
Gullible, do gaming w A comical old game review for the Sims 2, ripping them for microtransactions.

When the review was first published in 2007, it was reported that Electronic Arts were not happy with the review and complained to the magazine’s publishers and editors, resulting in the reviewer no longer being asked or allowed to write reviews for any more The Sims titles.

And the world became a worse place for it.

littlebluespark, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

For now… 🖕🏽 They worded that so weasely, they’re just waiting for the storm to pass and for Legal to come up with some compelling reason why they’re totally “obligated” to make it happen, “hands tied” “so sorry” and all that.

Fuck Sony. They made this SOP way back when, and there’s no way they let this stop them forever. It’s all about profit, not what “we” want.


Backfire 2, Steam refund boogaloo when?

@neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space avatar

Sounds about right.

@MamboGator@lemmy.world avatar

“Helldivers 2 players get exactly what they wanted, still unhappy.”


You don’t lower your guard just because the fight is over. It’s not like Sony has morals or any trustworthiness to keep to this even in the midterm.

@MamboGator@lemmy.world avatar

Or, more rationally, you all invested so much of yourselves into your gamer outrage campaign and built yourselves up as the underdogs fighting the big, mean corporation. And when, to your own surprise, you actually won and got all of your demands met without compromise, you still can’t let it go because you managed to incorporate all that upset over a video game into your personal identities over just a few days time.

So now, instead of celebrating your win, you’ll limply cling to your hatred of Sony for a few more days or weeks until everyone finds something else to get upset about.


You talk like this never happened before

@MamboGator@lemmy.world avatar

I talk like I have seen this exact same thing happen over and over and I’m sick of capital-G Gamers throwing tantrums over every inconvenience. You aren’t Union Men fighting for your rights. You’re gamers upset by a TOS change to your new toy even though Steam was going beyond their own policy to honor refunds.


NGL, you sound like a capital-R Redditor.

@MamboGator@lemmy.world avatar

Aw, the gamer is upset I forced some introspection into their life.

But no, I’m sorry. You’re totally a noble warrior who fought back the evil Sony and now must remain ever vigilant lest Kazuo Hirai leap from the shadows and scream “Riiiiidge Racer” at you and take away your toys while Gabe Newell gives you your money back and sheepishly shrugs like “I know, right? This guy, man.”


This is such a weird thing to be upset over, and a weird side to take so passionately that you do.

I don’t even play Helldivers, nor do I plan to after this, it’s just on the one side there’s random upset people, on the other side there is the corp that got infamous for distributing straight up malware in a weird effort to enforce DRM. Why would people go back to being happy with a company that tried to fuck them over, and then walked its position back to the status quo with no commitments of not trying this again later.

@MamboGator@lemmy.world avatar

The “random upset people” on the former side were perfectly happy to give their money to the “corp” on the latter side before the TOS change. This has nothing to do with how untrustworthy Sony has been in the past and everything to do with upset Gamers wanting to keep their outrage party going even after they got what they wanted.


The problem is who can you give money to for entertainment if not to the same 3 corps who have bought everything, and how else can you protest them doing stuff that’s outrageous even by their standards?

@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t feed the fuck clown.


The fuck clowns are buying up our culture. It’s hard to not participate in it. I don’t play these kinds of games, but I’ve nothing on people who do. We should beat up the fuck clowns until they serve society again.

And just to be clear, I am advocating violence in the form of stringent regulations binding corporations towards socially beneficial paths. I advocate for violent anti-trust measures to the point even the execs don’t know who is still working for them and who has been broken off to another company to compete freely. And I want worker protections that cause mind-bending fear in wage thieves.


How about we just not advocate violence at all? Regulations can be helpful but also the government needs to make sure it is not creating unconstitutional laws that violate people’s rights, and that includes their right to make bad choices. Otherwise the law will end up more authoritarian than free.


