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cdipierr, w Former BioWare manager wishes Dragon Age had kept a 'PC-centric' and 'modding-driven' identity like Neverwinter Nights

The timing on these comments reads to me like: “I sure am sad EA made us dilute Dragon Age into a third-person action game and chase trends, now that BG3 proved CRPGs can still sell”.

Though TBF, the genre went on life support for a reason. It will be interesting to see if we get more CRPG mainstream hits going forward.


Not just that CRPGs can sell, but "Man, look at how much success they're having with our CRPG franchise!"


I’m loving BG3, but DA is honestly not that far off the mark. It’s missing crunchy, turn-based combat, and the sprawling story, but they probably have the tech and writing chops to pull that off, too.


I believe 2008 Bioware had the chops for it, Post-Anthem Bioware gives me such doubt. I think EA has made it impossible for them to make a game like that again.

Corkyskog, (edited )

Why did the genre go on life support? I have been missing a couch co-op game since the days of PS2, my wife and I used to love playing together. Speaking of old RPGs, anyone know if there are any plans to reboot Champions of Norath? That used to be our favorite game.

I also get confused by all these RPG prefixes, probably too old. In my day I would walk into the gamestop or Babbages and just say “got any new good RPG games” then they would point me to one of the Final Fantasy games, and then I would say “actually I mean, do you have any new hack and slash RPG games?” Then they would say “no, but you can pre-order Call of Duty” and then I would rifle through the bargain bin, and then leave. Good times.

Which means I have essentially been asking for Baldurs Gate 3 for 18 years now (Champions 2 was released in 2005, a year after BG2).


The golden age isometric RPGs (BG1 & 2, NN, Fallout, etc) were dubbed Computer RPGs, because the idea of translating a pen & paper roleplaying game to the computer was novel. But as the 2000’s marched forward and 3D graphics became an expectation - and video game budgets ballooned - simulation and writing took a backseat to visual spectacle, action gameplay, and set-pieces. Niche CRPGs became too expensive to be worth the risk, leading to KOTOR, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, etc; which would have more mass appeal.

As Larian has been showing, the ability to pack all that story and character moments, and present it with a cinematic look and feel is becoming increasingly possible (with years of hard work). Larian and Obisidian have been whetting everyone’s appetites for the CRPG format, and now BG3 seems to be reaping the rewards.

I found a nifty little video discussing the rise, fall and rebirth of CRPGs if you want some more info: The CRPG Revival: DnD to Baldur’s Gate 3

Illecors, w Procedural detective noir Shadows of Doubt adds infidelity investigations next week

The idea sounds absolutely awesome, but I have serious doubts any of that awesomeness can actually be delivered. Has anyone given it a shot? How did it go? Is it worth it?


Not to be antagonistic but your comment reads like something generic word salad from an AI that has no context whatsoever.


Brilliant. You could’ve kept your negative shit to yourself, but here we are.


You know what, you’re right. I’m sorry. The game is fantastic and done very well with all the procedural elements coming together to make for an awesome detective and coincide tally thief type gameplay. It’s well worth the cost.


Bad days happen to everyone.

Thanks you for your comment!


You know, it’s exchanges like this that make me love Lemmy. This wouldn’t happen on Reddit, unless you’re in some tiny niche subreddit. Kudos to the both of you, a good apology and a good acceptance of it.

Please Lemmy, I want some more actual human interactions.

Zombiepirate, avatar

If you like the immersive sim genre, this one is very promising. I feel like it needs to bake just a little longer though.


I love a good sim, but the procedural bit is difficult to pull off anywhere. Thanks for thr input!

Zombiepirate, avatar

The world generation is actually one of the best I’ve seen in a 3d space, and the emergent gameplay from that is very fun.

I feel like the crimes still need a bit of work though.


I might give it some time to get polished. Might even run into a sale at that point.


I haven’t played he new content, but the game is pretty cool and very unique. You create your own little corkboard and yarn type thing to try to solve the (procedurally generated) crime. It’s neat.

Tons of videos of people playing it on YouTube I’m sure. You should check it out.



