Bananobanza, do games w How do I download anything from Nexus Mods?

Wait what? Nexus Mods acknowledges a security flaw that had been breached and took action to notify the community and solve the problem and you think that’s shady?

B0NK3RS, do games w I don't think it's possible for me to complete this Steam achievement avatar

100 hours for only 0.1%. I don’t particularly like achievements anyway but these ones are just stupid.

shadowedcross, avatar

That 0.1% is the number of players who have the achievement, not OP’s completion progress. But it’s also probably very small.

B0NK3RS, avatar

My mistake then. I guess that shows how uninterested in achievements I am…


That’s like one of the super grindy JRPG titles I have (100 hours or so to get through the story). To get all the achievements, you’d have to play through an absolute minimum of 9 times, because you need to kill the end boss without taking damage on each difficulty level, and they unlock as you go. But you’d actually be grinding bosses for ages trying to get them without taking damage…

The game was ok, but I honestly can’t see wanting to play it twice let alone 9 times… there’s definitely a reason almost nobody has those achievements…

11111one11111, do gaming w This is spot on for so many games

Layout is like 1 for 1 almost with Super Mario World


OP is in trouble!

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

Microsoft really knows how to pick the winners, don’t they?


they are a reverse midas. Anything they touch doesn’t turn into gold but into shit


Mierdas touch


They do ESO makes anything else the company does largely irrelevant. Same as Blizzard back when Activision bought them.

Kolanaki, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?
!deleted6508 avatar

Because Fortnite isn’t on Steam. Super sure if it was, it would have usurped CS for the top spot.

Keep in mind that Counter-Strike has been a massively popular competitive shooter with tournaments and the biggest pro scene in the West for decades. It’s had years to cultivate its massive following. Most of the other games on the top 10 are babies by comparison to CS’s old man status.


Because Fortnite isn’t on Steam. Super sure if it was, it would have usurped CS for the top spot.

I actually do really enjoy Fortnite, but according to their in-game stats, it’s hit a lull. The other one is minecraft… idk what people do in that game though. Never tried it haha. just seeking something fun and it’s just the same games every single month…

!deleted6508 avatar

Minecraft is so moddable, most people playing Minecraft might actually just be playing another game built inside Minecraft lol

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Can confirm, BuildCraft was Satisfactory before Satisfactory

pixeltree, avatar

Buildcraft + IC2, my beloved


Minecraft is so moddable Damn I wish it was on steam. The workshop installing/uninstalling mods would be sooooo easy

!deleted6508 avatar

The front-end launchers that are most popular basically work that way. The Bedrock edition also somewhat works that way, it just has fewer impressive mods and they’re not free.

JusticeForPorygon, do games w Splatoon 3: After 2 INK-redible years, regular updates will come to a close. avatar

I’ve still never played a splatoon game, mostly because I don’t wanna have to re-purchase it after a couple years


You can keep playing it tho?


The second game was around for well over two years.

Needing to buy an online subscription is a far better complaint than a misinformed timeline.

missingno, avatar

S2 was 2017, S3 was 2022. Five year gap is pretty reasonable for sequels.

S4 likely won't happen until after the next Animal Crossing, since it's the same team working on both IPs.


My issue with that is that Splatoon basically dies off for a few years until a sequel comes out. I’m not playing for switch online for a game that won’t get any new content.

missingno, avatar

How many years do you expect them to keep pumping out content for the same game? They've gotta wrap it up somewhere. Two years is plenty.

Back in my day, games were released and we played them for what they were.


I would be happy with that if Nintendo didn’t charge a yearly fee for online.


Are you imagining that this game should be like those constantly updating online games that rely on micro transactions or monthly subscription? It was a game to buy full price, but got updates and events for free for 2 years plus DLCs. The servers and game will still be online getting quality of life and security updates. Splatoon 1 servers were online for 9 years… On Wii U no less.

ampersandrew, avatar

It does rely on a subscription though.


As do nearly all console online games

ampersandrew, avatar

I don’t think that’s a great excuse.


Maybe it isn’t, but it’s hardly a reason to single out this game for it.

ampersandrew, avatar

I don’t think it’s singling it out to say that the just-about-required subscription makes it less appealing to purchase, whereas most multiplayer games have the PC version as an option.


I didn’t know we were playing the PC vs console argument. Nevermind, someone did that in another thread already. Yes PC without subscription is better. But anyone playing anything on a console buys the sequel every few years of whatever the game may be. Which was what I was replying to

ampersandrew, avatar

We weren’t per se. Only that a predominantly multiplayer game is a harder sell when the subscription is damn near mandatory, which is why there are so few multiplayer-only games on consoles that cost money up front anymore, and free to play games get an exception to the subscription service on PlayStation and Xbox.