Sorry, I went too deep into sarcasm in there. I wasn’t advocating for violence, just laws protecting society and people that are strong enough to deter corps from breaking them.


I didn’t have anything to do with this and never got involved. I watched from the sides. I don’t even play or own Helldivers 2.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

Seriously. Jesus Christi, peopke

@BombOmOm@lemmy.world avatar

You don’t get to do something shitty then expect everyone to be happy. If you want that, you shouldn’t have done the shitty thing in the first place.

Corngood, do games w Who could pass up this ballin' opportunity?

I worked on this game. You have to dribble a basketball in front of all your expensive electronics. Insane idea, but it was a fun project.

Also www.penny-arcade.com/comic/…/forgive-me-father


I've not read PA in ages, and saw that and thought "Oh wow, the new art style looks pretty good!" Then I saw this was from 2012, and decided to see what the art actually looks like nowadays.

What the fuck happened? Tycho looks like Handsome Squidward with encephalitis, and Gabe looks like every Nickelodeon character in the last 20 years merged into one. I'm curious to know what PA fans think about the style these days, since I've not followed it for a long time, myself.


Who is the Tycho you’re referring to? I’m not a basketball guy, or really any sports guy at all. In my book, Tycho is possibly my favorite musician and plays mellow electronic music.

@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

PA refers to Penny Arcade, a gaming culture webcomic that’s run since '98 that’s linked by Corngood up there. Tycho Brahe (besides being a 16th centure Danish astronomer) is name of one of the main characters in the comic as well as the pseudonym of it’s main writer, Jerry Holkins.

@MacedWindow@lemmy.world avatar

Got to see him live opening for Interpol! Absolutely incredible.


OMG ME TOO!!! At the Greek Theater? I’ve seen him 3 times so far. Most recently I saw him at the Lightning in a Bottle festival. It was a sunset on a beautiful day and it was my first real acid trip. It was phenomenal 🤌

@MacedWindow@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, fantastic show! Someone in the crowd yelled something like “Anyone who isn’t excited for Tycho has no clue how good this is going to be” and he was totally right.

@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

I also prefer the 2012 art to the modern style, but if Mike likes to draw the way he does now then good for him. He’s clearly demonstrated his artistic prowess over the years and I’d guess wanted to make his own exaggerated style. It’s definitely instantly recognizable as his


I remember reading it years and years and years ago.

The newest one seems like lazy commentary on things in nerd/gaming news, but maybe it was always like that, lol

Scrolled back a bit from the newest one, and they all seemed to follow the pattern of “Worried Nickelodeon Guy says something that bothers him, Handsome Squidward makes cynical comment about it”.

@skulblaka@sh.itjust.works avatar

The newest one seems like lazy commentary on things in nerd/gaming news, but maybe it was always like that, lol

As far as I know, it was pretty much always like that. My tolerance for that used to be better. Reminds me of CAD in that fashion, a comic that for a bit I actually genuinely liked but as I got older and the author got… weirder… it’s one that I moved away from.


That’s awesome. Did you ever get complaints that kids would break everything in the house because of this game?


Not that I recall. It turns out that most people have their Xbox in a place that sucks for dribbling a basketball, so I think the correct way to play this game was to move the setup to your garage/patio. :)

cosmicrookie, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

Shitstorm = Feedback



It’s Feedback in the way that microphone feedback is - really bloody loud and painful, and makes you know you’ve done something wrong


Yeah exactly. And it’s often the only feedback that gets any attention unfortunately. It was getting media attention and getting very loud.

Plus the whole thing was just stupid. They could have accomplished exactly the same thing with little backlash by offering some little in-game trinket for voluntarily linking a PSN account where it was possible to get one. This wasn’t my idea, I saw it somewhere on Lemmy, but that person needs to get a job at Sony stat because the chucklefucks working there now have no clue.


the only feedback they respond to are the feedback that give them concussion.

