
MonkderDritte, do gaming w Fallout 4's most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda's disastrous 'next gen' update

Damn and the next one for Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Those flickering shadows you get whenever a light source moves—like, you know, the sun


HowMany, do gaming w Tarkov studio claims it actually doesn't have the server capacity for everyone who bought the game for $150 to play its upcoming PvE mode, still wants players to pay extra

Interesting aside - gamers continue to enable these thieves by “leasing” their products. Boycott? No?


Many streamers are actively boycotting right now

Ultragigagigantic, do gaming w Tarkov studio claims it actually doesn't have the server capacity for everyone who bought the game for $150 to play its upcoming PvE mode, still wants players to pay extra
@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Grey Zone Warfare is almost done, why would I give money to tarkov devs, especially now that everyone can plainly see they’ll do shitty shit to their playerbase?

penquin, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two Interactive is laying off 5% of its workforce and 'rationalizing its pipeline,' the latest skin-crawling corporate euphemism for people losing their jobs

Yay capitalism. The pursuit of infinite quarterly profit will fuck and enshitify everything we’ve ever known.

Son_of_dad, do gaming w Ubisoft is stripping people's licences for The Crew weeks after its shutdown, nearly squandering hopes of fan servers and acting as a stark reminder of how volatile digital ownership is

When Nintendo eshop closed, I lost all my purchases. I tried contacting Nintendo to see if they could transfer my purchases to my switch account, but contacting Nintendo is like trying to contact god, you’re gonna get nowhere

chicken, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'

you get a lot of publicly traded companies that are in the industry that have to show their investors growth—because why else does somebody own a share of someone’s stock if it’s not going to grow?

I thought the way it was supposed to work was, a company starts out investing in its growth and during this period shareholders get gains from the price of the stock going up, and then when it has maxed out just switch to shoveling the profits into dividends instead? If the industry has stopped growing, I don’t see why there isn’t a path to acknowledging that to investors, what am I missing?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Growth is more valuable than dividends, and there’s always more room for growth in the eyes of investors.


Growth is more valuable than dividends

Shouldn’t that depend on the dollar amounts? Why would $X of dividends be worse than $X of stock growth? And if growth just isn’t in the cards anymore, it would be in reality a worse bet as the companies pour resources into a black hole of false hope and self sabotage seeking something that isn’t actually going to happen.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Growth stocks rise more because they carry more risk than steady dividend payouts. In a perfect dividend world, dividends would match growth, but because there is inherent risk in growth stocks there is a larger upswing

There are competing schools of thought in the investment world, and Growth has solidly beaten Dividend investing. Even better, going for a market-weighted global index fund is best.


You don’t pay tax on growth, you do on dividends. For large shareholders a high dividend can be a problem. Even for me, a very small time retail investor, I have to keep a balance of growth (like Apple) and dividend (I tend to use a dividend ETF so I can fairly reliably estimate my dividends) so I can avoid paying tax on the dividends.


That makes a lot of sense. Seems like the way taxes are set up is creating perverse incentives here.

NocturnalMorning, do games w Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard'

It never ceases to amazing me how angry people get when a game isn’t perfect and bug free. We want more and more content and graphics with the same amount or less resources, all the while refusing to pay any more for it.

I miss the days when people were happy with n64 and ps1 graphics. You didn’t need a team of 200 people to put out hyper realistic graphic open world games that people would still shit on.

Sheesh, I’m glad I’m not in this industry.


At this point I think they just want the game to be done

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking why? You can buy a ship for $20, go download the game, and play it this very second. The fuck does the “1.0 release!” title do differently? Give you full license to shit on how it’s now out and xyz isn’t done?

The people concerned about it releasing are the same ones who will bitch about it releasing ‘too soon’. Fuck em.


I’m on the other side of the fence here, amazed that people still bat for a company that can’t deliver a product after what, 10 years past the first estimate release date?


