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Alyx was a full game, portal 1/2?


Have you played Alyx? It’s a full game


Also Mindcrack UHC, not sure if that came before the hunger games mods tho


Wow this brought it full circle, the name looked familiar but then it clicked, back in my pirating days lol


Lol you’re correct it did increase the health pool, but what I remembered most was the cosmetic aspect, I was young tho


This plus dial up lmao, always asking PLEASE DON’T DROP ME, I’M HERE!


Yeah, I played through roc and tft many times before finally getting into MP, the trick was usually to try and find the maps on epic war first and dl them ahead of time, or find really nice people who’d let you stay to dl, most of the ones I played weren’t too large like kodo or ent tag, or any of the line tower/maul gsmes but the old RP maps took forever.

I gave back a bit and would host DL Only games while at school so peeps could come in and dl maps :p


I think they saw the writing on the wall with PC gaming resurging

Do you prefer RPGs or FPS games? angielski

I’m Just curious about, do you prefer RPGs (Role-Playing Games) or FPS (First-Person Shooters)? Personally, I love getting lost in the story and character development of RPGs, but the fast-paced action of FPS games is hard to resist. What about you? Which one do you enjoy more and why? Let’s hear your thoughts!


Used to play a ton of FPS, don’t really have the desire to do so anymore these days. Started up another heavily modded run of Skyrim the other day


Seamless co-op is pretty great, dev said he has some fixes and qol stuff planned for the DLC update version


Same, I’m having a hard time deciding how to play the upcoming dlc, do I just wait till seamless updates? That could take like a month+ or do I bite the bullet and make a vanilla char again to prep…


Underpowered gimmick yeah


Still, raw processing power comparatively it is underpowered, can’t push beyond 1080p for example, which is fine for Nintendo games because they make games with that limitation in mind, third party switch games are a lot more hit or miss, especially ports of pc games.

Compared to even cell phones the switch is laughably underpowered in the year 2024.

Not saying it can’t be useful or enjoyable, just gotta face facts about what the device is lol.

Steam deck is starting to eat their lunch I think.


Wasn’t that already the case? That’s what they did in most of their other pc ports at least


And adds support for Playstation, Xbox, Switch, Android, iOS…


I wonder how many times I’ve seen people say Minecraft is out of relevance and yet…


If possible, play with mods, there are a few good ones that modify how the armor/magic armor system works in different ways.


You realize there have been payment processors and retail stores long before valve existed right? And markups/cuts have always been commonplace.


A car isn’t at max $70 lmfao, you’re comparing completely different worlds of cost. Also depending on where you buy said car, that isn’t the case lol, you buy a lemon… Get fucked it’s capitalism baby.

janbartosik, do gaming angielski
@janbartosik@witter.cz avatar

A coop PvE game for two dads and three sons?
A shooter, preferably. Any recommendations, guys? The youngest lad is 10, so as little violence as possible. Thanks 😉



Destiny 2 is a terrible choice for a 5 person group, the only activities are raids which is endgame

Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info (www.rockpapershotgun.com) angielski

The report comes from Cyber Daily, who also broke the news of last year’s confirmed hack attack on Insomniac Games. The site claims that new ransomware group Mogilevich are the culprits, as per the screencap of a darkweb posting above, and that the hackers are now trying to get Epic or another party to pay up for the return of...


One used to have a similar thing before they got bought out by Walmart and started dropping features 🙃

So you prefer playing as another gender? (quanticfoundry.com) angielski

Well, as a guy, I’ve been asked multiple times why I systematically play games female characters in video games, to the point of skipping a game if I’m forced to pay a male one, with a few exceptions (I really liked Albus from Troubleshooters for example). Whenever there’s romance in a game, I’ll also take the F/F route....


I disagree, in most 3rd person games I’m hardly ever looking at my character model, but I don’t usually play games with a lot of downtime like MMOs I suppose.

Still though when I’m running around a dungeon in Elden Ring, in not staring at my characters ass, I’m looking at the dungeon/monsters/next thing I’m doing. It’s kind of like a nose, it’s always there and you can see it, but it’s rarely the focus.


Across the Obelisk again, haven’t played much since the last two DLC so it’s cool learning some new strats


Lol I said the same thing a bit ago and was down voted for it.

