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I’ve always hated it and thought it was a stupid untuitive mechanic that didn’t map to anything in real life. It also looks equally stupid in multiplayer when you see player character models spasm their way up a ledge during a crouch jump. It’s an old school mechanic that I am glad is going out of fashion due to better vault controls.

like a simulation of pulling your legs up in real life.

You don’t pull your legs up in real life though, you use your hands to vault onto something. You can’t just swap stances in mid air without holding onto anything. Even if you were talking about box jumps, like the kinds you normally do at a gym, it still isn’t anything remotely like a crouch jump. Also anyone doing a box jump in an actual combat situation just looks goofy.

Any time a game explicitly has a tutorial for crouch jump, my immersion is completely broken. I am instantly reminded that it is a game.


If anything, it’s Epic that will succumb to capitalism because they’ve been failing to innovate on their platform since the beginning. EGS is still a glorified game launcher without any platform features. Where’s the equivalent to Steam Input, Remote Play and Remote Play Together, Family Sharing, Chat, Discussion Boards, Proton, Steam Deck, etc.?

Maybe spend some of that Fortnite money on your platform instead of buying up exclusives…


Yeah, they still haven’t fixed the slow ass scrolling performance in the client and have barely introduced any platform features to their store. It’s so bad.


That’s not where Valve makes their money from though. Their money primarily comes from store purchases, so anything to expand Steam’s reach is better for them. Plus, keeping Steam as relevant and ubiquitous as possible will in turn promote sales of the Steam Deck. The Xbox and Steam Deck cater to fundamentally different use cases anyways.


Yeah it’s literally free marketing for them and they’re crushing the community.


Man I feel the same way, the internet can be so negative sometimes. People just need to relax. I’ve been waiting to play ever since it came out on PS5 and I held out for the PC version. Now it’s finally here and I am super excited for it to be honest. It’s a good port by Nixxes and runs like a dream on my PC. The game looks insanely good too, so it’s a technical marvel in my book.


No kidding. This solves a major issue with the Steam Deck as well, because now someone else can be playing on the Deck while you use your main PC for another game.


Yikes, the comments section on that blog is cancer. People really need to wake up to the fact that games being multi-platform is ALWAYS good for end users. I don’t know why people insist on identifying with just one side.


Exactly. If companies didn’t want their workers and their customers to say stuff and make conjectures on their behalf, then they should communicate about it.

Who, in your opinion, is the most annoying character in any game?

Personally, it’s Faith from Farcry 5 for me. Uninteresting dialog that can be summed up to “I was bullied once” and that’s it. Literally every other character is so much more interesting. Jacob gives you a sequence where you run through a gulag which he then uses against you, John tries to kill you and is openly hateful...


The stupid talking book in It Takes Two. Practically destroyed any plot momentum the game had and that’s if it wasn’t beating you over the head with painfully obvious relationship advice.


Never played the original, but she is so annoying in the remake and her motivation to gather materia is razer thin.


Man, it’s insane how Larian has set up their business model to be so pro-consumer. Everyone needs to be looking at how they’re doing things as a case study.

AYANEO NEXT LITE handheld announced with SteamOS Linux | UPDATE: Not SteamOS Apparently ( angielski

UPDATE: Despite saying they were using SteamOS on the homepage, they’ve since clarified that it’s actually “an optimized version based on HoloISO”. HoloISO seems to be a community compiled version of SteamOS. It’s very similar but it’s not officially SteamOS....


Games for Windows Live hasn’t been a thing in years. You talking about Xbox Game Pass?

I think of Valve’s Linux efforts as more opening up the PC market than anything else. A ton of their efforts end up being upstreamed, which gives other vendors a chance to develop their own OSes based on Linux and have it actually be viable. More Linux and less Windows is a plus in my book.


Yes! I’ve been waiting for more devices to ship with SteamOS. I am tired of these unpolished handheld experiences on Windows. It always ends up being a mishmash of random vendor apps and lengthy Windows updates.


Yeah they aren’t your friends, but they can be the enemy of your enemy, and that’s exactly what’s happening now. Plus you have to look at the end results of their actions. Yes Valve’s Linux efforts may be self-serving, but it also benefits the community as a whole. You can’t say the same about Microsoft. That’s a big difference IMHO.


No, you’re probably thinking of AMD’s Fluid Motion Frames, which is similar to what HDTVs do for motion smoothing and works at the driver level. FSR 3 requires game support.


Gave me a good chuckle this morning.


More and more I am just like “SELF-HOST ALL THE THINGS”. I’ve been setting up Wake-On-Lan and using Steam Remote Play to satisfy my game streaming needs and it’s better than GeForce Now in many respects. Plus there’s no game limitations.

I get that it isn’t a perfect replacement for those who don’t want to drop the insane amounts of cash on a GPU these days though.


