I find it kind of funny how games are becoming more mainstream, but every once in a while I still meet people that are like “games are a waste of time”. But then again I guess people said that about movies and tv and still do sometimes.
Also I’ve been playing guild wars 2 again. Base game is like 10 years old but it’s still fun
I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 again recently and have been thoroughly enjoying it, but this one thing has always bugged be about this game and Rockstar games in general, and that’s how restrictive they are with their mission design. You decide to get off your horse too early when riding to an objective, mission...
I’m reminded of the abyssal words in Elden Ring’s expansion. There are signs that tell you “Don’t let them see you!” and “You have to hide and run!”. You find an area with some tall grass and some creepy eye-monsters. And sure enough, if they see you they come running at you. They’ll knock you over, grab you, and explode your head.
Clearly you’re supposed to sneak by them.
spoilerYou can also parry their attack, and then just kill them. Or just fucking book it and run past them, but that’s way harder.
Ehh. They haven’t really abused their position. They’re popular.
It would be something else if they were buying up competitors like Facebook and Google do. Part of how they maintain their dominance is buying out anyone that competes. Notice how Google kind of sucks nowadays? They’re not really competing on merit anymore.
But at the same time, steam could turn around tomorrow and be like “mandatory $39.99/mo subscription fee” and it would have an outsized impact on the sector.
I think guild wars 1 you didn’t just pop on any clothing you found. One of the NPCs was even like “you think you can just pick up a jacket after you set the poor bastard on fire and stab him, and it’ll fit nice and snug? No. It won’t. Bring me materials and I’ll make armor that fits you”
Then gw2 was like "fuck it people like when items with cool colors pop out of monsters "
I’m not sure what you mean. There aren’t really a lot of “quests” in gw2.
There’s the main story, which is a green marker on your map. That’s always there (unless you turn it off or finish it)
There’s orange markers for nearby events. That’s like “zombies are attacking! Save the town!” or “help these kids pick apples” or whatever. They’re just things that happen in the world and, to a limited degree, change the world state. Like an area might be full of toxic vines until an event finishes successfully, or a merchant might only sell items after his mission succeeds.
There’s red markers, which are basically the same as orange, except they tend to be world events and not local.
And then there are collections, which are kind of like quests. They’re not super advertised. They’re kind of of “get these achievements for a special reward”. Sometimes NPCs will give you one- like “go find all my favorite fish” or whatever. They’re optional, but sometimes fun and sometimes have good rewards. Like if you finish the one where you get most of the achievements for one chunk of the game, you get a max-stats accessory that all your characters can share.
Anyway. Long reply. Nothing is really beamed into your head, no.
Most people I talked to have refunded the game on steam. Nobody really had fun with it, except for one person that was completely new to dragon age. However, I don’t think she finished it either.
Meanwhile, the 3 people I know who played it all enjoyed it. Anecdotes!
I don’t think so. The writing of Taash was so bad and uncomfortable for the most part that I genuinely didn’t know if they were trying to mock trans-people with this representation. It felt like they were just looking at a terminally online twitter user and modeled the character after that. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that taash is the worst character I’ve ever experienced in a triple A production.
Taash’s scenes seemed okay to me. The storyline with their mother is pretty close to what a friend of mine is going through now.
I don’t know how to solve this problem, but I kind of don’t believe what people say. I mean, I think sometimes they dislike a thing for reason A, but the words that come out are reason B. They say a character is badly written (B), but really they find the queer subject matter uncomfortable (A). This may or may not be the case, but fundamentally I do not believe the average internet video game fan has the introspection and honesty to say “A” here. There’s no way to know.
Veilguard, on the other hand, doesn’t get better. It just stays bad and even confusing at times.
My problem with Veilguard is the difficulty fell off a cliff and never climbed back up. Other than that it was fine.
The first game that comes to mind for me is Civilizations 4. I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours playing but after getting used to 5 and 6 I have a really hard time going back. Going back and forth between 5 and 6 I need to rethink some strategies but with 4 I feel like I need to rethink everything. I don’t know if it’s...
