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mintiefresh, w Unity reportedly considering cap on hugely controversial per-install fees

What’s to stop them from changing the cap at a later date?

giantofthenorth, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

I’ve seen phone games look better

mriormro, avatar

I’ve seen Switch games that look better.

librecat, w Your Minecraft account might be gone forever unless you act now

If you don’t want to migrate to Microsoft check out minetest/mineclone for a free and open source alternative.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )

Tried it, unfortunately the (tedious) things that made me disinterested in MC were carried over (not wowed by other options, either).

AeonFelis, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Never was so much cared by so many about something so meaningless.


That really applies on both sides. This is such a nothing issue - it defaults to what you’d expect for a cis character, so you can literally ignore it if you aren’t going to play a character whose pronouns and body type do not align.

But, someone modding their game doesn’t effect anyone else playing it, whether that’s removing the pronoun selector in Starfield, adding a pronoun selector to Skyrim (even supporting multiple pronouns with different frequencies for each), turning every hold banner in Skyrim into a pride flag, removing pride flags from Spiderman, turning Skyrim dragons into Thomas the Tank Engine, or adding the ability to fuck Skyrim dragons. All of those are mods that exist, BTW.

To each their own.


And this only makes the claims that “this is not a political statement” more absurd. There may be room to argue that the original decision to let players select their pronouns is not political, but both the mod that removes it and the removal of that mod from Nexus are just pathetic attempts to get back at the other side. Can’t get more political than that.


Who on earth are you talking about?

Of course this is political - because bigots made trans people’s existence a target of their politics. Defending them against that hatred and abuse is not somehow equally wrong, compared to that hatred… and abuse.

Gork, w EGDF: Unity’s Install Fees Are a Sign of Looming Game Engine Market Failure

For example, if a game memory institution makes games available for download on their website, a game developer studio must now ask for a fee for it or ban making European digital cultural heritage available to European citizens.

This is a thing? I’ve never heard of games being a digital cultural heritage.


In the US the library of Congress has a video game preservation effort


Library of Congress staff discussed its video game collection, the process of making a preservation copy of the data for long-term storage, the unique description challenges for video games and possible access solutions.


I don't see any actual playable games downloadable from at the moment, which is the website for the EU's collection of digital cultural heritage. That does come with the caveat that I've never used it much and may well just be missing something, though. However, there is a fair bit of stuff about videogames, even including images of physical hardware kept in various collections across the EU. I can also definitely see an argument for games being part of cultural heritage, particularly as the medium develops and becomes a bigger part of our culture. I think it'd be pretty fair to count Tetris as Russian cultural heritage, for example, not only because of its incredible influence but also how much it brought a Russian folk tune to global awareness (even if, ironically enough, it was an American version that did this second part).

Brocken40, has some flash and older pc games available for free, I downloaded a wolfenstien game off there, but it turned out to be Spanish version, so your milage may vary

chaorace, (edited ) w Emmanuel Macron backtracks on video games after blaming them for French riots avatar

A list of horrible, no-good things which video games definitely cause:

  • Near-sightedness
  • Satanism
  • Obesity
  • Communism
  • Tardiness
  • The gays
  • Gun violence
  • Hand/eye coordination
  • And now… drumroll Rioting!

If the people in power say it is so, then it must be true.

SSUPII, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

For the quality offered the cost was very steep, but its also true the Switch doing some major heavy lifting already.


What does that mean, the Switch doing some major heavy lifting?


The hardware the game is running is painfully terrible in 2023.


While the OP meant it the way he answered you, the way I see it used most often colloquially is that when someone or something does the heavy lifting especially in gaming, they are providing the bulk of the work. Like doing the heavy lifting in a team game equates to carrying the team, or saying a character does the heavy lifting instead of the player, means the character is overpowered and carrying the player (or vice versa).

orca, w Emmanuel Macron backtracks on video games after blaming them for French riots avatar

I see we’ve teleported back into the 1990s during the violent video games scare among parents. Gotta make excuses instead of, you know, actually facing the real problems.

BrudderAaron, avatar

So a typical Politician’s job!


Some of the more conspiratorial political stuff out there is basically Satanic Panic 2.0.


You mean how some of the rightwing literally believe that they are somehow part of a war with Satan?

