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Chonnawonga, w Unity apologises for "confusion and angst" over fee changes

The confusion all seems to be coming from Unity’s end. It’s pretty clear to everyone that this is just plain ol’ enshittification.

themoonisacheese, w The ROG Ally gets a new Zen 4c chip and a worrying price tag avatar

The extreme is already a hard sell over the deck. It is barely more powerful for much larger price, and it is considerably less frame-time consistent than the deck. Buying anything less powerful is a waste.

Mudface, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

If you’re buying this (or anything other than Nintendo exclusive games) for your switch, it’s because you don’t have any other options and likely only own a switch

If you had a PC or a PS5, you’d buy it on that.

So switch only owners would pay whatever for it, but the rest of us wouldnt


I mean, not necessarily - they might be buying it on the switch because they want a “mobile” version and don’t own a steam deck.

But yeah, ultimately if you own a switch, you should know what to expect by now from anything that isn’t a first party Nintendo title (and even then it can be a bit hit or miss from a performance standpoint)

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

I admit I haven’t really touched my switch much since I got a Steam Deck.


Sounds like they should accept their inferior switch version, or invest in better hardware.


Given that the switch version looks terrible even by Switch standard, I think they’re right to complain and refuse to buy it. And not everyone can just “invest in better hardware” the second an upgrade comes along. Let’s not forget that up until the Steam Deck, the switch was the gold standard for handheld gaming - mainly by virtue of being the only real option

yukichigai, avatar

Not always true; some games work really well on handheld/portable devices and the Switch is really good for that. The Binding of Isaac springs to mind.


I own a ton of games on my switch that aren’t switch exclusives. I travel a lot and use it like a Gameboy on planes, in hotels etc. Anyone using a switch entirely as a home console experience, ya silly to not buy games on PC etc instead.

Gork, w EGDF: Unity’s Install Fees Are a Sign of Looming Game Engine Market Failure

For example, if a game memory institution makes games available for download on their website, a game developer studio must now ask for a fee for it or ban making European digital cultural heritage available to European citizens.

This is a thing? I’ve never heard of games being a digital cultural heritage.


In the US the library of Congress has a video game preservation effort


Library of Congress staff discussed its video game collection, the process of making a preservation copy of the data for long-term storage, the unique description challenges for video games and possible access solutions.


I don't see any actual playable games downloadable from at the moment, which is the website for the EU's collection of digital cultural heritage. That does come with the caveat that I've never used it much and may well just be missing something, though. However, there is a fair bit of stuff about videogames, even including images of physical hardware kept in various collections across the EU. I can also definitely see an argument for games being part of cultural heritage, particularly as the medium develops and becomes a bigger part of our culture. I think it'd be pretty fair to count Tetris as Russian cultural heritage, for example, not only because of its incredible influence but also how much it brought a Russian folk tune to global awareness (even if, ironically enough, it was an American version that did this second part).

Brocken40, has some flash and older pc games available for free, I downloaded a wolfenstien game off there, but it turned out to be Spanish version, so your milage may vary

pory, w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only avatar

No way in hell they’re gonna still be supporting the Series S in five years.


I have a Series X, and I sort of hope they stop supporting it in 5 years. 30FPS is pretty rough in starfield as it is.

wahming, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

Seriously, it’s a product for sale. Don’t like the price, vote with your wallet and don’t buy it. What’s with the manufactured outrage for every topic nowadays


I don’t like how many posts cater to outrage lately, true.

But I don’t think this one is manufactured.


Yeah, manufactured might have been the wrong word. Pointless? Uncalled for?

elbarto777, (edited )

But why would it be pointless or uncalled for? $70 for a rather old game?

Edit: I’ve been schooled. Is a brand new game with a confusing name. Still $70 for a console game; yikes.

Sanctus, avatar

Its not an old game, MK1 is the latest release. The people getting served this are running it on hardware that was weak last generation. At a certain point you simply cannot push these devices any further. MK1 for Switch was never going to look beautiful, the current gen Switch can’t do it. I’m okay with devs making their games available, I mean at least you can play it. Theres a reason a Switch 2 is in the works.

