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AeonFelis, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

This is a big deal because it’s a Bethesda RPG so you are going to spend 76% of the time in the character creation screen.

librechad, (edited )

Basically one of the only reasons I played Bethesda games LMAO

ClumZy, w BattleBit Remastered - Update 2.1.4: New Map, New Weapons, Global Leaderboards, and more!

These devs are killing it. Battlebit is a labor of love and it shows.

AWittyUsername, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Sorry this is stupid all round. People are stupid for getting annoyed that you can set pronouns in a game, but Nexus are stupid for removing the mod that allows players the ability to if THEY wish to choose so.

Nexus just hosts the mod, if anybody is offended they could just not download it.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Hosting implies complacency. They have to draw a line somewhere, and the longer they wait, the harder it becomes. This was obviously a bigoted mod, and even though it could be considered “harmless” to leave up, it leaves the door open for further mods. These bigots will not stop slowly eroding away features they think are “woke”, and they will only get worse and more egregious. Stopping them now, letting them know it’s not acceptable behavior, is the only way to end it.

librechad, (edited )

Hey bud, don’t tell me how I should play the game I spent my hard earned money on. If I want to remove a certain feature I don’t like, you and I both should have the freedom to do so.


You have the freedom to do so. Start your own hosting site or learn to code. Nexus doesn’t have to host shit they want to. Stop being a bitch and forcing those to do what you want.

librechad, (edited )

What I was trying to convey is that gamers should have the freedom to customize their gaming experience based on their preferences. It’s not about forcing anyone to do anything, but rather having the option to make changes if we want to. It’s all about personal choice and freedom in how we enjoy our games.

Removing a harmless mod is a slippery slope because then moderators are just removing mods based on their political ideolagy. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

I love that you are so dense that you are arguing for the freedom of choice, while trying to take away other’s freedom of choice. Fucking hell, bud.

librechad, (edited )

When a mod is removed entirely, the choice is taken away from everyone, limiting the overall freedom for customization. The aim should be to find a balanced approach that respects both individual freedom and community guidelines.

I acknowledge they have a freedom not to host the mod. But, coming from someone who’s used Nexus Mods for the past 6-7 years, it’s sad to see them start to take this route. We can have a mod to kill children but god forbid we have a remove pronouns mod.

I’m stating my own opinion on the situation, I’m not forcing them to reupload the mod. I’m just trying to debate with you guys. Would you like to debate or no?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

No, I would not like to debate. Debating would be futile. I’ve looked through your comment history, and I don’t believe that it would be worth my time. You want to bitch and complain cause the woke police are coming after your vidyas, then go for it, but you are on the wrong side of the argument, and you won’t find many good-hearted people over there. Life is hard enough as it is. I implore you to rethink your positions on pronouns, gender identity, and sexual identity. Those that appreciate choices like these in the game are the people that are having some of the hardest times in their lives. They don’t need you to come in and tell them that you feel like their decisions aren’t valid, especially when it has zero actual affect on your life. Don’t want to set a pronoun? Then fucking don’t. That’s your choice. But when you support mods and the bigots that create them that try to limit the abilities of those that need to have some comfort in their life, those that need to know that society is moving towards a broader acceptance of their identity, then you are the bad person, and that’s how the world at large sees you. Be a better fucking person than that.

librechad, (edited )

I agree that platforms like Nexus Mods have a responsibility to consider the broader societal impact of the content they host. However, they also have a responsibility to preserve the freedoms that have made such platforms valuable to so many. The challenge lies in finding a balanced approach, which is never easy.

It’s worth mentioning that I fully support your right to view and critique mods based on their societal impact. At the same time, it should be acceptable for others to evaluate these mods based on different criteria, such as user freedom, without being labeled as “bad persons.”

Would it not be more constructive for us to have an open dialogue on how to balance these competing interests rather than dismissing each other’s viewpoints outright?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Would it not be more constructive for us to have an open dialogue on how to balance these competing interests rather than dismissing each other’s viewpoints outright?

No, I don’t want an open dialogue with bigots.

librechad, (edited )

OK fine, I don’t want to argue with someone who’s obviously closed minded and can’t debate on simple issues.

Keep it classy bro.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Fine. We’ll keep it simple and set the facts. I’ll even let you define the problem. Tell me. What does this mod do?