I’m not on any side of the fence. I just see these posts shitting on games all the time, and get tired of seeing them. If you don’t like a game fine, don’t play it. But making games is hella difficult. I make indie games in my spare time, and I can honestly say, just making a single player game is hard, let alone a multi-player game, or anything realistic. Like Jesus, if you have such a huge problem with these games, go make a better one yourself.

axby, (edited )

I agree with you for most games, people are picky and don’t understand the challenges. But this game solicited donations 10 years ago, people bought into the vision, and they were wildly successful, I think they raised $600M, which is like the most money any game has ever raised?

And despite that, 10 years later, it’s still mostly just a tech demo (edit: perhaps I’m wrong? Maybe there is $40 worth of playable content. See discussion in child comments, I haven’t tried this myself in many years, out of fear of being disappointed again). They are focused on adding cool but superficial animation things, rather than just making a fun playable experience.

If they were focused on making a fun playable (but possibly buggy and limited) game then it would be different. But instead they seem to be chasing random superficial features like projecting your face from your web cam onto your character. It feels like they are not seriously committed to making even an early access game in a reasonable timeline.

If this project was funded by some billionaire who wanted to spend 30 years to make the most amazing MMO ever with a ton of never before seen features, then that would be fine. But instead normal people chipped in $40+ to fund this game, and the developers don’t seem to be prioritizing actually making a fun playable game. It’s barely beyond a tech demo even 10 years later (edit: maybe this is not completely accurate). It is reasonable to assume that the management of this project does not care about making a playable game, they can work on whatever fun features they want, they’ve already made a ton of money.

edits: perhaps I’m wrong about the state of the game. I haven’t tried it in a while. I’ll have to give it another try.


I agree that the project has fallen victim to arguably the worst example of scope creep to ever plague the gaming industry, but it’s much further along than “barely beyond a tech demo”. I know people who play several hours a week and say they’re having a great time. There’s definitely a full game in the alpha, but it’s far from polished or finished.

To your point about feeling different about the slow development if it were funded by a single investor rather than crowdsourcing: what’s the difference? Every person I know who’s spent money on star citizen seems happy with their RoI. Isn’t that all that matters with an investment? I’m not sure why it would be better if it was just a single investor being happy rather than a million investors being happy, even if it is all just delusion.


TL;DR: I may be mistaken about how playable it is, I’ll have to give it another try. Thanks for the reassurance. I haven’t tried it myself in many years, and have only relied on articles like this to hear about the progress. Perhaps I’m biased since the comments always love to hate on Star Citizen and few people are defending it. RE single investor: if everyone who paid money for it was happy then yeah there would be no difference. But I think a lot of people paid money expecting a longer gaming experience within a few years, and instead it’s taken a long time and they’re still focusing a lot on cosmetic things rather than gameplay and content. IMO gameplay and content should be the top priority, and cool visual stuff can come later. But if piracy/mining/exploring planets/missions can actually provide ~10 hours of enjoyment without being seriously hindered by bugs, then I’m totally wrong and should update my comment.

Thanks for the info, perhaps I should update my comment. It was barely beyond a tech demo when I tried it so many years ago, but it does seem like it’s added a lot since then (and I’ve only learned about it after digging in more today). I’ve seen some comments in this post that said there isn’t much to do besides walk around and look at stuff, which matches my experience many years ago, but perhaps it’s not really accurate anymore. Some articles have talked about piracy and mining actually being viable as ways to make money to get a better ship. If those are enjoyable and not severely limited in content and so buggy that progress is hard, then I’m totally wrong and can maybe say that 10 years later my return on investment is adequate :) , and maybe in another few years there will be even more content and give me something more like ~10+ hours of enjoyment.

I know people who play several hours a week and say they’re having a great time. There’s definitely a full game in the alpha, but it’s far from polished or finished.

This is actually really reassuring to me, I’ll have to give it another try.

Every person I know who’s spent money on star citizen seems happy with their RoI.

