Goronmon, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

In theory I’m not entirely against the idea of paid mods. I don’t necessarily buy that mods are more “pure” if no one is able to make money from them. And I do like the idea that people might invest more resources in mods than if they are effectively donating their time to the projects.

That said, things can definitely get complicated quickly once you start providing financial incentives. I think it’s smart to require mod makers to go through an approval process rather than just make it open.

db0, avatar

The perverse incentives alone can be enough to ruin the whole modding scene for the game


Maybe, but people’s egos alone are enough to causing issues in the mod community, I’m not sure paid mods are necessarily going to make this significantly worse.

!deleted6508 avatar

One or two egotistical modders don’t ruin the entire community unless those are the only modders in said community.

Greed ruins everything, though.

Not only would once free mods suddenly have a price tag, you’re gonna get a lot of bullshit shovelware mods flooding the scene trying to capitalize on the market.


As long as they don’t take free mods away I’m fine with it.


Apparently it’s broken SKSE, which is required for many many free mods.


Many updates for Skyrim have broken SKSE. That’s not really a new problem. Hopefully they’ll be able to fix it just like they have in the past.


So just wait a couple days after the update like normal?



I’m still rocking 1.5.97 😤

catalyst, do games w Hades II - Early Access Patch 2 Notes avatar

Haven’t had a chance to play this patch yet, but I’ll say I’m impressed at how much they are reworking already. Even going so far as to throw out certain hammers for example.

I attempted Trial of Haste pre-patch and quickly realized I stood no chance, neat to see that being adjusted.

Vow of Forsaking got the nerf treatment. Probably for the best.


Yeah Trial of Haste felt like a nonstarter for certain builds that weren’t minimaxed for DPS. Nearly had it once, being maybe 10s off the mark (which realistically means I could’ve had it) but not mad about the rework at all.

specialseaweed, do games w V Rising has launched out of Early Access!

I just want to play with a controller.


I just want to be able to pause the game when playing solo.


That freakish. What normal person wants that?


I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and I wish the same thing.

ampersandrew, avatar

Put the game into turn based mode before you walk away.


Really, it’s more about how cutscenes and dialogue keep playing if you pause. Not a huge deal, but sometimes things come up. If the game auto-saved periodically, this would be less of one.

ampersandrew, avatar

You can now.

A_Random_Idiot, do games w 7 Days to Die is leaving Early Access

Leaving early access?

Are they sure its time?

Its only been…11 years

Surely thats not enough time to get this puppy fully baked?


ouch, (edited ) do games w Steam :: Introducing Steam Families

Can a family have more than two adults?



Swedneck, avatar

good to see steam being accepting of poly relationships and communes


Or, like, me sharing single player games with my buddies. But you do you.


…and you…and you…and you…


Or simply being two parents plus an 18 year or older child.

menemen, avatar

My sons will still be my family when they celebrate their 35th birthday… They’ll hopefully have their own places, but that doesn’t change that they are my family.


Or… siblings?

yamanii, do games w The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Developer Sells Title And Leaves The Internet Entirely After Harassment Campaign avatar

Gamers deserve their soulless franchise trash.


It wasn’t gamers who would have had a problem. They’ll have just shrugged and not cared about the game.

schmidtster, do games w SteamOS 3.5.5 Update

Is this why every game is popping up with a controller prompt now?


Nope, it’s the previous update released the day before.…/5484882897551382406


No prompts after that update, so nope not that one.

Carighan, avatar

No, got it after that - previous - update. Might be a slow rollout thing.


One says a controller firmware update and the other doesn’t. Imma go with the one that says there was a firmware change over the one that doesn’t, it’s also the one that caused the prompt on my side.

Rozauhtuno, do gaming w Unity doesn't consider Planned Parenthood a charity (but a political groups), won't exempt them from install fees avatar

How do they keep making the situation worse?


