that they released it. They had early access and preorders and those only attracted something like 1,000 players. This is a game that had a $100 million budget. So few players during the early stages should have told the studio to cancel it while it was still in production. Apparently they thought they’d release it and would just jump from 1,000 players to 100,000 overnight with no changes.


    100 million budget?

    I though it was 200 millions.


    $100 million is the reported budget for development. Generally speaking you double that to account for marketing and publishing costs.

    @acosmichippo@lemmy.world avatar

    might as well release it and see what happens.


    I mean - hearing it’s so bad only means that I have to play it now to see what the fuss is about.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    I don’t know how they expected to succeed without any marketing. I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of this game, even on my PS5 (where they usually advertise the absolute hell out of a 1st party title like this), until the day it released.

    Or how their game being just another hero shooter/moba crossover in a sea of such games would differentiate itself enough to warrant also costing $40 instead of being like its competition which is FREE.


    I legit learned of it around when it released from gamingcirclejerk making fun of chuds for calling it woke or whatever. Next time I heard of it, it was the shut down announcement.

    @JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world avatar

    I first heard of it with the shutdown announcement

    Granted, I don’t own a PS5


    People keep saying thia, but there’s really only 2 of any worth. Overwatch and Paladins.

    Where is this ocean of games?

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Smite. Apex Legends. Team Fortress 2. Valorant. Rainbow Six Siege.

    And these are just the popular ones.


    I think The Finals is one as well?


    And Deadlock is taking off. It “launched” (if you can call it that) sometime between when Concord released and when Concord was retracted.

    Empricorn, (edited )

    They didn’t want to pay for marketing. But all this news coverage… Didn’t they already say they’d re-release it after an overhaul? I guarantee a non-insignificant amount of people will buy it just to see what all the fuss was about…

    @Never_Daunted@lemmy.world avatar

    I saw this (www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBnStS9d2xg) nearly 5 minute cinematic trailer in June and was expecting some kind of action/adventure game for most of the way through. Then they said it was a hero shooter out of nowhere and I thought to myself “don’t we already have plenty of those?”

    Kolanaki, do games w The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I had already resigned this movie to the shit bin just because they cast a comedian for the role of the only character in the games that was a serious straight man (as in the comedy trope) instead of someone more suitable like Idris Elba.

    Then again, maybe they wanted someone else but Hart was the only one who accepted to work on this turd.

    DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

    I’d honestly have been interested if Kevin Hart just did Roland instead of being Kevin Hart.

    Based on that clip I can’t say he’s not, it’s not like Roland never gives any snark, but I can say Hart is a weird choice for the role by his typecasting. But, hey, maybe he’ll break free with this?


    I mean Borderlands 1 Roland is pretty different from the guy allergic to smiling we all know from Borderlands 2. I guess Handsome Jack changes comedians into Idris Elba.

    Tranus, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

    I’m finding it very difficult to phrase this comment. I want to share my thoughts, but I know that if I am perceived as a bigot, everything I say will be seen as something to be defeated rather than understood. But tiptoeing around the subject doesn’t convey my meaning any better. So please, give me the benefit of the doubt long enough to hear me out.

    I think what nexus is doing here is inappropriate. Mods, by their very existence, give players choice. Even this one: it means players can now choose he or she or to not be asked at all. Nexus, by removing this mod, is exerting what influence they have to eliminate that choice.

    Nexus has considerable influence. For many games, particularly Bethesda games, they are seen as the default and complete source of mods. When looking for new mods to install, most people wouldn’t bother checking other sites since everything is on nexus. If players aren’t aware a mod exists, in other words they are unaware an option exists, that hinders them from making that choice. Also, their vortex mod manager makes installing mods from nexus super simple. By removing the mod from their site, they are making installing the mod at least a little bit more difficult.