Morrowind. Every once in a while I reinstall it, but I can’t get over the “it looks like an action game but it’s a stats game” thing anymore. And I never liked Oblivion or Skyrim. But when I was a kid, Morrowind was so full of wonder and stuff to discover. I also wasn’t playing with a guide, so discovering stuff like “You can enchant an item to have 1-100 strength, duration permanent. It picks the bonus when you put the item on, and it stays that until you take it off. So put it on and off until you get a big number. Much cheaper than trying to enchant it to +100 straight out” felt more personal.
Happy new year guys!😀 Just now, it hit midnight here, and it’s officially 2025. I was playing Pennon and Battle, and I realized it’s the last game I played in 2024!! That gave it a different kind of meaning. Now I’m curious, what was the last game you played in 2024?
I like that they did turn based but I didn’t actually like it that much. There are too many trash fights. I think one of the developers suggested a mod to cut HP so they go faster.
I also don’t really like the “one action per turn” model (as in DND) and kind of would have preferred action points (as in divinity).
But overall I’m a big fan of Deadfire, and I’m bummed they’re not making a third one.
I think the most fun I had was with chanter. Just hang out and summon dudes that wreck shit. Slap on the heaviest armor you want and just scream at people until they’re dead.
Last game I finished was Veilguard. Pretty close to EoY. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, and the difficulty falls off a cliff as a mage when you get life steal, but it wasn’t bad. The romance with Neve was entirely too… unromantic, and PG-13 though. Very disappointing. No intimacy.
Then I started CrossCode and it’s been good. Feels like a mix of old snes games (Zelda, lufia2) and MMO, without the annoying parts like other players. The puzzles also aren’t very hand holdy, which is nice. I feel like a lot of games are too aggressive with their “HEY IT LOOKS LIKE YOU CAN SLIDE THAT BRICK. HEY I BET FIRE MELTS ICE.”
This game always fascinated me as a companion piece to Half-Life. It cemented some things in the HL lore that have just become accepted, while at the same time existing in Schrodinger’s canon....
I really tried to enjoy myself. God, I tried so hard. I attempted to find nuggets of joy within its hamfisted dialogue, one-note companions and the flashy but soulless fights. But I just couldn’t do it. Every time there was a glimmer of hope, it was dashed against the rocks of infinite disappointment....
I’ve been playing it and enjoying it. It could be better. Most games could. I had kind of low expectations, honestly. I’m glad it’s a single player game with no live-service and no season-pass. I’ll probably play it a second time. Runs kind of like crap, so I might play it again in the distant future where I have better hardware.
I imagine a lot of internet duds are mad about how there’s a queer subplot, but they can go fuck themselves. Unfortunately, this creates a problem where if some random guy is bashing it I have to try to suss out if they’re really just mad about queer stuff. It’s hard to tell. And because we’re all just emotional idiots, some people might be mad about the queer stuff and not realize it, and the words that come out of their mouth will be “boring characters”.
But also a lot of their games have problems. Mass Effect 3’s ending is so bad it has its own wikipedia page.
It downscales your level if you go back to older areas, so you can play with lower level friends. (Though it’s still pretty generous, and the high level friends will be more effective). So if your friends aren’t playing much, you can still coop with them when they do play.
There’s a lot of content. Most of the maps have stuff just happening. There’s also instanced content for 5, 10, or … I think private convergences can go up to 20?
There’s not really a gear grind. When you hit max level (which is pretty easy) good-enough gear is very easy to get. A smidge better than that is a little expensive but still very feasible. The fanciest gear is numerically the same, but let’s you reskin and swap stats for free, which is nice.
I bought over a dozen promotional games, with high discounts on several old games, Cities: Skylines-90% for only $2.99; Darkest Dungeon-92% for only $1.99. Also bought a promising HoMM-like new game, Pennon and Battle. https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/56a35b8d-52bd-4c6f-9419-99638bd468d6.jpeg
Lies of P. It was pretty good. 30 hours for the first run through. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’ve already played sekiro and some dark souls, as I think they do it better.
I think gamers as a whole, though specifically those in niche communities, need to take a long and hard look at themselves. We should celebrate the volunteers that create wonderful content for us, generally with no financial gain. Instead, commonly, there are communities that criticize and tear down every little thing they can...