Yeah, seriously. The addon drive looks uglier than the Hunchback of Notre Dame.


Yeah, why they have to make it so curvy in the first place? And then they have to add a stupid extra base just to get it to not roll around. Too many designers in the kitchen IMHO.


Let’s be real. You don’t HAVE to buy the loot boxes lmao. It’s not like they make you any better as a player.


I get the feeling it was pushed out before everything was ready. I am willing to bet that all these missing features are coming later. Not sure why they didn’t just wait before pushing out the game. The smokes are just different, players just need to adapt to new mechanics instead of using the same grenade tactics that they’ve memorized for years.


So…how long before Apple realizes that game devs are notoriously time-crunched and forcing them to target yet another proprietary graphics API is a stupid move for their gaming ambitions?


It’s meant more to help developers with their porting efforts though, not really meant for normal users like Valve’s doing with Proton.


…so is gaming in general. What’s your point?

My point is that they’re just cosmetic, unlike gacha games or other free to play games where you’re FORCED to buy loot boxes to unlock good weapons and items.

A casino REQUIRES you to spend money in order to participate. CS2 does not. Big difference.


That’s how it works on most games

Not really. A bunch of F2P games have lootboxes that give you a chance at better weapons / characters early on instead of going through a long grind. The set of CS weapons is the same and does not change.

The community gets upset when it becomes pay-to-win. I wouldn’t consider CS to be pay-to-win though so I find the casino comparison a bit inaccurate.


assess whether CS is designed that way

It isn’t. There’s no grind to get better weapons so that you can remain competitive with other players and no paid lootboxes that give you an early advantage. You start out with the standard set of weapons just like any other player and that never changes. The only addicting thing about the boxes in CS2 is that they look cool but I’d say that that’s more on the player to decide whether they want it or not.

It’s like saying providing the ability to paint your car is an addicting business practice, which I don’t really buy. This is not the same as pay-to-win and the distinction should be made here.


Yeah, they keep trying to bring their walled-garden approach to gaming and it just won’t work. It’s like trying to build another console in the current gaming market and unrealistically expecting it to take off.

It’s also why I think the Vision Pro, despite how cool and innovative the tech might be, is also DOA.


But I never argued it was

You’re the one who brought up the idea that the game is a casino. A casino is pay-to-win, because you literally have to pay money to participate and having more money gives you advantages.

This is not what CS is. You don’t have to pay money to participate and there are no upgrades weapons or characters as a result of paying more money.


That’s how I think of cosmetics in most MP games as well haha. They’re immersion breaking.


But because they have no impact on the gameplay, the onus is entirely on the player whether they want it or not. At this point you’re basically saying that they made the battlepasses and lootboxes interesting and therefore they’re bad


A casino is pure gambling, there’s no parallel game attached to it

What are you talking about? Blackjack, poker, literally any card game…these are all parallel games that accompany the gambling. You can play these games independently of spending money. Casinos just make it pay-to-win by offering bets and larger payout tables for high-rollers, etc.

It might surprise you, but people understand what CS is.

Except you because you can’t make the distinction between CS and a casino. That’s why I am explaining it to you. CS is a competitive shooter first where none of the loot box mechanics affect actual gameplay, which is more than you can say for a majority of F2P games. A casino REQUIRES you to pay money to even engage in it. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about this.

I’m talking about addictive gambling, I’m not talking about selling pay to win advantages.

Stop moving the goal posts. Your whole point was calling CS a casino, but there’s massive differences between the two that you seem to gloss over. Now, if CS offered higher damage weapons, more health, etc. and the only way to get them was via loot boxes, then sure, I’d agree with you, but that’s not what CS does. Calling it simply a casino is just being reductive.


Omg I thought I was the only one who hated the arms. Nothing worse than putting down your controllers on the table and then having those stupid arms spaz out around your screen as it tries to resolve how your hand could possibly be in that position.

I totally agree. Each firmware upgrade has just made my Quest 2 worse and worse.


This is what happens when you stop focusing on building immersive VR gaming experiences and go towards mobile quality graphics and stupid metaverse / workplace productivity improvements. When will these companies ever learn to focus on the games? Sony learned it with the PS3, MS with the Xbone, and now Meta.

I am a VR fanatic but even I won’t buy a Quest 3 because there’s just no quality VR games that make me want to upgrade. The fact that no game has yet matched Half-Life: Alyx in terms of immersiveness is just sad.


They still have not fixed the absolutely terrible dis-occlusion artifacts that were present in FSR 2 and, in fact, it seems to have gotten worse with frame generation. Here’s an example of what the artifacts look like:

FSR’s lack of AI reconstruction is still keeping me on DLSS and team green despite Nvidia’s price-gouging and mediocre Linux support.


