
scrubbles, do games w Starfield has some beautiful landscapes!
!deleted6348 avatar

Man I’m real tired of the constant negativity around new games. I rarely see positive stuff online.

You don’t like a game? Just move on. Hell, downvotes and move on. But leaving comments on things like screenshots about how idiotic a game is, man find something else to do.

I agree OP, it is a gorgeous game. The landscapes are incredibly striking


It does help those on the fence make a more informed decision whether to purchase or not. Just whitewashing with only positive reviews and comments is misleading and stifles innovation. Trolling and opinions without examples suck and should be ‘downvoted.’

BG3 has plenty of bugs but has glowing reviews for a new game. People should be able to voice their opinions without attacking other users and receive the same in return.

I have put in over 50 hours and enjoy this game, but would definitely NOT recommend it to someone who isn’t familiar with Bethesda’s other titles.

!deleted6348 avatar

There’s a thousand places to leave negative reviews. I’m just annoyed at the “Hey look X game has a cool thing” and the immediate “You enjoy X game? You’re an idiot for finding enjoyment out of this, you’re stupid, look how cool I look for shitting on it”. It’s transparent and annoying.

Voice your opinions sure, but if all you do though is shit on people for enjoying something, then that’s a dick move.


I don’t think anybody is shitting on anyone. It’s a public forum and we’re all allowed to say what we think. How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively? Everyone has their own tastes. I played through and enjoyed cyberpunk a couple of months after launch at a time when it was roundly shat upon but it didn’t spoil the game for me.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think anybody is shitting on anyone It’s a public forum and we’re all allowed to say what we think How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively?

It doesn’t matter what you think. Try posting something positive about starfield - even in the Starfield community. You will get shat on. A lot.

The problem isn’t that negativity doesn’t have a space, its that positivity doesn’t have a space. If someone posts something positive and gets shit on, they’re going to be less likely to post positive things in the future. Or react to negativity with their own positivity. That’s how psychology works. We do a thing and get a shock, we’ll be less likely to do it again.

But more importantly, a lot of negative nancies on the internet love to defend yukking on other’s yums with lofty goals around “discourse” and “free speech”. But they seem to forget that’s not how the real world or human psychology works. This post isn’t looking for “discourse”. OP is just saying " wow this game has cool vistas" maybe hoping for some stories or reinforcement or fun conversations with other fans and you all are responding with “game sucks”. What is this “discourse” supposed to accomplish other than, at best piss off OP, and at worst tear down his enjoyment of the game.

I mean think about it. What if someone were showing off a coat they brought and like with some randos, and you waltz in and are like “that coat’s fucking ugly and you should feel bad about buying it.” What kind of discourse would you expect other than “the hell? Who asked you? Fuck off”.

Sure, we’re all entitled to post and reply what we want, but it won’t stop us from calling you an asshole. You want to shit on a game? Go for it, there’s plenty of hate circlejerks you can join in on.


I was specifically meaning that I didn’t think anyone was shitting on anybody here in this thread. I didn’t say the game sucked or that it’s fucking ugly or any of those other hyperbolic statements. I read somebody else’s thoughts on the game and provided my own. I agree the game can look very good, I said I really enjoyed some of the quests. I’m not a part of the starfield community, I’m not trying to piss on anybodies parade. I just like playing games and talking about games I’ve played.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Right, because the people who are paid to review the full game over hundreds of hours and have spent, in many cases, years, analyzing their biases and determining the right way to construct objective criticsm and have peer review editors to check their work…

Nah. Randos on the internet who have tendancy to form circlejerks for fake internet points and for minor doses of dopamine and who may or may not have even completed even a tiny portion of the game - that’s what I need to make an informed decision.

EDIT Lol at the coward downvotes with no replies. You know I’m right, you just don’t want to admit it.

@ArmoredCavalry@lemmy.world avatar

Just makes me wonder if the same thing happens in other communities. Say someone posts a photo of a National Park, are there replies how they’ve hiked most of the trails at that park and decided it’s not worth visiting?