FrostKing, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

AAA companies: Makes bad game and releases apology promising to make good games now

Also AAA companies: We are not capable of making good games, stop expecting to much.

dinckelman, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.

Everyone knew it would be a pump and dump

Shig23, do games w Earth will be destroyed in 12 minutes...

I actually shelled out for the invisible-ink “strategy guide” (i.e. cheating instructions) just to finish the damn thing. I suspect the guide was written by Adams as well, because it was almost as entertaining as game itself. Halfway through the section on how to get the Babel fish—the single toughest puzzle I’ve ever encountered in a game—it tells you that “it is at this point that grown men begin weeping uncontrollably.”

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Hmm… I definitely had at least one of those for an Infocom game… Maybe I had that one? But I don’t remember getting to the end of the game. It was so long ago, I don’t remember. I just remember it was basically a FAQ where you had to use a special marker to reveal the answer.

@Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

There were a number of books back then like that (mysteries and such), with the idea that you only revealed the answers to things you couldn't figure out.

As for the game itself, the one part that I have a continued memory about is where you could press the button labeled "Do Not Press". Only doing it a few times gave you the same "nothing happens" message, but being persistent got a different one. Infocom games were so great and full of humor, even the non-Douglas Adams ones.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yes! I remember that too! And yes, I was a huge Infocom fan. I think the only one I got all the way through without help was Wishbringer, but I can’t remember one I didn’t enjoy playing.


I remember working that one out with my brothers. Every step you take just leads to further problems getting the fish. It was easy to figure out to put the towel over the perfectly towel-sized grate and hang your robe on the hook. Blocking the cleaning robot access panel with Ford’s satchel also seemed to make sense as well. But when we put the stack of junk mail on the satchel and it actually worked? Well holy shit, were we ecstatic. It opens up some of the best parts of the game, though I would argue not as much as figuring out how to get the spare improbability drive to work. I think one of my brothers bought that same guide book long after we retired the C64, so though he knew how to finish it, I don’t think any of us ever did. I remember getting to Magrathea and not ever being able to figure out the proper tool bit. Tried taking the proper tool, and storing another tool in the thing your aunt gave you, but never seemed to work.

Psaldorn, do gaming w Classic Microsoft
@Psaldorn@lemmy.world avatar

Genuine question: why does bedrock exist? What does it bring? Why is there the choice between java, bedrock and “Minecraft for windows”?

How do you fuck up this badly?

I tried using the launcher to move a java install from C: to another drive and it just points there and doesn’t do anything? Steam had this stuff figured years ago


Minecraft rewritten for better performance with platform interoperability in mind and so on. Essentially what could’ve or should’ve been a replacement to Minecraft if done right. It was not done right. Quite the opposite.


In what world is c++ better for cross platform than Java?

@Xatolos@reddthat.com avatar

In a world with consoles. Java needs a JVM, and those aren’t typical with things like the Switch (2 soon), PS5, and Xbox Series (half the alphabet).


Oh ok that’s fair enough. I forget those exist sometimes.


You forget consoles exist?

@Xatolos@reddthat.com avatar

I think they meant JVMs.


Yeah, except retro consoles.


C++ is generally more performant than Java.



What’s that got to do with making things cross platform? Java programs only need to run in a Java runtime environment of which there’s one for basically everything. If you make something that runs in a JRE, it’ll be able to run on any device with a JRE that’s up to date for it.


given how many targets are supported by llvm there’s really little difference in cross platform support asides from building artifacts for the specific target platform. wrapping package delivery in a package manager removes the additional complexity to the end user.


Minecraft Java runs like dog shit. Making a faster port of it was worth it. They just botched it because Microsoft got its hands on it.


Oh yeah that totally explains why it’s always been perfectly fine for me as long as I’m not looking at a giant wall of those shelves that display their contents from whatever modpack that was.


Bedrock routinely outperforms java.




Just because you’re perfectly fine doesn’t mean all other machines are.


So? What’s that got to do with making it cross platform?

