Seemingly going back on what they have already said in the past.
Trying to milk the success now that the honeymoon period is over and complaints are being top news.
The studio is already working of their next title. DLC would mean putting more people on the satellite team. Large doubt it’s going to be anything other than characters.
Good, tbh, I think we’ve had to back off Open World RPGs for years now. Smaller scale RPGs can tell a story with far more focus. I think something like Witcher 2 or Baldurs Gate 3 are good examples of balancing exploration and story telling.
Yeah I’ve loved open world games since I first played oblivion as a teenager but being open world isn’t necessarily a good thing in and of itself and being too big often makes you spoiled for choice. Plus I just don’t have time anymore to explore the whole world. For me as long as the story is interesting and it has good systems and mechanics along with new game plus of some kind I can get into a game and play it over and over
Seems like a no-brainer to have a custom campaign system given the number of people who’ve picked this one up. You think they’d want to capitalize on their success regardless of how tired they are
That is far from normal. If these are free dlc, then that’s great, but this is more and more regular updates that they are locking behind a paywall. Many of them are not just cosmetic, and are entirely new guns that are overpowered enough to become the new meta in order to complete certain heists on certain difficulties. Some are brand new heists, too. They even added loot boxes two years after saying they wouldn’t (although they have rolled it back since then due to the predicable negative response). It’s always been a cash grab, and it’s unfortunate that it appears they may be falling back into old habits.
No, that is very normal. Between “battle passes” and “season passes” and RMTs in in-game stores, 8 DLCs per year is pretty low.
As for adding new weapons: Welcome to a live game. If everyone that was released was worse than what was in the base game, what would be the point?
If you dislike the game and the kind of DLC they do, have fun. I will largely agree. But this constant refrain that comes up with long running games of “Ugh, there are so many DLCs” makes me wonder if people would lose their mind if they ever realized how many issues of a magazine there were or whatever.
I’m probably going to get around 500 hours vanilla or near vanilla. One campaign took 150ish hours and I messed up some stuff along the way made me miss a lot of content in act 2 by doing something that entirely made me skip most of ketherics lines and actions