I can see both sides too, “well we are informing people about the cons of that park, so they aren’t eaten by the vicious bears!”. I get that, I do! People have an opinion they want to share, nothing really wrong with that. Does that understanding make it enjoyable for me as the person just sharing the photo? Not so much…😂

@Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de avatar

You have this a lot in Apple user dooming Android, just to never get out of the golden cage.

HellAwaits, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Honestly, this kind of pleading from the other AAA developers is just making them look pathetic. Yes, it’s reasonable not to expect BG3 for every AAA games, but it’s not because of time and money, but simply because developers are just not always going to make lightning strike twice. But these devs have plenty of time and money and they look terrible in comparison to a dev that took it’s time to make sure it was well polished before release.


Exactly. Every new game doesn’t have to be an instant classic that breaks new ground. But they should be functional, playable, and have enough polish to be considered finished. That doesn’t necessarily mean bug free, but we all know what a finished game looks like, and what one doesn’t.

The worst one I’ve ever personally played was the Lego Hobbit game. My wife and I used to line up kamikaze shots and play Lego games, figuring a child and a drunk adult were about the same level. The game stops when Smaug flies out of the mountain. Roll credits. I guess the last movie did so poorly that they never bothered making the rest of the game.


For ages, AAA games were classed as such by brand recognition, not by quality. Inevitably, they devolved into being just a platform to sell microtransactions. The shareholders want their dividents and the CEO needs a new yacht with coke and hookers.

It’s too easy to exploit the dopamine rush playing the new, official installment of a well-known series. Even if it’s terrible, the customers get their joy by ranting about how trash the game is and how they hope the next one will be better. BG3 being an actual game does not change anything and will not reset expectations.


That’s sad because TT’s games were quite good, I think they hit their apex at Lego Marvel Superheroes 1. Awesome open world, a ton of characters, and lots of exploration in addition to the normal level quests.

Fandangalo, do gaming w Why are you like this

I’m an expert in game design and economy design (+10 yr experience professionally).

You do this so that health doesn’t feel rare. The same thing with ammo. If you don’t drop ammo for weapons, even when the player is full, the player may believe ammo is rare, hoard it, and not shoot. So if you want to incent players taking risks, you drop health and ammo, even at full, so the player feels they can experiment.

This was noted in the GDC talk for Ghost of Tsushima: they do step on the drop rates when you’re low to give more than usual, but they don’t do the reverse (e.g. give you none at full) because they found, in play testing, players hoarding ghost tools (and therefore didn’t use them) unless the player believed a bunch was available.


Get out of my head, Charles!

But seriously that is cool. Great way to signal that you could be more reckless if you wanted to the player


I’ve been trying to find a link to this talk, is it in the bigger talk about balancing combat and the lethality of things? It sounds very interesting!



Around 20 mins, near ghost tools.

Yes. There’s this talk and another on melee balancing and Hp inflation specifically. Both are really great talks.


Thank you that was very interesting, I ended up watching the whole thing!

grue, do gaming w Every jrpg

Whaddya mean, "J"RPG? That’s literally Morrowind you’re describing!


Two, maybe three gods at that depending on how you feel about dudes that keep moons in the sky.

@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

Four, if you count Hircine.


Eh, you don’t get to kill that one


J stands for janky.


I am so proud of myself for remembering this. I was 13 and I didn’t get much further than that quest. I remember being so taken aback that my character was so weak they struggled to kill rats.

altima_neo, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

The fact that they specifically mention that date makes me think they’re simply pushing the date back


They are just being clear and accurate with their comms. No need to over think it.


You just know that there used to be an “…at this time” at the end of that sentence and some good PR folk edited it out because managers are out of touch douches.


They specifically said “not moving forward”. Seems pretty clear and concise. No PSN requirement.


And they also said “We’re still learning what’s best for PC players […]”

They’ll be back.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

God damn. You people just NEED to be upset about stuff. Like, pathologically.

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

it couldn’t possibly be that people are applying basic pattern recognition

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

No, a bunch of people here just need to be outraged about something all the time, and pessimistic about everything.

Nothing can ever be even modestly positive. Everything - everything - has to be bad and negative all the time. If it was a cute puppy video, there’d be a bunch of comments about how puppy farms are evil and etc.

It’s exhausting.


Not our fault the entire tech industry keeps engineering new ways to give people trust issues.