Satelllliiiiiiiteeee, avatar

This is a brand new game, they just gave it a confusing name


Because you have the full choice to not buy and support it, if you think the price is unreasonable. It’s not a vital need, and nobody’s forcing customers to buy it. Housing, food, healthcare, we don’t have a choice. Buy or die. A video game? Not so much. The issue is not game publishers overcharging, it’s players who moan and whine… AND THEN BUY IT ANYWAY, thus ensuring the publishers will continue the practice


Sure, but are we talking about people who buy the game, or people in general bashing at the price? They’re not necessarily the same group.

It’s like when Apple announced that $1000 monitor stand. It was laughable. Even if I won’t buy one, I bashed it to no end, because it was fun.


Others have already replied with this info but I’m just spelling it out for anyone who is not familiar like me:

They fucking named the brand new game mk1. Is it a remaster? No. It’s not a remaster. Is it a recreation of mk1? No. It’s an alternate timeline game given the worst name in the history of naming things. It’s genuinely a brand new game.


Holy shit. They really fucked up with that name.

Poggervania, avatar

I mean… we live in the timeline where we had the Xbox One being the third Xbox, and Battlefield 1 not being the first Battlefield.

I would not be surprised if we start seeing “[Game Title] One” for rebooted games.


Sometimes I wish I could have a job where companies just say “hey should we make this decision” and I tell them “that’s so fucking stupid no one will actually like that” and get paid well for it.

That’s my dream.


I've had some similar roles before, but more often than not companies just do it anyway, even if you have a lot of data to the contrary. It's stupidly easy for someone in management to push some of this through despite the data, choose an arbitrary metric to define their success, get their bonus, and then bail for another company. Meanwhile, folks left at the company have to then try and fix all of the nonsense. It blows that we value failing forward. I've seen a few decent products just tanked this way.


That’s standard price for new games from EA, greater Microsoft (id, Bethesda, Obsidian, 343, etc), SqEnix, and WB

elbarto777, (edited )

Which is bullshit. It reminds me of when web email services offered ridiculously small inbox sizes, such as 25MB or 50MB. Then in came Google and offered 1GB, and all of a sudden all those companies found the way to match Google’s offering.

But I guess if people are willing to pay for those ridiculous prices, and deal with in-game payments… shrug.


I don’t think it’s “outrage”. It’s people making fun of the port on x and the website capitalizing on that to publish a story


They’re calling it robbery and disrespectful. I’m not seeing where the joke is


Crying at the Switch version of Mortal Kombat 1, Why didn’t they just wait for the next gen switch console, the fact it costs 70$ is robbery💀💀💀

I think it’s clear that they’re not literally calling it a robbery, they’re just expressing their discontent in a twitter way.


People are complaining because they don’t like a thing, that’s fine. Same as you’re complaining in this post. Call companies out on their bullshit. Also don’t buy bullshit, that’s a good point too.


Because it doesn’t qualify as bullshit. Company made a product, set a price. Either you find it worth the price or not, but either way what’s the reason to kick up a fuss over an optional good


Company also sold pre-orders for a product, which means people can’t really decide whether the product is exactly what they want until they get it. At which point they complain, because they trusted the company not to sell a sub-par product. What is your issue?


? The complaint right now is about the price, not the quality of the product. Are you saying they didn’t know the price when they preordered it?

On a side note, preorders are a scam. If you’re dumb enough to preorder a game in unlimited supply, that’s on you.


My guy, the complaint is about the price because of the quality. Or, as you are asking, are you saying people didn’t know the price when they bought it?

On a side note, preorders are a scam. If you’re dumb enough to preorder a game in unlimited supply, that’s on you.

I agree that pre-orders are a scam, but it’s shitty to say “you knew what you bought!” when some people literally couldn’t.


I’m not saying they knew what they bought, I’m saying it’s on them for choosing to buy before they knew what they were buying. Seriously, people need to take responsibility for their choices already.