I could ask what makes food hot and you would come in here telling me your refrigerator brand uses less electricity.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

I wasn’t strictly talking about cross platform. I was talking about performance, which is tangential to the cross platform thing.

If you’re planning on making a game cross platform, you should choose a language that performs well for gaming on all platforms. Java ain’t that. Which answers your question:

In what world is c++ better for cross platform than Java?

C++ is better for this application.


Good thing we have Minetest and Vintage Story!


Because Bedrock runs on phones, tablets, consoles, and a host of other random crap, and does so relatively well. Because of that the install base and playtime especially among younger players is actually massively skewed toward Bedrock being the more used. Add to that rumors that the Java codebase at least was a terrible mess, and the performance issues Java edition still has to this day and it’s no wonder they wanted to do a full rewrite, especially after having to make things like the console editions and even one for the 3DS.

The windows launcher is annoying though.

@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

There’s also the fact that Bedrock patches bugs that the Java community freaks out about patching. Several chunk update glitches and undesirable redstone behavior are exploited by the Java players, and they go nuts over the idea of fixing the issues. Bedrock, being a new codebase, obviously didn’t port over old crusty bugs and therefore doesn’t have to carry over those expectations.


To be fair I’d call it a wash. Bedrock fixes a lot of weird stuff like quasi connectivity and being able to push things like chests with pistons but also introduces it’s own bugs like weird timing things and randomly taking fall damage. There’s also weird differences like being able to do things with cauldrons or just like minor texture differences that they are slowly bringing into sync.

@Psaldorn@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the info + @kadu & @Opisek


Because Bedrock runs on phones, tablets, consoles, and a host of other random crap

And it also removes Linux support. Typical Microsoft.


Linux and mac and any other x86 compatible platform that runs java…


Bedrock not Java.


Yes exactly. Java runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and any x86 compatible operating system that supports the Java runtime environment. Minecraft bedrock removes support for all of those but Windows.


And adds support for Playstation, Xbox, Switch, Android, iOS…


They all had minecraft before bedrock was a thing yet. That legacy minecraft without crossplay just got replaced by bedrock.


To be fair there’s a Linux version of the bedrock server. But yeah not having it on the steam deck is pretty annoying.


Go into desktop mode, there’s a bedrock launcher in the package manager store thing, I forgot the names of both of those things, but search “Minecraft” and you should find it. Anyway, it basically loads the Android version of the game. It works pretty well. I play bedrock because everyone I play with is on Xbox


Fairly certain I’ve had both versions working on our steam deck. It’s pretty straight forward like you’re saying.


Also swapped performance issues with more bugs that were there years ago and still persist because they are almost impossible to fix.

In the end, we all know it was done either because they wanted to shove microtransactions down our throat and/or had some kind of deal to maintain the Java edition without microtransactions.

Or, maybe, just maybe, they though “it’s just a block game, what could be so hard to rewrite it?” and absolutely failed what a single person got right almost immediately back in the day (like not falling through the floor all the time).



You can remove that word, rly.


Java is a hilariously bad platform for games.


No it isn’t


What makes you say that? I’m genuinely curious


Java is (or at least used to be) one of the first languages new programmers started with.

Making it very accessible to create new mods.


I haven’t modded as of yet but I started off with Java and am now a C# Dev and the transition wasn’t too hard since most of the same principles apply to both languages. Unity games, that are often written in C# to me are the most moddable ones, especially considering that there’s a ecosystem for Unity mods out of the box


Minecraft. Runescape. Mindustry. Slay the Spire. Project Zomboid. Doodle Jump. Shattered Pixel Dungeon. Delver. Lots of mobile games. Also It’s rediculous to say Java is inappropriate for games when C# is used for games via Unity (unity is the value proposition there - c# is very similar to Java)


Only if you’re incompetent. Otherwise just not optimal.