Can you tell us what positive thing we can get from the account linking debacle?


They won’t be back - they’re not leaving.

But that phrase also seems like pretty normal rationalizing in an apology.

If I had to bet it was mostly steam issuing refunds and pulling the game in more than 100 countries that changed their mind.

gofsckyourself, do gaming w They're getting better though

I was confused for a bit cause I kept thinking this was talking about some sort of port to plug in a device.


I figured it out by reading your comment, so thanks!


I still haven’t… care to enlighten?



It’s referring to porting a console game to PC.


Thanks. I’m pretty out of the loop.



Do you believe that the license you add to your comments supersedes the license you agree to when you sign up on a website?


I don’t really care? 🤷 If it brings somebody in trouble training their commercial AI, then it’ll have achieved it’s goal.


kinther, do gaming w Many are worth checking out
@kinther@lemmy.world avatar

Fallout 1 and 2 are some of my all time favorite games. Absolutely would recommend playing them.


Fallout 1 & 2 are better than Fallout 3 & 4.


This is the coldest take I’ve ever seen.


As someone who and only played 4 this checks out

Maven, do games w How Do You Deal With Thumb Stick Drift?
@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

The solution to stick drift is buying controllers with Hall Effect joysticks; drift is caused by plastic parts literally grinding down and potentiometers wearing out. Hall Effect sticks don’t make contact, so they don’t have this issue. Since you like the Xbox layout, 8BitDo’s Ultimate controller could be a good third-party option for you.

morphballganon, (edited )

I replaced my Joycon stick with a hall effect stick. Now it just drifts in a different direction, and I can’t run full speed to the left anymore.

CORRECTION: I had to calibrate it. Now it works great!

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

DId you recalibrate it after the swap? That definitely shouldn’t happen.


What do you mean by recalibrate?

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I mean going to the Switch system settings > Controllers and Sensors > Calibrate Control Sticks

The controller was previously calibrated to its old stick. If you change the stick, you have to recalibrate it.


I had no idea this was a thing, so thank you!


As far as I know its the graphite parts inside the potmeter that wears down.

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

That’s probably true, but I’m not an expert, which is why I just vaguely described it as them wearing out.

Plastic parts grinding down was a separate clause, and is mostly a problem for optical disk sticks; the N64, most notably.

@nix@merv.news avatar

Do you know what port it uses to charge? It has a charging dock but i can’t find it it charges through USB C or what in the dock. I dont want to have to use the dock to charge it

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It’s USB-C. You can see it in the photos. It can also use the cord to act as a wired controller.


Dock charging is magnetic pins, but there’s a USB C port on the top too.


Do you know if the L2 and R2 use hall effect as well?

I play a lot of racing games, and I find that that L2 especially wears out prematurely on Xbox controllers.

Oddly I don’t have any problems with stick drift, just the L2 and R2 buttons become erratic.

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I don’t know, but I suspect they’d’ve advertised it if that’s the case.

For what it’s worth though, I’ve been using an 8bitdo Pro (the predecessor to the Ultimate) daily since early 2020, including a lot of Splatoon (a game with a lot of holding and mashing of both triggers), and the triggers haven’t gotten the least bit soft or drifty, and (according to the Windows controller config screen, at least) still smoothly pull through the full analogue range. So they’re doing something good, anyway.

Targy, do games w Madden should not be 70$
@Targy@lemmy.world avatar

No game should be 70$ if you ask me


New releases used to be £40 when I was a kid (twenty years ago), given inflation, £70 sounds not too bad.


That $40 included plastic packaging and a disc both of which largely don’t exist anymore.


And a complete game!


Never was a significant cost. So complaining, you are never going to get you 50c of plastic to burn down the planet to spite publishers.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

40? I remember when they were 20. Hell, I remember when you could get slightly older titles for 10. I used to go to Egghead and buy slightly older games with my allowance.


No you don’t. You are just imagining. At no point ever was $20 typical for a new game.

FlyingSquid, (edited )
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

It absolutely was in the 1980s.

Edit: Here. Even cheaper than I claimed.


@acosmichippo@lemmy.world avatar

more importantly they sell way more units now. It takes virtually no more effort or cost for gaming companies to sell 20 million units vs 1 million.


