legion, do games w Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales? avatar

But this isn’t the formula for all games. While we might agree that games from 2000 or even 2010 are “showing their age”, at this point 5 to 8-year-old games are less and less likely to be seen as ‘too old’ by comparison to hot releases.

As someone that grew up in the '80s and '90s, it’s wild how much different the pace of change in games was then compared to now.

In 1991 I was playing NES games and 256-color VGA MS-DOS games, in 1998 I was playing Half-Life. Every single thing about the experience of video games changed in that span.

In 2017 I was playing Breath of the Wild, in 2024 I’m playing more or less the same game in Tears of the Kingdom.

memo, avatar

To be fair, emulation and patching is even improving on late 90s to early 10s console games. Sure, you can’t evade hardware limitations, but having, for example, ps2 games not slowing down on a CRT with weird motion blur and giving you a big headache makes for an already much more compelling experience.


Well, that is a sign of the medium maturing. We’ve figured out most basic technological limitations and many design conventions to make games that are as close to the vision of the creators as we want them to be. Until some new great discovery drastically changes how games are made, now it’s just a matter of building up on existing ideas, with new twists.

daniyeg, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

if there’s one rule to modding valve games, it’s “don’t touch GabeN’s hat and skin sales”. TF2 despite being a real mess and valve’s server being practically unplayable, still brings in millions of dollars of gambling money, and now that CS2 keys are not tradable TF2 keys are in demand for laundering money. of course they are gonna take down a direct remake of their live service game minus all the bots and shitty cosmetics.


Not exactly. Plenty of CS mods give players knife skins and things while on the server for doing things in the server. They only work while in that server, but Valve doesn’t care. Releasing a product that could be mistaken for an official product is not smart though. They just released Counter Strike 2 (which was called CS Source 2 for a long time) so they have to defend their IP from confusion. This isnt likely about money because this wouldn’t hurt that in the slightest. Who had even heard of it before this post? It’s just something they have to do legally.

delmain, do gaming w Get Humble Choice and other package titles for cheaper

I mean that might be true, but those key reseller sites are also often grey-market. Sometimes they are legit, but sometimes they resell keys they bought with stolen credit cards etc.

I personally wouldn’t buy from a site that I couldn’t easily verify is legit (steam, gog, hb, etc)

Multiple indie developers I’ve seen (wube who makes factorio has been very vocal about it) have complained about losing significant amounts of money from grey/black market keys since they end up being on the hook for fees when people do credit card chargebacks.


I totally agree.

The site OP linked to at least warns about scammy sites and risks associated. It also tracks prices on official resellers.

I wouldn’t use it to save a few bucks on an indie title, but it’s a nice resource when waiting for a AAA game to become affordable.


Options for everyone.

Appoxo, avatar

tracks prices on official resellers

I’d use isthereanydeal for that.

And if a shop aint listed there it’s suspicious to start.

mateomaui, (edited )

I have purchased literally hundreds of steam keys from such shops over the years and have had a grand total of only 3 keys be removed from my account within days or weeks, and was granted refunds from the shops when I provided proof from Steam that the keys were rejected as duplicates. Every game I’ve installed other than those 3 have worked without issues. It’s an educated risk that I failed to mention because it’s been over 99% successful for me. Make your own call.

edit: Also worth mentioning that there are many games in my Steam account that were added after the games were delisted, such as the original GTA Trilogy, solely because I could still find keys on keyshops. If you want a delisted game, it’s worth considering.


They aren’t taking about dupes that don’t work and you get screwed out of money. They are talking about legit keys bought by stealing money from other people. If you buy such keys (no way to know whether one is or isn’t), then you are splitting the profits from fraud with a criminal enterprise. You get a discount, they get laundered stolen money.

Your reply doesn’t address the core problem in any way.


Like you said, no way to know one way or the other. Disapprove of me if it makes you feel superior. I’ve still spent a mint on Steam and GOG, and I’m still pirating. And half this community bitches about paying for anything so excuse me while I lol.