I still have yet to understand what is new in Splatoon 3. I play 2 casually, just for a few pvp matches every so often, and it’s good as is

ampersandrew, avatar

The second game even repurposed large parts of the not-particularly-impressive campaign of the first game. They weren’t going to fool me again by making me buy the same game a third time.

missingno, avatar

Large parts? It's been a while since I played Octo Canyon, but I'm pretty sure the only thing that reappeared from Valley was the Octostomp boss, but it's a different fight anyway so not really.

missingno, avatar

It's an iterative series, each game building on the predecessor's mechanics, so there's not any one major twist. But there are a lot of little things that add up. The new movement techniques are great, Salmon Run has been significantly expanded, and just in general the QoL is night and day.

Also, the fact that Ink Armor, Sting Ray, and Main Power Up are not in the game might be the true biggest step forward. S3's meta is in a pretty good spot now.

arudesalad, do games w "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy"

I love how it’s worded like concord is a beloved game that is shutting down after a decade


To the people that worked on it, even when the result kinda sucks, there’s some level of attachment. They spent literal years of their life investing into it. That might be where the tone is coming from.


Imagine working years on something and every time leadership has a meeting they keep asking you to add even more bullshit or change some stupid stuff. Must suck to be a game dev, I feel for them.

smeg, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics?

Mario 64 definitely paved the way for most of the 3D platformers of the 21st century


I’d give that to Tomb Raider but both are exceptional.


I don’t think it’s just “being 3D”. Mario 64 put a lot of R&D into particulars of how jumping should work, the camera should work, and what the player’s goals should be. Quite a few games unintentionally copied them, while you could see some games not following their lead early in the 3D days that felt very janky to play. Tomb Raider could arguably be among them with the tank controls, though of course it has its own more niche appeal.


Legend of Zelda OoT followed up with popularizing a targeting button (good ol’ Z-targeting) to focus on one object or enemy in a 3D space and move around it or fight/otherwise interact with it. Such targeting has been a standard feature of 3D action-adventure games ever since.


If you want to talk about “how do I get up there” in a 3d environment, Doom did it before TR.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

It would be a real stretch to classify doom as a platformer.


And it’s a bad one if it applies at all. PC shooters of the time always kinda tried, but it didn’t work. The original Half Life got dinged a few points in original reviews because of a few janky platforming sections.


Mario 64 figured out applying analog control to 3d platformers which changed the whole genre, though.

FiniteBanjo, do astronomy w OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

I don’t know anything about moon pictures, my best attempt was not great

But how did they composite 81,000 images without worrying about atmospheric lensing distorting the proportions as it moved across the sky for 4 days? Is it just negligible?

fossilesque, avatar

Good question.


Is that just the Samsung smart camera composite?


Huh? Nah it’s an old Canon 1300D. I had to hold the tripod still with sandbags while it took.


My comment was mostly sarcasm.…/samsung-fake-moon-photos-ai-galaxy…

Cool that you used a “real” camera to do it. Just the experience of doing that is satisfying even if the photos don’t come out great.


Then we appreciate the Nasa images more


The Samsung moon actually just makes up a plausible looking moon, which is hilarious given that the moon essentially doesn’t change, so they could have just overlayed reference images. Instead, you get features on the moon that don’t exist.


They didn’t. What they did was take 81,000 images and then filter through, them taking the best images of each region of the Moon and then averaging and compositing those.

It isn’t 81k images stitched together. It’s 81k images taken in the hopes of getting enough with perfect clarity to create the composite.

pimeys, do gaming w Super Mario Maker 1 is now beaten!

It was great to watch all these runs on twitch. Now if Nintendo would just release an open source version of the server and all the content people have created…


You’re funny


Not Nintendo but:


Did they get all the MM1 levels somewhere? There are some true classics that would be really sad to lose…


A full archive of SMM1 levels is available on

storksforlegs, avatar

Thats nice to know they’re preserved somewhere.

ytsedude, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

Minecraft. I know it’s a big company now or whatever, but back when it was just Notch, it was still completely captivating.

Also, Stardew Valley!

dinckelman, do games w What does getting "delisted" off Steam means for games I already own?

Nothing changes for you, if you already own them. They’ll still be in your library like before. Visually, the only difference will be that those specific games will have no store page

DrainYou1967, do games w Recommendations for Pirate Games?

Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. Also, the sea battles in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey are fantastic.


Yup - Black Flag - half tempted to even purchase the remaster if that actually comes to fruition.


I’d like a spin-off. Less land stuff and more sea stuff. Instead of the ‘armada’ thing, how about being able to buy or capture larger ships for personal use? Or being able to directly control 2-3 ships? Or fight large scale coordinated naval battles?

That concept has so much more potential and I wish somebody would do more with it.


They’ve been trying with skull and bones but it’s both in development hell, been delayed multiple times and even changed play styles over the years. I’m not hopeful sadly.

LunchEnjoyer, avatar

And somehow Skull and Bones is coming out this month! Not getting it (cos its Ubisoft) but excited to see how the game will be taken in by the players, if at all…


I played AC:Oddyseey in 2021 and am currently playing through AC4:BF now for the first time. I’ve been wondering if the Ody ship mechanic was as great as I remember of if it was just a nostalgic feeling having it for the first time in the tail of Origins and throughout Odyssey. Sounds like it was actually great. Not-true-to-AC argument aside, Ody was an excellent game as someone who started on Unity.

