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My biggest complaint about Sims-likes is that the visual style always looks too serious. It gives me the feeling that whatever I’m going to do with my not-Sims, it’s gonna be something that makes me regret my real life.

You wanna know what I did the last time I played the Sims 2 though? I repeatedly held parties at my Sim’s house and then lured the guests into a room they couldn’t get out of. I also used the moveobjects cheat to collect police cars whenever a cop showed up to shut the party down. By the time I was done I had amassed around 70 urns, many hysterical immortal Sims (Sims with households can’t die while visiting someone’s house in the Sims 2), 4 Police cars and a fire truck.

The Sims has a mischievous air to it that tickles the devil on your shoulder and begs you to listen to them. None of the Sims-likes I’m aware of seem to have the same air.

Edit: now I want to play the Sims again.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

No. It’s easier to go after the “good guys” than the bad guys because they’re easier to beat. They won’t use all kinds of slimy, underhanded tactics to fuck you over.

Edit: I don’t approve of the lawsuit against valve, but that’s the way of the world. Scummy companies and people have many tools they can use to drag you down to their level.


Just Take-Two being Take-Two.

Take-Two? More like, Take-Two-Massive-Shits-On-Your-Favorite-Games.


It appears to be part of a series of fake DMCAs. Some asshat has been going around dmca-ing sfm, Gmod, and tf2 maps under different names with a lookalike email domain.


Fyi, you might want to add a notice to your post that lets people know that it appears to be part of an ongoing series of false-dmcas from someone using a fake Nintendo-lookalike domain.


I mean, there kinda is. Gambling addiction is a fairly well known phenomenon and while the vast majority of games aren’t purely gambling, many of them do share mechanics with gambling games. One could argue that if a game shares too many mechanics normally seen in gambling and are associated with addiction, then gambling addiction could apply.

Another thing to note is that, if I understand correctly, the modern professional definitions of “addiction” aren’t exclusive to substance abuse but include anything that can cause someone to repetitively engage in a particular behavior despite any negative effects it may have. You could argue that if someone is engaging in gaming to the detriment of their own lives, then they’re addicted. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the developers fault though, people can get addicted to just about any system that triggers some kind of reward in the brain.

However, to add onto the previous statement, it is fairly well documented that some games (World of Warcraft is an infamous example) are specifically designed to keep players engaged for as long as possible without any regard for the player’s wellbeing. If a game has a lot of systems that are designed to keep the player hooked for as long as possible then it’s reasonable to argue that the game is designed to be addictive. The catch is that you’d likely have to prove that the developers were being intentionally malicious.


I was speaking in a general sense. You’re right that it seems like an outlier, but it’s also possible they were playing on custom servers which could implement addictive mechanics like lootboxes. However, at the same time, it’s not the fault of Minecraft’s devs if a custom server has lootboxes. Again though, I was speaking in a general sense because I was replying to someone saying that gaming addiction is unproven boomer shit; and not about this specific case.


I hope whatever they come up with is linux-compatible so it can work on the Steam Deck. I know it almost certainly won’t be, but it’d be nice.


None of what you said makes any sense. Do you even know what a flash cart is?


Legit me when I saw Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi.



MossyFeathers, (edited )



No, humble bundle isn’t run by them anymore. They haven’t been run by the wolfire guys since 2017. If I’m wrong and they are then I’m probably not buying anything from humble again.


Suing valve. Like, valve is the only company I’m okay with having the amount of marketshare they currently have. I’m legit worried that if they go too hard on the lawsuit, it could result in the monkey’s paw curling (“I wish valve didn’t have so much marketshare” “granted: steam has been spun off into its own company. Without steam, valve goes under and “steamcorp’s” new management goes public”)


I think the reason why valve is doing this is because people might buy a game at a higher price, either on Steam or another storefront, and then complain that it was cheaper on Steam or another storefront and start demanding refunds or demand that Valve reduce the game’s price on steam.

What do you do then?

If you don’t address it, you’re automatically seen as the asshole even if it was the developer’s choice.

You can give out refunds, which makes you look like the good guy, but that also looks bad to companies like Visa or PayPal (my understanding is that large numbers of refunds tend to look bad to payment processors, even if the refund was initiated from the company and not the consumer). Granted, Valve is a big enough company that they shouldn’t have issues with that kinda thing, especially since they already offer refunds, but my understanding is that it still doesn’t look good to payment processors and can make them upset.

You can ask the developer to reduce the price on steam, but what if the dev says no?

You can force the dev to reduce the price, but now you’re even more of an asshole.

You can lower the cost on your storefront and cover the difference yourself, but now you’re potentially losing money. That, if I’m not mistaken, is actually anti-competative from a legal standpoint.

You’re kinda screwed if you’re trying to be the good guy.

That’s not even getting into how bad it looks if it’s cheaper on steam than somewhere else when you have a marketshare as large as Valve’s.


Because it’s fun to play games with friends?


I think there was more to it than that. It seemed more like a situation where they could kill two birds with one stone. They could destroy, or at least severely damage the stock market by ensuring the hedgefunds couldn’t buy back the shorted stock, and even if they didn’t, they had the chance to become extremely wealthy while trying.

