
Pratai, do games w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

But why though?


Blockchain anything was how you got investor funding in 2017 and no one was gonna fund a Peter Molyneux game without it


Your phrasing suggests blockchain is only being used here to facilitate an actual interesting game, which I can guarantee is not true.


Nah, no suggestion of that. Just talking about what investors were spending money on in 2017

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No he’s suggesting the game would be so shit that buzzwords were the only way it could get any runway.


My point, albeit overly obtuse, was that the game is blockchain. He didn’t patch on the idea just to get funding.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

This game in particular, yes, but Molyneux certainly could make non-blockchain games.


I would say, being even more pedantic, that the game uses a blockchain (which is just a different type of database) to record in game digital asset ownership. This game could have been made with a normal db taking that roll and would probably run no differently.

He is mentioning and using a blockchain over a normal db for no other reason that it probably helped to secure funding in 2017 as it was a massive tech buzzword at the time.

ech, (edited )

It could, sure, but I’m positive the only reason he’s making it is because of blockchain. I seriously doubt Pete was rolling around a game idea for online real estate separately and just threw blockchain in as a way to get funding.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

It makes them money off of desperate or in turn grifting people, I suppose. Just like all of crypto.

gaael, do games w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

Time to deactivate autoamtic updates in case they fix the bug before I can visit !

Steeve, do games w VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it

40-70% is quite the confidence interval lol


Some to most people…

candyman337, (edited ) do games w Stacked 3D cache is coming to Intel CPUs, and gamers should be excited (should we?)

Oh boy can’t wait to have cups that burn a hole right through their coolers

I’d really love it if we’d just have a generation or two where they focused on making cpus more efficient and less hot rather than ramping power every generation , same with gpus


This only got bad with the most recent generation of CPUs. AMD 5xxx series is very efficient as demonstrated by Gamers Nexus. The Intel CPUs from 2500k to idk, 8xxx series? were efficient until they started slapping more cores and then cranking the power on them.


Yes the second thing about cranking power and cores is what I’m talking about.

Also, as far as gpus, the 2000 series was ridiculously power hungry at the time, and it looks downright reasonable now. It’s like the Overton window of power consumption lol.


deranger, (edited )

I dunno, I ran a 2080 on the same PSU that I used on a 2013 build, a 650W seasonic. Got some graphs? Power consumption didn’t seem to jump that bad until the latest gen.

My current 3090 is a power hog though, that’s when I’d say it started for Nvidia (3000 series). For AMD, 7000 series CPUs, and I’m not really sure for Intel. 9900k was the last Intel CPU I ran, it seemed fine. I was running a 9900k/2080 on the same PSU as the 2500k/570 build.

candyman337, (edited )

As for as the 2080 goes, like I said, it was big FOR THE TIME, and power hungry FOR THE TIME. It’s still reasonable especially for today’s standards

As for as the last two gens, 3000 and 4000 series, they are known to draw more than their rated power requirements, which, for their min recommended psu wattage, 3080 was 50 watts more than the 2080 (750w), and 4080 was 100 w more than that (850w)

To add to that, both of these gens of cards, when doing graphics intensive things like gaming, can overdraw power and have been known to cause hard shutdowns in pcs with PSUs that are even slightly higher rated than their min rec. Before these last two gens you could get away with a slightly lower than rated wattage PSU and sacrifice a little performance but that is definitely no longer the case.

And sure, the performance to watts used is better in the 3080, but they also run 10+ degrees hotter and the 4000 series even moreso.

I just hope the 5000 series goes the way of power consumption refinement rather than smashing more chips onto a board or vram fuckery like with the 4060, like I’d be happy with similar performance on the 5000 series if it was less power hungry


The 7 series are more efficient than the 5 series. They just are programmed to go as fast as thermals allow. So the reviewers that had really powerful coolers on the cpus saw really high power draw. If instead you set a power cap, you get higher performance per watt than the previous generations.