I’m for piracy when the ones being hurt are massive companies who can cover it by lowering their quarterly bonus .5%. I’m not for knowing your neighbors bike was stolen and then buying one “just like it” from a pawn shop at a steal.

This isn’t about feeling superior, this is about having empathy for the people whose money was stolen and frustration that this business model is profitable because of people who support it.

Do what you’re going to do, but folks reading this thread deserve to understand the moral implications of taking part in this.

mateomaui, (edited )

Ok then, everyone is informed about things you cannot verify as true per key, and that you support piracy when it screws the right entity with employees, so you’re a model of selective morality.

Like he said, do as you will, everyone.

edit: honestly, I love the usual “it’s ok to screw gaming corporations” angle, when if you had a sense of morality worth talking about, you’d advocate zero piracy and that everyone should wait until games were something like 1/2 price or bargain bin, because at least then the corporations may reverse course on raising prices, and maybe not lay off so many workers. But when you say it’s fine to pirate that, you’re possibly contributing to those massive layoffs, regardless of how much money the company still has, because such decisions are determined by performance metrics. Like I said, model of selective morality.


Every individual stolen key does massive harm.

They didn't say piracy is good. They said piracy is (by a massive amount) less malicious and less harmful than buying from fences for stolen keys like all the disgusting sites you're promoting.

mateomaui, (edited )

Rage on, it’s entertaining at this point.

I’m for piracy when the ones being hurt are massive companies who can cover it by lowering their quarterly bonus .5%.

That is selectively supporting piracy, like it or not.

And to be clear, the only site I actually promoted and linked to is, where you can compare the prices at regular storefronts in one place, not just for keyshops. Where I got my keys were mentioned but not linked. As said before, options for every moral stance.

MagicShel, (edited )

They interpreted it better than I said it. Who’s acting superior now? This is clearly a real sore spot for you. I don’t pirate but I also don’t go around telling people how immoral it is to pirate. Plus piracy is part of the business model for some companies and it’s how we went from cable to streaming (although thats getting all fucked up again).

So yes I have much less moral problem with piracy. But like I said I didn’t come here to get all morally superior, I spoke up because you clearly didn’t understand the nature of the harm you are doing since you took the wrong message away that someone was warning about being scammed by these companies.

mateomaui, (edited )

I don’t actually care about the morality of pirating, I said that bit to point out the total hypocrisy you have on display. It’s not a sore spot for me at all, I have no problem doing it, the same way I have no problem buying hundreds of games directly from Steam and GOG, or hundreds more from keyshops. You’re the one actually complaining about morality, you made it specifically clear you wanted everyone to know such implications.

Honestly, totally amazing that needed to be explained to you.

It’s almost 3am here, so I’m cutting off this nonsense now for something more productive. Sleep.

bermuda, (edited )

it’s entertaining at this point

Been on the Internet for a while. 100% of people who say this are not entertained and are really saying this to stroke a badly bruised ego. OP, it’s clear to me that you got your ego damaged when people poked holes in your plan to make less money by buying things from shady sites. I hope after your sleep you come back to engage in a healthy manner without constantly trying to act morally superior or at least uncaring about real moral grey areas. Supporting these sites negatively affects real people.


It's weird cos you're the only person bringing up pirating first (others are bringing it up as a talking point you've raised), and that's not the dichotomy - it's not dubious reselling sites or pirating, it's Humble Choice, the topic of your post, where the games are already discounted, the developers have decided to opt in, and some money is actually going to charity.