    I have seen multiple people posit here that removing the mod is fine because it does something so silly and pointless that no one should care about it. But we all care about silly, pointless things from time to time. I have spent days comparing all of the ways of getting unified GTK and QT themes on my desktop to try and get them just right. That was entirely pointless. But I wanted it that way, so I made it that way. I don’t have to justify it to anyone, and neither do the users of this mod. Installing the mod will only affect their game, no one else even has to know about it. Nexus’ decision does effect other people. They do have to justify themselves. Removing the mod is telling people they must select a pronoun. If it is really so pointless, nexus shouldn’t have bothered removing the mod.

    People also claim that the political implications made by the mod are dangerous, and must be suppressed. I know you’ll roll your eyes at me, but yes: I’m making the free speech argument. It really is important though. If we, as a society and as individuals, accept suppressing speech for it’s ideological contents, then we are begging the question: which ideas are ok, and which aren’t? The ability to control public discourse is powerful, and highly coveted by anyone who wants to bend society to their will. It has been done before, and we know how horrible the consequences can be. It is incredibly dangerous. Answering that question at all is only justifiable in the face of a comparable danger. Is the idea of not being asked one’s pronouns really a comparable danger? Nexus seems to think so.

    Of course, free speech also protects Nexus’ right to control what they put on their platform. I am not saying they shouldn’t have that right. But nexus is a platform, not a person. They position their site not as a place for them to share their own content, but for others to share theirs. Any modification to the contents of their site is a modification to other people’s speech, not just Nexus’s. They ought to use their capability in this regard responsibly and sparingly. Their actions here are neither.

    I thought that others here on Lemmy believed in the same principles I do. That people should have total control over their own software and activities with it. That neither corporations nor governments should take any action to unduly control what they do with their own property. The belief in FOSS and decentralization seemed to go hand in hand with that. But if something like this can make you all turn on those principles, then maybe the resemblance wasn’t even skin deep.


    “Free speech” means you will not be captured by the cops because of your opinion. Private entities are free to enforce any restrictions they want on their site. If you disagree with them, simply stop using the site, like we did with Reddit.

    steventrouble, (edited )

    It wasn’t removed because of the pronouns though. It was removed because the mod description violated their community policies.

    There are plenty of mods just like it that the site keeps up. Dozens of mods even remove black characters from games, which is way worse. The difference is, those mods don’t write long rants about how much they hate minorities and liberals in their descriptions.


    To be entirely fair, if it’s not the mods content itself, but the description, that got it removed, that should probably be clarified front and center. That’s a pretty big shift from the mod being removed based on it’s simple existence.


    This finally explains it. I was about to write something similar as the comment you are replying to, because it did felt like a totally unnecessary PR stunt of another corporation that only exploits the issue for publicity, and I really hate that.

    But if the mod description was as bad as you say, then removing it was the right move.

    Astaroth, (edited )

    It wasn’t removed because of the pronouns though. It was removed because the mod description violated their community policies.

    There are plenty of mods just like it that the site keeps up. Dozens of mods even remove black characters from games, which is way worse. The difference is, those mods don’t write long rants about how much they hate minorities and liberals in their descriptions.

    if that’s true then it makes sense

    Edit: I just found out about the spider man pride flag removal mod debacle and read the official statement by Nexus Mods: www.nexusmods.com/news/14733

    In regards to the replacement of Pride flags in this game, or any game, our policy is thus: we are for inclusivity, we are for diversity. If we think someone is uploading a mod on our site with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity and/or diversity then we will take action against it. The same goes for people attempting to troll other users with mods deliberately to cause a rise. For our part, we will endeavour to do a better job of moderating our website to this ethos ourselves.

    We aren’t the authority on what users can and cannot mod. Us removing a mod only means it cannot be found at Nexus Mods, nothing more, nothing less. We also note that we are not the only site that has removed this mod from their platform. As a private business, we have a right to choose what content we do and do not want to host on our platform. Respect this right the same way you want respect for your rights.

    By Nexus Mods’ own words they will take action against anti diversity/inclusivity mods and actively take a stance on what kinds of mods are allowed on Nexus Mods.