Some people probably know them in real life. Like, you might have a friend who’s like “Yeah this [slur] wouldn’t update her mod so i posted [hateful thing] on her insta”. You could talk to them. People listen to their in-group more than randoms online.
But then again, the worst sort of people probably mostly have the worst sort of friends, and reinforce their bad behavior.
I am a really big fan of base building in RTS games, which is why I never liked Starcraft. Bases in Starcraft feel like they have such little rhyme or reason. They are messy and ugly. I always build a ton of bases in games like Tiberian Sun, that, while gameplay wise, are a waste of time and money, feel fun to build and fun to...
A dark souls kind of slow paced combat game, but built for co-op. Except I don’t have any friends who are on the same skill level and schedule.
More broadly, I really want more games that you can play co-op in where the players are vastly different skill levels, but it’s still fun. I don’t know how to solve this.
I can imagine like a game where one person is playing dark souls and the other is playing candy crush, and they interact somehow. Like making matches in one give estus in the other, and killing bosses gives stuff.
Basically I want to play games with my frienda that don’t play the same games, somehow.
as an almost maximally privileged person (cis straight etc), i want my whining fellows to shut the fuck up. Just stop. Stop taking up all the god damn space. Just be quiet. It’s okay not to be included in every scene all the time.
Your point about not assuming people are straight by default is valid. But I mostly just want some cis-het folks to stop embarrassing me by being fucking insufferable.
There's no magazine on any instance that I see of such a community on the topic matter. To anyone not familiar, a patient gamer is someone who is immune to FOMO, doesn't get caught up or tied up with current modern gaming. Someone who doesn't care that they've beaten a game from 1996 and here it is 2024. Someone who doesn't care...
I don’t buy a game solely because it’s the zeitgeist or whatever. A friend of mine routinely buys games that are “the new shiny” and then doesn’t finish them, or loses interest quickly. I usually wait for a sale, some patches, and/or the dlc to be bundled into a goty edition.
Some exceptions:
I bought elden ring near launch because I’m a big enjoyer of the genre, and my friend confirmed it was good. No regrets.
I bought bg3 shortly before it’s full access. I’d liked the other games larian did, and a friend told me it was good. No regrets.
Both of those were pretty light on DLC. No season pass or “goty” editions were likely.
I’m going to wait for the dragon age game to go on sale. I don’t really trust Bioware, and I don’t know if they plan to do a bunch of dlc that will get bundled up later.
I’ve been waiting for Lies of P to get cheap. The demo was just ok when I played it, but a friend tells me it’s phenomenal.
Right now I’m playing a MUD (aardwolf). It really distills some online RPG into the essence of “go kill some stuff to level up, get new skills, and kill bigger stuff”. It’s strangely satisfying.
I played a MUD once that had characters age. When you got older, it affected some of your stats. You wanted your cleric to be older because that benefitted wisdom and mana, but fighter types wanted to be young for the health bonuses.
There were equipment that modified effective age, and you could remort at max level to reset it. It was kind of cool, aside from the first time I was like “why is my HP Regen so low? Ooh my cleric is like 120 years old”
RuneScape was my favorite game of all time when I was a kid. I’d play it for at least 8 hours a day every day, and never get bored. Now, RuneScape is RuneScape 3, terribly infested gambling microtransaction mess that looks like a really bad early access game, or Oldschool RuneScape, which is really fun, but is infested with...
Guild wars 2 is a very good game, but very different than guild wars 1.
They both avoid the endless gear and level grind, but gw2 is generally easier and less tactical. You can solo most of it. Builds are a little more limited, but it’s also harder to make a useless character.
They addressed the most common problems with early mmos: other players are never a bad thing. there’s no kill stealing. If you’re doing some event to fight off demons that have invaded the town, and other people show up, the game silently scales up a to accommodate more players, and everyone gets credit. it’s great.
I really like it. I don’t play it every day, but I go back to it all the time.
I’ve been playing the things since Diablo I; I love the concept and the gameplay loop, but the game-design issues they run up against, and the mechanics that get implemented to address them… irritate the crap out of me over time, and I want to talk about that....