BumpingFuglies, w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help

Personally, I think it’s absurd to remove a mod that harms nobody. As a nonbinary person, I was ecstatic to see “they/them” as a pronoun choice, but I understand that having to choose pronouns can be triggering for some people, just as much as not having the option can be triggering for others. Why not let people play the game the way they want? Isn’t that the appeal of a Bethesda game, after all?

I’m pretty sure Nexus Mods admins have the ability to lock comments on a mod - why not just do that for controversial mods like this one? People who want it could still use it, just without the hatred and vitriol that might otherwise be in the comments.


I completely agree with your perspective. The essence of a Bethesda game, and many other sandbox-style games, is the freedom to tailor the experience to one’s own preferences. Removing a mod that is essentially harmless takes away from that freedom and raises questions about the influence of ideological stances in the moderation process.

As you suggested, locking the comments could serve as a reasonable compromise. It would allow those who wish to use the mod to do so, while mitigating the potential for inflammatory discussions. This way, the community retains its diversity of choice without being subjected to a single viewpoint.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

From what people who had seen the mod page were saying when this all started blowing up, was that it was removed not for what the mod did, but for what the author of the mod put in the mod description page (basically full of racist, sexist, homo and transphobic bullshit), which was a violation of their rules. Plenty of other mods that remove the pronouns option still exist on Nexus, but without the bigotry clearly laid down in their descriptions.

librechad, (edited )

If it’s indeed the case that the mod was removed due to the author’s statements in the mod description, then the removal is justifiable based on those grounds. This would then be less about the content of the mod itself and more about adherence to platform guidelines. It also highlights the importance of understanding the complete context behind moderation decisions, rather than focusing solely on the mod’s functionality.


Ah, I didn’t realize. That is definitely good justification for removing the mod.

Dragonmind, w SBMM can predict how well you will do to a certain degree every game (HALO)

SBMM has the fatal flaw of expecting players to want to constantly improve with every match. Sometimes we want to play to relax, but that’s never on its mind.

PapstJL4U, avatar

SBMM has no mind. Fair matches is the primarily goal.

Unranked is there for a reason and suprise suprise…relaxing when getting stomped is hard.

ganoo_slash_linux, w Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy releases in January avatar

Takumi Shu… will you write another game? I’m begging. Ace Attorney 7. DGS3. Ghost Trick 2. New IP? Anything, I want it so bad.

I am partial to Apollo Justice, the first one on DS. I personally loved the storytelling and this ominous aura of mystery that begins in Case 1 and looms over the entire game. Also Trucy. It was also the first time I remember that I, as a kid, was challenged to think about why we believe certain things to be true. And it has a great soundtrack and art / character designs which on their own are enough for me to love a game to death.

Lols, w Microsoft completely misjudged Baldur’s Gate 3

this article is garbage and built entirely on polygon misreading one word


What word did they misread? “HUB”? what does that mean?

Odo, w Embracer lays off devs at Mythforce studio, just days after the release of its cartoony co-op FPS

Aw, not Beamdog. :( They made all those enhanced editions classic D&D games like Baldur’s Gate 1 + 2 and Planescape Torment. I didn’t realize they were under Aspyr, which has had serious issues itself lately, not to mention the ongoing money issues at Embracer. We’re going to hear a bunch more stories like this over the next year, aren’t we.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Wonder who’s next on the corpo chopping block.
Embrace bought a ton of stuff and I don’t think that’s good news for those involved.

InEnduringGrowStrong, w Unity to Cap Runtime Fee to 4% of Revenue Over $1M, Users Will Self-Report Figures avatar

Lastly, the installation threshold won’t be retroactive, so only new installations made after the policy’s announcement will count toward reaching the Runtime Fee thresholds.

That’s still retroactive though.

Chailles, avatar

It also isn’t any different than what was originally announced, no? It was always like that and still shit.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

It’s the same shit with a sightly different spin.
A turd is a turd no matter how much you polish it.

sadreality, w Baldur's Gate 3 developer says pull your PS5 offline to fix sudden crash issue

You pay for PSN to be able to play this thing online... PSN does not work.

What are people paying for?

Also, release the physical copy assholes... You did it in Japan, why is US consumer getting treated like second class gamer?