Starsector, Rise to Ruins and Project Zomboid run well and are made in Java for example. It’s harder to pull off but it can be done. (still needs native libraries though)


Is there even a choice? You now get both games when you buy one(and you get the other game for free if you already own one) and you can play on bedrock on java servers with geysermc

@Psaldorn@lemmy.world avatar

I accidentally bought Minecraft for windows for someone when I wanted java… so that was fun.

The launcher just says “here are the options” it doesn’t say why you might want to choose one over another. Ive played since day 0 so I’ve always gone with java.

Just felt like if bedrock was meant to replace java they should have just done it and dealt with it instead of having so many choices.

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

Minecraft for windows is the old name for bedrock.
it was based on the same MCPE codebase


Honestly? Most large companies are more like high school. It’s all, friend groups, people rubbing each other’s backs, and in-fighting between departments.

A lot of VERY LARGE decisions get made for the stupidest reason.

ScruffyDucky, (edited ) do gaming w Feeling old

Half-life 2 will turn 20 in November so I guess the third one is coming out any day now (opens a new can of copium and grips the favourite spork)


I’m sure Portal 3 is coming soon too… right?


Sure, right after Left 4 Dead 3


If only valve could count past 2


@tetris11@lemmy.ml avatar



It wouldn’t surprise me if Portal 3 is released at some point. I’m skeptical, but I’m not outruling it. The game is whacky enough that there are probably a lot of interesting and cool things that can be implemented into a worthy successor.

I am, on the other hand, utterly convinced that HL3 is not going to happen. The previous two were groundbreaking, stretching limits of what one can do with a physics engine. I’m having a hard time imagining that it can be pulled off a 3rd time, simply because I am unable to imagine any sory of content that would all: a) fit with the series so that it still feels like a HL game
b) interesting enough to allow for the innovation that the previous two games had
c) good enough to justify a new game rather than just a tech demo

I sincerely hope that my opinion on the matter is simply a matter of failure of imagine, and that a good HL successor is released at some point, but sadly I think I’m right on this one.


Half-Life: Alyx is mostly what I hoped we’d get from HL3, inasmuch as it hits your points a & b for sure, and IMHO c (though I know that’s not agreed on by everyone). It had great action and expository setpieces (avoiding spoilers), and the (albeit relatively simple) puzzles definitely added something to Half-Life that really worked for me.

Unfortunately it didn’t solve all VR issues (melee being an obvious one), and not least of which the cost. I played it on a cheap (~$100), janky old WMR headset, but not everyone can do that without vomiting, so a great PC and good headset are a hefty price, which is probably the biggest hurdle for a full-scale 3 in VR. Especially considering there just aren’t many other games worth making that investment in, IMHO. I played the hell out of Alyx, a little of a few other games…but Alyx was the pinnacle of what VR could do for me.

@CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

Alyx did what most Valve games do, it advanced the industry. It is absolutely a half life game and it fits but it isn’t HL3. It isn’t that grandiose.

For people who accuse it of being a glorified tech demo, well, that’s exactly what Half Life 1 and 2 are. The sole reason for the existence of HL2 is just to sell the source engine to devs and to push Steam forward. It is a tech demo. Its puzzles are tech demos.

What Alyx did is implement proper gunplay and looting mechanics and really showcased how possible it is to tell a story in VR without taking your POV from you. I’d argue that there still isn’t a single VR game that nails one of the foundational pillars of Alyx as much as Valve did.


IIRC, Valve pretty much admitted that they really have no interest in making games anymore, unless they have a interesting technology to play with and learn, and the game is an excuse for that.

Thats why Alyx got made, cause they wanted to play with VR.


you must mean half life 1.

you must mean half life 1… …right?


Black Mesa remake looks so good. I just picked it up for $4 on Steam. It was nearly 30 damn gigs lol.


Black Mesa is amazing! It’s what the already great HL1 could have been.

grue, do games w Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability.

They didn’t need updates because they gave you the whole game, (usually) more-or-less bug-free, the first time!