    So regardless of what the mod descriptions may or may not have said, it seems Nexus Mods would’ve deleted this pronoun removal mod as well.

    These aren’t mods I would’ve bothered using (and I don’t even play these games either) but Nexus Mods trying to police what mods players are allowed to use is pretty shit.

    The great thing about mods is they only affect the people who choose to get them and gives everyone more choices to change games to what they want, and I don’t think anyone should try to force what kinds of mods are allowed or not.

    The whole point of modding is that you find something you don’t like or think could’ve been improved in some way, so you change it to your preference.


    The fact that you wrote that wall of text just to not get attacked speaks volumes of the current state of progressivism in this place, you can’t say anything and you are walking on eggshells.

    And you know what? Fuck those dipshits.

    PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

    And are these “progressives” in the room now? No, they’re clearly not. Nobody is attacking him and he’s not even being downvoted.

    He wrote the wall of text because he has the self awareness to know that the comment he is writing is functionally identical to what a far-right reactionary “hiding their power level” would write.


    What are you fuckin talking about? Are you are bot or something?


    He wrote the wall of text because he has the self awareness to know that the comment he is writing is functionally identical to what a far-right reactionary “hiding their power level” would write

    This paragraph is the funniest shit I have read today.


    Yep, you’re exactly what everyone expected.


    Yeah sure I’m the boogeyman booooh, the irony is so delicious.


    if you’re having trouble comprehending what he wrote in a few sentences, perhaps your bot needs more tokens to parse what he’s putting out, for humans it’s incredibly straight forward.


    He edited his comment and added more, Sherlock


    If I’m Holmes what does that make you, Boebert?


    I haven’t been caught jacking off men in theaters in front of children, so I guess no?

    Any more incredible witty remarks?


    I haven’t been caught

    it’d be better for everyone if you just didn’t jerk them off in the first place, jeeze…

    instead of waiting for enforcement and accountability take responsibility for your life.


    it’d be better for everyone if you just didn’t jerk them off in the first place, jizzz…




    WalrusDragonOnABike, (edited )

    Did they edit your comment too where you quoted them?

    In case you edit your comment, the quote was

    He wrote the wall of text because he has the self awareness to know that the comment he is writing is functionally identical to what a far-right reactionary “hiding their power level” would write


    Walking on eggshells vs having a weak stance to argue from isn’t the same thing


    Look up the paradox of tolerance.


    This is not a place of acceptance. This is a left wing echo chamber. You either tow the narrative or GTFO.

    I think of myself as very moderate. I’m neither supportive of right wing horse shit or the lefts batshit insanity. I’ll get downvoted into oblivion every time for pointing out this place being extreme left, or for making any comment that doesn’t align strictly with the narrative taking points.


    Literally enlightened centrism.


    Yah, how dare someone not be a polarised momo and make me have to assess their pov without a convenient label with which to dismiss it.



  • Loading...
  • saze,

    😄😄 No personal offence meant good sir.


    what exactly is the left’s batshit insanity in this instance? literally that the game lets you pick your pronouns?

    did you know that fallout: a post-nuclear role playing game (1997) also allowed you to do this? a few other games that have let you do this are fallout 2 (1998), mass effect (2007), fallout 3 (2008), mass effect 2 (2010), skate 3 (2010), the elder scrolls 5: skyrim (2011 and also every year since), mass effect 3 (2013), fallout 4 (2015), sonic forces (2017), mass effect andromeda (2017), cyberpunk 2077 (2020), trackmania 2020 (2020), and literally every other game ever to feature a character creator. if this is batshit insanity, then i can’t wait to find out what you think of unions.


    Dude I thought reddit was leftist and then I came here. Funny thing is I’m a pansy lefty European (believe in social healthcare, UBI and all that good stuff) yet this place is a bit much for me.


    I can deal with lefties a lot easier than r/politics types.


    Great distinction.


    Depends on the community. I have had reasonable results, but I do have to be extra careful. It probably helps that I’m kind of a stealth leftist.


    I think of myself as very moderate.

    You were wrong.