If they’re selling 20 million more units than they used to, then $70 clearly is not too much and outs this post as nothing more than a moan.


Games should not follow inflation at all?

N64 games were 50$ in the 90s, more limited releases (Ogre Battle 64 for example) were 60$.

Games pricing has stagnated, that’s good for the consumers but bad for smaller developers…


Surely the difference in overheads involved in physical vs digital would mean profits are increasing at a higher rate then sale price


Maybe, development cost hasn’t gone down though, not one bit!


Not really.

Optical discs are dirt cheap. This old answer from Quora says physical media (disc, case, artwork, inserts, etc) accounted for $2-$5 of the cost of a game.


And selling on steam costs 30%


IIRC 30% was also the standard box store cut. Steam just carried it on.


So that’s like a 2.5 - 7% margin on a $70 game… an extra 7% profit margin at the high end is pretty significant


Yes, if you’re selling millions of units. But if you’re buying just one, $2-$5 probably isn’t going to matter to you. Not many people would buy a game at $68 they wouldn’t buy at $70.

  1. The medium games came in were more expensive
  2. The gaming audience was much smaller
  3. Games were only sold in stores
  4. If you add all the season passes you’re paying the same or even more with further microtransactions
  5. Games in general now have a longer shelf life

AAA games in my country have been 69,99€ since the PS3 launch and now they’re asking 79,99€. It’s true development costs have ballooned, but I just don’t think that’s a good price/time ratio and rarely do I buy games over 15€. I really don’t mind waiting a couple years.


Bad price/time ratio? I don’t know many hobbies where you’ll spend that kind of money for 100h+ of enjoyment…


You can buy musical instruments for that price software or hardware synthesisers, for example.

But that’s exactly the point, I’d rather pay double, triple, quadruple for something I know I’ll use for hundreds of hours (a monitor, a new keyboard, a Steam Deck) than 80€ for a game that will last me 12 to 30 hours (I only play offline story-based games).

Even if I considered game X, there are decades worth of games availabe for under 10€ that I would rather get now or buy a Humble Bundle while waiting for a sale.

The issue becomes of all publishers start to follow Nintendo’s model and not dropping the prices much.


If you’re going to count in inflation then I’m going to count in the poor quality of those games


Rose tinted glasses.



@FoxBJK@midwest.social avatar

Tears of the Kingdom was $70, and I honestly feel like it was worth it because it’s quite an entertaining and enthralling experience.

“Pro football video game v. 34” is probably not in the same caliber though.

@Targy@lemmy.world avatar

TofK could be the best game ever made (and I don’t think it’s too far fetched given how good it is) and I still wouldn’t justify anything bigger than 50€, 60€ being generous.


I dunno. Baldurs Gate 3 has a truly unbelievable amount of content in it. $70 for it is almost unfair when you consider how far $70 gets you in almost any other hobby.

@Targy@lemmy.world avatar

Someone told me something similar about Tears of the Kingdom and my answer is the same: BG3 could be the greatest game ever made with content from here to eternity, but 70$ is still too much for a game. Specially considering who ends up benefitting the most from the sales.


That makes zero sense. Explain why BG3 is not worth $70. Give me real data showing that. How much should it cost considering how many people worked on it and how much was spent developing it?

It takes 75 - 100 hours to beat the game, and that’s just one play through and that one play through can take even longer depending on play style. This is the kind of game people can get several hundred or thousands of hours out of. Show me any other hobby where you can spend $70 one time and get hundreds of hours of enjoyment.

Hell, even if you sped through the game as fast as possible and spent 50 hours (made up number, not sure what a speedy play through takes), that’s still a LOT of time for the money spent. Take an uber out to a movie with friends, then go to a restaurant, then uber back home and you’ll have bought at least two copies of BG3, yet you got a few hours of entertainment.

There are next to no other forms of entertainment that give give you that many hours for your money.


Depends on the playtime you get out of it. 140hrs+? Great value.

@Targy@lemmy.world avatar

I have devoted that amount of hours or even more to some games and still think the 40-50€ that costed me each one of them when I bought them is too much.