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Don’t worry that never stopped.

frunch, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I swear to god, every time i hear about conservatives getting upset about gay and trans rights I’m more convinced it’s projection. They want to have the freedom to follow their own preferences but have been taught by someone in their family and/or society that certain preferences are completely unacceptable. Rather than go against the grain, they lean into the hate side of it. “If i can’t have that, you sure as hell can’t–and if you do, you’re gonna pay dearly” seems to be the philosophy. All this because they want to explore their sexuality but they decided the social price is too much. Not allowed to have what they crave, now they just scorn those that are brave enough to face the storm they themselves avoided…or they just hate people having freedom. Probably both.

Angry_Maple, (edited ) avatar

It’s only anecdotal, but a lot of the people I know who were hateful like that while growing up actually did come out as LGBTQ+. Some were trans, some were gay, some were bi, etc.

Some of them are just a-holes though. One dude complained about a gay classmate. He never liked it when I asked him why he was thinking about what the other guy was doing with his bits so much. I’ve always thouht it was a fair question. I never did get an answer, though.

lorez, (edited )

I think they want what trans, gay, lesbians, etc have. In terms of resources, jobs, money, social contacts and status. So, just like it happened with religion, they highlight the difference between you and them. Tribes created. Now it’s a Us against Them where them are different, so not human, inferior. If they are not human we can do whatever we want to them. And the rights start to be eroded. People arrested. We can go further down the line but you know what happens next. The Them get eliminated and the Us get the resources. We’ve seen this happen for ages.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Whenever you hear a conservative complaining about anything at all, it’s always projection/admission or both.

“They’re rigging the elections,”

“They’re gonna riot if Biden doesn’t win,”

“They’re running pedophile rings under their favorite pizza parlor,”

I could go on.


You’re overthinking it.

Conservatives don’t believe things. Conservatives believe people.

Their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications. All that has ever mattered is ingroup loyalty. Reality itself is defined by interpersonal trust. What’s true today is simply dictated by people above you in The Hierarchy, and your job is to make whatever mouth noises justify them. If they weren’t right and better and handsome then obviously they wouldn’t belong in that high position. It is impossible for someone to simply be wrong. That would require an objective means of evaluating claims. In their worldview, that is not what claims are for.

This constant quest for logical explanations is a category error. Logic is not what they’re doing. They think the whole world runs on who-says. Like if they get their guy to be the head scientist, he could make the sun go around the Earth.

kmaismith, (edited )

I don’t think your idea precludes the idea conservatives are bitter about their own self-repression. The social cost of exploration being too high is flip side of the strict adherence to hierarchy for world view. If there wasn’t some emotion to tap into the narrative wouldn’t land nearly as well as it has


Conservatives don’t believe things. Conservatives believe people.

This is kind of deep. Feels true. Did you come up with this?


I did. This whole conservative theory-of-everything has been pinging around my brain for years, as many answers to ‘what the fuck are they doing’ became undeniably incomplete.

The hardest aspect to deal with is that this worldview is not fragile. There’s no ‘are we the baddies?’ moment where someone snaps out of it. If it was just a reverse cargo cult, there’d be more people who reject the invitation. So we can’t tell ourselves these people secretly know we’re right. This is not an act or a strategy. It has to be some internally consistent way of filtering events… and it has to look like what we’re doing, from the outside. Because in exactly the same way we tell ourselves everyone’s trying to be reasonable - they tell themselves we’re just performing loyalty.

It’s tribalism. Simple as that. It’s humanity’s default us-good-you-bad protect-the-village mindset, expanded from trusting your witch-doctor’s opinion on leeches to trusting your news anchor’s opinion on horse dewormer. I mean, he’s gotta be right. Look how much money he has. His penis must be enormous.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

The thing is it’s only just tangentially related to trans rights. I mean they’re making a character creation screen and they do need to know what pronouns to refer to the character as in game dialog as the player is playing it. So they need to know that for the game to work.

These fools seem to want Bethesda to add logic to restrict the pronouns on the character creation screen. So it’s not that they’re angry that Bethesda made an effort to be inclusive. They’re angry that Bethesda didn’t put in an effort to explicitly exclude trans people.

That and I think they’re just generally triggered over the word “pronoun.” Triggered by words that describe words. There’s something very wrong with these people.


Have you read Terry Pratchetts book Thud? It touches on that briefly. For what its worth i agree with you. Nothing else makes sense. Especially when so many vocal homophobes get caught having same-sex fun.

Wahots, avatar

People will eventually stop giving a fuck. This same shit happened in 1954 w/gay people. Gay people started suing and winning, and society moved forward.