    @Stanley_Pain@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    What narrative talking points? Gay people exist, trans people exists. There’s nothing political about that. If you think otherwise you need to adjust thinking of yourself as a moderate.


    I mean we already have seen this before with Marvel’s SpiderMan pride flag removal mod.

    barsoap, (edited )

    I think what nexus is doing here is inappropriate. Mods, by their very existence, give players choice. Even this one: it means players can now choose he or she or to not be asked at all. Nexus, by removing this mod, is exerting what influence they have to eliminate that choice.

    I don’t think you’re a bigot, but I also think you’re off the mark.

    First off, the mod has quite literally zero value. Installing it is more work than ignoring an option during character creation. I constantly ignore options I don’t care about during character creation, it really isn’t hard. It’s hard to interpret the intent of the creator of the mod, as well as its users, as anything else but being out for blood.

    That alone though isn’t a reason to remove the mod – Nexus is full of useless mods. But something neat happens when you do nuke the mod: Bigots come out of the woodwork, you can ban them in one fell stroke, and thereby lessen your moderation load in the long term.

    Last, but not least, the curse of neutrality aka the Nazi bar thing.

    Oh, EDIT:

    Removing the mod is telling people they must select a pronoun. If it is really so pointless, nexus shouldn’t have bothered removing the mod.

    You don’t have to select a pronoun. The default will match the phenotype of the body you select.

    Corkyskog, (edited )

    I am now totally confused as to what is even going on. After reading multiple top level comments, many responses and then reading the article (gasp I know… blasphemy) I can’t tell if conservatives are mad about pronouns being an option or not being an option. Many of the comments made it sound like they added pronouns, the way the article is written makes it sound like they removed the ability to choose pronouns.

    So which is it. Who is mad, and why exactly?

    Edit: Okay, maybe I understand now. Someone created a mod that removed pronouns. The place that hosts mod downloads, removed that mod from their list of downloads. Now people are mad it was removed. Do I have that right? If so, my only remaining question is if one were to use the mod, does it mean others not using the mod can’t see their pronoun(s)?

    @Nath@aussie.zone avatar

    I think this is the reply that prompted me to reply at the top of the post. Does your edit mean I was of some help? You appear to have the right of it, yes.

    As to your second question: what mod loadout a player has will have zero bearing on another’s experience. If one were to use the mod, others would not be affected.

    Corkyskog, (edited )

    Yes, I believe re-reading your comment (not sure if it was post or pre edit) finally made me put all the pieces together.

    If this is single player, the controversy is even more dumb than I had originally thought.

    Now I am curious what the default pronoun options are, and if you were able to skip choosing it entirely, or pick “other” or “none”?


    Apparently it defaults to the one matching your phenotype. The game gave you the option to change it if you felt like it. The mod removed that option and may have had a rant against the existence of LGBT+ people in its description and that description was the cause for removal (I can't verify since it was removed, but that's what others have said).


    Does anyone know what the list is? Can you even choose they/them or xe/xem? Or is it just you could pick the inverse?


    "There are three pronoun options right now, He/Him, She/Her, and They/Them."


    Selecting the sex of the PC has been a standard feature in practically every RPG with character creator ever, and definitely in Bethesda RPGs, what they added is an option to change pronouns the PC is referred to by NPCs from the default. If you want them to match you simply don’t touch that option, done.

    From a developer’s perspective it’s dead simple, similar in triviality as allowing people to mix+match any voice to any body type. Cyberpunk’s free choice of genitals needs some implementation care but if you’re planning for it from the start it’s also easy.

    Where things get more complicated is things like dresses for male bodies, especially if you don’t have any shape keys in place. But if you use one body mesh for everything and simply shape key it into male and female then it’s again no issue (you also need to lerp animations then, probably, male and female bodies walk differently because hips). Basically it’s hard if your asset pipeline is simple, if the pipeline is sophisticated it’s easy.


    If so, my only remaining question is if one were to use the mod, does it mean others not using the mod can’t see their pronoun(s)?