What if leveling up didn’t make number get big, but instead gave you more options in a fight?
Horizontal progression is pretty cool .
Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t want that. They want to feel cool and competent without actually doing anything. That’s not to say like you need to “earn” your fun or whatever. But that the progress quest number go up don’t think too hard is immensely popular with a lot of people. They don’t want to be challenged.
And that’s fine. It’s a game. It’s just not a game I want to play all the time.
Guy I know worked for a pretty big video game studio or two. (You’ve definitely heard of some games he worked on). Then he realized it sucked. Took a job in FinTech, made like double the money for half the work.
Fingers crossed for total conversions. Give me some non-5e rule systems. (Unlikely, I know. Double unlikely to get anything other than maybe Pathfinder, but I can hope)
Modern fallout games do difficulty badly. Walked up to one of those boomer guys in fo:NV , he gave me some shit, so I shot him in the face with a revolver. He didn’t fall over dead.
I got a bunch of mods to make everyone a lot more of a glass cannon, but made power armor very effective (and other armor somewhat so). Was a lot more fun. But also there was a lot more reloading because, like, sometimes a baddie would get the drop on me and I’d be dead from two shots.
I don’t really know details about who does what at Blizzard, but isn’t he the guy responsible for the utter train wreck of Diablo3’s writing? Whoever wrote and approved “How tastes your fear, Nephalem?” did a bad job.
And a programmer friend I talked to couldn’t comprehend why he would want to be in a union.
I also had a programmer friend that was anti-union. He was like “If the place I’m working at sucks, I’ll just find another place.” Very short sighted and optimistic.
Review bombs and “boycotts” are frustrating because it seems like the average player has the willpower of a hungry toddler. “Hey, don’t buy this game. They make their developers work 20 hour days.” -> “Oh yeah fuck them! …ooh, but there’s a shiny angel wing skin if I preorder? Well mmmmmmm well sure it’s just $90 what does it hurt”
But I don’t know. I’m kind of in a mood lately where I feel like I’m surrounded by overgrown toddlers.
Mildly interested. Concerned about monetization. I don’t do subscriptions or microtransactions, and “pay once and you’re good” is pretty rare, probably in part because there’s ongoing costs to running a server and in part because lol most people will charge as much as possible. But that’s why the only MMO I play is guild wars 2. You buy the game and you’re good. They sell expansions every couple of years.
Also you should mention lemmy on your site where you mention discord and reddit.
I agree with your ideas on micro transactions here. They create a lot of temptations to make the base game worse. “Your inventory holds 12 items but for a very reasonable price you can hold 6 more!” may seem harmless but it also sucks. The game is objectively and arbitrarily worse without that transaction.
Purely cosmetic skins are a little better, but you end up taking advantage of people who buy more than they should.
Can you share nerdy technical details about how you made it? Custom engine? Something like unity? Solo project or big team?
When I was a kid I thought a lot about making games, but now that I’ve worked in software and spent hours being like “why the fuck does the font get bigger when I open the date picker?” I have a greater appreciation for how hard it can be.
PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now (www.pcgamer.com) angielski
Rockstar has some of the most restrictive mission design I've ever experienced angielski
I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 again recently and have been thoroughly enjoying it, but this one thing has always bugged be about this game and Rockstar games in general, and that’s how restrictive they are with their mission design. You decide to get off your horse too early when riding to an objective, mission...
Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform? angielski
The beatings will continue until the skill improves angielski
Gotta get better gear anyway we can. You don't want to be looted yourself right? angielski
Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, departs BioWare (www.eurogamer.net)
It’s tough to express how much of a bummer this whole mess has been. Veilguard is such an embarrassingly lazy, shallow experience....
What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? angielski
What games are you nostalgic towards but wouldn't go back and play? angielski
The first game that comes to mind for me is Civilizations 4. I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours playing but after getting used to 5 and 6 I have a really hard time going back. Going back and forth between 5 and 6 I need to rethink some strategies but with 4 I feel like I need to rethink everything. I don’t know if it’s...
what was the last game you played in 2024? angielski
Happy new year guys!😀 Just now, it hit midnight here, and it’s officially 2025. I was playing Pennon and Battle, and I realized it’s the last game I played in 2024!! That gave it a different kind of meaning. Now I’m curious, what was the last game you played in 2024?
