
domint, do gaming w Lies of P already has a million players, and it’s just a demo
@domint@feddit.de avatar

the demo also has a platinum status on protondb, so should run without any fiddeling on the steamdeck.

Black616Angel, (edited ) do gaming w Steam indie hit goes against industry trends, removes all monetization

Yeah that’s right! Games like stardew valley, factorio, Terraria, Binding of Isaac, Hades and others could really learn from those brave heroes and finally remove the Battle pass and all the other payed content!

Edit: /s… Duh!



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  • FriendlyBeagleDog,

    Those titles don’t, the person you’re responding to is being sarcastic because the article sorta implies that removing the microtransactions from an indie title is somehow novel.


    Hades had battle pass?


    That’s the joke


    I feel like an idiot… c/woosh I guess, to myself… 😂😂


    No, none of these did. That’s the joke.

    Questy, (edited ) do games w Last Epoch - Meet Diablo 4 and Path of Exile's biggest rival, an ARPG designed and built by Redditors
    @Questy@lemmy.world avatar

    I always marvel at how Grim Dawn isn’t in the conversation. It’s easily top tier, has no microtransactions, is single player offline, but also supports co-op multiplayer. It features a full cosmetic system that is entirely in-game with no cash shop nonsense. There are so many skills and builds with an outstanding itemization system. Robust crafting system. Repeatable end game challenge content.

    Also, it is just recieving another huge free patch, and another full expansion has just been announced.

    It took me forever to actually try it, I thought it was going to be janky indie stuff etc. I’m closing on 3000 hours and still dropping back in with new build themes and ideas. I paid $35 for that 3000 hours in a Steam sale.

    But yea, Last Epoch is ok I guess.

    Edit: a word

    Edit 2: just to add since I saw a comment about multiplayer, there is a community run seasonal ladder League as well. Grim League, for those interested.

    @hogart@feddit.nu avatar

    Yeah so many people have missed out on Grim Dawn. It’s a bit sad it doesn’t have multiplayer but in the grand scale of things its what a lot of people wanted with D4. Let me play Singleplayer offline! This game does it. And boy does it do it well.

    @Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    It’s a bit sad it doesn’t have multiplayer

    What do you mean? Grim Dawn does have multiplayer.

    @hogart@feddit.nu avatar

    Only almost.


    O. It’s has full fleged multi-player

    @hogart@feddit.nu avatar

    How do you go about the multiplayer part? Any private servers or how does it work?


    You select multi-player and join a game or you can host a game. It’s the same multi-player format as Divinity Original Sin.

    @hogart@feddit.nu avatar

    Uhm. Now I feel dumb :) Last I played you had to enter an ip adress for the game you wanted to join?


    Yes. That is the Lan option only though.

    Multi-player let’s you join open games or host your own game.

    There is a little circle that you can select to change which you want to do before hitting multi-player.

    @hogart@feddit.nu avatar

    Mind. Blown.


    I played all current dlcs and the base game on separate occasions alone and with my friends and the game never really clicks for me. I don’t know what it is but it never got as fun as many other arpgs for me. Doubt that I will look at this new expansion as it feels I could have more fun spending my time with another game instead. Kind of weird as I have over a hundred hours and like the game genre but… Yeah.


    It’s just old. People talked about it back when it came out. POE I think gets recognized because it’s free to play (with DLC/MTX). I’ve played every ARPG under the sun and Last Epoch is one of the best I’ve ever played. It feels like the real successor to Diablo II


    The biggest difference is that PoE gets huge expansions every 3-4 months with new content while Grim Dawn only mostly gets numeric patches. Yeah there’s a new expansion on the horizon, but it’s been a good while…

    borlax, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher studio CD Projekt laying off 100 staff
    @borlax@lemmy.borlax.com avatar

    So the half-cocked product release strategy doesn’t work and its time to punish labor for the mistakes of executives.

