
Macaroni_ninja, do gaming w The Day Before mods lock down Discord, urge players to refund
@Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world avatar

One would think the gaming industry and consumers learned from the last 35 mistakes where big AAA titles had a dumpster fire launch because it was unfinished, unoptimized or over promised but no. This is gaming now.

Still attacking the devs and borderline creating a witch hunt is a bit too much. Just vote with your wallet. Or if you bought it refund it ffs.

I blame everyone who pre-orders as well. You are part of the problem!


Just vote with your wallet

But that is the thing, they do vote with their wallet. They still buy the games.

“Voting with the wallet” goes both ways.


I couldn’t disagree more with you.

  1. There was no preorder
  2. This was a Kickstarter Project where a lot of people backed
  3. For years the devs didn’t give a lot of information to the backers
  4. There was a class action lawsuit for scamming against the developers because they just took the money and didn’t do anything with it
  5. Now they published something so they can say “here we did something with all of the money” yet it’s obvious that what they developed did not take years.

It’s pretty obvious that they only published the game in the current state because of the lawsuit. The game is a total scam and they deserve the hate from the people that invested a lot of money when backing. Backing on Kickstarter has something to do with trust. Of course, the project may never be finished and that’s okay. But it’s obvious here, that they just took the money and did not use it for the game.

@jon@lemmy.tf avatar

Backing a Kickstarter for a game is the same as preordering. Money leaves your pocket and enters the studio’s before the game is out.


This has nothing directly to do with The Day Before, but: Backing a Kickstarter is something completely different and that has to come into peoples heads. Preorders are for a mostly finished product that will 100% ship. The devs have enough funding from investors and publishers, the game will be released no matter how little preorders they will get. Crowdfunding however is for an idea in its infancy that might never be finished. Crowdfunding is an investment.

But where is the difference in this case, The Day Before? Well, easy: When you invest in a kickstarter, the company has to use the money you invested to actually develop the game. They can’t buy fancy cars with the money, they need to put it to good use. If the company uses the money for their own personal benefit, they can be sued for that. For preorders thats not the case.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean it isn't but sort of is at the same time. It firstly depends on what kind of kickstarter it is. There are many ways where its just a system for a publisher to gauge interest in the project. Those are typically just preorders however many others are just throwing money into a well and hoping something comes of it. I get people's hatred of crowdfunding and it can easily be a trap. Where a ton of people are just there to get the money and leg it or who are simply too incompetent to use the funds properly. Hell even experienced developer can be too incompetent, double fine studios/Tim Schafer is a poster child for this. While I love their work, they had a horrid run with crowdfunding and I guess it should have been expected since they are always late and overspend on their budget when they were working with publishers.

Now with all the negatives said, I think crowdfunding in all its forms can lead to wonderful project that simply couldn't have existed due to a lack of interest by publishers. Hell I doubt we would had Baldur's Gate 3 without crowdfunding and this isn't talking exclusively about BG 3 since the Divinity Original sin games really got the ball rolling for Larian Studios. Crowdfunding can lead to the rebirth of genres once thought dead.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Sadly, legally, it ain’t the same.

That is important because in some jurisdictions “preorder” has legal implications and importantly, obligations for the seller. A kickstarter does not. Not yet at least, over in Germany there’s a discussion about whether crowdfunding is just a form of taking preorders (in the legal sense), which would grant customers the same legal protections then.


You’re both right.

Kickstarter is a separate kind of the same problem: Greedy fucks leveraging systems against us. Any time money is exchanged, there WILL be shitheads trying to get some for nothing.

It becomes a problem when the systems at hand reinforce those shysters. Kickstarter is rife with scams, and capitalism in general is rife with lazy greedy fucks. The problem is, they don’t get punished for being lazy greedy fucks.

They have to rip off and harm a bunch of people before anyone will do a damn thing, and even then… If it’s a rich person or corp, the government might just shrug and say it’d be too expensive to enforce the laws…

There is a BIG problem, and it’s not the consumers.

@Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world avatar

It was the most wishlisted game on Steam, people are actively ignoring all the red flags and blindly throwing their money at anyone who can produce a half decent video online.

I’m not protecting the devs, the whole story is a huge scam and they straight up lied but again:

Stop pre-ordering, paying on kickstarter or buying stuff in early access unless you are absolutely sure you know who gets your money and what you are getting in exchange.