Earlier you said:

Company made a product, set a price. Either you find it worth the price or not, but either way what’s the reason to kick up a fuss over an optional good

Now you’re saying it’s on people who pre-order. Can’t we stop pushing this on the consumer and start demanding better from the manufacturers? Why can they sell shitty products, instead of being held to higher standards?


In this particular case, it’s not on the publisher. The switch is an old console, and there’s only so much they can do with the hardware. It’s not a particularly big surprise to anybody familiar with the technology.

Why SHOULDN’T we hold consumers to task for their bad decisions? They are arguably making things worse for the rest of us, by repeatedly rewarding bad behaviour from companies. There is no good reason for them to preorder, they just had to be the first instead of waiting a day for reviews to appear. Well, if you’re going to be impatient, guess what? The risk is on you.


In this particular case, it’s not on the publisher. The switch is an old console, and there’s only so much they can do with the hardware. It’s not a particularly big surprise to anybody familiar with the technology.

Then they should be open about this before and during release.

Why SHOULDN’T we hold consumers to task for their bad decisions?

Because it doesn’t work. One side of the equation spends lots of money to make sure as many consumers as possible make bad decisions, because it makes them even more money. You can’t fix this only by changing the other side.


I didn’t suggest fixing it. I said the consumers consciously made a bad decision, and they should take responsibility for it. I’m tired of grown ups acting like kids.


And by pushing the responsibility onto the consumer, all you do is support the shitty business practices of the manufacturer.

Conyak, w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only

I don’t believe Bethesda can make a good game anymore. I lost hope for another good ES years ago.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. People who buy starfield need to accept to themselves that they enjoy bad games and rewarding the companies that make them.



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  • fsxylo, (edited )

    Todd Howard thanks you for your service, now learn creation engine and finish his game for him while he counts his money.



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  • fsxylo,

    Poor bait.


    If the people are enjoying it then it’s not a bad game, it’s a game you don’t like.

    Which is fine, spend your money where you want to.


    If you enjoy Todd Howard laughing at you then that’s fine. But at least admit you have a humiliation fetish.


    I imagine you must have a pretty sad life if you find yourself spending free time insulting people who enjoy something you don't like.

    There must be some serious mental illness going on to spend time in threads about products you don't like. I don't like Ford vehicles, but I don't spend my time on Ford forums insulting them and their owners because I'm not a miserable loser with nothing to fill my time.

    Go find something you enjoy. Nobody is interested in your pathetic trolling.

    fsxylo, (edited )

    The only thing worse than corporate cock sucking is this constant insistence that only positive opinions should be shared. If I wrote a dystopic novel about that I’d be criticized for being too heavy handed. And since enshittification is directly the fault of people like you, I’ll piss on you all I’d like thanks.



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  • fsxylo,

    Lol? Armchair psychology much? I’m talking the shit with my friends and you’re occasionally begging for my attention like I’m your alcoholic father. Stop projecting your shit onto me.


    “You don’t agree with me so you must have a mental illness”.



    It has nothing to do with agreement. It's the premise of spending time in a forum for a product you don't like, and insulting everyone else. That screams mental illness and a miserable life.

    WarmSoda, (edited )

    Lots of people want the game to be better and are upset it is what it is.


    People can like bad things. That’s why “guilty pleasures” exist.

    For a long time I liked the Amazing Spider-man 2, but even then I could acknowledge that it was a terrible movie.


    Todd Howard has said ES 6 will be his last Elder Scrolls. That makes me really sad. I was hoping Starfield would be his last game.

    I honestly think the only way ES6 could be good would be if the writers and environmental artists of Elder Scrolls Online are a huge part of it. The core Bethesda team has shown they can’t write for shit anymore. And please please can the animators.


    I wonder if the utterly generic and inoffensive stories are intentional. People LOVE to be outraged today. They tried to boycott the latest Harry Potter game because they hate J. K. Rowling. Maybe Bethesda is just trying to stay as far away from the outrage as possible, and the result is… this. Maybe all the interesting stories get canned or neutered and turned into side quests.