It probably would have worked too if it weren’t for those meddling kids stock brokers like Robin Hood working with hedgefunds to claw back stocks and the SEC towering over them with potential charges of market manipulation.


Absolutely fantastic game. One of my top favorite games of all time.


VRChat. What does that mean? Do I literally get teleported into vrchat as I am irl? Do I have a little menu that’ll pop up on my wrist to change avatars/bodies? Can I go to new worlds or am I stuck in the last world I was in? Am I by myself in some kinda limbo-vrchat where it’s not actually a game but some kind of other universe that just appears to be vrchat, or can I actually meet up with other people? Can I get hurt or do the same rules of physics, health, food, etc apply? Is vrchat even a game?

If vrchat isn’t considered a game, then Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. It’ll be cool to be in the future I guess? The game itself is fun, but if I show up as the person I am irl, then it’ll be kinda boring. I guess I could always learn how to do sweet tricks and grinds though.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Yet another reason to avoid Activision Blizzard. It’s amazing to me how their corrupt and broken internal culture is apparently widespread throughout the company and their subsidiarys, and no one stopped to be like, “hol’ up, we can’t act like this” while the culture was taking form. So now you end up with people like the article trying to fight against it and getting doors shut in their face.

Also, it should be pretty easy to prove whether or not she resigned voluntarily. The resignation form would either be missing her signature or have a forged signature. Dunno what Activision Blizzard is doing trying to claim she resigned voluntarily.

Edit: I thought Bungie was still owned by Activision.

What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? angielski

I’ve been recently been thinking about Arkane Studio’s Prey which is a immersive sim, with a pretty good rogue like dlc, that probably has one of the strongest hooks of any game I’ve played. If you liked Halflife, System Shock, or Deus Ex it’s definitely worth a play....


Hylics 1 & 2. There’s actually a sorta sleeper cult around the games where it seems like a lot of people know of them or have played them, but no one ever talks about them. Pretty standard action-rpg but everything’s claymation. Oh, and the second game changes genre multiple times.

Cruelty Squad. Amazing immersive sim. Looks like trash, best gameplay I’ve encountered in a while. That game goes hard.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. I thought this was more popular, however considering how many people give me a “what’s that” when I mention it, it makes me think it wasn’t as popular as I thought. It’s a very well made spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future. Even has JSRF’s composer on a few tracks.

QT deserves more eyes on it for being an incredibly cute and wholesome parody of PT. There’s a free “demo” version on, and if you like that then I’d highly recommend buying the full version on Steam.

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy. This game is… hm. Basically it started off life as a Warhammer 40k game, but got released as something else due to the studio failing to secure the licenses they needed for WH40K. It’s a much older indie game from back when Valve had standards regarding what made it onto steam. It’s also kinda special because it’s one of the few times the Source engine was used commercially outside Valve. It’s also pretty jank, but overall pretty fun. It’s got some pretty decent RPG mechanics on top of a first person shooter, complete with classes. You can hack basically anything but also anything can hack back. A door can hack you.


Valve’s shooters be like

I wish we’d get another Left 4 Dead, and while I don’t feel like TF2 really needs a new game, it could probably do with a fresh coat of paint (like PBR materials).


I mean, half-life recently got a new game. It wasn’t Half-Life 3/HL2:EP3, but it was more recent than L4D and TF2; which tend to be forgotten about until people start complaining.


Some researchers did a study several years ago and found that adding a virtual nose decreased motion sickness significantly. However, I don’t think I’ve seen any developers try this. I wonder if it’d help.


Probably the opposite actually. The devs who utilize the feature probably enjoy having some numbers to look at and analyze. They’re trying to make a game that people enjoy after all; the more info they have on how you’re playing the game, the better. The devs who don’t use it probably aren’t even aware that it exists. Additionally, I’m not sure if it requires a subscription to view the telemetry (the page suggests you have to sign up for it in some capacity), but if it does then it makes sense that devs might believe that it’s something that’s disabled until you manually enable it.

Personally, I know if I was a dev I’d be checking that shit every day. I like watching the funny numbers go up and down.


Nah, unity is/was a good engine. The reason why it has a bad reputation is for the same reason that Game maker used to have a bad reputation. Almost everyone who’s learning how to make games uses Unity because it’s easy to use, is extremely well documented, and has a massive store full of add-on scripts, programs, model sets, etc. As such, all the poorly optimized games and 0-effort asset flips end up being made in unity (though I’ve seen some unreal games that make even the most poorly optimized Unity game look good). The result? Even though there are a number of high-quality, highly-regarded games that use unity, it has a reputation for being a shitty engine.

Don’t believe me? Keep an eye on Godot or Unreal. If unity sticks to their new license, then it’s highly likely that one of those engines will become the new “newbie engine” and gain a reputation for being shitty.


If they aren’t already paying royalties to Unity on behalf of the devs, then I can almost guarantee they won’t be paying royalties in the future. If they are doing that, then the devs might want to double check their revenue, because that may mean that Unity’s been double-dipping on royalties (taking royalties from distribution through Sony, MS and Nintendo, and then taking them again directly from the devs).