Yes the devs are scum, but does it really justify the cyber witch hunt? A lot of people just hopped on the hype bandwagon and jumped over the hate bandwagon without even knowing the details.

Just fucking refund or sue the bastards. I will only repeat myself: consumers are part of the problem. Stop buying incomplete buggy shit based on promises and pre-order bonuses.

Watch reviews, performance tests before buying. Everything is fucking digital, they will not run out of keys if you wait an extra day.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

and they deserve the hate from the people

No meaningless dev of a meaningless video game is ever worth a witch hunt. As a consumer, you have better things to do with your time. Like in this case, digging around in your nose, watching paint dry, or pouring another coffee. All quality uses of time that aren’t the waste that is getting angry at these devs.

Stovetop, do games w All your favorite Cyberpunk 2077 mods are disabled in Phantom Liberty, CDPR says

This is a nothingburger clickbait article.

Mods are still allowed, they just unselected all of them from the load list with the patch installation and left it up to players to re-enable them manually. It’s the right move to avoid people wondering why the game is horrendously broken should many of their now incompatible mods try to load.


Jfc people will pump out an article about anything if it’ll get clicks.


Especially when they can just type in a provocative prompt and get 500 words of generic rage bait in a second.


Take note of the account that posted it. It won’t be long before you notice a pattern.

BURN, do games w Total War Warhammer 3 devs will remove Steam users starting boycotts

That’s pretty terrible and should put people off buying anything from them. They increased pricing, and when community backlash happens they just ban everyone who dares express an opinion that isn’t positive.


This is why all games should use independent forums moderated by passionate community members. If only there was some federated, open source platform they could move to in order to discuss the game anonymously and without repercussions from the devs…

Redshlrt, do gaming w New Steam RTS is basically a surprise Command and Conquer sequel

Game: Tempest Rising


Thanks, it’s incomprehensible how OP didn’t even manage to mention it in either the title or the blurb up above. Is he a bot or something?


Its not a surprise either, these guys have put out a couple preview trailers and have been promoting the game for like a year now. Looks cool, been on my wish list for awhile


And why does he keep calling it “Steam RTS”? Kind of suggests it was developed by Valve.

comic_zalgo_sans, (edited )


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  • Blizzard,

    Yeah, I get what you mean.


    It's SEO-optimization nonsense.


    Specially weird given that there was a whole thing with Neon Prime MAYBE having RTS elements. Someone might confuse themselves crossing those wires. This title just sucks.

    leave_it_blank, do games w Legendary Half-Life YouTuber plans class-action lawsuit against Ubisoft for killing The Crew

    I got the game for free, and I’ve been playing it since every three months for a few days, just driving around. I bought the sequel, but it sucked.

    I never used the multiplayer component, I treated it like a single player game. And now it’s going to vanish? This whole world? They can’t be serious. This isn’t a multiplayer only title, it’s single player with an optional mp stacked upon it. At least put an offline patch out… Assholes!

    But that’s the crux with only buying licenses. Or games with always online requirements. I hope fans find a way to crack the online code!!

    @yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, no one is arguing games shouldn’t have online, just that they continue to work after the devs are done with them, have an End of Life plan like the late Avengers game, or the gacha Megaman X Dive that got an offline version sold on steam and consoles.

    theangriestbird, do gaming w Starfield remake created in two days actually lets you fly seamlessly from space to the surface

    I love that the thumbnail for every article about Starfield is an uncomfortable close-up of a character’s dialogue face.

    @Quentinp@lemmy.ca avatar

    I just know what she’s saying too “we you have a free moment i need to talk to you”

    @totallymojo@ttrpg.network avatar

    It’s what you see like 70% of the game.


    There’s a mod for that

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I’ve only seen one truly uncomfortable close up and it was when a dialogue initiated right in a doorway so the camera got pushed right up the dude’s nose and I could see the empty space in his head lol

    I prefer to play 1st person and I’ve always been quite okay with the camera angle for talking to someone, personally. It’s kinda how I would see people I’m talking to face to face IRL, except I don’t have to look down. I only dislike when multiple characters are involved and it does that jump cut to zoom in on a dude across the room. That’s not natural at all.