There’s no slippery slope. It’s a hosting site and they can host what they want. If you don’t like that go mod and upload to your heart’s content on another site. You have that personal choice and freedom. They have choice and freedom to tell you to fuck off just like I do. Fuck off.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Removing a harmless mod is a slippery slope because then moderators are just removing mods based on their political ideolagy. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

Removing a harmless feature is a slippery slope because then modders are just removing features based on their political ideology. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

It’s just as ridiculous the other way around though.

librechad, (edited )

You’re point is valid about the two-way street that is ideological moderation, whether it’s done by modders or platform moderators. While some argue that removing certain features serves to make a political statement, the same could be said for removing mods themselves. Both actions can be seen as influenced by the ideological beliefs of those making the decisions. In this case, the main question is: who gets to decide what crosses the line and what doesn’t? And should these decisions be open to discussion within the community?


You’re still free to remove what you don’t like, but you’re not entitled to have the mod hosted on any site you want. The site owners decide that, and they don’t want it on their site. That’s not infringing on your freedom, but forcing it to be hosted on their site would indeed infringe on the site owner’s freedom.


We can play the slippery slope game both ways. You say: if you dont remove a harmless mod, then bigots will start adding harmful mods.

I say: if we let moderators remove harmless mods because of their political ideology, they will start removing more and more mods that are not made by bigots, but disagree with moderators politics. Like for example, if player wants to play as a billionaire and exploit poor workers.

How about instead of playing the slippery slope, we just deal with actual harmful mod as they come. I mean, ffs, there is a mod that lets you kill children in Skyrim. Is removing pronoun selector really worse than that?


I mean, ffs, there is a mod that lets you kill children in Skyrim. Is removing pronoun selector really worse than that?


The people this bigotry hurts are not in the game. They’re real. And they’re the only possible target of removing a checkbox that most people won’t even notice.


We can play the slippery slope game both ways.

And be wrong.

One way is how trolls always escalate, because their entire fucking deal is pissing people off for attention.

The other is a textbook fallacy that plainly has not happened, since the last time Nexus removed some right-wing bigotry signal. This is not the first time. This won’t be the last time. The line will stay about where it is, because they don’t want to deal with this woe-is-us horseshit unless they have to.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

You see, there’s the problem. You have politicized gender and sexual identity. Don’t bring your politics into the natural world.

ToxicWaste, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Nowadays everything seems newsworthy… I would not be mad about it if Bethesda did not include a pronoun setting, i am not mad someone made a mod to remove said option, i am not mad nexus keeping its sovereignty to decide what they host…

What is everyone mad about? Just let ppl do whatever they do.


Exactly this. It’s a game guys, not real life.


The way you worded this makes it look like you’re against pronouns

librechad, (edited )

Ok, how am I against pronouns now? I agree with the fact that people should have personal preference whether they agree with having the pronoun feature in the game or not. It’s not about being against pronouns, it’s about freedom of individual choice.

Now, I’m not forcing them to reupload the mod. But, if a moderator just solely removes the mod based on their own political idealogy, then you’re stripping the freedom away from everyone else. We can have a kill children mod but god forbid we have a remove pronouns mod.

I’ve used Nexus Mods for the past 6-7 years, I’m honestly just sad to see them take this route.


Nah man I totally agree, I just mean when you said “it’s a game, not real life”, some people could take it wrong. Nothing against you but I guess my message came across wrong too


I am, like, mildly upset about it being removed, at most. Seems like moderation team is going a bit overboard, deleting something that seems extremely mild.


It does nothing but act as a middle finger toward a threatened minority.


Lets worry about real homophobic/ transphobic problems please. I won’t go into whether the author of the mod was giving a middle finger to ppl or just always wanted the pronouns of the perceived gender for their game. Without reading the description, it is pure speculation. Even with the description, it will likely be a good amount of speculation.

In my opinion, we should worry about things that are not argumentative. Because that muddies the pool and makes future arguments harder…

mindbleach, (edited )

it is pure speculation.

Horseshit. It targets a feature right-wing cranks are frothing about, and it has exactly the same effect as ignoring the option. Stop feigning ignorance about what diet Nazi trolls openly despise.

Nobody cares about your willful apathy on this topic. If you don’t care, stop talking.


Look i am about done arguing here, so don’t expect further comments here from me.

You and I probably have similar political interests. However, at least to me, your aggressive approach is off-putting and does not invite for discussions. It reminds me of what is happening in Germany: The far right crazy party is being excluded by a ‘firewall’. Whatever the right extremist party wants is categorically rejected, even in the rare case that it is nothing stupid (like rise funding for a public theater). It does not solve the problem, but further radicalised the members and even gave them a boost in voters. What they are presented with, is that they have to achieve more than 50%. Otherwise those far rightists wont achieve anything. Politics is about discussions and finding the path that is the most agreeable for the largest amount of people possible.

TLDR: I agree with your goals, not your methods.


Because appeasing the far right in Germany went so well for so many.

The methods in this case are a website saying “no thank you.”