Don’t worry. They’ll turn them into live-service games with repetitive content and immersion-breaking cosmetic micro-transactions. You’ll grind through the same few stealth levels with some barely random enemy permutations marketed as “infinite open world content”. Your coop partner will be someone dressed in red cargo shorts, a purple mohawk wig, and a weapon that has so many random attachments on it you can’t figure out whether it’s a microscope, a dildo, or a sniper rifle.


Good. The last thing I want is more live-service games.


The whole idea of investments always going up is an absurd idea that needs to go. At this point I infinitely prefer a private company over a publicly traded one.


I am not sure if it’s just people being lazy. Steam legitimately is a good gaming platform. It just has so many features that really bring the PC platform to the level of consoles in terms of UX. Social features, discussion boards, reviews, matchmaking, chat, broadcasting, remote streaming, all this alongside a kickass store. That’s why Valve could roll out something like Steam OS and not have it feel woefully inadequate compared to what consoles offer.


Sigh, I’ve lost all interest in Bungie ever since they doubled-down on live-service games.

Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder ( angielski

A statement from a Google employee, Dov Zimring, has been released as a part of the FTC vs Microsoft court case (via 9to5Google). Only minorly redacted, the statement gives us a run down of Google's position leading up to Stadia's closure and why, ultimately, Stadia was in a death spiral long before its actual demise....


It was never the case that you literally had to purchase the game on top of the subscription fees

It depends on the game. There were a bunch of games under “Stadia Play” that came along with the subscription, GamePass style. And then there were games you had to outright purchase.


I feel like the situation is a bit different for PC no? There’s a history of backwards compatibility since forever. Yes PC game stores like Steam are all digital, but there was never a chance that the store would just close down when a generation was over, unlike in the console space.


Man Starfield’s nowhere near as bad as Jedi Survivor, let’s be honest. At least it runs well on my Steam Deck and doesn’t stutter every 3 seconds like it does in Koboh in Jedi Survivor.


This is the wrong take tbh. It isn’t about censorship. The mod itself is a message of hate and deserves to be moderated as such, just like on any other platform.

Imagine if you were scrolling through NexusMods and you saw a mod that removed characters of your ethnicity or race from the game, or maybe a mod that added say Nazi symbols or something. How would that make you feel? Mods get removed over inappropriate content all the time, this is no different.


Imagine if they removed a mod that included pronouns.

A mod that makes other people feel included is NOT on the same level as a mod that deliberately excludes them. There’s a massive difference here.

The pronoun removing mod is a pretty blatant message of hate and deserves to be moderated as such. People can go on about freedom of speech blah blah blah, but no one is required to include you in their community if you’re being mean and hateful. That’s exactly what happened here.


No one is forcing the mod on you. Is it really that harmful that it exists?

Yes, in very much the same way that hate speech is moderated out of communities, and for good reason. Allowing this stuff to exist is basically saying that this is okay when it frankly isn’t. Imagine if there was a mod out there that removed your entire race and culture out of the game. How would that make you feel if you were just scrolling through the list of mods? It’s just a shitty statement to make.

We moderate things like the N-word and antisemitic Nazi bullshit out of forums all the time. This is the exact same thing and if you can’t see that, well frankly you’re probably in a position of privilege.

Tolerance goes both ways. I tolerate your beliefs and you tolerate mine.

This argument is frequently used by the intolerant to justify their actions. The one’s who identify as they aren’t the ones going around telling those who identify as he or she that they’re wrong. It’s the other way around. You’re completely misidentifying who’s being intolerant here.


Lol I feel like you’re just proving my point. The question isn’t whether these mods exist. Of course they do. But an entire country has made such symbolism illegal specifically because its a bad part of their past and they find it offensive. They’re within their right to do so and so is Nexus Mods. Nexus Mods are allowed to remove whatever content they find offensive to cultivate the community that they want.


If you’re using it in a hateful way against someone or a people, then sure, that bastard should face some consequences.

That’s exactly what the creator of this mod intended and its hilarious that you don’t see that.

In Australia the racist word people used for indigenous was ‘coon’. I’ve never used it and I never will.

Think about it this way. There’s a reason why you don’t use it, right? There’s a reason why your friends don’t use it. If one of your friends uses it all the time to hate on others, would you be okay with that? If its as offensive as you say it is and I have no reason to doubt otherwise, would you want to be associated with that? Probably not. You’re making conscious decisions every day about who you want to hang out with, who you want to be associated with. You’ve cultivated your own community of people who you like and want to hang out with.

That’s exactly what Nexus Mods is doing. They want to cultivate a community that’s gender inclusive. They don’t want to deal with people who aren’t, nor give them a platform to do so. They’re within their right to do so.

Just because Nexus Mods is an online community doesn’t mean it’s different from real life. That’s what people fail to understand.

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