Is Half-Life Opposing Force still known to current gamers, or is this a side game that's fallen through the cracks. (lemmy.world) angielski
This game always fascinated me as a companion piece to Half-Life. It cemented some things in the HL lore that have just become accepted, while at the same time existing in Schrodinger’s canon....
After years of holding out hope, 2024 was the year I finally gave up on BioWare (www.pcgamer.com) angielski
I really tried to enjoy myself. God, I tried so hard. I attempted to find nuggets of joy within its hamfisted dialogue, one-note companions and the flashy but soulless fights. But I just couldn’t do it. Every time there was a glimmer of hope, it was dashed against the rocks of infinite disappointment....
Looking for coop RPGs
I’m looking for RPGs to play with friends where each player has different roles and you need to cooperate to progress....
What is your Game of the Year?
Steam Replay is out, so what game did you have the most fun experiencing this year?
The Steam Autumn Sale 🎮 is over, what did everyone get? angielski
I bought over a dozen promotional games, with high discounts on several old games, Cities: Skylines-90% for only $2.99; Darkest Dungeon-92% for only $1.99. Also bought a promising HoMM-like new game, Pennon and Battle. https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/56a35b8d-52bd-4c6f-9419-99638bd468d6.jpeg
Sony is in talks to buy FromSoftware’s parent company Kadokawa. (www.polygon.com)
Popular Female Skyrim Modder Has Abandoned Her Work Due to Daily Harrassment (www.gamesradar.com)
I think gamers as a whole, though specifically those in niche communities, need to take a long and hard look at themselves. We should celebrate the volunteers that create wonderful content for us, generally with no financial gain. Instead, commonly, there are communities that criticize and tear down every little thing they can...
What type of game do you want to see?
I am a really big fan of base building in RTS games, which is why I never liked Starcraft. Bases in Starcraft feel like they have such little rhyme or reason. They are messy and ugly. I always build a ton of bases in games like Tiberian Sun, that, while gameplay wise, are a waste of time and money, feel fun to build and fun to...
To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks (www.pcgamer.com) angielski
Are you a patient gamer? (kbin.melroy.org) angielski
There's no magazine on any instance that I see of such a community on the topic matter. To anyone not familiar, a patient gamer is someone who is immune to FOMO, doesn't get caught up or tied up with current modern gaming. Someone who doesn't care that they've beaten a game from 1996 and here it is 2024. Someone who doesn't care...
Which game started this? It's everywhere. (lemmy.world) angielski
Unrelated, but we ran out of time and the campaign is only 7hrs (lemmy.world) angielski
Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale angielski
Title. I have quite a few on my backlog but I’m always looking for inde recs especially. :)
Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? angielski
RuneScape was my favorite game of all time when I was a kid. I’d play it for at least 8 hours a day every day, and never get bored. Now, RuneScape is RuneScape 3, terribly infested gambling microtransaction mess that looks like a really bad early access game, or Oldschool RuneScape, which is really fun, but is infested with...
I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying. angielski
I’ve been playing the things since Diablo I; I love the concept and the gameplay loop, but the game-design issues they run up against, and the mechanics that get implemented to address them… irritate the crap out of me over time, and I want to talk about that....
Deadlock Is Turning Cheaters Into Frogs - Aftermath (aftermath.site)
Video Game Developers Are Leaving The Industry And Doing Something, Anything Else (aftermath.site) angielski
"Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours (www.eurogamer.net) angielski
This will look great in my library (lemmy.world) angielski
Higher difficulties in every single RPG. angielski
I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard. (lemmy.world) angielski
I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! angielski
Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before angielski
This might be a slightly unusual attempt at a prompt, but might draw some appealing unusual options....
Just released my game, Amata, into early access! The whole campaign is ready to play and there is a free demo! <33 (store.steampowered.com) angielski
Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” (arstechnica.com) angielski
Someone has to keep the retro spark alive (lemmy.world) angielski
Borderlands 4 - Official Teaser Trailer (www.youtube.com) angielski