If that’s beyond the pale, what the fuck is left?

Riven, (edited ) avatar

Mind leach above made an extremely good point so I’m just gonna copy paste it.

Trolls escalate. They keep pushing until they get smacked down, then cry and scream and pretend they’ve been proven right. Being ignored doesn’t just embolden them, it bores them, and tells them they need to get worse to get attention. No matter what happens - no matter what anyone says to them - they get to use it in their stupid little word game.

The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer.

You have to simply get rid of it, and the sooner, the better.

bomanicious, w FANTASY LIFE i: The Girl Who Steals Time - 1st Trailer

Looks cool, Fantasy Life on the 3DS was a fun game.

BadLackey, (edited ) w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

I would pay good money for a stand-alone ME3 Multiplayer remake with all the bugs fixed, new maps, and less BS grind. I think I put almost 2000 hours into the multiplayer and still don’t have all the guns unlocked/upgraded

Deceptichum, w The week that changed PC gaming forever (Half life 2 and Steams release in 2004) avatar

This Steam stuff will never take off. I’ll never give up my trusty CD-ROM.


Yeah I hope this trend of having to use a launcher for my game dies. It’s so much less convenient than just putting the disc in.

SurpriZe, (edited )

I personally use a very handy “no-cd” executable I’ve recently found on the interwebs. Saves you from having to store a disc in perfect condition.

oldlamps, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Internet brain worms



Demuniac, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

How are these people not seeing that they are actively trying to censor shit with the shyte excuse “keep politics out of my games”, and then turn around and yell censorship as soon as people ignore their bigoted crap.

You don’t need to answer, it’s rhetorical.

librechad, (edited )

The rhetorical question highlights the complex nature of the debates around modding and game customization. The term “censorship” can indeed be used selectively to further one’s viewpoint, whether it’s calling for the removal of political elements from games or protesting the removal of a mod.

However, maybe it’s worth considering that people may hold these opinions without necessarily harboring bigoted intentions. The desire to keep politics out of games, for some, might stem from the view that games should be an escape from real-world issues. Conversely, concerns about censorship could arise from a belief in preserving the open nature of modding communities.

What we’re really grappling with is how to balance the broad spectrum of user needs and societal responsibilities. Accusations of bigotry or censorship often serve to shut down dialogue rather than facilitate a nuanced discussion about these complex issues.

So while your question is rhetorical, it does bring to light the need for more open and honest conversations about the competing values that are in play here.


In my opinion this entire debate is not political at all but is simply made to be a political statement because people don’t understand it.

Having someone forbid the use of cheese in video games because that person doesn’t like cheese is just never going to happen. If cheese comes out to be an extreme health hazard like smoking it can become political but if the only argument is “because I don’t like it” you are always going to be wrong.

Your arguing about taste and feelings. There is no point to it, as there is nothing to convince. At that point you are just telling someone their taste or feeling is wrong.

But for some reason people think they can influence someone else’s own feelings about how they feel when they get addressed as their birth gender. And for some reason it is made into a political problem because of how strongly people think they have to have control over this. It doesn’t affect them, and the only possible outcome is that a minority will suppress their emotions. There are no competing values in any way.

I don’t like cheese, but you won’t hear me bitching about people eating cheese next to me in a restaurant even if I don’t like the smell. And you especially won’t see me making this political, because that is so incredibly selfish and ignorant that it wouldn’t even be something I’d ever consider.

vzq, w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

I really really liked ME1 and 2. Sure, there are some nits to pick, especially with the act 2 gameplay (stupid mako, silly scanner), but they are great games.


ME2 is a good game in isolation, but I think it played a big part in getting Bioware where they are now.

ME2 saw them move far, far more into the action-RPG direction that was wildly popular at the time, with a narrative that was in retrospect just running in place (ME2 contributes effectively nothing towards the greater plot and zero major issues are introduced if it is excised from the trilogy). I feel the wild success ME2 saw after going in this direction caused Bioware to (a) double down on trend chasing, and (b) abandon one of their core strengths of strong, cohesive narratives. ME3 chased multiplayer shooter trends, DA:I and ME:A both chased open world RPG trends, Anthem chased the live service trend, and the first try at DA3 chased more live service stuff before Anthem launched to shit and they scrapped the whole thing to start over.

All while, of what I saw first hand (of those I played) or read about secondhand (of those I did not play) none of those games put any serious focus on Bioware’s bread&butter of well written narratives. ME3 in particular is a narrative mess, with two solid payoffs (Krogans + Geth-Quarians) and the rest being some of the worst writing I’ve seen in a major video game.

ME2 was great. ME2 also set Bioware on a doomed path.