Perhaps the people you’re talking to about it now are somewhat skewed towards people who still enjoy it for what it is now. I’ve almost forgotten and wouldn’t think to mention it to most people, but I paid $40 for it around 9 years ago, because a friend mentioned it to me and it seemed like such an amazing idea. It showed so much promise, the racing seemed fun and complex, and later I tried Squadron 42 and felt like I could see the vision coming together. But then after not trying it for a few years, I keep hearing more of the same thing: new cool superficial feature, but still lacking in significant enjoyable gameplay. I am actually kind of scared to try it again and be disappointed in the lack of content.

I realize too that Squadron 42 is apparently a fairly long and mostly finished experience? That alone might be worth $40, though I do think 10 years is a little long to wait for that. I’ll concede that they do seem to be delivering on some of the hype, it just takes way too long, and I’d rather they prioritize on something simple but playable for long periods, versus cool immersion and fancy animations and concepts.

Perhaps a lot of the people who enjoy it now enjoy the kind of role playing aspect of getting in a ship with friends and walking around exploring? I would enjoy that somewhat too, every few years, almost like a really advanced VR chat, I guess. But my friends have lost interest in this due to the never ending development cycle. And I would hate to be the one to say “hey guys let’s try this out again, it’s way better now”, and then have everyone be disappointed when someone gets stuck in a wall or the content seems really limited.

Anyway to summarize: perhaps I’m wrong, maybe the game is worth $40 now and I’ve just been biased from people loving to hate on a game that they haven’t even tried. I’ll have to give it another try.


I think it’s worth a try if you haven’t played in several years! There isn’t a lot of gameplay if you don’t have a ship geared towards combat/mining/cargo, but those contracts are pretty fun (there wasn’t a huge amount of variety, but still several hours of gameplay). I will admit that all my evidence of player enjoyment is anecdotal, but it was a bit shocking to me to hear about how much fun friends were having when I keep seeing so much hate towards the game online. I’ve gotten a couple ships as gifts from friends/family, but my PC hasn’t ever been beefy enough to run the game at a stable frame rate (I’ve since upgraded so it’s probably time to try it again ¯*(ツ)*/¯)


Awesome, thanks! It’s nice to hear a perspective that is different from the mainstream. I’ve also been limited by my PC for a while, but I’ve upgraded since I last tried it, so hopefully I’ll have more luck this time.


Every person I know who’s spent money on star citizen seems happy with their RoI

Every person you know personally? Most comment sections I’ve seen discussing Star Citizen seems to have at least one or two people who are unhappy with their roi. Personally, I don’t feel like I’ve been able to get my full money’s worth yet. I think I will some day, I know it’s more than a tech demo, but the gameplay isn’t quite there yet and the game is still really buggy and unoptimized.

If they can release Squadron 42 this year or next, I think that’d really start to turn things around for them more than anything else


Let’s be honest the people who would defend their ROI have lost interest in defending it to the unwilling. Star Citizen has become a cat call to all the haters whenever it’s posted in general gaming (namely r/games and c/games now) communities. The only way the narrative changes is by showing not telling, and that only happens with further polishing like this article is covering, and in future release.

There is a reason they’ve successfully increased pledge numbers year over year, you just don’t hear from people outside that community due to this stigma that’s not worth bothering to explain.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Homie you’ve been able to fucking play it for a decade. If you haven’t figured that out yet, you’re the problem. If they said they released it years ago and called these all “updates” you’d have nothing to bitch about and that’s why I fucking loathe people like you. It’s not “officially released” so it’s a scam, it’s disappointing, it’s whatever the fuck else you can dredge up to downplay the fact they’re still fucking developing it like any other active game. Even Elite Dangerous still drops updates and it predates Star Citizen. You people are impossible to please and it’s exhausting. Move the fuck on.


you’ve been able to fucking play it for a decade

tech demo out = game is playable, unbeatable logic

If they said they released it years ago and called these all “updates” you’d have nothing to bitch about

It’s not about what the developers say the state of the game is, it’s about what’s actually out and playable - and for Star Citizen, last time I checked it’s some barebones version with one planet, bajillion missing features, 200000000$ ships and in general a buggy mess

You star citizen fans are insufferable. I get spammed with these videos, ads and articles hyping up the game for being the best thing ever, always claiming the next update to be some gamechanger but it’s still the same unfinished garbage. Love how every time someone mentions the absolutely disgusting monetisation, it goes in one ear and out the other.