@NielsBohron@lemmy.world avatar

That’s some survivorship bias shit right here. I can’t tell you how many shitty, buggy games I played in the days of early console and PC gaming. Even games that were revolutionary and objectively good games sometimes had game-breaking bugs, but often it was harder to find them without the internet.

Plus, don’t you remember expansion packs? That was the original form of DLC.


There are different kind of DLC, and the kind that’s similar to actual expansion packs is usually not criticized (or not by most).


Yeah, if a DLC isnt just content taken out of the main game (in a way that makes the main game worse) and is reasonably priced for the amount of content it contains, then it is a good way for developers to get paid for continuing development of a game after launch when it was already finished at launch.

The Witcher 3 DLCs for example were pretty good.

@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

Oh man, while I was reading the first part of your comment I was thinking of the Witcher 3 DLCs the whole time, I’m so glad that you mentioned them at the end there!


THANK you. Fuck the upvotes, that person is objectively wrong. Maybe they just didn’t play that many games during the early PC/console era?


Expansion packs were more complete experience than DLCs sold piece by piece.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see how the amount of “completeness” can even be measured. Is it really so much worse that you can buy extra fighters for the Street Fighter 6 that you already own rather than buying Super, Turbo, and then Super Turbo at full price every time? Or that you can choose to buy just the stuff you want for Cities: Skylines for half the price instead of paying twice as much to get stuff that don’t care about along with it? Plus, expansions like Phantom Liberty and Shadow of the Erdtree are bigger than most entire video games from the 90s.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar


Except for when they did not, which was actually somewhat common.

But it also became quickly known, respectively stores stopped stocking buggy games. So in return, larger publishers tried their utmost to ensure that games could not have bigger bugs remaining on launch (Nintendo Seal of Excellence for example was one such certification).

But make no mistake, tons of games you fondly remember from your childhood were bugged to hell and back. You just didn’t notice, and the bigger CTDs and stuff did not exist as much, yes.


It was just flat-out worse back then. But we also thought about it the reverse way: It wasn’t “Oh this doesn’t work on my specific configuration, wtf?!” but “Oh damn I forgot I need a specific VESA card for this, not just any. Gonna take this to my friend who has that card to play it.”.


Even the concept of taking your game to a friend to play it is basically impossible today

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

How do you figure?

@LunarLoony@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Counterpoint: budget re-releases of games (e.g. ‘Platinum’ on PlayStation) were often an opportunity to fix bugs, or sometimes even add new features. A few examples:

  • Space Invaders 1500 was a re-release of Space Invaders 2000, with a few new game modes.
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon’s ‘Greatest Hits’ release added a bunch of music that was missing in the original release.
  • Ridge Racer Type 4 came with a disc containing an updated version of the first Ridge Racer, which ran at 60fps.
  • Super Mario 64’s ‘Shindou Edition’ added rumble pak support, as well as fixing a whole bunch of bugs (famously, the backwards long jump).

Those are just off the top of my head. I’m certain there are more re-releases that represent the true ‘final’ version of a game.


That’s the exception rather than the rule. If you have the opportunity to make some changes in a new batch, why not take it?

Generally, when the game was released, it had to be done. If there were any major bugs, then people would be returning their copies and probably not buying an updated release. It’d also hurt the reputation of the developer, the publisher, and even the console’s company if it was too prevalent of a problem.

I don’t think anybody I knew ever got an update to a console game without just happening to buy v1.2 or something. There were updated rereleases, but aside from PC gaming, I don’t think most console gamers back then ever thought “I hope they fix this bug with an update”.

CosmicCleric, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Remember fellow gamers, you hold the power of the purse, you get the final vote with your wallet.

If some studio head or developer manager tries to tell you that you have to accept micro transactions and such, just say no thank you, and move on.