ME2 vastly expanded the universe of mass effect from the very bare bones level of the first game. It makes the reapers into more than vague robot threat that kills the universe every so often. It established other races as more than basic caricatures. You can keep the basic narrative intact without it, but you lose the sense of payoff in 3 without seeing krogan as a dying race, geth as a sentient race that deserves equality, and the truly desperate nature of the nomadic quarians.

3 was pretty good until the final ending that was clearly rushed in establishing the full reasoning behind each choice. Yes it had multi-player tacked on, but it was clearly a rushed effort and cutting it wouldn’t have fixed the story. The multi-player is also the best coop gameplay I’ve ever played and nothing has came close to the feel. You’re problems with 3 and other Bioware releases seem directly related to the broad direction EA was forcing everyone down.


There is a big failing in ME2 that made me sad: the shift to a human centric story and universe.

ME3 I don’t see anything interesting in the scenario right from the start. It’s very similar to DAI btw.


Ah that’s true, I realize it now that you put it your finger in it: ME2 is really a “let’s tour the universe” kind of story fleshing out the background of known races (and adding new ones) and places.


I think you’re putting an awful lot of blame on ME2. Visceral combat in no way precludes good storytelling.


This is very true. And it’s ironic because when I saw BG3 I thought that bioware paved the way for it. They had everything to make a BG3 since kotor and nwn2, they successfully kick-started their own IP with ME and DAO, but they went on the path of ME3 and DAI instead.

They mistakenly thought the kotor and neverwinter nights ways were different. And then they failed at adapting to the openworld era.

AeonFelis, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Rule of thumb - if there are two sides to the issue, but one side is only supported by heartless idiots, and these heartless idiots happen to be identified with the political camp you oppose - then it’s a political issue.

iegod, w Upper Echelon: The Unity Disaster Gets WORSE - IronSource And A New Tech Trend

What’s this trend of posting YouTube videos please stop.

simple, w GTA V turns 10: The impact and legacy of Rockstar's biggest game - and why sequel is taking so long

I’m just worried GTA 6 will have an online focus considering how wildly successful GTA Online has been.


I’m convinced that the name may be GTA6 but in reality it will be GTA:O2


GTA Online was the best part of V (the campaign is just meh, especially compared to IV and San Andreas) so as long as they don’t make it too grind-y (and actually give solo players something fun to do in free mode) then I’m sure it’ll turn out fine.


Online is great. People who play online are not.


What do you like about online? Because honestly I have never been able to accomplish anything because some asshole frags me before I have time to pick a lock or look at my map real quick. It gets super boring. I wish they added mechanics where fragging other players became a more risky thing to do. Like your a police informant for a while and if someone kills you they automatically get four stars. Or I wish they focused more on stealing from other’s business. So you need to put more work into defense.

Idk, maybe those things exist once you get some money. But it’s nearly impossible to progress in the game as a noob without friends in the same server.

AeonFelis, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Never was so much cared by so many about something so meaningless.


That really applies on both sides. This is such a nothing issue - it defaults to what you’d expect for a cis character, so you can literally ignore it if you aren’t going to play a character whose pronouns and body type do not align.

But, someone modding their game doesn’t effect anyone else playing it, whether that’s removing the pronoun selector in Starfield, adding a pronoun selector to Skyrim (even supporting multiple pronouns with different frequencies for each), turning every hold banner in Skyrim into a pride flag, removing pride flags from Spiderman, turning Skyrim dragons into Thomas the Tank Engine, or adding the ability to fuck Skyrim dragons. All of those are mods that exist, BTW.

To each their own.


And this only makes the claims that “this is not a political statement” more absurd. There may be room to argue that the original decision to let players select their pronouns is not political, but both the mod that removes it and the removal of that mod from Nexus are just pathetic attempts to get back at the other side. Can’t get more political than that.


Who on earth are you talking about?

Of course this is political - because bigots made trans people’s existence a target of their politics. Defending them against that hatred and abuse is not somehow equally wrong, compared to that hatred… and abuse.

HughJanus, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

So there was a modification that remove pronouns, and they removed it, because it was “bigoted”…?

I’m so very confused as to what’s happening here…

Why would a “bigot” make a mod like that, and why would anyone care?


Your either baiting, or you haven’t really been paying attention to the culture war taking place in North America.


No I’m just legitimately confused about why anyone would do that or why anyone would care that they did.


The part that confuses me a bit is that it’s a mod that removes functionality from a single player game. Usually features get added, not removed. When something is removed it’s usually to improve stability or performance. Or to rebalance the gameplay. This change falls into none of these categories.

Well I guess if the mod author did it to garner attention or make a point he/she/they succeeded.

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