    Wat. No.
    Bethesda has had a policy of streamlining thier games and making sure the player can win everything since Oblivion. They only “play it safe” to make sure the player never loses. That’s all it is.

    And it’s boring.


    I think they were kinda in the right place at the right time and accidentally released some classics lol.

    SSUPII, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

    For the quality offered the cost was very steep, but its also true the Switch doing some major heavy lifting already.


    What does that mean, the Switch doing some major heavy lifting?


    The hardware the game is running is painfully terrible in 2023.


    While the OP meant it the way he answered you, the way I see it used most often colloquially is that when someone or something does the heavy lifting especially in gaming, they are providing the bulk of the work. Like doing the heavy lifting in a team game equates to carrying the team, or saying a character does the heavy lifting instead of the player, means the character is overpowered and carrying the player (or vice versa).

    koreth, w Marvel's Avengers receives hulking discount ahead of delisting

    As a fan of Ms. Marvel, I enjoyed the main campaign well enough, but all the MMO stuff is obnoxious. Luckily you can mostly ignore it and go through the campaign missions single-player. I uninstalled it after getting to the end of the story.

    pimento64, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

    Inb4 the “omg this is so entitled I swear I mean you guys are sending us DEATH THREATS I have PROOF that DEATH THREATS were sent to the developers (by our firm’s sockpuppet accounts) and that is so uncool stop being so ENTITLED” PR statement


    Ah, the Disney defence. “Everyone who dislikes our movie is a racist/misogynist.”

    Johnvanjim, w Marvel's Avengers receives hulking discount ahead of delisting

    Too bad the game is hot garbage with way too many microtransactions and timers.


    I don’t know about the timers but there are no microtransactions now. Everything locked behind a paywall is now available at the start.

    Capricorn_Geriatric, w EGDF: Unity’s Install Fees Are a Sign of Looming Game Engine Market Failure

    I can’t see how Unity increasing prices is anti-competitive. If anything, them going brainfuck with fees can only serve to open the market to new players. Also, I doubt they’ll be able to make the fees retroactive, at least for games that won’t get updated.


    I didn’t see it mentioned here, but if you used their adware services they would waive the fees.

    Other, w What are some great open source games?

    FlightGear is a great open source flight simulator, that keeps getting updates regularly.

    mindbleach, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

    Everyone showing up late to go ‘well I don’t see why they removed it!’ –

    You are why.

    Trolls escalate. They keep pushing until they get smacked down, then cry and scream and pretend they’ve been proven right. Being ignored doesn’t just embolden them, it bores them, and tells them they need to get worse to get attention. No matter what happens - no matter what anyone says to them - they get to use it in their stupid little word game.

    The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer.

    You have to simply get rid of it, and the sooner, the better.


    I understand your point that the behavior surrounding certain mods can escalate and create a toxic environment. In that sense, it’s not just the mod in question but the kind of interactions it may foster. However, that leads us into a very slippery slope. If we start removing mods based on what they might encourage rather than what they actually do, where do we draw the line?

    Note that mods can be used for multiple reasons, not all of which are nefarious. Some people may genuinely appreciate the option to customize their experience in a way that the mod allows, without any intention of engaging in toxic behavior.

    Your argument seems to be based on the idea of acting pre-emptively to negate potential harm, which is a valid point. But this can also set a concerning precedent that may affect the open nature of modding communities, by limiting what can and cannot be customized.

    So the question then becomes, how do we balance preventing potential harm with preserving the user’s freedom to customize their experience? It’s a complicated issue, but one that deserves open dialogue rather than summary judgment.


    However, that leads us into a very slippery slope.



    Oneeightnine, w F-Zero 99 is fun but too repetitive.
    !deleted4231 avatar

    Having a lot of fun with it, but I’m not really that nostalgic for F-Zero, despite playing a fair bit of it back in the day.

    Now give me a Super Mario Kart version of this sort of thing and I’ll be totally sold.

    Pxtl, avatar

    Mario Kart 64 Balloon Battle 64

    all-knight-party, avatar

    Nintendo hire this man

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