Seeking: Kid-friendly Adventure/Exploration Games (PC)

My daughter (4) is very into exploring cities, homes and villages in Skyrim, feeding aliens in No Man’s Sky, and cleaning houses in House Flipper. She gets annoyed in games like House Flipper because she can’t leave the property to explore all of the visible houses on the block. I’d like to find other PC games that are...


Could just play Java edition…

Jakeroxs, (edited )

If you could list one that isn’t just “Microsoft bad” sure, I’ve never played it, but I’ve played literally thousands of hours of Minecraft Java, along with several thousand more on mod packs for Java.

Not to mention the very large community of Minecraft let’s players, tutorials, etc that exist for Minecraft, and it’s huge cultural influence.

Not saying mineclone is bad or anything, I don’t know much about it aside from the site listing it’s features, but MC is the OG and huge for a reason, and I agree bedrock is full of garbage MTX, but Java is not.


You don’t have to login to a mojang and ms account, it’s just Microsoft accounts, which if you dislike Microsoft sure…

The telemetry is far from insidious and is used in many many games as a way to provide data about what people interact with (or don’t) so devs have a better idea of what to focus on. minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Snooper

Modders seemed to have made due with the closed source nature… Again talking about Java specifically, not Bedrock.

Not sure if you’re aware but the 1.21 release includes an auto-crafter, pretty big addition for Redstone related automation. Though this post is also about a 4yo so… It’s not super likely they’ll be interested in Redstone anyway.

Can be played offline if you’ve logged into the mc launcher at least once before being offline afaik.

I don’t really understand what you mean by “a race for content” if anything it feels like the game hasn’t changed enough considering how long it’s been out, they’ll add one or two new kinda nifty things per release, but compared to mod makers… The pace is much slower.


What? You said use MineClone instead, I asked for any reasons why one would prefer MineClone over MIneCraft, you gave some reasons, I argued my points and agreed with some of yours.

How is that disrespectful lmfao, that’s how people discuss differences in opinion.

Jakeroxs, (edited )

I think the problem is you seemingly don’t know how a discussion and difference of opinon works.

I’m not taking your “facts” and throwing them in the trash, I was point for point giving my take on your concerns.

I was genuinely curious why someone would play minetest over MC and wanted to know what pros/cons exist, and the pros/cons you gave didn’t resonate with me.

Lemmy has forced telemetry, for example, every time you upvote or downvote something, that information is easily seen by instance admins. The question becomes is that telemetry harmful in any way to the end user, in Lemmys case, I can very easily see how that could be used to harm another user. In Minecrafts case… I don’t see it.

MTX again aren’t in Java, which is again why I stated to just use Java in my first response.

It’s not impossible to play offline, there are many very easy workarounds available.

There are tens of thousands of mods minimum for minecraft, so yes it is fair to say that modders got around it. I’m not talking piracy, I mean large content additions such as Mekanism, Create, etc…

Yes it is a plus that minetest is more open source, but does a 4 YO looking for a game to play, who will likely socialize with other children who are more likely to know what minecraft is vs minetest really understand or care in the slightest that their knockoff mc game is open source? Come on man.

I’m also going to point out I didn’t downvote you at all, and wasn’t at all trying to be rude or disrespectful, simply stating my opinions as a long time MC player, my first paragraph of this response being an emotionally charged/rude response not withstanding, as I was irritated at the strange emotional response you had to what I thought was an innocuous discussion.

I do apologize for the first paragraphs rudeness, but am leaving it there to not hide my misstep.


All good, have a good rest of your day.


You hang out in the ship and view your friends on the monitors, once you have some walkies and a teleporter, it can be pretty fun to be in the ship.

Do I teleport out that person with a big red dot going towards them, forcing them to drop their loot but likely saving their life?

I had one where a friend was in front of me, all of a sudden he starts getting tp’d out, next thing I know I’m chomped. Friend was able to save one of us, but not all.


I’ve watched a few people play on YouTube and it doesn’t seem bad for most of them


Debatable, Bethesda published and funded it, though of course Obsidian actually developed it


Can confirm, Divinity 1 and 2 and both fantastic and got free massive content updates


Considering all their past recent games had those aspects at least somewhat… It’s odd that they sterilized it so much in comparison.