We’ll likely see the same thing. Generally, it has to get worse before things get better. Back then, it started when scientists got fed up with getting their buttholes inspected by “security” to make sure they weren’t gay today (embellishing a bit here, but the gist is that they got fed up with the constant fear mongering and told the security teams to fuck off).

I’m sure we’ll reach a fever pitch and then someone will tell them to fuck off, as is usual. Then everyone will forget about it, save for some older folks.

Check out the Lavender Scare: the prosecution of gays and lesbians in the federal goverment by David K Johnson. It’s an uplifting book on how social movements get going and how it provides a sea change for society at large, even straight folks, in this case.


Society has moved on to attacking Trans and non-binary people, gays included in this ignorant lot (obviously not all gays).

People gonna hate what they don’t understand or if something makes them uncomfortable.


To be clear, there’s 50 years from 1954 to when gay marriage was first legalized. And 40 years ago, we even thought we were done with the whole abortion debate. Don’t even need to get into how long it took for people with Brown skin were legally treated anywhere near equal. BLM was how many years after the Emancipation? And still opposed by people who “want to leave it all well alone”. It’s a big deal that it takes that long to enact minimal change (considering we have a seated SCOTUS Justice who said we need to reconsider the constitutionality of gay marriage)

The real problem, perhaps, is everyone coming to the defense of the modder, even here. People saying “just let people do what they do” (see highly upvoted comment here). If the intolerant side “do what they do” and the rest of us get bored or sick of the human rights side, then it takes 50 years, or 100 years, or more to make meaningful change.


Rather than go against the grain, they lean into the hate side of it. “If i can’t have that, you sure as hell can’t–and if you do, you’re gonna pay dearly” seems to be the philosophy.

Making a game mod that only effects people who choose to install it seems like a poor strategy for achieving that.

dmrzl, w Starfield user score drops to "mostly positive" on steam

Is the score of Starfield really the only gaming topic Lemmy has to offer since like 4 days?


Some of it is organic hype and some of it is Corporate Funded social media teams / personnel who do their best to control the online narrative. Happens every time a Triple A game launches, no matter how many times that Company has betrayed it’s audience and succumbed to greedy scummy practices. People even still talk about Activision Blizzard titles as if it won’t just be another cashgrab.

Personally, I’m always super skeptical about these sort of games having a positive reception. I think the fast decline in user scores since launch is a perfect example of how unreliable the hype is.


There’s a giant push to really hate on Starfield, all over the internet

abraxas, (edited )

Yeah, and I don’t get why. We quite literally got exactly what we expected with Starfield, and nobody said we would get anything different. For those of us who enjoy it, we got precisely what we were promised. For those who don’t enjoy it, nobody tried to pretend they were getting something different.

If I have one complaint, they did not manage to brand it as effectively as they branded Fallout (the blonde cartoon, music, etc). But then, they never managed to brand tES that way and we’re all still alive.

My 2c. Isn’t it a breath of fresh air that we got a complete game without $100s in day1 DLC required to make it playable?


Probably a big part of the hate comes from Playstationers, who cry about exclusives now that they are on the short end.

NickNak, (edited )

I remember people hating on Skyrim when it came out, then Fallout 4, surprisingly not Fallout 76, you are right they never lied about it or promised stuff we didn’t get, I don’t really have interest in the game so I haven’t been following it to much but I don’t recall there being any classic Toddisms either

Starfield is as Generic Bethesda as it gets(which is a good thing) they didn’t introduce shit from other AAA games, like you said, no annoying Battle pass, day one DLC etc and other than early access, was there preorder bonuses?

The hate just seems odd, I can get the hate for most AAA shit but it seems really misplaced for StarField

You’re right about the branding, nothing to me sticks out for the series’s brand, maybe they didnt want another vault boy esq thing, so the game could stand alone, I dont know

Also, I guess also the cutscenese/animations everywhere, launching ships, docking, landing can get annoying, I understand the complaints about those


like you said, no annoying Battle pass, day one DLC etc and other than early access, was there preorder bonuses?

There were some minor cosmetic day 1 bonuses that nobody is losing sleep over not having. Basically, a skin pack for 4 items you get early on in the game’s main story. Unless people are roleplaying heavy, those items are in storage or sold to vendors by the 5 hour mark in the game. I’ve seen some people who wanted pay-to-win or pay-to-pretty bitch because this was miles from it.

