
Ashtear, do games w Sabotage Studio initially projected sales of 250,000 copies of Sea of Stars in the first year. They hit that target within just a week.

For context, just 100k is historically a good showing for a JRPG, especially one with this production size. Atelier Ryza hitting 500k back in 2020 was a big surprise. This is well on its way to that mark.

I think there’s an argument to be made that JRPGs haven’t been this mainstream since 1997, and even then it was just Final Fantasy in the west. The genre is much more diverse today. Amazing times.


I don’t know about them never being this mainstream this century.

Golden Sun sold over a million globally in the early 2000s, and the Fire Emblem series had their best selling games in the millions in the 2010s.

Granted, these are rookie numbers compared to the juggernaut that is Final Fantasy, but still respectable.


Sure, Fire Emblem had its breakout in the west with Awakening, but there were real discussions being had about the viability of the genre back in 2013. It was at the tail end of a really bad time (arguably the nadir) for JRPGs on consoles.

Persona 5, NieR: Automata, Dragon Quest XI, and Three Houses all being multi-million sellers is what sparked off the current, unprecedented era for the genre.


Sure, let’s just say Final Fantasy was the only popular JRPG around 1997 and we can forget about Pokemon, Earthbound/Mother, Super Mario RPG, Zelda, Dragon Quest…


Is Zelda a JRPG? I thought one of the defining aspects of the genre was turn- and statistics-based combat. Any Zelda game I’m aware of has real-time combat where hit/miss is based on hit boxes instead of stats.


I didn’t say popular, I said mainstream. Zelda isn’t often claimed by the genre, and Pokémon was literally the only other multi-million seller in the genre in the west.

Earthbound is the very definition of a cult classic, and Dragon Quest wasn’t even getting localized at that time.

BigVault, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 04-09-2023
@BigVault@kbin.social avatar

Starfield. Trying to stay away from some of the negativity online about it to not to make me aware of my own poor standards and am loving it so far.

TheObserver, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭
@TheObserver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Who are these people? Seems like some randos if you ask me.

Call_Me_Maple, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭
@Call_Me_Maple@lemmy.world avatar

Those developers trying to shit on Larian need to cry and seethe more. Terribly incompetent people who can’t create good games themselves, why not trying taking notes instead?

Keep up the great work Larian.


This is the bad take management wants you to have.

@Call_Me_Maple@lemmy.world avatar

Who in management exactly? As far as I know Larian is not responsible for the tweets aside from just making a good game.


I’m not talking about Larian, I’m talking about the studios who want to keep cranking out suppisedly AAA games that are little more than creatively bankrupt, dressed up vending machines.

@Call_Me_Maple@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, in that case I totally agree. It’s just ineptitude shouting at excellence.

Goronmon, (edited )

Those developers trying to shit on Larian need to cry and seethe more.

I can't find developers doing this. Seems like a mostly made up concern by overly sensitive people looking to be angry about something.

@Call_Me_Maple@lemmy.world avatar

The picture in the OP is PR for a publishing company. There are many other accounts of people who work in the industry who are angry/jealous of Larian. You’re probably just not looking in the right places.


I can’t find developers doing this.

This entire story was started by game developers on social media (Twitter) complaining about consumer expectations in the wake of Baldur’s Gate 3.


Try actually reading what the developers are saying. Most are saying that they can’t make good games because the suits won’t let them. They keep fucking over and chasing off the most experienced and visionary people, force teams to chase trends instead of concentrating on one type of game and never give them enough time.

@Call_Me_Maple@lemmy.world avatar

From all that I’ve seen it’s more like they are trying to dismiss the success that Larian has found by saying that they are a special case which is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Larian did hard work and are being rewarded for it.

Kerred, do gaming w And yet I still find myself choosing the Switch version anyway

It is quite impressive how many games can run at all in the Switch let alone be optimized for it.

I imagine either Nintendo did a good job supporting third parties for the hardware, or the money was so damn profitable that third parties were willing to shell out the money to find outsourcing that could make it run.

paultimate14, do gaming w "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."

For those who don’t know:

“Horse armor is not bad. I think horse armor is fine. The price point, at the time, was the issue. We felt, it’s probably worth this,” he said. “I won’t say who at Microsoft said, ‘Well, that’s less than we sell a theme for; a wallpaper is more than that. You should charge this; you can always lower it.’ We were like, ‘Okay!’”

Also it’s weird to me that Bethesda gets crap for their DLC’s. Oblivion’s horse armor was bad, but it wasn’t the worst or the first. Heck, Morrowind had expansions. MapleStory is pretty widely cited as the earliest form of micros transactions. And most of Bethesda’s DLC’s have been great- all 3 of Skyrim’s were ton of content relatively cheap.