Even if you bring up your original post as providing "options for everyone", it was written in the spirit of advertising grey market sites as an alternative to Humble Choice, and therefore it's entirely fair that others are bringing up the harms of grey market sites so that everyone knows what the risks are between them. I used to use those grey market sites as a kid more than a decade ago before I understood that they were a tool by scammers to make their money, and now I no longer use them. It would only be honest for you to have talked about that in your original post rather than ignoring it because the only alternative to you is piracy.

mateomaui, (edited )

Actually no, the subject of pirating was first brought up by this response

Even developers would rather people pirate than buy from key resellers

where they said developers would prefer that to keyshops, and in the order I read them and answered people, that was the one I read and replied to, before first mentioning it myself in reply to another person here

If you want me to stay in the piracy section, just say so. I’m there anyway.

I’ve also plainly stated in the same comment

I have also purchased literally hundreds of games directly from Steam and GOG, so the sum total of my soul in gaming is in the positive, as far as I’m concerned.

so the rest of your reply is ignorant nonsense, because piracy is not the only alternative for me. It’s one of many options for me.

edit: if you want to argue about the order I read and responded to messages, feel free to check my comment history. They are listed in order of creation regardless of last edit.

But I’m going to bed now. I’m done with this.

Smokeless7048, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

For me it’s simply EGS paying developers to lock games only their store.

If they were just competing, trying to deliver a better product I would massively support them, similar to how I support GOG, however when you start locking content to your storez you end up with “PlayStation vs Xbox” devision of content.


This is exactly it. They’re not building their brand by providing a superior service/experience or driving market prices down. They’re using venture capital to fund giving away games to get you to use their wildly subpar services. They’re trying to buy market position without the services to justify it.

jackpot, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next? avatar

yeah java minecraft (NOT BEDROCK) is great, you can mod the shit out of it too on a pc.


You can get them both with the one license now, so you don’t have to pick. I like having the 2 options available and I don’t let my kids buy anything on the bedrock one where they have the Minecoin BS to buy stuff. They only have real money (paper) and no digital-compatible methods to pay for anything.

But the mods on Java edition are excellent, and the fact that it runs on any computer OS is a big plus. I can’t recommend anything more than Minecraft for a kids’ game.


I never understood the "Minecraft Bedrock was made so it could run everywhere" argument. Like, wasn't Java's moto "Write once, run everywhere"? Why settle for a garbage version of the original, when the original can run on every computational device made within the last decade?


When Java was made, nobody guessed that a phone or console would ever be as powerful as a PC. “Everywhere” really meant “Everywhere powerful enough (just PCs).”

Could MC Java be ported to a phone? Yes, but C++ is just so much more efficient for a small device.


Well, considering most android apps are written in Java (mostly Kotlin, but it uses the JVM still), I guess it could.

However, Bedrock is vastly inferior in terms of quality, and performance is not an excuse for it.

realitista, avatar

How does this work? I have a Minecraft Bedrock license for my Playstation, can I somehow get a Minecraft Java license from this too?


You should be able to see the license in your Microsoft account. I think everyone got both licenses sometime earlier this year.

HumbleHobo, do gaming w Cyberpunk dlc sucks. 10 side missions and like 5 story missions for 30 bucks. avatar

Ummm, since we are being critical, I’m going to say that low effort bug reports get sent to the recycle bin on my dev team. Also, what’s up with the tone of your post? You sound like you hated Cyberpunk 2077 in general and so you felt the need to scream it from the rooftops.

I’ve played Phantom Liberty now for a couple days and I’ve never seen anything you’re reporting, so you’ll need to give more detail, like are you playing this on PC or Console, and which console? What are your settings? Also lose the bad attitude man, we are all here to have fun.


I like cyberpunk. Not sure where you see an attitude

And why would you need to know my “settings”??


At least the “character getting ejected” bug can have a direct connection with framerate issues and the corresponding settings. Most of the other stuff you’ve mentioned can be impacted by localisation, subtitle and accessibility settings.


everything is default. games runs at 60fps

Epicurus0319, do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore?

Because Fandom has ruined the interface, and most people just watch YouTube tutorials

Fhek, do piracy w What are the best alternatives to The Pirate Bay in 2023?