    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    "punish labor" 😂

    They'll find new jobs. Companies have no loyalty to employees and employees have no loyalty to companies. Nobody is in it for love. They got paychecks, now they'll find someone else to give them paychecks. It's transactional.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr,
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    I've been laid off. It sucks, but you find a new job, and in the tech world that usually comes with a pay bump.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr, (edited )
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    Well that's the thing, I don't really consider it injustice. I consider it as something that sucks, but things that suck happen. It's just kind of part of life. You get past it. I guess that's my view.

    Like a farmer experiencing a drought. That's not injustice, it just sucks.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr,
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    It's exactly that. There's no one person, no group of people, that can control a market. It's a force, an abstract concept at this point. Any thoughts that it can be controlled is hubris or naivety.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr,
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    What's your ideal situation? They create make work jobs? Give the development and production teams some brooms and fire the custodial staff instead? Their job is done. Time to find new ones.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr,
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    You ever seen a camel? It's a horse that's been designed by a committee. Democratically run things don't accomplish shit because you can never get groups of people to agree on anything.

    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    You ever seen a camel? It's a horse that's been designed by a committee. Democratically run things don't accomplish shit because you can never get groups of people to agree on anything.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr,
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    No reason to be that way, we were having a nice conversation.

    !deleted5697 avatar


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  • elscallr,
    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    I'm sorry, I took this the wrong way:

    Go figure! People with different personal priorities existing! What a world!

    @Friendship@kbin.social avatar

    Camels are pretty dang well designed creatures so I'd say the committee did pretty great there. And the alternative is being at the whims of a single person or a small group none of whom have any incentive to care about anything other than the enrichment of their own personal finances. It's a literal autocracy.

    Governance structures where the workers own and have a say in the means of production are bound to have their own issues to be sure, but it beats out the current model.

    @elscallr@kbin.social avatar

    They might be good at being camels, but they're terrible horses. And if you've ever tried to lead a group of more than a handful of people, you'd know they can never agree on shit. Someone has to make the call.




    If there’s no money and no work to be done, the natural outcome are layoffs. What alternative is there? That the company continues to pay all the staff from the management’s pockets? That’s not exactly a great scenario for the workers either, since there’s no prospect for growth, and everyone will still be out of a job once the company inevitably fails. If you see management making bad decisions, start searching, don’t wait for the layoffs.

    LunchEnjoyer, do games w Legendary Half-Life YouTuber plans class-action lawsuit against Ubisoft for killing The Crew
    @LunchEnjoyer@lemmy.world avatar

    Don’t forget we have to get comfortable not owning our games guys… This is Ubisoft showing us how that works…

    HawlSera, do games w Baldur’s Gate 3 boss says gamers don’t want mass subscriptions

    Here’s an idea, I give you money for a game, I download it off the store front, I keep it forever.

    “You only have a licen…”

    Shut the fuck up, if buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing.


    Fucking BASED.

    Ffkhrocks, do games w Cities Skylines 2 dev stuck to launch date despite “potential kicking”

    ‘Despite the technical problems outlined in our own review of Cities Skylines 2, Colossal Order says the game is “ready enough to be released.”’

    Next time they’re at a restaurant someone should bring them undercooked chicken that looks done on the outside but is raw in the center. When they complain? “The chicken was ready enough to serve”


    A better comparison would be a raw steak when the customer asked for medium well.


    Quite the hyperbolic comparison you’ve got there


    Hey dude, Colossal Order and Paradox gave them salmonella, how could you be so callous!


    Imperfect game is as bad as potentially fatal food poisoning, obviously.


    my dad died from playing Cyberpunk on release RIP in peace

    @Montagge@kbin.social avatar

    Hey guys the chicken is going to be undercooked depending on your tableware so don't order it yet if you think your chicken will end up undercooked.


    It’s not quite the same thing though is it.