I guess that’s the price of popularity?


Skyrim has plenty more than 3 DLC. Or do you mean to tell me anniversary edition and special edition are the same? Is Creation Club something you never heard of? I’m jealous


Well… Yes pretty much. I don’t count Creation Club items because they weren’t made by Bethesda.

I don’t turn them on. As far as I know you can find free alternatives for most of what is in the creation club- you’re just paying for to support the independent creators, the convenience, and I suppose the service of Bethesda filtering out some of the worst chaff of the mod scene.

Similarly, I don’t count the other big fixes and upgrades in the Special Edition or Anniversary edition as DLC. Bethesda was rolling out patches for the original game before then, and visual upgrades are more in line with what I would call mods/remaster/remake than DLC.


I think Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are all very good deals and I wouldn’t mind if games went back to that business model. I didn’t really like Serana’s personality and that’s really the only reason I didn’t like Dawnguard as much as Dragonborn and Hearthfire.


Expansions are really not the same as "micro transactions" (now very much macro transactions). Expansions were typically content filled and had a fair price point, regardless if they shipped boxed on a CD or were packed into a digital download. Now we pay the price for a full sized expansion for a single cosmetic in some games.

billiam0202, (edited ) do gaming w What a frightening suggestion...

Warframe players: That’s not a war crime. This is a war crime!

Murders an entire battalion with biochemical weapons



I mean, yes you’re right, but: hey!


Sort of makes me want to play.

  1. You gotta love grindy looter-shooters
  2. The game doesn’t do a lot of directing new players, so you gotta be willing to ask other players and read the wiki to figure out what you should be doing.

Assuming those don’t faze you, the community is one of the best and the story is really good- once you get that far.


I've been putting a bunch of time into Battlebit, so I dig shooters, and I am an old Eve player so I'm used to 'Fuck you' level of support for newbs...

Is it something you can drop in/out of? Don't have a lot of straight blocks of time to dedicate to gaming these days (which is partially why I like battlebit so much).


On a micro level, it’s very easy to jump in and out when you feel like it. Each mission usually takes under 10 minutes even for fresh players, while a veteran can blitz through some missions in under 90 seconds. You can choose to play either solo or in up to a four-player squad, and if you are in a squad you can get a share of the xp from kills your mates get. Loot is instanced so you never have to worry about fighting to get what you see on the ground.

On a macro level, it’s a free-to-play looter shooter, with all the good and bad that entails. You have about a billion different types of resources you need to craft new weapons and frames, and almost every time new content is added new resources are too (to force veterans to engage in that content). Some things in the game are timegated heavily- for example, once you have the parts and resources to craft a new frame, it takes at a minimum 3 and a half real time days to craft it (unless you pay to skip that, or just buy the frame outright from their shop). The drop rates for some of the things you want might mean you’d take a while to get them if you’re not playing a lot- DE has a published list of the drop chances and the wiki lists the expected number of times you’d have to do an activity before you’d get that item, but I do want to stress the grindy looter-shooter part of the game.

Most of the real-money transactions are in the form of skipping time gates or pure cosmetics. I personally feel their monetization is fair for the most part.

All it all, it’s a F2P game. Go ahead and try it if it sounds fun, and if you don’t like it all you’ve lost is some time.


The monetisation is great. The market also allows you to get Platin without the need of spending money and you therefore don’t have to grind everything and simply buy some stuff with Platin you earned from selling your spare stuff.


It is grindy but for the most part not so grindy that it gets boring unless RNG really fucks you. You can accomplish most individual goals (ie. Farming parts for a particular gun or frame) within a few hours. Also you need pay to win currency for some things but its easy to get items you can sell to other players for that so really you don’t need to spend money on the game at all. It’s a lot of fun. I probably have more time in Warframe than just about anything else. Except maybe Wow.


Genocidal space ninja FTW.

dsemy, do games w I have a level that is a tribute to The Stanley Parable in my game, here is my progress. Any feedback?

Looks cool. Kinda hard to understand your post though, to be honest.


Just showing my progress.

Tramdan, do gaming w No notes. It's perfect.

Hence the name

Jank, do gaming w Well now I'm sad

That’s a real fucking tease if I can’t also kill and loot his kid.


Can’t have a kid grow up without a parent. It’s the only humane solution.

@Sabata11792@kbin.social avatar

Oh no, the kid had a letter from his dog...