    Oblivion flashbacks

    MentalEdge, do gaming w Deus Ex star says that Eidos asked him not to talk about Adam Jensen in public any more
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Stop reminding them we used to be able to do better.

    simple, do games w Todd Howard says Starfield mod support is on the way next year

    It’s really disappointing the game hasn’t released with mod support. People are making do by editing a few scripts, but full mod support would’ve helped this game so much out of the gate.

    @BlinkerFluid@lemmy.one avatar

    Yeah, modders could’ve filled it out into a full release by now.


    it's definitely a full release. i'm like 20 hours in and just scratching the surface with no real bugs to speak of. it's just not mind-blowingly amazing and there are too many loading screens. it's fun enough to entertain me until phantom liberty drops.

    @all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

    Agreed. Holy fuck are there so many unique quests with full voicing (at about 20 hours in). I've heard people say they aren't getting that "losing yourself accidentally seeing five different POIs", but it's definitely still there in a different package.

    I get that by going to do one quest, having to stop off at other planets along the way, where I'll poke my head in and talk to whatever named NPCs I see, who'll inevitably give me a few quests, some of which lead to other places where I'll pick up other quests.

    It was especially apparent with some random side quest somebody gave me in New Atlantis where I just had to go get a dead drop package from some other planet, which turned out to be the site of the Red Mile which is its own sort of arena/quest that I then enjoyed in the middle of the other quest. I've just been ping ponging around like that picking up stuff and stopping now and again to knock a few out.


    It’s a certified Bethesda banger.


    Man people are really entitled these days…

    The game is fine, and what most people who play Bethesda RPGs expected (or even better).

    Also, if I’m not mistaken, previous Beth RPGs released without official mod support and had it added later as well. Almost no game by any company has released with official mod support; almost no game even has official mod support.

    jjjalljs, do games w Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game

    Every time this comes up (which is too often) I’m like “Who is buying this?” How can we make them stop? Do they need help?


    Whales, idk if we can make them stop, often times yes they need help


    People with poor fiscal responsibility skills, such as children, people with ADHD, and people with mental health issues like depression.

    They literally hire psychologists to make this stuff as enticing as possible by pushing the right buttons in your brain.


    Don’t forget the people with more money than sense. Whales are what keep the microtransaction mechanic alive and well.


    Except the whale narrative is largely a false narrative created by the game industry to avoid saying that the money comes from kids and gambling addicts.

    Those people with more money than sense do exist and they make up a portion of the mtx money, but the vast majority is from people who probably can’t afford to make purchases like that (but do anyways because their brain can’t say no).

    The industry has been honing these skinner box techniques for decades now - it’s what they used to get people to pay a monthly subscription for an mmo they only play when they log in to do their dailies.


    Jesus. I’m extremely ashamed that I’ve never question the whale narrative before…

    Thank you!


    Yeah man I know a lot of guys who drop money on shit like this. None of them are “whales”, but i know they’ve dropped hundreds if not thousands on this mtx bs. None of them own homes (which is kinda normal as we are in our 20’s), but only a few of them are even living on their own at all. Something is clearly going on psychologically there, if someone is willing to forego their own needs for cosmetics (that they will later replace with new cosmetics they bought!!)


    The term whale even came from actual casino gambling originally, so that definitely doesn’t help the moral purity of their business.



    People who spend 10s of thousands of dollars on micro transactions do need help.

    Said help probably needs to come at a government level banning things that were designed in a computer lab to be digital Crack.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s such a shame that the OW1 discussion about loot boxes went nowhere in regards to giving ingame gambling the same legal framework as IRL gambling.


    Anything that costs money to use with a randomised result should be considered gambling.


    Yes, it’s high time we shut down the kinder surprise gambling dens.


    Also kind of crazy that loot boxes were far less predatory than the current ow2 system is. It was very possible to never buy boxes and get everything. Nowadays? No chance

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    Well, I’m of two minds about that.

    To a healthy person, the current system is pricier and more aggressive. Things are constantly being shoved in your face, but they’re all purchase-only, and 20€/skin is just absurd.

    But, I disagree that it’s more predatory. To a vulnerable person, the new system doesn’t elicit an addictive response, which loot boxes due to their gambling nature do.


    I think FOMO is quite a strong motivator for a addictive person. At least loot boxes were obtainable via playing the game. I wouldn’t say I am an excessive gamer, but I still managed to basically get everything over the span of 6 years playing the game. But now you HAVE to spend money to relieve FOMO pressure. Forcing you to spend money is quite predatory.