The hate just seems odd, I can get the hate for most AAA shit but it seems really misplaced for StarField

Exactly. Bethesda games have never been the bleeding edge for graphics, even when they were the games crushing GPUs (Balmorra@6fps, I’ll never forget you). Nobody is even meaningfully saying that the money was spent on bonuses or moon vacations for the execs or anything, only that what they spent it on was not hyper-realistic graphics. They’ve always been a vast game. That’s where they spend their dev money.

Also, I guess also the cutscenese/animations everywhere, launching ships, docking, landing can get annoying, I understand the complaints about those

Everything is fast travel and loading screens. You’re right. This has been the complaint about every Bethesda game since day 1. I remember loading screens in Daggerfall. Yes, games with different focus and different engines have mastered seamless landing and takeoff. Yes, I’m sure Bethesda could have added that, or faked it. But they made clear a year ago we’d be seeing load screens for those things, so nobody should’ve expected otherwise.


Everything is fast travel and loading screens. You’re right. This has been the complaint about every Bethesda game since day 1. I remember loading screens in Daggerfall. Yes, games with different focus and different engines have mastered seamless landing and takeoff. Yes, I’m sure Bethesda could have added that, or faked it. But they made clear a year ago we’d be seeing load screens for those things, so nobody should’ve expected otherwise.

Sorry, I’m not talking load screens, as, well, that’s a thing you can’t avoid and it’s silly to want that, what I mean is when you dock a ship, when you land a ship, when you furniture or something, those animations, like fallout 4, there’s mods that skip these animations, they’re cool like once or twice but it’s silly that they happen all the time, just take us to a load screen as soon as we press the button :(


Ahh. But don’t those animations mask loading processing so you see fewer “spinning wheel” screens? I remember early Skyrim having minute long waits when you entered a door


I’m not sure, but I feel like they don’t? I’m more happy with just a load screen than one animation followed by a load screen


I could swear I’ve definitely seen transitions happen with no loading screen, just the transition. I am pretty certain the transition is just the start of the loading-screen process.


I’ll take your word for it! As I haven’t played the game, I’ve only seen mods and some random streams of it

pory, avatar

You did have to pay $100 to play this one on day 1. The plebs that bought the $70 version had to wait a week.


This pleb waited a few days and pays $10/mo for a bunch of games, including Starfield. I’m happy enough.

Kirkkh, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I’m non-binary and I’m afraid to express my gender in public. It’s good to know I should also be afraid to express my gender in a VIDEO GAME (points for realism I guess).


Where do you live, Iran? Also the mod doesn’t impinge on your ability to express yourself. Not sure how that relates to being afraid in a game.


This mod “impinge” on NexusMod’s rights, it’s their private service and they have the right to set conditions on it. One of which, mods cannot remove diversity.

It’s as simple as that. The people can go elsewhere to find the same mod or share it among themselves.

As for Iran statement, are you serious? There are people getting murdered in USA for even being non-binary. Even “binary” people are getting shot for being inclusive. Like this one…/index.html


Let me guess, you don’t have any trans friends. Probably don’t have any gay friends, either.

I know no fewer than 5 people who have been physically assaulted over their sexuality or their gender identity. My local pro-LGBTQ church was vandalized by people who left messages about how god hates them.

You deserve all those downvotes you’re complaining about if you really believe that non-binary people in the Western world aren’t reasonably afraid to express their gender.

And as for “how it relates to…a game”. Can you imagine being Jewish and a bunch of pro-nazi mods made it to the frontpage of your favorite game? Can you imagine if then everyone started bitching because the site took those hateful mods down?

Games, as online communities, are used to “innocently” draw people towards extreme beliefs.


A single player offline videogame, even!

pimento64, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

Inb4 the “omg this is so entitled I swear I mean you guys are sending us DEATH THREATS I have PROOF that DEATH THREATS were sent to the developers (by our firm’s sockpuppet accounts) and that is so uncool stop being so ENTITLED” PR statement


Ah, the Disney defence. “Everyone who dislikes our movie is a racist/misogynist.”

123, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

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What a horrendous website.

pory, w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only avatar

No way in hell they’re gonna still be supporting the Series S in five years.


I have a Series X, and I sort of hope they stop supporting it in 5 years. 30FPS is pretty rough in starfield as it is.

PP_BOY_, (edited ) w Lies of P Is Now Available on Game Pass a Day Early - IGN avatar

“Lies of P” is the nickname my exes use fot me in their group chat

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