They hired the right dude for that job.

thingsiplay, do gaming w Changes in Forza Horizon 4’s Festival Playlist and Delisting from Digital Stores

Always sad to see a game getting delisted. But props to the devs to notify us about half a year in advance. Usually these delistings are instant without notification and then its too late for people who want to buy it. Now the game is at a good discount, 80%. If I had interest into the game and there was no FH5 on Steam, then I’d buy it.

Licensing issues with music can easily be patched out and replaced by other music. But what can they do about the cars? I guess a lifetime license for the games is too expensive, so it will be a limited license and then the delisting is only matter of time. Man this sucks.


it’s the car manufacturers that piss me off on this. Why is the license timed? Why isn’t it licensed on a “per game release” basis? What does Toyota lose if the 94 Celica is still driveable in a dead racing game from 10 years ago? It’s clearly a case of game devs having to acquiesce to the demands of stakeholders that don’t understand video games.

chakan2, do games w The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Developer Sells Title And Leaves The Internet Entirely After Harassment Campaign avatar

Meh…it’s a modern version of Postal. Edge Lord falls off the edge. I strongly shrug at all.


Postal was made to rile particular kind of people up. This game on the other hand seems to be actually aimed at a, em, particular demographic

chakan2, avatar

I don’t see the difference. They both went after a kink.


Well not really. One of them was violent, but violence isn’t exactly a kink, it’s just fun.

GTA is violent, and people got all bent out of shape about that as well. But the goal of the game was never to actually get on the nerves of the sort of people who get upset by it It was always made to be entertaining.

Cybersteel, avatar

Violence is a ok, even encouraged. Sex stuff is a big no-no.

kae, do games w Steam SHMUP Fest, now through October 2nd

I had no idea what SHMUP is… so if you’re like me they are SHoot eM Up games. Either bullet hell or isometric shooters.


There’s a lot more to the genre, and the isometric shooters you’re talking about are technically not shmups, rather they’re twin stick shooters. A true Shmup is the bullet hells you mentioned, but bler hell is actually a subgenre, there are many types of shmups that control the same way a bullet hell does, but minus the hell of bullets. Check out Shmup Junkie on YouTube and join his discord to learn more than you ever imagined about this amazing genre!

slazer2au, do games w 7 Days to Die is leaving Early Access

No way?

CyberTaco, do games w S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Final Release Date Announcement

Good. I don’t care how long it’s delayed if that leads to a more polished game on release. Since they weren’t fully comfortable with the state the game was in, I’m glad they did this. :-)

Marsupial, do games w Steamworks Development - AI Content on Steam avatar

That’s a decent middle ground, let the minority with the issue with it be able to avoid it while letting devs use the latest tools.

Even_Adder, do games w Steamworks Development - AI Content on Steam

Pretty cool. I almost had to start liking Epic Store for not having such a dumb stance. The disclaimer on games using generative content is weird, but it’s a solid step forward.


Is it really dumb?

AI generated content has a lot of unanswered legal questions around it which can lead to a lot of headache with moderation and possibility of illegal content showing up (remember that not only “well meaning” devs will use these tools). It’s seems reasonable for a company to try minimize the risk.

As for disclaimer, it will allow people make an informed decision - not sure what’s wrong with that.


AI generated content has a lot of unanswered legal questions around it which can lead to a lot of headache with moderation and possibility of illegal content showing up (remember that not only “well meaning” devs will use these tools). It’s seems reasonable for a company to try minimize the risk.

There were never any unanswered legal questions would prevent you from being able to use generated assets in a game. That’s why Valve’s old stance was so odd. I’m not sure what you mean by the possibility for illegal content, can you elaborate?


I’d like to mention that I’m not exactly up to date with AI related legislation so treat what I’m about to write as a genuine attempt to understand their worries rather than trying to be smart.

I remember there being a lot of uncertainty about the legality of what and how can('t) be used in training models (especially when used for commercial purposes) - has that been settled in any way? I think there was also a case of not being able to copyright AI generated content due to lack of human authorship (I’d have to look for an article on this one as it’s been a while) - this obviously won’t be a problem if generated assets are used as a base to be worked upon.