    It was possible to get everything but lets not overlook the inherently manipulative framing of either paying or making the game a second job, which cultivates a sunk cost mindset, which might once again make the player pay out of FOMO.

    There are reasonable amounts of grind that can make games fun for some people, but the length of grind and the limited timeframes for obtaining items are all geared to feed into the same monetization cycle. All of that artificially, because it’s not like any digital game has to clear their storeroom and shelves to make space for new collectibles.

    Game companies have been very sly about how they use physical real world metaphors to create justifications for their manipulative systems. Lootboxes too, because you can’t guess what’s in a closed pack… except the game keeps perfect track of what is available, what you have and what you don’t have. The only reason why anyone would get repeated lootbox items, is to lead them on and get them to waste money.



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  • excitingburp,

    Grubby is a good example of someone who was recently reformed. In one of his early Dota 2 videos (some time last year), he admitted that he didn’t know that games outside of Blizzard had gotten so good - he actually only played Blizzard games and nothing else. It’s been pretty wholesome watching someone learn the wider gaming world.


    I find it bizarre that someone would ever pigeonhole themselves into one developer. I don’t even know who makes games half the time. There’s only one that I have blocked on Steam.

    Art3sian, do games w Starfield user score drops to "mostly positive" on steam
    @Art3sian@lemmy.world avatar

    I love Starfield. My mates love Starfield. It’s Fallout meets No Man’s Sky meets Mass Effect.

    It’s just another kick ass Bethesda game in a long list of kick ass Bethesda games IMO.


    its a solid B


    It's good.

    It's not earth shattering, its not game of the year.

    It scratches that Skyrim RPG itch but in space.

    It's less buggy and less crashy than people were expecting.

    It's not without its flaws.

    It's a solid B


    This might be the most concise and accurate review I’ve seen. Nothing long winded, no excuses, no fanboyism, being fair and holding it up as it is.


    That wasn’t a review, it was a bunch of statements stringed together. At most it could be the conclusion of a review.

    A review needs to offer some explanations about what’s good (or bad) and why.


    You didn’t comment. You just said a bunch of words stringed together.


    Personally I’d give it like a C or maybe B- at the top. It’s fine, but there are so many missing basic quality of life features that should be there.

    My biggest gripes are all focused on outposts though. Outposts seemed to be one of the focuses from the marketing material, but they’re a pain in the ass to actually use. There’s somehow no list of the outposts you have, let alone a way to view what they’re producing. Outposts need to be linked together, but there’s no way to sort or auto-delete items, so it all eventually will get clogged up with lead, or whatever other resource doesn’t get used often. You’ll have to manually go through your containers to remove the clog and just dump it on the ground, where it’ll remain for the rest of your playthrough. There’s no snapping for anything except storage containers and the habitation modules. Everything else has to be placed by hand with manual rotations, so nothing is ever lined up. The alignment will also change after you place an object, so literally nothing will ever be aligned.

    I have issues with many other parts of the game too, but outposts seem so incomplete, and somehow generally worse than what we had in FO4. Yet, outposts were prominent in their marketing. How?

    timespace, (edited )

    I’m not sure where you’re from, but in the US a 75/100 is a C. B would be 80-89.


    In nz or Australia a C was 50%.


    50 > D
    60 > C
    70 > B
    80 > A
    90 > A+


    Where I’m from, 94-100 was an A, so 74-83 was still a C, but it would just squeak by.


    So Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 were kickass Bethesda games?


    They were certainly Bethesda games. I'm not even remotely fond of multiplayer fallout. But for 4, it's a marvelous modding world that I've sunk over a thousand hours into.


    And thanks to their cultish adherence to their engine, I could copy paste some mods between Skyrim and Fallout.

    @Art3sian@lemmy.world avatar

    Bethesda made way more games than that. Are you new to gaming? You should check out their website.


    But those are their most recent offerings. I care more about the quality of what they produce now and not their glory days decades ago.

    @Art3sian@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh, so you ARE aware of their other games and you were just cherry picking the ones that weren’t as popular? Now with that brought to light, you’re changing the date parameters to suit your narrative?

    You’re very good at this.


    All I "cherry picked" was their two most recent games that have actually been published in the past decade.