Having the clocks scale to a thermal limit is a nice feature to have, but I don’t think it should have been the default mode.


Intel became less efficient because of how long they were stuck on 14nm. In order to compensate to beat amd in performance mindshare, they needed to push the clocks hard.

Overtime, cpus have been sitting closer to max clock, defeating the purpose of overclocking to many, where adding 1GHz was not out of the ordinary. Now getting 0.5GHz is an acheivement.


I felt the same when the current-gen CPUs were announced, but when I looked closer at AMD’s chips, I learned that they come with controls for greatly reducing the power use with very little performance loss. Some people even report a performance gain from using these controls, because their custom power limits avoid thermal throttling.

It seems like the extreme heat and power draw shown in the marketing materials are more like competitive grandstanding than a requirement, and those same chips can instead be tuned for pretty good efficiency.


Yeah I’m talking about Nvidia and Intel here, but tbh ryzen 4000 cpus run pretty hot, but they also optimized ryzen quite a bit before they changed to this new chip set, which makes sense to me. Seems like Nvidia and Intel are worried about what looks good power wise on paper rather than optimization sometimes.


AMD uses 290/390 to compete with Nvidias 970, people buy Nvidia, shoulda bought a 390 meme is born after the 3.5 gb vram controversy happens. AMd mocked for high power consumption.

AMD releases 6000 series gous to compete with Nvidias Ampere line, uses a notibly significant lower power draw, people still buy Nvidia.

Power draw was never part of the equation.


That’s because Nvidia still has the leg up on rtx, but that doesn’t mean Nvidia shouldn’t be thinking about it. I’m not talking about what the market directs them to do, I’m talking about what I hate personally

dudewitbow, (edited )

I mean they did this generation technically. All of the rtx 4000 cards sans the 4090 are fairly efficient… only because nvidia moved the names of the gpu for each tier thats not the halo card.

Point is, you cant have everything and people generally prioritize performance first. Because efficiency has rarely gave either gpu company more profit gpu wise.

If you cared about efficiency, Nvidia answer to people would be buying their RTX 4000 SFF Ada(75w ~3060ti perf) or RTX 6000 Ada… if you can afford it.

merc, do games w Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder

It’s interesting that this comes out during the FTC vs Microsoft case.

As much as Google shot itself in the foot, as usual, this also shows the anti-competitive landscape in gaming. One of the biggest issues Google had was convincing AAA studios to develop games for their “console”. Meanwhile, Microsoft is solving that by buying studios like Zenimax, Mojang, and soon Actiblizz. If you own the studio, they’re guaranteed to develop for your console, and they may choose not to develop for any competitor’s consoles.


Big air quotes on “choose.”


But it has always been that way, with first party titles and exclusives , even purchasing studios like Rare or Psygnosis, its not like a brand new situation that developed right after Google announced Stadia.

If Google had done even any research, I would have started by looking at the PS1 launch and how Sony broke into a market then dominated by Nintendo and Sega with their exclusives, they would have secured a multi year pipeline of AAA titles before launch.

This is a mess Google could have completely avoided with some basic research and discussion with the remaining independent studios. Instead they launched and assumed that they could fix this shit later, rather than making an informed decision on if they actually had a real chance.


its not like a brand new situation that developed right after Google announced Stadia

No, but it’s telling that one of the world’s richest companies ran into this problem. It’s pretty typical of Google to be arrogant and not understand the market they were trying to break into. Also typical of them to give up when it turned out to be a hard problem to solve. But, still, they chose to give up rather than make what (for them) would have been a reasonably small investment to buy a few AAA studios.

It seems to me that to have been successful in this attempt they would have either had to become a major console manufacturer with their own exclusives (maybe not a market they wanted to be in) or to be the junior partner working with another console manufacturer, where they controlled the server side and the other company controlled the client-facing and studio-facing side. But, Google rarely does partnerships like that. You’re right that it really seems like they didn’t go into it with their eyes open. They seemed to just arrogantly assume that their technological superiority would be enough to disrupt consoles without having to do what everybody else did.