What do you need the physical copy for? You will have to download patches anyway.


There are millions of reasons, such as people in rural areas with bad internet can't download large game, none of which matter since I am paying customer lol

I guess if I am alone then fine but I am pretty sure many others wants physical copies of games.


Oh, ok. I thought you were preparing some kind of internet down / zombie apocalypse scenario. But patches can be big too (I think? Haven’t even paid attention to that for some time).


If someone I’d going to spend the money on a ps5, games, and whatnot, they can afford to buy a cheap external disc player sorry


Weird flex, boy, but ok


How do I trade in my digital copy? Or loan it to a friend?


Ok. I don’t do any of that.


You’re not the only consumer and they don’t all behave like you. Welcome to society!


I wrote “ok”, didn’t I?


“OK” may not be the concession that you appear to think it is. Perhaps you meant “oh, I see,” but clearly it is being interpreted as “okayyy, what-everrrrr.”


Yeah, you wrote it, but did you mean it? Not from my interpretation.


I’m okay with the PSN being down from time to time, nothing is perfect… but WHAT? you can play BG3 offline, but you cant buy it offline? now I am more pissed they won’t sell a disc.


Also, release the physical copy assholes… You did it in Japan, why is US consumer getting treated like second class gamer?

Japanese people by and large demand physical media. In the US, developers have figured that they don’t lose a meaningful amount of money by only providing digital downloads. The typical US customer doesn’t care enough.

Granixo, w Microsoft’s Phil Spencer says acquiring Nintendo would be ‘a career moment’ avatar

Please do it.

Ninendo is better at anyone’s hands but Nintendo’s.


Ah yes, more monopolization please. That sure worked out great every time we tried it

Granixo, avatar

At least it would be TRYING to have more reach to consumers.

Nintendo’s strategy of only appealing to kids and only sometimes caring about it’s actual, much larger fanbase isn’t really economically estrategic if you think about it.


Seems to work reasonably well for them considering they have been in gaming much longer than Microsoft.

Granixo, avatar

Because they sell their products at overpriced numbers and their current console is built on 8 year old hardware that even it’s chip makers said it was “outdated” back in 2015.


And? It works great for them lol. What are you on about


Yeah, and it's sold more units than the PS5 and all iterations of the current XBox combined, at a profit on every unit. Nobody's out there holding a gun to people's heads to buy the Switch, but they sell FAR more than either of their competitors in both hardware AND software. It sounds to me like you're not actually angry at Nintendo, but angry at the majority of customers in the game industry that don't share your disdain for less powerful hardware.

Granixo, avatar

I don’t have a dissdain for less powerful hardware, i have a disdain for mediocre hardware.

For me, the peak on 3D graphics was achieved on PS3, X360 and the Wii U.

Nintendo simply wanted easy cash and went on with (literally) inferior hardware to make the Switch.

And my main problem with Nintendo is that they refuse to allow easy access to some of their best games.

Why can’t they do a proper remake/remaster of Majora’s Mask for the current generation?

Why do they refuse to release Mother 3 outside of Japan?

When are we gonna get a new StarFox or F-Zero game?

I think it is clear WHY i have a problem with Nintendo.

mycodesucks, (edited )

Let's address these one at a time...

The hardware is weak, but the market has spoken and to them at least, it doesn't matter. If it DID matter, people wouldn't buy them. Why would Nintendo spend the extra money when consumers have already decided they're going to buy it in droves anyway? So they can spend more on manufacturing and make less profit? Yes, they wanted easy cash. What responsible company doesn't? It doesn't make any sense to spend a dime more on producing a product than what your customers demand. The limitations of the Switch are the fault of consumers who buy it, not Nintendo's. If Microsoft could sell the same number of units Nintendo can by making a game system that cost $50 to manufacture and ran on 386, you can be damn sure they would too. I completely understand your anger - I've had to spend the last 20 years watching flocks of people buy inferior, overpriced Apple products and rave about how great they are. But like Nintendo, Apple only does it because the consumers let them get away with it. Your complaint is misdirected when it should be targeted at the customer base. But good luck teaching happy people who don't know any better that the thing they like is bad. It's not a great use of your time.