    Technically Skyrim has also been published in the past decade, and even more recently than Fallout 4. In fact it's been released 5 times since Fallout 4.


    This is the moat insane thing i have ever heard. Or it's some sort of burn because how shit they are.

    @all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

    I've never played 76, but 4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I think most people who didn't like it were going into it desiring for it to be something it wasn't. What it was impeccably good at was being a scavenging looter shooter with addicting weapon and armor modification and a fun outpost building system that wasn't for me, but did let me make my own little home.


    I just wanted a well written rpg. Guess that’s on me.

    @all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

    Definitely not Bethesda's strong suit and not what I go to their games for. Their NPC interaction is made up of tons of awkward TMI introductions and dialogue too quirky to take seriously most of the time. That's a valid criticism, I would not say Fallout 4 is well written. I think it has some interesting premises like the whole synth idea, but not a well executed story.

    The only overall story I really thought was good in that game was Paladin Danse's quest chain.


    Fallout 4 was a great game, but like Fallout 3, was a terrible Fallout game. Fallout 4 is what Fallout 3 should have been.

    @Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

    Bruh, Bethesda arguably peaked like 20 years ago with Morrowind. Everything else since has been more or less downhill lol.

    @Dee@lemmings.world avatar

    Ah, a fellow N’wah.


    What the fuck did you call me you S’wit?! I ain’t no fetcher!

    Dee, (edited )
    @Dee@lemmings.world avatar

    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you filthy Imperial? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in House Telvanni, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Black Marsh, and I have over 300 confirmed farm equipment kills. I am trained in Dunmer warfare and I’m the top battlemage in the entire Vvardenfell armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision spells the likes of which has never been seen before in this realm, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Cyrodiil and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the ash storm, scrib. The ash storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with conjuration. Not only am I extensively trained in alchemical combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Sixth House and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn N’wah. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

    Brought to you by the Great House Telvanni.


    Their only great game since Morrowind wasn’t even made by them.

    @Art3sian@lemmy.world avatar

    I will agree, Morrowind was an amazing game.

    abraxas, (edited )

    My guilty pleasure is to install Morrowind again and commit to replaying it, but to instead do another Skyrim playthrough because I just have more fun for some reason.

    There’s something about the newer Bethesda games. I’ll go and install legacy games from other companies all the time for the sense of nostalgia, but despite having beaten almost all of them going back to Arena, if I want a Bethesda game I always end up playing Skyrim or FO4. And now (I presume) Starfield


    It’s another subpar Bethesda game in a long line of subpar Bethesda games. Lifeless bland NPCs, tons of glitches, bad gameplay issues, and the same “shallow ocean” criticisms we’ve been going over since Skyrim.


    It’s clear to me that Bethesda thinks Skyrim was peak Elder Scrolls, when I think Morrowind was peak Elder Scrolls. Unfortunately, it seems too much to ask for a decent story and interesting side content.

    So I just don’t buy Bethesda games anymore. I was disappointed in Skyrim, and Fallout 4 wasn’t really my thing. It also doesn’t help that I don’t like the leveling mechanics of RPGs either and tend to prefer ARPGs like Ys and Zelda where leveling isn’t a major part of the game loop. I know what Bethesda offers, and it’s just not what I’m looking for these days. I play RPGs for story and immersion, not for graphics, character builds, and mods, and Bethesda seems to be more interested in the latter than the former.

    But that’s what I appreciate from Bethesda. They’re pretty consistent at delivering a certain experience, it just so happens that it’s not for me.


    You want bland NPCs then you should play BG3.


    this is how I feel about it


    I wish it was as good as No Man’s Sky


    Anything is better than No Man Sky, after a trillion updates they still haven’t fixed the one issue the game has. There is only a single planet but a million copies of it with different colors.


    And de-synch issues and lack of flight stick support (regardless of steam, who cares about that). Also repetitive missions.


    From what I’ve seen that’s also starfield lol, the same desert planets copy/pasted with different colored smoke/sand

    hubobes, (edited )

    Yes but planets like that are realistically quite common. The ones with special features and biomes however are few but quite well done. Really not comparable.


    Really has a Freelancer vipe to it as well.

    RandomLegend, do gaming w Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League adds Denuvo DRM before launch
    @RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I don’t believe that even without DRM the game would’ve been pirated that much… i mean people usually pirate games they actually want to play lmao.