Whatever is in the megathread.

thantik, do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion

And when you DO migrate it to a Microsoft account, and DON’T want them to have your phone number, they’ll fake “There’s been suspicious activity on your account, we HAVE to have your phone number now!” until you give it up.


Can confirm, I found creating a new Microsoft account and doing literally nothing with it for around half an hour is suspicious enough to lock the account and require a phone number.

storksforlegs, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

People are getting pretty spicy with the responses. OP was just underwhelmed by a game getting a lot of hype. Like lots of people are going to like it, but not everyone. I think theyre just trying to generate discussion, not say “everyone who likes starfield is an CHUMP!!” or something.

sexy_peach, avatar

haha thanks yeah I just shared my thoughts, but this is the internet after all ;)

BentiGorlich, do gaming w What's a good game you played with an awful tutorial? avatar

All Paradox Interactive games ever created 😂
The worst I had was Hearts Of Iron IV. I played a 2h tutorial only to not understand a single thing the real game threw at me afterwards...

EvaUnit02, avatar

I adore those games, and while I think they've made great strides with CKIII and Vicky 3, I agree that the tutorials are severely lacking.


You gotta just start with an easy country. The CK2 community used to call Ireland “Tutorial Island” since it was low key and a good place to learn the mechanics, same with Spain in EU, or Belgium in Vicky.


About what Hearts of Iron? I tried that game once (3 or 4, don’t remember) and basically gave up when the tutorial ended and I still had no idea how to do anything.

BentiGorlich, avatar

Don't get me wrong, I love most of them, but the learning curve is very steep and the tutorials in most of their games just suck...

alchemy88, avatar

This I agree with. Stellaris is very confusing starting out and such a huge learning curve the tutorial just doesn’t cover.

Rinnarrae, (edited ) avatar

It’s not nearly as complex as it initially looks imo, but I also play with a million mods some of which make the game needlessly complicated so maybe the vanilla game just looks simple in comparison to me now lol


Stellaris is far from the worst offender, and yet you’re still entirely right.

soulsource, avatar

Also, the tutorial has suffered bitrot quite a lot. The game has seen many significant changes since release, but the tuturial was only partially updated to reflect them.

alchemy88, avatar

Yeah I think this is a big one for me.

I come back after a major patch or every 6 months and its all changed again! Which is good as it keeps it fresh, but the tutorial is very lacking on the changes.


Some Paradox games literally teach you how to play wrong, CKII being an example IIRC

sapo, avatar

Thank god that’s changing tho. CK3 and (though to a lesser extent) Vicky 3 both have relatively decent tutorials.


The imbeded tooltips are a real godsend. I have no idea how I would wrap my head around Vicky 3 otherwise. The tutorial is still worthless tho.


I still don’t know how to play hearts of iron IV. I’d love to learn but I’m a trial by fire learner. It’s really hard for me to make it through a 2hr YouTube tutorial with monotonous robot voices.

dawnerd, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

Sim games. Not THE sims but like SimTower, SimAnt, etc. There’s been some attempts over the years but everyones missed the mark.

rustydrd, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun? avatar

Civ games at launch are often a bit of a mixed bag, and the games improve over time with patches and expansions. That being said, the game isn’t even fully out yet, and early Steam reviews are notoriously unreliable and undifferentiated. For your first civ game, maybe look at earlier titles like Civ 5 or 6. They have aged very well, I still play 6 all the time.


This right here.

I played 6 at launch and it was a huge downgrade from 5 but now it’s been updated so much it’s now unrecognizable from what was released as 6.

Every patch, update, and DLC will change it incrementally back into a similar experience as the others. They like to try to get real wild with the initial release but it tends to get back to the same sort of things eventually.


I am hoping that is the case, but I do have to say that this one boggles the mind just a little bit to be launching without significant features that the previous games had like hotseat multiplayer and limited era games.


I want to add on that Sid Meier had a philosophy called the one third rule, where on third of a new game would be kept from the previous, one third would be improved systems and one third would be new. I don’t think he is big into the studio at the moment, but i can see him still being a guiding light.