Afaik the engine already phones home for telemetry, that’s why they’re able to count installs retroactively.

What are some games that "spin" failure states? angielski

What I mean by this, is instead of when you fail and are met with a game over, the game finds some way to keep it going. Instead of being forced to reset to a previous save or an autosave checkpoint, the game’s story continues in an interesting path. Are there any games like this?...


Hylics and Cruelty Squad both spin death.

In Hylics 1 & 2, dying causes you to wake up in the afterlife where you can take the chunks of meat you get from enemies and put it into a meat grinder to increase your max HP.

In Cruelty Squad dying is just a consequence of living. It happens sometimes. Dying severs your divine light, making the game easier but closing some paths to you. Additionally, if you die too often, you’ll find power in misery, making the game easier again and allowing you to consume bodies to restore 1hp each. This is particularly advantageous because eating bodies dismembers the corpse, allowing you to harvest its organs without having to chase them around (most other ways of gibbing corpses tends to send organs flying). Additionally, you can get death surgery, allowing you to pass through some areas and use a few weapons that were previously too dangerous for you to access. Death surgery also allows you to wall jump.


It’s amazing. It’s horrifying. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s one of the most visually and aurally offensive games I’ve ever seen. It’s an immersive sim with stellar gameplay and a nihilistic narrative wrapped in a shitpost and drizzled with a bad acid trip.

It’s set in an anarcho-captialist future that’s become overrun with hedgefund managers, cryptobros and techbros. Morals don’t exist, biotech is out of control, death is a novelty, and there are no good people. You’re a hitman in a gig economy and there’s no penalty for collateral damage, so feel free to fill a cruise ship with acid gas to get your target because somehow they have the ability to put everyone’s jellied remains back together so it doesn’t really matter if they die. Besides, they have all probably done things that’d make Hitler or Stalin queasy, so don’t feel guilty about the medical bill you effectively forced on them. The only reason why they’re not targets is because you’re not being paid to murder them.

If you get into it, make sure you read the mission briefings, try to talk to NPCs before killing or scaring them. Most of the weapons are real-world cancelled experimental weapon prototypes (like the H&K G11), weapons that’d be considered a war crime (like the acid gas grenade launcher or bolt acr that shits out enough radiation to liquify people in real time) or weapons so horrifically bad that they’re borderline useless (the zipgun). Additionally, both the Unibomber’s shack and bin Laden’s compound exist in game.

Consumer Nintendo Switch 2 rumored to have more RAM than the Xbox Series S ( angielski

A new Nintendo Switch 2 rumor has surfaced claiming that the next-generation hybrid console could actually arrive with more memory than a powerful rival like the Microsoft Xbox Series S. The same source has also offered an update in regard to the Switch 2’s potential DLSS support and ray-tracing capabilities.


Nintendo having hardware with some oomph? Bullshit. Their thing is making cheap consoles that appeal to anyone who isn’t an edgy teenager. Dlss, Ray tracing, etc is still too new for them.


I doubt the rumors are true, but DLAA sounds cool (AI-driven anti-aliasing).


Ram is easy to believe, but imo raytracing and dlss are still too new. That said, something I hadn’t thought about is that with the OG Switch using Nvidia’s tegra, it’s entirely possible that Nvidia pushed them to adopt a next-gen version that includes dlss and rtx support.


While that is true, the Wii, Wii U, and Switch have all been less powerful than their Microsoft and Sony counterparts.

Best games to improve language fluency angielski

I’m interested in improving my German through games, but I often struggle to commit to playing games in another language because I don’t want to miss out on things like story and dialogue. So I’d be interested in any suggestions for games which I can enjoy playing in another language....


You might consider checking out Humongous games’ catalog. They’re point-and-click adventure games aimed at kids, so the vocabulary level may be a bit below you if you’re able to play a game like Civ6, but they can still be fun for adults despite being kids edutainment games.


I won’t deny that streamers overact for views and content…

The reason why streamers freak out about bob’s and vagene is because Twitch has some pretty hardcore rules about what’s acceptable and what’s not. Nudity and sexual content are only allowed in unmodded games. Any nudity or sexual content is a bannable offense if the game has been modded or if the streamer brings too much attention to it. Streams that are rated “for mature audiences” don’t give streamers a free pass to in-game nudity, they just make the rules slightly more flexible.

Vinny Vinesauce got banned a few years ago for a few frames of Bladerunner 2049 titty because it was part of an overhaul mod that turned Serious Sam into a Bladerunner game. These were tit pics that were in the movie. Didn’t matter to twitch, he still got a temp ban. When a streamer stops the stream to delete the stream vod, that’s not “playing it up” or prudishness, that’s them trying to keep their ass in one piece.

Hell. I watch a number of furry streamers, some of whom openly joke about fetishes and kinks, and they freak out about nudity on stream.


Right. I was adding onto the statement the person I replied to was making. The original article talks about how streamers pretend to be all shocked and appalled by Japanese nudity but are unfazed by baldurs gate. My point is that streamers have to be serious about nudity because twitch can and will ban them for it.

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