    It’s a singleplayer game. Nothing you do can have any effect on the experience other people have with the game.


    Removing the mod is telling people they must select a pronoun.

    No, it defaults to body type.

    This option is literally nothing to people who don’t care - and the people who care enough to dislike it, are assholes. They have their private reasons and their private reasons are bad. Bigotry is not an OK idea. We’ve had that discussion, it went very predictably, and it has a right answer. We don’t need to endlessly litigate whether we’ve been too harsh about demonstrable bigotry.

    A website saying ‘no thank you’ to an act of petty bigotry is a non-event. There is no fucking danger in moderation excluding that. That’s what moderation… is. That’s why we have human beings reviewing stuff, instead of offering an unfiltered pile of everything all the time.

    In this context of moderation: game modifications must successfully and safely do something useful. This fails on two out of three points. It successfully removes a feature. But that feature is easily ignored with no side effects or consequences, and the blindingly obvious motivation behind its removal is overt sexual prejudice. While safe in the sense that it won’t brick your computer, it’s plainly a threatening message to the people who use this feature - it is dehumanizing. It is treating the possibility of their existence as something intolerable, to be excised. To be physically removed.

    You can still install this stupid mod. It hasn’t been erased from reality. It’s just not approved on one website with clear rules against exactly that sort of thing. Making bad things harder to do is not some betrayal of your right to make terrible decisions. A lot of things that are possible have barriers for good reasons.

    And none of you grasping at freedom as an excuse to entertain bigotry seem remember - we all have a right to freedom of association. We don’t want to deal with that shit. You can’t make us, and still pretend you care about choice.

    @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

    This mod is taking away a choice though.

    I’m pretty sure the vanilla game has the option to choose pronouns that conform to whatever your feelings about gender are. So choose that option and play the game.

    Why should Nexus devote resources to a mod that removes options from a game? There’s no point to this mod for anyone that’s of sound mind. The only reason for it’s existence is some petty bullshit from people that hate trans people so much they will install a mod in a feeble attempt to feel like they hurt people in some small way.


    If the mod just totally skipped character creation and the goal was to just save time, I could see the purpose. But its clearly not there to save anyone time; its just there as an excuse to tirade against certain demographics for existing.


    No it’s not, you have the choice not to download it it’s not forced upon you.


    I’m pretty sure the vanilla game has the option to choose pronouns that conform to whatever your feelings about gender are.

    If you’re a hardcore heteronormie, congrats, the default behavior of the game conforms with your worldview. Simply choose a male or female body, and don’t even touch the pronouns. They’re automatically what they’re “supposed” to be.

    CaptainBasculin, do gaming w Epic Adds Ugly Tesla Cybertruck To Fortnite

    Props to the car though; it’s way more easier to make a model out of it using 3d modeling software.


    Found the fortnite developer. I didn’t know they ever let you guys take breaks!


    can be rendered easily on 20yo hardware


    Rendered easily on a stone tablet running Cuneiform.

    Body 10 polygons, add 4 hexagon wheels...58 polygons.


    In all seriousness, the BBC micro could probably render it.


    My Amiga 500 certainly could,.

    Crafter72, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles
    @Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

    As someone who games solely on pc nowaday simply because having other things to do, I don’t mind waiting even more so the chance I will get it on launch day is null.

    Remember fellas vote with your wallet, do not get blinded by hypetrain.


    Yep. I never buy on launch. Just wait a few months and the price comes down, especially if near a holiday you’ll get a sale. Also the bitchfest about the game bEiNg LiTeRaLly UnpLaYAblE!!1!1 because of problems has died down after a few patches.


    Vote with your wallet. This shit right here dawg. That saying has lost its weight for some reason. Given there are a lot of ways that can be difficult or even impossible, but it’s still our best hope next to pitch forks and torches.


    Cos people are consumerists. They buy things they don’t need and out of impulse to activate their dopamine and serotonin in their brain.

