If implemented this should hopefully, at the very least be a way to make up for the shortcomings of the series s. I’ll gladly take improved frame rates and timings on my Series X though. At the 12’ I play away from my 55" TV, any drops in quality will likely be unnoticeable. FSRR and the like are some fantastic technologies, and they keep getting better and more exciting.
i really hope the dlc fixes some of the issues with performance etc. this was the first pokemon game i really didn’t enjoy so i’m very on the fence about spending any more money on it.
Elianora never made a “Skyrim Clutter mod”, but she did make dozens of immaculate player homes that have extremely well thought out clutter within them.
This isn’t a huge surprise either, as she worked with Bethesda in making some of the CC content.
I cannot extract a silver lining out of this announcement no matter how hard I try. This is like Activision announcing that the next Call of Duty will be made by Mojang, they’re just so fucking grossly incompatible with each other that it makes absolutely zero sense.
Oh my goodness, the exact same thing happened with me and Guild Wars 2!!! 😱
I was a teenager at the time and my family burned logs to keep the house warm in winter. My Dad upgraded the smoke detectors so that they were all linked. In other words, if one alarm went off in the basement (where the wood burner was) then every detector in the house would go off.
This sounds great in theory, but in reality it turns out that the detectors would go off on a near weekly basis. Whenever someone tossed logs in the burner and smoke escaped. We got desensitized to the beeping and it became second nature to just cancel the alarm when it happened.
Fast forward to the closed beta for Guild Wars 2 and I was up late, trying to play every possible minute that I could before the weekend was over. My door was closed, headphones on, and I was REALLY immersed.
The smoke detector started beeping. And it kept beeping over and over and over. Normally, at this point my parents would’ve cancelled it. That kind of struck me as odd, so I opened my door.
Ruh roah, raggy.
A wall of smoke was on the other side of the door. And the smell was NOTHING like the usual wood burner smell. It really hurt to breathe and my eyes were not having a good time either.
After shaking my Dad awake, we called the fire department, got all the animals out, and nobody got hurt. The damage was serious, but the entire house didn’t go up. The upstairs needed rebuilt and there was a fair bit of smoke damage.
I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened if I wasn’t up playing that closed beta 😅