Compare that to BG3 where there’s like… Full on sex and people can explode into a bloody mess


I think Skyrim is also boring to watch, they’re definitely better to play


Skyrim had some very compelling narratives, however it has the prior games lore buildup to build off of

I feel like Starfield is a lot more “matter of fact” about it, wherein things are told to you moreso rather then needing to go out and “find” the lore.

I also don’t know of any mysteries in the Starfield world that aren’t just… Explainable

For example, terrormorphs or starborn, the game just tells you the details with hardly any effort needed to uncover the info yourself.

Maybe I’m just way to into the FromSoft narrative style at this point where there’s tons of deep lore but they don’t just hand it to you on a platter, makes it more fun to theorize and dig


I can at least say the collectors edition of Starfield is pretty cool, I like the watch even if it’s pretty basic and the case is really nifty.


Yeah, I got about 150 hours in, did all the side quests I could find, went through NG+ did almost all the things needed to ng+ again but now I’m just like… Meh why?

I’m sure it’ll be a great game for modders, there’s already a good bit that help with some of the basics (UI, beth wtf) so I got pretty good moneys worth from the game and here’s to hoping I can take many more trips in like FO4 and Skyrim with mods to vastly improve things :)

On the Aurora thing, I mean… You ever been in a club with people on Molly? They look out of their minds so… Doesn’t seem too far off lmao

Bout to start a fresh run on New Vegas, been many many years so I’m excited :D


There is blood splatter, but it looks silly, when you loot things off of dead bodies they still have the same suit/helmet/whatever left on their bodies you supposedly just looted.

I’ve put over a hundred hours into the game, I’m not a teenager, and the game is definitely more tame/sterile/corporate in many aspects compared to previous games. Remember bloody mess in Fallout? Or the fact you can goo enemies with laser weapons? Yes fallout under beth is definitely more tame even then compared to Fallout 1 and 2 but still Starfield has none of that.

There’s dibellla in Elder Scrolls, and cannibalism, and skeletons (im mot talking about like necromancer skeletons, literally bones for corpses of prior-dead, in Starfield there are corpses but it’s always the “frozen over” look, even on warm planets with atmosphere where decomposition should definitely have taken place instead)

Need I say more?

Jakeroxs, (edited )

Lol alright bud

I disagree they said it was Star Trek like at all, this is most definitely not Star Trek utopia the game, you’ve got Neon as a shining example of the corruption and corporate espionage aspects (not that it’s a bad thing at all, just not in line with classic trek ideals)

I know newer trek has moved away from the utopia aspects a lot, partially why I don’t enjoy them nearly as much.

I do think (like with most beth games) the game itself is a great framework for modders to really make the game their own.

Oh, also, I never said it was a bad game, I just noticed they sanitized it a lot compared to what I was expecting, it was noticable to me as some who who has thousands of hours in prior beth games, modded and unmodded.

Jakeroxs, (edited )

No no no, I’m saying your claim that they said it’s supposed to be like Star Trek (which I never saw mentioned at all) doesn’t make sense.

Though I agree with your latter paragraphs 👍

I’ll add, I’m not a hater and have absolutely defended the game in many aspects (check my post history if you’d like), I do think there are valid criticisms and odd choices though. I’m at 177 hours with it, played through all the side quests I could find and started ng+, made it most of the way through again but now I’m already at the point of, “eh, theres not a whole lot left to do but rehash what I’ve already done for slightly better rewards”

I have high hopes for the mod community as they have been able to consistently breath life and add addition QoL fixes to Bethesda games for years, and I am massively appreciative of them giving me more reasons to jump back into some of my favorite games :)


Lol yeah I was derping when I wrote that first part clearly


It’s a day of work to implement the DRM, not the mod itself, which he did release day 1 for free on Nexus, only the frame gen version is behind the patreon wall, additionally he’s released many such DLSS+FG mods for various games (which all come with the sub) so he has a lot of experience implementing it and has clearly gotten it down pretty well.

Every game has its own challenges but Starfield was particularly easy (according to him) because of how FSR was implemented


Do you think it’s simple for a developer to create a friends list network, host/moderate community forums, host/moderate a mod website integrated into the game, achievements syncing, ability to share the game with friends, and integrate VR functionality for the above, on their own dime?

These are recurring ongoing costs for server and continued developmental changes, you are severely underestimating the time and money cost to create/host/maintain all those services?

Jakeroxs, (edited )

I said in practice, not in law

Just pointing out I’m a different person lol

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