@tooclose104@lemmy.ca avatar

Closed captions: [John Wick]: subtle whisper I wouldn’t…

pyrflie, (edited )

How bad is it that my first though was: “I wonder how much xp the kid is worth?”

bufalo1973, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@bufalo1973@lemmy.ml avatar

Someone told me something like that once: “one piece it’s interesting from episode 90 onward” and he wasn’t joking.


The thing is, One Piece does get exponentially bigger and better as the story unfolds but if you don’t like it from the start then it probably just isn’t for you.


During the darkest moments the pandemic, I needed something to take my mind off of reality. So I skipped to One Piece 500ish and just started reading. Didn’t really love it, but didn’t really hate it. Then around 600ish, it started clicking. And then by 650, I couldn’t believe I was rooting for Luffy and the Straw Hat crew.

Now I’m at 1100 and part of the extremely annoying crowd who talk about One Piece.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Man I had the opposite happen. Really liked it up until 500ish where it became mass produced hype machine with the same copy paste genre elements and over the top plots that lasted way too long.

Now I’m at the end where they started unloading action and lore because it actually has a planned ending in sight, so I’m happy again.

But for 500 chapters I was very pissed off at the amount of time I wasted reading it. I signed up for fantasy naval action, not a 700 page fake love story with 500 separate characters in Candyland and the plot progression of a boulder rolling uphill.

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

It’s got over 1000 episodes so that’s not unfair.


To be honest, the episodes are like max 15 minutes of actual content if your remove the intro, outro and all the recaps.

But One Piece suffers from what every long anime suffers, long outdrawn stories that get stretched (pun intended) over too many episodes. There are arcs lasting over 100 episodes. In those episodes, not much happens, but always something happens to try to keep the interest of the viewer. But the main culprit are the flashbacks.

Flashbacks happen so frequently in those series, it is like reading a book and every couple of pages they copy one of their pages from a previous chapter in its entirety. I too can write a 300 page book like that.

Anyway, it should be illegal for people to recommend anything with more than a 1000 episodes.

One Piece has some incredible awesome moments, but the dull moments in between don’t make up for it.


That’s why you read the manga instead.

@bufalo1973@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve seen a reference to a website called “one pace” that has cut off all the filling of OP.

Muhr, do gaming w I miss manuals...

Still better than just a code 😅

@hswolf@lemmy.world avatar

weird take ngl

  1. Buy cheap microsd
  2. Copy game from pc to chip



Tell me what console or system or even game manufacturer that lets you buy their game, download it to a portable micro SD and then lets you play it from there.

Not even steam lets you do that and you don’t even have a direct way of knowing what’s on the micro SD card without making a label for it which good luck.


Kerbal Space Programm - and I guess most non-DRM-games on Steam, as long as they keep all their stuff in the game dir.


No steam is definitely not the bastion to use as they really aren’t gonna work. They like games tied to accounts.

You could say GOG games but it really still defeats the point of it not being even close to similar to a physical game you could resell and having a nicely labeled piece of physical media.

I know you aren’t the person originally with the really bad argument btw, but yeah the list is super small this would work for.


There’s quite a lot, actually. Definitely not the norm, but not extremely rare either.

@hswolf@lemmy.world avatar

First, you can totally make a steam library on a portable device like a microsd or an external drive (I do and I play on different places with the same drive), and play it on any device running steam.

And don’t start the “oh but you need steam installed”, since with the proprietary sd, you gotta have the propriety device as well.

Second, sure I can just lavel it, a 3 seconds job. Don’t you need the proprietary sd to come labeled as well? Also, I don’t need to label anything, I have dozens of games there and select which one I want to play.

Your defense of OP’s comment is also weird but that’s okay, we all are always learning.

Each format of game has its own merits ans they are only better than another on an objective comparison, as for subjective, just use whatever you want.


as for subjective, just use whatever you want.

That’s like, your opinion, man.


Sounds like a shitty way to play games ngl

paskalivichi, do gaming w Still one of the cleverest moments in gaming history


Granixo, do games w Assassin's Creed Mirage vs The Future
@Granixo@feddit.cl avatar

The franchise died alongside Desmond (AC3).



FFF982, do gaming w Coming back to a side quest you missed

A family generation lasts about 20-30 years.

1000 * 25 = 25 000

that’s an old sword.

Fisk400, (edited )

I don’t think the chicken farmer knows what a thousand means. He probably thinks it just means many.


To put that into perspective, the oldest known permanent human settlement is about 25,000 years old. The Bronze Age wouldn’t start for another ~20,000 years, so they wasn’t any metal working.

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