Breath of the Wild: stepping out of the cave in the begining, seeing that vast world in front of Link waiting to be explored
The Switch was the first console I had since the PS2, and the PC “gaming” I did in the meantime was mostly retro games on emulators or a bit of Stardew Valley, so the contrast to that was HUGE.
Another one was re-playing Ragnarok Online months after quitting (and giving away all equipment and deleting all characters) with a friend. We were barely second job class (he was Hunter, I was Priest) and rudimentarily equipped enough to beat Abyss Knights, so we went leveling in the area where those sometimes spawn. AND ONE OF THEM DROPPED A CARD! Cards are extremely rare (allegedly 0.01% drop chance) and monster-specific, and the Abyss Knight card is extremely valuable. So from one second to the next, we practically went from piss poor to rich AF.
Another extremely lucky moment was in Diablo 2: a regular cow in the Cow Level dropped a (perfect!) Windforce, at the time one of the best unique items in the game. I don’t remember exactly but IIRC from some online calculator the chances for this drop were under one in a million (I wasn’t even wearing anything with lots of MF%)
So I just read this book on history of games called “Blood, Sweat and Pixels” and was fascinated by the chapter on The Witcher 3 and mostly how the team put in so much thought and care in every single side quest. And seems that there are a lot of moral decision to be made on each adventure. So I finally decided to give it a...
Okay let me start with two heavy hitters right from the get go and don’t forget these are only personal oppinions and I absolute understand if you like those games. Good for you!...
Funnily enough, the Marauder is one of the only things I kind of liked about Eternal.
And the grapple hook on the super shotgun was fantastic, especially in that boss fight where you grapple and then punch the boss.
Other than that, I find 2016 so much better. Some of the things in Eternal were just not fun at all, like the enemies that are invulnerable except for 3 seconds while charging their super attack AND EVEN THEN ONLY THE HEAD TAKES DAMAGE. Felt just unfair rather than difficult.
Cutting edge ( angielski
What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? angielski
What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski
“You Must Construct Additional Pylons”
Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? ( angielski
So I just read this book on history of games called “Blood, Sweat and Pixels” and was fascinated by the chapter on The Witcher 3 and mostly how the team put in so much thought and care in every single side quest. And seems that there are a lot of moral decision to be made on each adventure. So I finally decided to give it a...
The winner of every difficulty comparison ( angielski
Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? angielski
Okay let me start with two heavy hitters right from the get go and don’t forget these are only personal oppinions and I absolute understand if you like those games. Good for you!...
What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) angielski
i made a speadsheet to get through my backlog a while ago and today i hit my milestone for the year. ( angielski
“i’m done” just means that i really cannot play the game anymore to the point where i’d actually go insane if i continue.