Now get back to licking chris robert’s shoes, you’ve missed a spot

OuterRem, do gaming w EA CEO talks AI, says the usual stuff before the bong rip hits and he starts blabbing about a future where 3 billion people are creating EA's games with it

Oh boy! Can’t wait for my grandchildren to use AI to customize the sponsorship logos on Cyborg-Messi’s Jersey or change the hue of the football pitch to a slightly more artificial green in EA Sports FC 2077!

joker125, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

Haven’t played BG3 but wtf sense does it make to layoff these team(s)?

Plenty of people paid for the game and enjoyed it and it won GOTY.


That’s two separate products and companies you’re thinking about…


You misunderstand. Larian is the company that made the BG3 video game, and they haven’t laid people off.

However it’s a licensed game. Baldur’s Gate and D&D are IPs that are owned by a company called Wizards of Coast. And Wizards is owned by Hasbro. Hasbro is forcing layoffs at Wizards, specifically on the D&D team because it doesn’t print money as efficiently as say, Magic the Gathering does.

The people at Wizards, i.e the people who actually make D&D are no doubt passionate wonderful people. But Hasbro (and probably some of the Wizards management) are awful corporate parasites determined to suck every last penny from their properties.

They don’t give a shit how loved a product is, if it’s not making $100M per year then it’s basically worthless to them and they won’t fund it. So layoffs happen.


then it’s basically worthless to them

Cool. Make it independent again.


No-o-o, because then it may make money for others, think about all the lost profits. Better shut them completely /s


This is sadly a much more likely scenario


They laid off a lot of the MtG team as well.


Those AI mtg generators probably got admin too rabid at the thought of not paying employees…

vexikron, (edited ) do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

Please do not tell me that anyone is surprised that a triple A game studio laid off most of their employees as a reward for a job well done.

Please. Please tell me everyone has figured out that nearly all large game dev companies are pure fucking evil.

EDIT: Welp, thats what I get for making an ill informed post after 36 hours on the road before passing out in my motel, yep, I probably should have read the article.


It’s the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast, not at Larian.


Maybe reread the article


I guess this is reddit and you don’t know how to read past the headlines?

@iAmTheTot@kbin.social avatar

I don't even think they read the headline correctly.


They didn’t even read the headline.

The headline clearly says that Hasbro (owners of WotC/D&D) did layoffs, not Larian Studios (creators of Balder’s Gate 3).


Listen, we all know gamers can’t read. What did you expect? /s


This but unironically.


The headline here on lemmy is unreadable gibberish with BG3 in the title. It could as well be

Layoff 5blagagasjjee Swen shgrwaaahahaaaa Baldurs Gate 3 dacghgfrtf gone. Click here for ads.

So i get where he’s coming from. On the other hand, once you start reading the ads with some content in between it becomes clear immediately that this is about the IP holder, not the game studio.


I’m kinda with you on that, without knowing that Hasbro doesn’t own Larian this can be misread.


But I guess that the overly angry tone made people quite upset about your comment


…and you should read more than the headline, then you’d know that


Maybe they just exhausted their reading quota for today, it’s a pretty long headline, after all

brsrklf, (edited )

…is that an attempt at sarcasm or something?

‘There’s almost nobody left’: CEO of Baldur’s Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

Same Lemmy title as the article. You know exactly who’s talking (“CEO of Baldur’s Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke”), about whom (“the D&D team he initially worked with”), what happened to them (“is gone”) and who is to blame (“due to Hasbro layoffs”).

As far as titles go, it’s pretty good at telling you exactly what the actual article is about. Sure, you may need basic knowledge about how a licenced product works, and that BG3 is under the D&D licence. It would be rather hard to fit all that in a title.


Read? Lemmy is Reddit 2.0. Unfortunately, the majority don’t read articles.