Entertainment shouldn’t be that expensive. Period.


I don’t agree. Development costs money and I’m willing to pay for it. I usually compare it to other daily things, such as nice restaurant visits or such. Things costs money.

Just because I’m curious, what would you feel to be a fair price for one of those games?

@Targy@lemmy.world avatar

Except most of the revenues from the sales of the games don’t go to those who actually develop the games. We all know gamedevs aren’t paid enough and sometimes do a lot of crunch, specially in big studios. We can’t ignore that fact.

Imo I could excuse a maximum of 50€ (or dollars in this particular case), and the ideal would be something between 30 and 40.


Depends on the studio of course, but I bet in the general case they wouldn’t be payed more if the price was lowered. It’d be fun to investigate the margins but I don’t care enough to do so.

The games I play the most are actually from reputable studios and/or indie devs whom I don’t mind supporting. Except football manager, but I don’t buy new revisions and have clocked enough hours to feel ok with the price.


If you were fine paying $50 15 years ago then I don’t see why you would complain about paying $70 now. That’s just inflation.

ShaunaTheDead, do gaming w Sometimes life is like... The Water Temple
@ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social avatar

The thing that most people struggle with in the water temple is finding one of the keys. There's one key that requires you to step on an elevator but get off of it before it moves which reveals a hidden area underneath the elevator. Anyone familiar with the Soulsborne series of games will always know to check under an elevator, but of course Ocarina of Time came out way before that.

If it never occurs to you to check under the elevator, you'll get stuck and wander around for hours trying to find the last key you need which is why, I think, most people hate it.


It shows you the passage too. Albeit for maybe one second, which was just not terribly smart design. But it does show you or mention it somewhere - a lot of OoT is like that.

wizardbeard, do gaming w I need to replay this
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you don’t want the raw experience, the Viva New Vegas modlist does an amazing job of “vanilla plus”. Haven’t finished my latest playthrough, but nothing felt out of place, and it was less buggy than vanilla.


I've never liked fallout games but keep getting told to really give new Vegas a chance. Would you recommend this or any other mods for a first timer?

@chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.comViva New Vegas is a community curated list of mods providing a near-Vanilla, yet expanded and bug-free gameplay. There aren’t any more recommended mods than what is on the list, anything beyond would be for your preference. It is SUPER important to follow the directions with scrutiny, mega mod lists are very fragile and finicky during the installation process.

Fallout 4 has one as well: themidnightride.moddinglinked.com(note: it is currently being revised for F4’s next-gen update)

Fallout 3, of course: thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com

Now, if you’re feeling particularly insane, you can actually splice Fallout 3 and Fallout: NV into what is known as The Tale of Two Wastelands. This essentially provides FNV’s updated game engine and modding support for FO3. Good luck: taleoftwowastelands.com/viewforum.php@f=51

@Snowpix@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ll second the recommendation for Tale of Two Wastelands. I think having the New Vegas engine makes Fallout 3 so much more playable. You can actually use the iron sights, there’s ammo types, etc. I play a heavily modded TTW and I’m having a blast blowing Swampfolk’s heads off with the Y86 gauss rifle.


Alright, y'all convinced me. I'll give it a shot when I finish Cyberpunk 2077.

Milk_Sheikh, (edited )

I’d reflexively say “Yes” to New Vegas but it depends on what Fallouts you’ve played, and what you don’t like about them.

FO1 & 2 offer ZERO hand holding and expect you to know how to play an RPG, but offers a very open approach to the world and plot

FO3 and 4 are great games that primarily struggle with permanence of your actions in the world - it’s pretty on rails between and during setpieces, no secondary plot to really get lost in


I tried 2, 4, and 76. Only for like five hours each maybe? I can't even pîn point what it is I don't like. I don't mind on rails if the story is good, I don't mind open world or plot if it's rich, I've played other post apocalypse games and enjoyed them (Metro 2033 springs to mind).

Just something about the package that is Fallout I keep bouncing off of. I like Morrowind and Skyrim, so I really don't know.


I can’t comment on ‘76 but I have played the Metro series, which is 100% on rails but makes it work.