    @Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

    This is the apparent problem that mostly not most of the victim (consumerism) aware, especially those who have large amount of expendable fund, or someone who bored enough that they dont have alternative time consuming activity other than gaming.


    Don’t even have an SeXbox or a Playstation… so…


    The reality is that even if you are patient, this is complete bullshit.


    cries in RDR1 PC fan

    @Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

    As someone who once was console player (ps1 - ps2), I can say console exclusive game have their own merit, however lots of thing happen, ranging from the source code is lost, to higher up management are fucking boomer (me as SMT fans waiting for PC port is miraculous, even Persona spin off released on steam is something, yet they milked it off right away).

    Heck even if you had something like Hideo Kojima (starting from MGS V) or Toshiro Nagoshi (former RGG Studio head who made decision to bring some of SEGA games into PC and into the West, and the one who revived Yakuza popularity in the west), they released their game on PC too because they cared for their fans but somehow higherup may blocking those (Japanese back then did not view PC gaming as main gaming entertainment, only niche stuff fill these in for example Simracing, Self publish game, H-game VN).

    Back to the topic, It depends on each of their own view, but for me I just game whatever I had and what I want to be fun. I don’t need to get pushed by someone forced opinion (e.g hype) to enjoy a game rather I just enjoy a media based on interest. (source: me who tried to enjoy NFS Payback, as much as the fanbase shunned it because its controversy and radical change, I did find some fun here and there, from my own playthrough I find the game is flawed and noticed that the Ghost Game simply did NFS by the book (or perhaps pressured by EA for profit) and thats why they could not flawlessly release NFS Heat).

    Just wanted to give an opinion in the morning.


    I’m blinded by the hype train, but with 2 kids and sole income my wallets to empty to pay for an 80$ game on release.

    RGB3x3, do gaming w Helldivers 2 Community At War Over Controversial PSN Requirement

    I was going to buy it.

    But now I’m not. I don’t have a PSN account and I don’t care to make one just for this game.

    The games industry is real crap now. There’s so much resistance to just being able to download a game and play. It’s always about downloading proprietary launchers, signing up for new accounts, wading through micro transactions, unfinished games, bad stories, and bug-ridden experiences.

    It’s exhausting.

    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    bug-ridden experiences

    That’s one of the best parts of the game though.


    I see what you did there

    rockerface, do games w Balatro Hits One Million Copies Sold In Less Than A Month, Mobile Port Incoming

    yooo mobile port of Balatro would be dope. I’ve tried mobile version of Slay the Spire and it’s perfect for killing time when I don’t have access to my PC


    I can’t wait… these are the sorts of games that are made for portable play… I don’t want to play Zelda and pause the game mid-swing, I want this, backpack battles, etc.


    I’ve literally been thinking, man I wish I could play this on my phone everywhere.


    The addiction is real


    This game might sell me on a foldable phone too.


    Steam link works fairly well with it.


    Yeah. Kinda. Sometimes if you press slightly in the wrong place you get the cursor instead, which can easily lead to misclicks. But it’s definitely playable! A mobile port would be really dope though


    Yeah, trackpad works better than direct cursor

    Amaltheamannen, do gaming w Hogwarts Legacy Just Broke A 14-Year Games Industry Streak – For the first time since 2008, something other than Call of Duty or a Rockstar game was the best-seller

    Would have tried it out if the author wasn’t a transphobic piece of shit. Might pirate it.

    @HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I did. it was alright. Worth it if you want to explore hogwarts and surroundings.


    It’s not worth it, and while the transphobia is absent, the antisemitism is still there


    Also, the erstwhile lead designer was a far right agitator.


    Might pirate it.

    Wait till you learn about who cracked that game.


    Oh yea Empress may be the most transphobic person alive currently


    Not even close tbh. There are middle eastern states that kill Trans people.


    I’m pretty sure that if she had the power to do so she would have deathsquads going after anyone remotely suspected of being trans. I was in her telegram group just to watch the crazy unfold and she is absolutely batshit and hates trans people with a burning passion.


    Wtf is wrong with people

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