I do recommend AC4: Black Flag as a pirate game. It does take a fair amount of somewhat normal AC gameplay (and Ubisoft side quest trinket distractions) to get enough upgrades to the ship to feel like a real pirate of the Caribbean and not just a poop deck swabber, but my ship is nearly maxed at ~75% story completion. I make sure my wanted level stays maxed so the pirate hunters chase me in level 60 men’o’war every time it loads me at sea. Two types of side cannons, forward chain cannons, rear fire barrel mines, long range mortars, front ram, and the option to board disabled ships for swashbuckler combat to gain different rewards. Plus a little tabletop smuggling across the Atlantic with turn-based sprite battles for a laughably insignificant amount of money compared to the work it takes to capture proficient ships.


Ayy I worked on the Odyssey ships, I’m glad you enjoyed playing with them :D

Zahille7, do games w Can someone explain to me why Honkai: Star Rail is treated as something other than trash? I keep seeing posts about it, all over.

Why even waste your time making this post if you don’t actually want anyone to debate you? In your post, and in a couple comments, you say you can’t/won’t be dissuaded from your opinion; so literally why waste your energy making this post (or any of your other bullshit ones, for that matter)?


I actually got my answer. Apparently, there really are elements in the game that would have been valid, if they were in an actual game, instead of a money-sucking, immoral racketeering enterprise.

I wanted to know if that was the case, or if it was just about anime perverts getting off on anime tiddys.


Or is it just an excuse for you to call out and talk shit on anyone you don’t like for whatever reason?


whatever reason

Ain’t no “whatever” about it, my dude. Have I not explained my reasons enough for you to have a basic understanding of them?

And I literally was curious. I was wondering if this game had any nuggets of actual unique (wasted) potential, or if it’s just particularly successful at playing the psychological trickery of: ANIME TITS --> SLOT MACHINE ELEMENTS --> MORE ANIME TITS --> A TINY SLICE OF GAMELIKE ACTIVITY --> MORE TITS --> MORE GAMBLING --> MORE TITS, etc.


Even still you can’t help but degrade the thing you don’t like. And you still haven’t given me a valid reason as to why, other than “WEEBS BAD”


Hey, I didn’t mean to make it exclusively about anime titties. There are completely non-anime-related games that use exploitative gacha mechanics.

I’m referring to games that exploit gambling addicts. Do you understand that situation? The harm that is being caused by games openly exploiting people who can’t control themselves?

It’s exactly the same as serving alcohol to an alcoholic. If you do that shit, you’re an asshole.

And gacha games are even worse than actual casinos, for two reasons:

First, because they don’t involve the players winning money, the racketeers aren’t even putting any of their own cash at risk. Even with the house advantage, there’s always SOME chance that a real casino will lose money, every time someone pulls a slot machine lever. Gacha games, though, they don’t lose any money when you win a character, or a skin, or a weapon, or some fake gold pieces.

Secondly, because there’s no real money being won, gacha games evade existing laws against gambling. People are free to LOSE their money, all the way to zero, but they can’t win a cent, so it’s all nice and legal.

That shit is fucked up. Gacha games are built on savage exploitation. I’ll hasten to add that not all F2P games are based on the most awful version of this metric. Some games don’t encourage the gambling mentality nearly as much, and I should have given them credit, sooner. If you’re just able to buy skins or gold or whatever, it’s not as bad. As long as the game doesn’t come back in some other direction and get you by limiting your ability to play the game with artificial “stamina” mechanics, or whatever else, and pry exploitative amounts of money out of you, that way.

Diotima, avatar

Are you just... angry it lacks anime tiddys or something? Maybe someone can point you toward a more suitable gacha game, then.

slimerancher, avatar

The actual question is, since they don’t want to properly debate/discuss anything, why are we wasting our time commenting here? 😀

Diotima, avatar

Sometimes, you just have to poke the bear. ;-)

Kedly, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

Cue the BUT STEAMS MONOPOLY idiots that completely ignore that Valve does nothing to stop anyone from competing with them, its just that anyone who has tried (outside GOG) has only produced anti consumer garbage

shapis, avatar

DRM is never good for the end user.


Who downvoted this?

trk, avatar



People who understand nuance exists in this world. Steams DRM is a VERY RARE check to the internet that you own the game, and its an OPTIONAL thing that developers can choose. EA UBI and EPIC’s versions of DRM is FAR WORSE, and if you really want to be extreme in your hatred of even reasonable level DRM, GOG exists


Steams DRM is a VERY REASONABLE compromise between the interests of the devs and the consumer not wanting to be unfairly punished/annoyed. Steams DRM has literally NEVER caused me a headache aside from ONCE when steam was super new, its a non issue at this point

shapis, avatar


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  • Kedly,

    Yeah, and when I show up to work, regardless of how much I like what I do or my coworkers, I expect to be paid for it, your point is? They created a form of DRM that is the least obtrusive out there, made it optional, and they gave us one of the best store fronts out there as compensation for it. Again, Ubi, EA, and Epic’s DRM is FAR WORSE.


    I would agree with you, but Steam is also anti consumer garbage.

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