    But let’s see how long it takes the industry to realize that games like bg3 and palworlds, that don’t have any DRM, are still money making machines… hmmm

    @ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

    Also, doesn't the game currently require an internet connection to play?

    @PeachMan@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe, but when people talk about “cracking” a video game, they mean removing the telemetry parts of the .exe that might phone home and tattle on you. So often a cracked version of a game will have most online features removed. If it’s a game with a single-player campaign, it might still be totally playable.

    @ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

    Perhaps, but the devs have now said that offline single player mode is a feature coming "soon after launch", which says to me that perhaps it's more coupled to a server than just a bit of telemetry, or they'd be far more reactive to the public response about the online requirement. Not to say that I know for sure; it's just a gut feeling.

    @PeachMan@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah we’ll only know for sure after it comes out, and after we see what the pirates are able to do. Pirating online-only games is also possible, it’s just more difficult so it’s less common. Maybe the pirates will wait until the single player mode launches.


    Not on an online only AAA game.

    Otherwise I’d be playing some sort of Marvel Heroes Omega or Destiny offline.


    Plenty of pirates games do, it’s never stopped them from figuring out how to get it working lol

    @ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

    It certainly has. Try pirating Marvel Heroes or The Crew.


    Never underestimate how much people want to see a trainwreck up close. Of course, pirating is free, I doubt many people want to pay money for a trainwreck, so not sure if Denuvo is really going to save them from losing actual sales

    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

    Seriously “#1 sold game on steam in 2024” ah yes, because that’s a good metric when it’s been only one month and the biggest titles have a tendency to drop in December

    @PeachMan@lemmy.world avatar

    This seems like EXACTLY the type of game I would pirate, if I was still a teenager pirating games. Something without online play (or with online play that I don’t care about) that looks kinda dumb but maybe it could be funny, and I don’t feel like it’s worth full price. So I would just pirate it, play it halfway through, get bored, and delete it.

    I’m too old for that shit now, I don’t want viruses on my PC because I store things on there that are actually IMPORTANT, instead of just porn and video games. But back then, I’d risk a virus for this mediocre-looking Suicide Squad game.


    Understandable. But viruses arent that common from what I hear. Especially if you know your sources.

    People Re coming back to pirating since all media becomes fractured, more expensive and worse.

    @PeachMan@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh, pirating movies/TV/music is a totally different story, the risk of a virus is near zero if you’re careful, because you’re not running random .exe’s. I said that I was done pirating video games, not that I was done pirating completely. 😄


    Oh! Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense I guess. Will keep that in mind.

    maxprime, do games w Counter Strike 2 is surprisingly awful on Steam Deck right now

    Are competitive FPSs intended for handhelds?


    Maybe, maybe not. But I think people expect a game made by Valve to run on gaming hardware made by Valve, even if it’s only for casual playing.


    Well it runs - just not as fast as you want. I personally would never want to play those competitive shooters that need pixel perfect aim on a handheld console… but that’s just me.


    Ah yes, I totally expect Nintendo games to play on all their hardware like a 3ds…

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar



    Sure, but they also make mobile games, do you expect hose to play on the switch too…?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar


    schmidtster, (edited )

    No, a 3ds to switch is a pretty apt comparison about a modern pc to a steam deck actually.

    There is absolutely no reason why anyone would assume this should be optimized for a mobile device. You would be limiting its potential in PC, if they can’t provide the same experience across all devices, they aren’t going to. It’s a competitor shooter for one thing….

    Where am I comparing apples to oranges…? I’m using different approaches to show that not everygame a company designs is going to be playable on all devices, it’s NEVER, been that way. So why would it suddenly change just for this one case…?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar


    schmidtster, (edited )

    How is any of that relevant to a company being able to design games for what they want…?

    But I will address this point. Yes it would limit what they could do to the PC version, look at what happened to coop for BG3 on the series S, sometimes devices just can’t do everything….

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar



    Where am I reaching?

    I also never put words in your mouth. I’ve used different methods to describe how companies make games for other hardware all the time.

    Why should this game be different? Are you going to answer any of my questions or are you just going to continue to deflect with these endless fallacies?

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar


    @captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

    In terms of computer power, a Steam Deck is basically a mid-range laptop. Go buy a Dell Inspiron for about the same price and how does It run CS2?