But this is a situation of their own making, anybody even remotely cognizant of how Sony and Microsoft entered the market, even Steam has lessons to share, would have been aware that they needed that pipeline of AAAs, and exactly how expensive AAA titles are to make. Its usually public record how much one of the manufacturers paid to buy studios as well, the order of magnitude of cash needed to properly enter the market are hardly secret.

Either they thought they could bully their way into getting them or they thought they didn’t need them, which is even worse, way way worse. They could have spent the money the others are in this space but didn’t, this is the main reason this fell on its arse. They can moan all they like about the price of admission but they could have afforded to pay it if they wanted or lobbied to change it before hand rather than wasting a few billions on this.

It will be very interesting at the level Apple pitch their new gaming service if the rumors are true. Do they go after the mobile lite eco system that Netflix is cobbling together or do they go all in?

Oneeightnine, do games w [Spoilers] If you finish Starfield 4 or 5 times, some seriously weird s*** starts happening
!deleted4231 avatar

I’m honestly amazed that anyone could have completed it more than once already. I’ve played it every day since Friday and I feel like I’ve barely got out of the opening seconds of the game.


I haven’t even finished Elden ring. but that’s apparently a skill issue.


Any % speedrun is already under an hour!


another article said a ng+ run is about 90 minutes. so it seems if you just wanna complete loops, the post-game is a much different pace than your first run

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Old School RuneScape punishes innovation, prevents player from using their own severed toe to skirt anti-botting rules

Maybe it's for the best if they don't incentive the use of severed body parts.

Prewash_Required, do games w Atari acquires massive Atari archive (AtariAge) after revealing a 'new' 2600 that takes cartridges

Sadly, this may mean the days of homebrew programming for the 2600 are at an end. AtariAge is where all those programmers sold their wares, along with homebrews for other platforms like Intellivision and ColecoVision. I’ll have to head back over there for the first time in a while to see what they say about it.

reddig33, do games w Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

If there’s an Xbox One version, then there’s really no excuse for it not to load on a PC with similar or better cpu/memory/graphics specs.


There isn’t.


Looks like you’re right. You have to scroll to the bottom of the Xbox page to see Xbox X and S as system requirement.



I think it was known since 2 years now, so maybe they didn’t bother publicizing it on the page. In fact, MSFT said they won’t be putting any games on Xbox One anymore.


Did you mean Series S?


There isn’t, MS stopped supporting the One last year.

Landrin201, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose
@Landrin201@lemmy.ml avatar

OK, then why fucking make them? Aren’t games supposed to be fun?

This whole genre really bugs me, and I’m someone who LOVES space games. The best game in the genre IMO is elite dangerous, because their ship to ship combat is so damn fun to play that I can hop in for a bit and have a blast without having to engage with the other systems that are often painfully boring.

The problem here is that people what the feeling of being explorers and finding new things, but video games inherently can’t provide that. There aren’t computers strong enough to produce thousands or millions of planets that all have genuinely interesting features on them that are worth exploring for. “Exploration” in current space Sims is basically “stick your name on something someone else hasn’t already stuck their name on, maybe grab some resources from it, and leave.” That gets dull very fast.

Developers COULD choose instead to make a couple of good, big planets that are interesting and full of actually good content. They could give you a reason to explore beyond “look other planets cool.”

If you made 1000 planets and only 10 of them are at all interesting, and your game is centered on exploring other planets and not really focussed on much else, you’ve made a boring game.

@Dr_Cog@mander.xyz avatar

The game isn’t centered on exploring other planets, though. Have you played the game?

@EvaUnit02@kbin.social avatar

The article quotes Todd Howard as saying a design goal was providing the player with a feeling of being an explorer.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Elite dangerous space combat is literally the most lackluster and boring space combat I have ever engaged in. It’s such a slog.