Fallout has a tongue in cheek goofy that permeates the IP and casts a thin layer of non-serious over everything. The brutalisism and commitment to tone is what I loved about Metro and STALKER, but Fallout is Disneyland in comparison


I think this is what makes Fallout a love it or hate it setting.

Fallout tells often whimsical stories against the horrific backdrop of nuclear annihilation, and that’s what gives it it’s charm IMO.

I actually feel like it’s more realistic in a sense than overly grimdark settings. People are goofy, and with over 200 years since the bombs fell it’s believable that people will have some laughs and some motivations other than pure survival.


Oh, absolutely and that’s why I love NV and 1 & 2. They have self awareness and embrace the whimsy, a character like Myron or ’Fisto’ the sexbot would NEVER feature in a grimdark lore like STALKER, but that’s the humanistic charm of it.

If there’s some kind of post-apocalyptic society, there’s gonna be weird people and freaks, just like now - but in an absurd context.


I think it’s because the fantasy atmosphere of TES gives more leeway for the Bethesda jank. At least that’s what it is for me.

MacedWindow, do gaming w Just finished binging the Fallout show, would recommend
@MacedWindow@lemmy.world avatar

I only watched the first ep but I really liked it. I do hate how gory television is these days.


It’s set in a post-apocalyptic world, I would hate if it was pg

@MacedWindow@lemmy.world avatar

Its not just Fallout, I feel like shows in general are a lot more gory now. I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi stories and I love the games, but I also have had to be revived with smelling salts when I saw an incision IRL. I just wish I had a setting to not have to see that boot scene in 4k.


80s movies exist and they want their “too gory” title back.


That boot scene was pretty horrific. Although I laughed when I they showed Lucy’s horrified reaction because she and I had the exact same face.

@sirico@feddit.uk avatar

Just turn off the bloody-mess perk

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Silly, over the top gore is a core part of Fallout. Every game after two has a perk called “Bloody Mess” that increases the chance of enemies just turning into a pile of flesh when killed


The perk is a nod to 1 and 2 where people just exploded into a pile.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s a nod to Bloody Mess the Trait, which allowed critical-specific overkills to happen even for normal kills.


Sorta yeah, but critical kill even without the trait would leave and exploded body by chance.

Silly, over the top gore is a core part of Fallout.

That’s what I’m replying to, fallout has always been bloody and explosive gore is just part of the base game no traits.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, but the trait Bloody Mess literally was in the first games, it was just translated into a Perk for 3 when they got rid of traits. It isn’t a reference to 1 and 2 being gorey, it’s a literal named continuation of the Bloody Mess trait in perk form.


As far as I recall there is no dismemberment on crit without flavor text or special weapon on 3+ unless you had bloody mess, on f1-2 is was a lower chance than with the trait but still possible.

But again my point is that its always been gorey more so if you make the correct choices.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

I just think it’s a bit silly to say that, it’s like saying Stimpaks are a reference to Fallout 1 and 2 having health points, and not a literal carryover from 1 and 2.


I don’t think they’re at all the same but you’re certainly welcome to your opinion.

@MacedWindow@lemmy.world avatar

Gore in games always bothers me less, it feels more cartoony. I’m not asking for them to take it out, but I would like a “for babies” mode that blurs it. I felt a little sick to my stomach at a few points.

My comment from another post


The originals had it as a trait that you picked at character creation.

@catalyst@lemmy.world avatar

I also only had time for one episode so far but I dug it. Felt like they really nailed the vibe. I am loving our three main characters too.

I’m not a huge fan of gore but the violence here felt on par with the game and a little bit slapstick in a way that for me made it less gross and more silly.

I’m excited to watch more soon!


Fallout is a gory game ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Nouveau_Burnswick, do gaming w The people who made these back in the day are heroes

When you dust off an old game and go look for guides.

Then see one you wrote.


I was just thinking “nah no way was it twenty years ago that I wrote mine”, but no - fifteen years ago.

Time has flown. My faq has been lifted wholesale and improved upon in the main third party wikis for the game though. Happy days.

@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for your service. 🫡

JoMomma, do astronomy w I want to be among those who deeply thoroughly understand & can accurately predict the path of future eclipses because this is amazing.