As for illegal content - Valve mentioned it in regards to live-generated stuff. I assume they’re worried about possibility of plagiarism and things going against their ToS, which is why they ask about guardrails used in such systems. On a more general note, there were also cases of AI articles coming up with fake stories with accusations of criminal behavior involving real people - this probably won’t be a problem with AI usage in games (I hope anyway) but it’s another sensitive topic devs using such tools have to keep in mind.

Again, I’m nowhere near knowledgeable enough to write this stuff from a position of confidence so feel free to correct me if any of this has been dealt with.


I remember there being a lot of uncertainty about the legality of what and how can('t) be used in training models (especially when used for commercial purposes) - has that been settled in any way? I think there was also a case of not being able to copyright AI generated content due to lack of human authorship (I’d have to look for an article on this one as it’s been a while) - this obviously won’t be a problem if generated assets are used as a base to be worked upon.

In the United States, the Authors Guild v. Google case established that Google’s use of copyrighted material in its books search constituted fair use. Most people agree this will apply to generative models as well since the nature of the use is highly transformative.

I recommend reading this article by Kit Walsh, a senior staff attorney at the EFF from April last year if you haven’t already. The EFF is a digital rights group who recently won a historic case: border guards now need a warrant to search your phone.

Works involving the use of AI are copyrightable, but just like everything else, it depends. It’s also important to remember the Copyright Office guidance isn’t law. Their guidance reflects only the office’s interpretation based on its experience, it isn’t binding in the courts or other parties. Guidance from the office is not a substitute for legal advice, and it does not create any rights or obligations for anyone. They are the lowest rung on the ladder for deciding what law means.

As for illegal content - Valve mentioned it in regards to live-generated stuff. I assume they’re worried about possibility of plagiarism and things going against their ToS, which is why they ask about guardrails used in such systems. On a more general note, there were also cases of AI articles coming up with fake stories with accusations of criminal behavior involving real people - this probably won’t be a problem with AI usage in games (I hope anyway) but it’s another sensitive topic devs using such tools have to keep in mind.

I agree live generated stuff could get developers in trouble. With pre-generated assets you can make sure ahead of time everything is above board, but that’s not really possible when you have users influencing what content appears in your game. If they were going to ban anything, the original ban should have been limited to just this.


Thanks for the links, that’s exactly why I wasn’t sure where things stand currently. While I am familiar with EFF, I wasn’t aware of that article so it was an interesting read.

The one I kind of remembered (even though only partially) was the Reuters article, which contains this quote I was referring to:

The office reiterated Wednesday that copyright protection depends on the amount of human creativity involved, and that the most popular AI systems likely do not create copyrightable work.

It’s obviously a bit more complicated than how I mentioned it initially so I’m glad I could read it again.

The original ban was always meant to be temporary as far as I understand, Valve simply wanted some time to decide rather than make a rash decision (it’s easier to open the floodgates than it is to clean up after the fact). I’m sure things will change in the future as AI tools become more and more common anyway.

Even_Adder, (edited )

The one I kind of remembered (even though only partially) was the Reuters article, which contains this quote I was referring to:

The office reiterated Wednesday that copyright protection depends on the amount of human creativity involved, and that the most popular AI systems likely do not create copyrightable work.

This was likely in reference to Midjourney, which was the system in question in its ruling. Midjourney, even for its time had very rudimentary user controls way behind the open standards that likely didn’t impress the registrar.

There’s also a spectrum of involvement depending on what tool you’re using. I know with web based interfaces don’t allow for a lot of freedom due to wanting to keep users from generating things outside their terms of use, but with open source models based on Stable Diffusion you can get a lot more involved and get a lot more freedom. We’re in a completely different world from March 2023 as far as generative tools go.