I find combat where you have less control (weak strafing) and more maneuvering to be more interesting. That said, I think Microsoft allegiance probably did 6dof in space combat the best.



There aren’t computers strong enough to produce thousands or millions of planets that all have genuinely interesting features on them that are worth exploring for.

I don't think there is an infinite amount of "genuinely interesting features" so it's hard to imagine we'll ever get a game with this.

dan1101, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

I’m an Elite Dangerous veteran and have no problem with that. I think it’s more realistic.

I’m about 18 hours in and the illusion of variety hasn’t worn off yet. Plenty of things to find, with some travel time though. Unlock/upgrade your backpack boosters and it’s almost like Tribes though, as you go flying across the landscape in short bursts to keep moving forward in the air.




“It’s almost like Tribes” are the four magic words to get me interested in any game.


New match starts and half the team instantly spams

“I’ve got the flag!”
“I’ve got the flag!”
“I’ve got the flag!”
“I’ve got the flag!”


“I am the greatest!”


“I am the greatest!”


Yeah, I’m right here with you. I’ve explored hundreds of systems in Elite. I get excited when I find an interesting planet. It would be really weird and immersion breaking for me if every planet was interesting.


Oddly enough, it's misleading. Planets are covered with procedural generated POIs what he meant is that the environment of most planets is barren. I wish there were actually unexplored planets that weren't covered in POIs too.

@lorty@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Starfield at least lets me have some fun on foot. Elite built their ground component in a very punishing way that made it very annoying to deal with.

storksforlegs, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose
@storksforlegs@beehaw.org avatar

So just wait for mods, then. Got it.

(I really do want to play this game, I like Bethesda games. But there are always inevitable shortcomings, which modders will fix.) Also by then perhaps it will be cheaper.


At least if a modder picks a random spot for their content it’s unlikely to conflict with any other mods.


I want to like Bethesda games. I liked fallout 3 a lot and their doom games, which is different i guess. But man, i'm not a trash collector that collects trinkets. It's not enjoyable to me. It doesn't matter where the setting is. And the fact that the characters still look like the game is made in 2010, with the same shitty zoomed in dialogue and awkward ass eye contact is just driving me away. This isn't some indie company that want to make thir dream game, this is Bethesda that wants to make a 80 dollar game with as little effort as humanly possible.

@saplyng@kbin.social avatar

Bethesda was only the publisher for Doom, Id software were the developers.

@EvaUnit02@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I'm rather bored with the wide-but-shallow approach Bethesda games take. Tons of geography with maybe 20% filled with things of consequence. I am uninterested in collecting 42,000 wheels of cheese or finding some random space hobo on a planet.


It really just feels like Bethesda needs to just build world so we can populate them however we choose. They know the public and modders like their framework so they create settings. Fantasy, Nuclear Wasteland, Space. They know modders keep games alive.

variants, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

I still haven’t found a completely empty planet, there is always outposts, abandoned mines or caves with space pirates or other factions. Every time I walk to a point there is like 3 more points you can just explore endlessly

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

No! That’s impossible! I was told by people who played less than an hour if at all that you simply can’t walk or fly anywhere and MUST fast travel everywhere.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

That's false as moving away from your ship a certain distance (I think 6 or 7 km), it'll literally tell you you've reached the boundary of the area and you need to land somewhere else to get a new stretch of land.


Yeah but that’s a long walk, I usually do about three or four locations and I’m over encumbered, maybe once my ship is upgraded and can store more junk I can stay on planet longer


This particular point really annoys me, I’d love to have somewhere that actually feels remote, where I don’t have four more copies of the same mining and science outposts in visual range. No matter how large humanity has become it just doesn’t make any sense that you can’t find a single ~15km square without anything man made on it.

The best remote places I’ve found so far has been in some quest-specific areas, but even then there’s usually a facility somewhere within a kilometer of the quest location.