    It’s a bit like developing a microwave meal and it turns out that it only really cooks in 2 minutes if you have an ultra powerful microwave then putting out a press release that says I know it says it’ll cook in 2 minutes on the packaging but unless you have a really powerful microwave add a few minutes to it.

    The responsibility is still on the players to have reasonable expectations of the game depending on the hardware that they have.

    Also it’s 100% my fault for pre-ordering the damn thing, I don’t know why I did that. But that’s on me because if I really wanted to I could have refunded it.

    _haha_oh_wow_, do games w Meta Quest 3 demand allegedly 5 million units below expected level
    @_haha_oh_wow_@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Meta is just short for metastasis because they’re cancer.

    Nakoichi, do piracy w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”
    @Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

    Abolish intellectual property (and private property in general)

    anarchrist, (edited )

    There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me.

    The sign was painted, said ‘Private Property.’

    But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing.

    This land was made for you and me.

    Trebach, (edited )

    And the sign said anybody caught trespassing
    Would be shot on sight.
    So I jumped over the fence and I yelled at the house,
    "Hey, what gives you the right
    To put up a fence to keep me out
    Or to keep mother nature in?"
    If God was here he'd tell you to your face
    "Man, you're some kind of sinner!"

    UndercoverUlrikHD, do games w Total War Warhammer 3 devs will remove Steam users starting boycotts

    Each time I check the r/totalwar subreddit, there seem to be another PR fuckup from CA. It’s really sad considering they were peaking just a few years ago with TWW2. Stopped maintaining my mods due to it.

    iforgotmyinstance, do games w Total War Warhammer 3 devs will remove Steam users starting boycotts

    Tone deaf company. My friend wants me to get into this series so badly, but this article details what a disgusting relationship CA has with its customers.

    @Voytrekk@lemmy.world avatar

    The series is still great, but decisions by the company recently have really been bad.

    Mandy, do games w Starfield user score drops to "mostly positive" on steam

    Ou for fucks sake people, games dont have to be perfect tens Its okay to be a 8/10 or 7/10

    @nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

    The funny thing is that “Publisher Bethesda was not permitted to pay additional royalties for the RPG because it scored 84 on Metacritic, according to Fallout New Vegas developer Chris Avellone. It appears that Obsidian’s publishing contract included a deal that meant the studio would be issued bonuses if the game hit a Metacritic of 85.” scores matter to Bethesda a lot even enough to ruin relationships and screw developers.


    i know that one, and my comment was 100% not about that none, really just about people really


    Your English is bad.


    Oh nooooooo, a random nobody on the internet doesnt like how I write in my second language, whatever shall I do? Is that good enough for you sire? May I get your highly esteemed stamp of approval now?


    Guess we should switch to a different language then, the first language of OP.

    Or are you then going to cry as well since you only mastered English?

    AdventureSpoon, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher studio CD Projekt laying off 100 staff

    Isnt that like, a usual part in the game development cycle? I've seen news reports like this for over 15 years now. Developer starts with ideas for a new game, small team. Developer starts actual production of game, team grows. Developer realizes how much work there actually is to be done, team grows even further. Game is almost done and in a good state, team starts to shrink since there is no longer enough work for everyone. Part is laid off and part is reassigned to early development of DLC. Game is released, and smaller team is able to do patchwork. Developer starts with idea for new game, cycle repeats.

    Perhaps the main reason we havent seen a lot of these news blurbs over the past few years is that A: CDPR is a good punchingbag. Common memory of the target audience hold the bad release of CP2077, so its easy to get back in the habit and haul in these clicks. And B: TripleA game development mas mostly conglomerated into a few big developers/publishers with several teams around the world. That means that when one project winds down, surplus personnel might be easily integrated into a different team that is just winding up. CDPR is one of the few tripleA developers not able to do this (yet).