Yeah I was super refreshed when I moved here but it seems to have just absorbed all the bad habits I hated about reddit.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Off-topic, but when I mentioned this in a different thread, an actual answer I got is basically the fediverse is really similar to reddit - how can the culture be any different?

Anyways, if the fediverse starts to become Reddit 2.0 I think it would be high time to go.


Or maybe people could steer the culture in one way or another by encouraging/discouraging specific behaviour. Nah, sounds like an unrealistic thing

On a serious note, self-regulation should be simpler in a smaller community, so it might work better here than on Reddit

!deleted7120 avatar

It really has. It’s kind of depressing, honestly.

@corytheboyd@kbin.social avatar

Yeah… that trait isn’t limited to Reddit users


If you read the comments, the majority have done so.

@Cybersteel@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, the exodus brought in more low quality users.


Please tell me everyone has figured out that all large companies are pure fucking evil

Fixed that for you

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Try re-reading the headline again :)

!deleted7120 avatar

You…You might want to consider reading the article.

Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast, who own DnD. Larian, a completely separate company, got the rights to make BG3 from Hasbro. Hasbro laid off nearly everyone Larian Studios worked with at Wizards of the Coast.


Hasbro laid off nearly everyone Larian Studios



What? No. They’re saying that Larian, a completely independent company, worked with a team from Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast is owned by Hasbro. Hasbro laid off 1100 employees from Wizards of the Coast. Many of those employees were on the team that worked with Larian to make BG3.

Larian Studios had literally nothing to do with this. Larian did nothing wrong.


Thanks for responding to my joke post seriously.


I’ll take “I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about” for $500, Alex


About a week ago you decided to make your lemmy account. A better idea would’ve been to learn how to fucking read.


You should teaach him about your username.


Will there be lemonade?


I’m proud to say I’ve spread the lemon party gospel on lemmy a few times, and the reactions are always worth it.


I upvoted you out of pitty. Hope your motel bed is comfortable.


Hooray pity upvote!

The bed is comfortable, yes.

Gamers_Mate, do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet

Someone should get a bunch of games that Nintendo shut down and call it the forbidden library.


You know, that’s not a bad idea.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, do gaming w Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'
@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

Joke on him, often game gets delayed under this exact pretext and it suck anyway.


I think it becomes a mixture of too early and delaying.

Some games clearly need another year to finish but they delay it for half a year and wont allow more for themselves

cmhe, do gaming w Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

Game developers seem to be very afraid to change core features or the story of the game in a major way (even if the actual work would not be too extensive) after release. But there are enough examples where games improved a lot after release.

Sure, the initial impression of the game might be ruined, but that is more a consequence for the producers that most often where responsible for the rushed release, than for the gamers or developers, of the game is fixed afterwards.

Sanctus, do games w After earning $544 million in its most recent quarter, Unity says even more layoffs are 'likely'
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

Its insanity, Unity is a good product. There is a place for it in reality. In any sane world this product would have continued to operate how it was and it would have benefited people. But since profits are attached everything will have to be ruined eventually. Unreal is next to bat.

@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

That’s really well said and an underrated comment here. In a sane world, Unity would “make a living” just fine. Another user commented on where they spent their margins, and my bet is that it’s on bullshit. Executive compensation should be first to get slashed, and if anything they should concentrate on keeping the “golden goose” or core development team alive.

@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

Allowing leaders to use profits however they wish has been a disaster. I don’t know if it was codified into law, but when companies had to invest in R&D, and they had to invest in employees before drinking their own koolaid the world was a better place. Employees were taken care of, average people could thrive. Now its an open feeding trough everyone else is exempt from. The modern world only thrives with checks and balances, its proven that without them the powerful cannot be trusted.

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Yep they bought a good chunk of Weta Digital for some reason.

emmie, do games w A heroic Starfield modder just straight-up deleted those repetitive temple 'puzzles' from the game

I like starfield overall but it definietly is a weaker game than skyrim


FULLY agreed.

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