I don’t play many games, but civ patches will get the game polished and it will be a world better at some point. Until then, you can be the part that is booming the system or wait until the product is in a place that the community loves…/civilization-sid-meier-intervie…

jabathekek, (edited ) do gaming w Water + hot oil avatar

Yeah, I don’t think many devs have ever worked in a kitchen.


Those who did, can’t tell anyone anymore.


Not sure if the Devs are the ones placing things on the map though


Level Artists are game devs too


Dev = working on game

Dev = game developer

Dev = whatever fits until further clarification is needed based on context

Game development requires writers, artists, coders, so they’re game devs. Could it be more specific? Sure. Does it always need to be? Certainly not.

jabathekek, avatar

I think it’s really cool how many different disciplines go into making a game.

Faydaikin, do gaming w Fallout London is a better game than Fallout 4 avatar

The bar is pretty low, we’re talking Bethesda.

That being said, I have yet to hear anything negative about F: London.

TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

I tried to play London and it crashed constantly. Now, that’s not all that different an experience from playing any Bethesda game, but it did kind of kill any interest I had in the mod.

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

Which version? The latest version includes Buffout 4 which helps some. However, yeah it crashes a lot for me, but thankfully I save a lot and have the patience to just reload. I understand not everyone does though.

TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

It was very early on, the first week or so after it released. I’m sure they’ve fixed a lot of the bugs but honestly I just haven’t really been motivated to try it out again.

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

Yeah, if you have it installed still you can manually add Buffout 4, if you would like to.

I do understand not wanting to try something again after a bad experience though.

Faydaikin, avatar

Didn’t Beth’ update F4 just before F:London dropped, redering the Mod partly incompatible?

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

Yes, that’s why it is necessary to downgrade Fallout 4 and there are instructions on how to do so on github, that and/or you can use Folon’s downgrader.


I have to try again on my system with AMD 6750 video card, on my other one with Nvidia 3070 it keeps crashing every five minutes and I was already a couple of hours in and liking it.

Malix, avatar

out of curiosity, weapon debris -option enabled if you check the base game’s launcher -> options? that causes mad crashes on nvidia cards.


Disabled it but did not solve the crashes unfortunately.

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

The only negative thing really is the crashing. It still happens a lot for me even with the patch.

Malix, avatar

the discord for the mod is really helpful, and has a pretty smart bot to decipher crashlogs. Definitely solved some issues I had. Recommended, unless discord is a nono, which is fair.

I do some “community service” over there and help out others where I can. And seems like most crashes are either some lingering mods from old-fallout4 install, creation club mods (any cc*.* files in fallout/data -dir, or old config files in mydocs/mygames/fallout4) or “bug fix mods” intended for 1.00/1.01 folon versions, and lastly: weapon debris -option enabled - that causes crashes outright with nvidia cards.

edit: also “long loading times fix” -mod is a total nono, there’s better and less files corrupting options out there (highfpsphysics)

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

Yeah discord is a no no for me for three reasons:

I try not to use proprietary things,

I don’t like messengers without (audited and good) end-to-end encryption,

I get overwhelmed easily in groups and bad things happen.

Still, appreciate the recommendation and suggestion 🙂.

Mine was a fresh install of both fallout 4 and fallout london and hasn’t had any mods added to either, so it is unlikely any of those are the reason it crashes.

Edit: I will look at that option but I have an AMD GPU, so that shouldn’t be an issue if it’s only nvidia.

Malix, avatar

not 100% sure if the weapon debris is nvidia only issue, but I’ve only seen the crashlog sniffing bot mentioning it when people have had nvidia cards.

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

I’ll try turning it off. Thank you so much for the help!

SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

Hey, so more testing is required but so far it seems to have not crashed since I turned weapon debris off. Thank you!

Malix, avatar

Awesome! If it helped, great!

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