    No, this is not really typical for a large studio. I’ve been in the games industry for 10 years and losing your team every project is a studio killer. No one does this anymore aside from really small indie studios that can’t afford to keep the team together. This is not normal for a studio that knows what it’s doing.

    !deleted5791 avatar


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  • MJBrune,

    Saying that GDPR doesn’t know what it’s doing is like saying MGM doesn’t know what it’s doing. They aren’t the best in the industry but they’ve still made some quality products. They know far more about what they are doing than an indie studio that hasn’t even released their first game.


    That’s a low bar lol

    !deleted5791 avatar

    GDPR fans always come up with the most ridiculous excuses for GDPR’s terrible quality. “Well at least they’re better than an indie that’s never released a game”, like seriously?


    I’m not a GDPR fan at all. They put out one game I even got through and it was mediocre. I’m just not a fan of the general gaming public thinking they know more than a studio full of veterans.

    interolivary, (edited )
    !deleted5791 avatar

    Ah the classic “if you haven’t done X yourself you have no right to criticize X.” I trust you never criticize books, movies, paintings, games etc of you’re not in those fields?

    And, funnily enough, I spent almost 15 years in the games industry as a developer, but I suppose I’m still not allowed to say anything bad about GDPR’s quality because, uh, reasons

    MJBrune, (edited )

    I’m not saying that they can’t criticize. I’m saying it’s still a studio that I would say knows what it’s doing more so than a studio that is going to lay off a bunch of people just because the project they were working on ended. You’ve been in the industry for 15 years, how many times have you been laid off at the end of a project at a well-formed studio? In my experience, it rarely happens. If you have a good team you don’t break it up willingly.

    That’s all I said. It doesn’t make business sense to do so and CDPR and any well-put-together studio knows this. Any business knows this. To say that “Well, it’s CDPR thus they are going to make stupid mistakes that a novice indie team would make” is silly and not seated in reality.


    Not really the case, I was hired 1.5 year ago. There were a bunch of new hires in the meantime and after the layoffs the team looks really similar to what it looked like at the point at which I was hired.


    If that’s the case, it’s not the norm. Most studios do not lay people off every release. They get them working on another project immediately. Typically a project starts up as the game is wrapping up for release then people switch gradually.


    It was the “traditional” pipeline and to be honest only good for the “publisher” and some big enough studio, but really aren’t that good for those job hunting game devs(and part of the churn and burn culture, can’t and won’t trying to form union if your turn over is high.)

    It is how you get broken games every new release cause the guys that sticks around as supervisor didn’t actually code the previous games or know the actual workflow/pipeline that makes the last game(their last touching code/software might be like 10+ years ago), the middle leads etc might have burned out during last crunch and go to next company after their vacation because fuck this crunch thing I have a family, then then newbies wearing shiny shipped game under their belt move to next company for a better position/pay. So no one or very few actually knows how last time things were done and may or may not have a voice during decision making. Every game, you build the team almost ground up and thus, make similar and more mistakes with ever increasing pressure from schedule and scale.

    It’s not an healthy cycle, it is something that creative industry should break away from.

    fishbulb95, do gaming w The Day Before mods lock down Discord, urge players to refund

    I was like… “How bad could this be?”

    Oh …

    Zimmy, do games w Meta Quest 3 demand allegedly 5 million units below expected level

    I wonder if it’s cuz milk costs $4


    Probably the >$1K US per GPU pricing - can’t move headsets if nobody can afford a capable enough GPU.


    Quest headsets work independently. You can also hook them up to a PC but they don’t need one.


    All luxury goods are bombing right now. Walmart hitting record numbers… kinda tells you something about the state of people’s finances.


    The PS5 is selling like gangbusters, outpacing PS4 sales from what I understand, however VR is a much more niche product.


    I think it’s because most people already tried out the Quest 2 since it was a bargain. I bought one and forget I even own it most of the time and the same goes for 4/5 of the other people I know with one.

    VR is not bad but it nothing about it has really drawn me in at all.

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