I’m pretty sure they just hold up a tennis ball and shine a flashlight on a globe, its not rocket surgery


I’ve heard from a government authority that the eclipse path is determined by how gay we are.


I like the way you think


You’d be the first



gamingdexter, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
@gamingdexter@lemmy.ml avatar

Geez! I watched the first few minutes of fightincowboy review on it and he was praising it saying the best thing since Elden Ring. I’m sure the gameplay is great, but what a way to get your game reviewed bombed for good reason. I’m sure this will go on sale soon enough if they don’t make any changes. What a disappointment, micro transactions should never exist on Single Player games let alone most games. Scummy Capcom!

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t play the first one, but I know that lots of people loved it and have been really looking forward to this sequel.

This reeks of some short-sighted execs undermining the reputation of what’s probably a fun game otherwise for some easy $$.


The fuckers already raised the price to “compete with inflation”. I might have been able to accept that by itself, but with this shit added in? It really reveals their intent.

@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Is it really review bombing when the complaints are valid?


If they haven’t played it, yes. You can’t “re-view” something you haven’t viewed in the first place.

So taking an aspect of the game and writing a review of it without actually playing it is review bombing.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to review bomb, as this deserves it. But reviews are supposed to be for those that have already consumed the product or used the service.


On one hand I agree with you on the other I think it’s fine to review the product from the shelf when it launched with over 40 dollars of dlc.


Like I said, I don’t think it’s wrong to review bomb. It’s just not an actual “review.” It’s certainly an expression or opinion of distaste, which is why it’s warranted, just not a review.


I already clocked a handful of hours into the game, I’ve been lucky enough not to experience any issues at all with a high ish end system. I’ve been having a blast, and the game is everything I wanted it to be, but man, it’s weird seeing the rest of the internet having a bad time with it.

Saw that someone was crashing on the first playable section of the game repeatedly and that blows to see. What really gets me is the mtx stuff, I don’t pay it any attention and Im having a great time and it hasnt been in my face one bit.

What’s really getting me down too is seeing how people are having a bad time with the game while Im having a great time but it feels like I shouldnt be. Is anyone else experiencing something similar?

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

That was my experience playing Cyberpunk at launch while everyone was up in arms about the performance issues. I was just quietly enjoying it and knew it was just a matter of time for the devs to resolve those problems.

I’m admittedly less patient/tolerant of microtransactions though, because they’re intentional. They’re the reason I feel like the mobile game market turned into to a cesspool.


Yeah I pretty much had this exact situation with Cyberpunk as well, maybe we are just lucky with our performance.

After reading your comment though, I feel like you’re right about the microtransactions. While it does not affect me and my enjoyment of the game, it is a bad practice which ends up bringing down the reputation of an IP I like a lot, which is bad for everyone.

Thanks for the perspective and insight!


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Despite only having a laptop 3070, and not a desktop 4090 that others are seeing slowdown on, I feel like the numbers Steam is feeding me for FPS is a lie because it says I’m getting 40-50fps but it feels smoother than that for some reason. I am seeing significant slowdown in the capital but other than that I’m not getting bad performance, or bugs, and the microtransactions are easy to ignore because everything is easily obtainable. I’ve been having a blast for the most part, and when they get out some patches maybe I won’t even see slowdown in busy areas. Maybe.

The one thing that gets my goat is the one save system. For the benefit of anybody reading, there IS a way to delete your save on PC, disabling Steam Cloud sync, deleting the file, starting a new game, then turning sync back on and telling Steam to use your local files rather than your cloud files when it complains about a conflict. But the fact remains that this should be a feature within the game itself, not basically cheated in. I frequently restart games because I get distracted and go play something else, come back, can’t remember the plot. This is a major roadblock for me, though of course not one I’m encountering just yet.

I’ve got a high opinion of the devs at Capcom, as they seem to be genuinely interested in making great games.I rarely have a bad time playing a Capcom game. It’s just… The execs. And things like the microtransactions, Denuvo, and the one save system reek of stuff the execs tried to shoehorn in that the game didn’t need to try and bleed the users dry. I’m just grateful that, for the time being, these changes don’t affect me much, but you’re right, it does make me feel a little guilty to have a good time while others can’t even play it.

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