Yeah I had the same thought, the caves and stuff are cool but finding so many abandoned outposts full of people is kind of weird

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Especially on planets supposedly never surveyed by anyone ever.

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

We came here and set up a secret medical research laboratory, and have since abandoned it, and not once did we have the area surveyed


I totally agree, I wish there were actually some barren planets without POIs.

Nefyedardu, do games w Japanese PC gaming saw another year of explosive growth

PC games used to be popular in Japan before Nintendo and Sony changed everything in the 90's. Seems like with Sony slowly disengaging from the Japanese market to cater to the West, PC has come in and filled that space. I'm sure Steam really pushing PC Gaming off of the desk with Big Picture Mode, Steam Deck and excellent controller support has made it much more appealing to Japanese game culture.

!deleted7120 avatar

Sony really shot itself in the foot with how it decided to prioritize the NA and EU market over Japan. PS5s were becoming readily available in those markets but were still so rare in Japan electronic stores were still doing lotteries for a chance to buy one - and then they raised the prices when you still couldn’t even get them yet here because of shortages. They’ve only recently become available over here, but not really - the electronics store near me only has the regular PS5 and not the diskless model. And I’m not in the middle of nowhere; this is in the middle of Osaka.

I bet a lot of folks here are like me - they just got sick of waiting and started PC gaming. Thanks to the pandemic, a lot of people who didn’t have PCs at home in 2019 ended up having to get them for WFH and online classes, so PC gaming became a lot more feasible than it had been.

!deleted6508 avatar

Computer games were popular, but from what I remember about Japan and PC gaming in the 90’s was that they didn’t usually have IBM compatible machines and used their own funky shit, which had their own funky games.


They had the PC-98, which was almost but not quite compatible.


Pc has also become a better value proposition. You get more games, generally better pricing, great support for older games, and it can do more than games. You also get console or better performance with similarly priced hardware, or if you spend a lot you can probably get something better than next gen consoles will be.


You also get console or better performance with similarly priced hardware

That’s not my experience. I get much better performance at higher resolutions on my PS5 than I do on my 2.5x more expensive PC.

To get a little closer in performance, the GPU alone would have to be more expensive than the whole console.


You can make near-equivalent builds at a similar price, this one for example. And this is with new parts, if you buy used the skies the limit.


That build is at $530 with discounts. Add $70 for a DualSense 2 and it’s $600.

A Digital PS5 retail is $500, so the PC here is 20% more expensive. If you get the PS5 on a discount (the compared PC is discounted), the difference could go up to about 40%.

On top of that, I guarantee you that its real world performance is not on par to that of a PS5. My own PC has better RAM, better CPU, better GPU and better SSD and it’s still not quite there.

Again, to get comparative real world performance you’ll need to spend at least as much as the console on the GPU alone.


Well that's why I said "near-equivalent", $600 vs $450 is comparable. Performance should be close to equal, I don't know what's going on with your particular setup but if your PC has a better CPU/GPU/SSD than a PS5... then it's better than a PS5. Maybe you are getting throttled by some external factor, like temperature or background processes. But I suspect you are running games at full native resolution on your PC and comparing it to console games, but "4k" is never actually "4k" on a console. They often use some tricks to run at lower resolutions using upscaling. You can do the exact same thing on PC if you wish.


PC gaming has always been better value though, this doesn’t really explain the sudden rise

squirrel, do gaming w The BioWare layoffs include the writer responsible for Dragon Age's best character
@squirrel@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Considering that DA veteran David Gaider left ages ago, I do not have much hope left for the next DA game. BioWare may have hung on a little bit longer than other EA studios, but it looks like the notorious mismanagement by EA will get it too.

!deleted6348 avatar

What do you want us to do? We cut their funding, we forced them into layoffs, we demanded unrealistic timelines, we have zero idea of how single player games are made, we’ve mismanaged the IP and done nothing with it for a decade now - and they still won’t be profitable!

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