All of your other problems are perfectly reasonable, but if you think Microsoft's plan if they buy Nintendo is to drop everything and start porting old titles or working on a new Starfox game, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. Like Disney buying Star Wars, get ready for annual, mediocre entries in your favorite series cranked out by a revolving door of existing teams to maximize output. After a couple years of half-baked Mario and Zelda games, they'll stop selling in the numbers Microsoft wants, and after the golden goose is dead, they'll dissolve any remaining Nintendo assets into their larger acquisitions structure, lay off a bunch, and put the name in the vault while they look for something else to cannibalize.


So like the vast majority of PCs still run on 1060 instead of whatever the latest shit is? Sounds pretty reasonable, especially if you want mobile gaming.

Granixo, avatar

I personally run on a GTX 750 Ti and a Core 2 Duo myself. 🧐

But i’ll admit that i’m a maniac who uses a dedicated sound card 🎵 and a gold rated 550W power supply for max performance.


Microsoft wouldn’t run Nintendo. They buy shit up and let it die a slow death… Poor old Skype, Minecraft and Nokia can testify among many other.

Granixo, (edited ) avatar

I can absolutely confirm Nokia.

I do know lots of people who do still use Skype though, and about Minecraft, you just need to go to Youtube to see that it’s still pretty active.

Ashyr, w ‘Dead Space’ Co-Creator Departs Startup After Newest Game Flops

The game in question is The Callisto Protocol, which clearly has Dead Space visual and thematic inspirations.

The primary complaint from the one review I read was that the combat was punishing and unenjoyable. You’re never really given the tools to feel like you can handle encounters, making them trudging slog of endurance and frustration.


Haven’t played the game myself but what you are describing is one of the worst sins you can commit in game development.


I just played through the game a few months back and I thought it was awesome. I hope we get something else like it in the future. The ammo was never too scarce, there were enough upgrades to make the combat very satisfying. But I also played it after all the updates came out to kind of balance.

MomoTimeToDie, w After the PS5 Reveal Phil Spencer said to his team "We have a better product than Sony does, not just on hardware but equally important on the software platform and services on top of the hardware.


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  • Rampsquatch,

    You make an excellent point. Too bad corporate dorks don’t understand it.

    Dragonmind, (edited )

    While true, I feel like games that work well on the Xbox Series S also work well on Steam Deck and when it comes to porting games to PC, those ones specifically are ported well.

    All this power game developers have been getting, while great for creative endevours, has been either a waste of space or require outrageous specs just to perform normally. And some great games are bogged down by this while relying on upscaling methods to fill in the difference.

    Either way, we’ve reached a point where more power and space isn’t the solution anymore to better games. Can only hope new tech gets better optimized.

    Callendor, w CD Projekt recommends starting a new game when Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 drops: 'starting fresh will enhance your overall gameplay experience'

    For a new player. How long into the game until the expansion starts?


    played the OG version on release. there is a “point of no return” message for the end of the game. If you complete game or save after that point and reopen that save you’re locked into that ending based on what you did prior to crossing the point of no return.

    so the playable sections all come before this — so if you missed something after completing you can reload your “Meet [Person] At Embers Bar” save (the point of no return) — go do it with your endgame character and then optionally revisit the final section if you like.

    from what I gather on loading up an old save after this patch you’ll have to re spec your character and may have missed minor things, but can start all the new content from your …Embers save.

    From a new player perspective you can choose to do the DLC or the vanilla game at any order or at any point- gated by your character level and progression, similar to how Fallout DLC works.


    Great answer. Thank you !

    Gekkonen, w Dwarf Fortress - 50.10 now live: Alerts, ammo, food, and Linux

    Can now play the game on Linux



    Yeeeeees! This is what I was waiting for.

    chepox, w Dragon's Dogma 2 New Gameplay Footage Showcases Starting Vocations, Pawn System and More

    I played the first one pretty much at launch and I finished and liked it a lot but the backtracking killed it for me. It was just way too much walking around ignoring mobs because I had fought them so many times every time I walked back to town. I know they fixed this somehow on later patches. Hope they bring along all the QOL updates the first one got.

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