Take a look at the difference between a Midjourney prompt and a Stable Diffusion prompt.


a 80s hollywood sci-fi movie poster of a gigantic lemming attacking a city, with the title “Attack of the Lemmy!!” --ar 3:5 --v 6.0

Stable Diffusion:

sarasf, 1girl, solo, robe, long sleeves, white footwear, smile, wide sleeves, closed mouth, blush, looking at viewer, sitting, tree stump, forest, tree, sky, traditional media, 1990s (style), <lora:sarasf_V2-10:0.7>

Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality:1.4), FastNegativeV2

Steps: 21, VAE: kl-f8-anime2.ckpt, Size: 512x768, Seed: 2303584416, Model: Based64mix-V3-Pruned, Version: v1.6.0, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, VAE hash: df3c506e51, CFG scale: 6, Clip skip: 2, Model hash: 98a1428d4c, Hires steps: 16, “sarasf_V2-10: 1ca692d73fb1”, Hires upscale: 2, Hires upscaler: 4x_foolhardy_Remacri, “FastNegativeV2: a7465e7cc2a2”,

ADetailer model:, ADetailer version: 23.11.1, Denoising strength: 0.38, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer model 2nd:, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur 2nd: 4, ADetailer confidence 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer dilate erode 2nd: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.42, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding 2nd: 32, ADetailer denoising strength 2nd: 0.43, ADetailer inpaint only masked 2nd: True

To break down a bit of what’s going on here, I’d like to explain some of the elements found here.

sarasf is the token for the LoRA of the character in this image, and <lora:sarasf_V2-10:0.7> is the character LoRA for Sarah from Shining Force II. LoRA are like supplementary models you use on top of a base model to capture a style or concept, like a patch. Some LoRA don’t have activation tokens, and some with them can be used without their token to get different results.

The .07 in <lora:sarasf_V2-10:0.7> refers to the strength at which the weights from the LoRA are applied to the output. Lowering the number causes the concept to manifest weaker in the output. You can blend styles this way with just the base model or multiple LoRA at the same time at different strengths. You can even take a monochrome LoRA and take the weight into the negative to get some crazy colors.

The Negative Prompt is where you include things you don’t want in your image. (worst quality, low quality:1.4), here have their attention set to 1.4, attention is sort of like weight, but for tokens. LoRA bring their own weights to add onto the model, whereas attention on tokens works completely inside the weights they’re given. In this negative prompt FastNegativeV2 is an embedding known as a Textual Inversion. It’s sort of like a crystallized collection of tokens that tell the model something precise you want without having to enter the tokens yourself or mess around with the attention manually. Embeddings you put in the negative prompt are known as Negative Embeddings.

In the next part, Steps stands for how many steps you want the model to take to solve the starting noise into an image. More steps take longer.

VAE is the name of the Variational Autoencoder used in this generation. The VAE is responsible for working with the weights to make each image unique. A mismatch of VAE and model can yield blurry and desaturated images, so some models opt to have their VAE baked in,

Size is the dimensions in pixels the image will be generated at.

Seed is the number representation of the starting noise for the image. You need this to be able to reproduce a specific image.

Model is the name of the model used, and Sampler is the name of the algorithm that solves the noise into an image. There are a few different samplers, each with their own trade-offs for speed, quality, and memory usage.

CFG is basically how close you want the model to follow your prompt. Some models can’t handle high CFG values and flip out, giving over-exposed or nonsense output.

Hires steps represents the amount of steps you want to take on the second pass to upscale the output. This is necessary to get higher resolution images without visual artifacts. Hires upscaler is the name of the model that was used during the upscaling step, and again there are a ton of those with their own trade-offs and use cases.

After ADetailer are the parameters for Adetailer, an extension that does a post-process pass to fix things like broken anatomy, faces, and hands. We’ll just leave it at that because I don’t feel like explaining all the different settings found there.


Damn, that’s a good chunk of info! Thanks for taking the time to go into details on how things work.


You’re very welcome. My head still hurts.

db0, avatar

Is this your comfy workflow, or from someone else?


Someone else.

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