    How is that the same? This is a PC game running on a device meant to run PC games. Apples to apples


    A severely limited device, like a 3ds compared to a switch even….


    I’m glad you’re making it apparent that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Sure you can’t compare it to a two thousand dollar PC with top of the line hardware, but it’s plenty capable, affordable and you can take it anywhere. They’re fucking awesome and have made PC gaming accessible to lots of people


    Yes it’s an awesome device and that’s not what was being discussed…

    News flash, companies design games for different systems all the time, why should this one game be any different…?


    You literally just said it’s a severely limited device, which it definitely isn’t. You’ve just done a complete 180 with your argument.


    Compared to modern PCs… my argument hasn’t changed at all.

    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    I think people expect a game made by Valve to run on gaming hardware made by Valve, even if it’s only for casual playing.

    Yes. Why else did CSGO get controller and gyro support? While Valve did not promise anything in that regard, there was the expectation that CS2 would basically be fully optimized for Deck. Maybe it will still happen. The “final” release is nothing but an open beta.


    To add to this, the expectation is because they basically killed off CSGO for CS2 as an upgrade, so it should have the same and more functionalities.

    Yes you can still turn on CSGO from settings but it’s worthless without servers.


    Yeah we should be able to play half life Alyx on the steam deck too!!


    Sure but they haven’t cared about the state of their games in ages. Iike I’m all for pushing to get them to fix it and all, but think it’s weird that people are surprised. Especially when the vast majority of their focus has been on steam for the last forever

    kratoz29, (edited )

    Well, I have seen some very crazy shit with Metroid Prime Hunters for DS.

    EDIT: Like tthis


    I play Destiny 2 on my Asus ROG Ally almost daily, and have played lots of PVE and Gambit, but hate Crucible. It’s really powerful, so I think it’s possible to play competitive games on a handheld if you’re comfortable with using a controller. Of course, you can plug it into a monitor and use the XG Mobile to get a decent graphics card. So yeah, I think a handheld can hold up to a gaming PC if you temper your expectations. You’re not going to be playing at 4k, 120 fps, but instead 720p 50-60 fps. Good enough for casual play all the time.


    I haven’t played destiny 2 in a long while but isn’t that game far from competitive?


    It has competitive modes, but I don’t know how well it would do at tournament play. I’m not a big fan of PVP, but I’m pretty sure the Ally is powerful enough to play most of those games if you lower the graphics to get a nice FPS. I just cited Destiny because it’s what I’ve been playing lately.

    InEnduringGrowStrong, do games w Meta Quest 3 demand allegedly 5 million units below expected level
    @InEnduringGrowStrong@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Yea, there’s no way I’m strapping Facebook to my forehead.
    VR is nice, but Meta can suck it.

    CarlsIII, do gaming w Starfield remake created in two days actually lets you fly seamlessly from space to the surface

    Wow they remade a game as big as starfield in only 48 hours? Just recording all the dialogue during that time would have been intense

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    he had them record at 16x speed then just slowed it down in post. pretty impressive

    Hadriscus, (edited )

    For me it’s the writing. Typing this fast is beyond amazing, notwithstanding the fact that it all has to happen before recording

    privadesco, (edited ) do piracy w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”

    Denuvo is the apex of a long history of bad choices.

    Maybe actually sell us the games in a way we really own it, without any sort of online activation/account/telemetry/data-gathering like when we could buy a disc and just use it, and it should all be ok.

    I feel like a dinosaur every-time I think this nowadays, but what is so problematic with the “own as in physically own” that is so hard to implement? If they want to provide a service, sell a service.

    In the past I used pirate versions of games I bought just to be able to play them offline, or because I did not agree with the terms of service. It is so much for our info, it goes beyond just knowing you are the real owner of the software copy: it comes to the point where it looks like it’s to guarantee we are not its’ owner.

    Now some DRMs even destroy gaming performance and its just faster to use 'ked versions. I hope it changes somehow.

    Infiltrated_ad8271, (edited )
    @Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

    Is it really possible to own them properly? If in almost all cases we lack the source code and there are even proprietary requirements for both software and hardware, what chance do they have of working halfway well in a few decades?


    And with stuff like SecuRom, even owning a legit physical copy of the game does not help you when the service vanishes

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