There are plenty of other games from other good studios out there for you to give your hard-earned money to.

icepuncher69, (edited )

Dont say no thank you, give them the middle finger and tell everyone to not buy it

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Dont say no thank you, give them the middle finger

You could also do both, for that slightly comedic type of reply. Keep them guessing.

Noite_Etion, do gaming w Yes, also a full-priced game. Why do you ask?
@Noite_Etion@lemmy.world avatar

Want to play your game with all the DLC you paid for once the server is shut down… Fuck you.

Oh and playing a cracked version is illegal… Fuck you twice.

Game was shipped with DRM that doesn’t work anymore, well sorry no way around that legally… Eat shit.

Everything we sell you is temporary, you don’t own your stuff, but we own your money.

Pirate, emulate and tell these companies to sit and spin.


“You wouldn’t download a car…”

At the pay-to-play rate our society is going, I fucking will

@Noite_Etion@lemmy.world avatar

No please… think of the investors!

EldritchFeminity, do gaming w We've had a few killer games recently

One thing all these games share: not being made by one of the big companies like EA, Activision-Blizzard-King, or Ubisoft.

Hell, one of these was made by one dude, and another was made by the guys who made Magicka and was expected to have a player population of around 10k.

theAndrewJeff, (edited ) do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Here’s my thing: I don’t necessarily care what sort of game you make, I just want it to be feature-complete and technically solid (I.e. mostly bug-free). Whether that’s a small indie game or a massive AAA game, those two things should be true.

I think what most people find frustrating is that the in-game store is the most well developed part of most AAA releases nowadays, which often ship riddled with bugs.


I just want it to be feature-complete and technically solid

So, Diablo 4.

I wanted to get BG3, but the constant deep throating by neckbeards is making me gag. Now I don’t want it for the same reason bigots won’t play TLOU2: politics.

I’m sure BG3 is fantastic. It’s also not a reason for people to tell me why I shouldn’t enjoy the games I do.




Ah, the contrarian.

If you let other people ruin something for you, that's on you, not them. Especially if they "ruin" it by celebrating and enjoying it.



  • Loading...
  • RedAggroBest,

    He opened with praising Diablo 4, feels low effort and should net a penalty, with a bad finish too. I’ll go with 4/10.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    If he’s an actual shill from ActiBlizz I would vote a lot lower than 4/10, for having done such a poor job, based on that ratio.


    Needs a bigger bait. If he opened with slamming Baldur’s Gate 3 right away or “as a gamer” it might have been a 7



    Misconduct, (edited )

    I dunno the part where they try to make themselves out to be some kind of hero over racism randomly because they didn’t play a game has gotta decrease the score by at least a couple. Just feels like they’re trying too hard I dunno. Feels basic

    Cethin, (edited )

    “I won’t try this game because it’s too highly reviewed!” What a weird hill to die on.

    D4 seemed to have been great at launch, but the seasons and battle pass stuff ruin it for me (though you can like it if you want, I don’t care). I don’t like the idea of a game being on a timer and asking me to play the way they want me to play it. This is what BG3 does right. It’s a game with many options and many ways to play. It never tells you how you should and you also don’t need to pay extra for other crap. You get a complete experience from start to finish with no timers and nothing extra asked of you.


    This is why I dropped Destiny, despite loving it to pieces.


    I liked D2 in the beginning until I realized it was CoD’s multi-player put into its single player.

    Maybe part of the issue is I left and came back, but I couldn’t make sense of any sort of storytelling and “go here, shoot this” stopped being fun.

    Which sucks because Destiny has some amazing worldbuilding ideas.

    Still salted that they removed my boi Xol


    Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


    I’m a huge diablo fan. D4 fucking stinks and I went back to d2 res and picked up POE. Poe is 10/10 and exactly what I need to scratch this rng itch.


    Huh? The game literally lets you play any way you want.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    I feel you on the deepthroating shit. It’s a great game, no doubt about it. But some of these articles act like it’s the second coming of Christ, and if I am to be entirely honest… It’s not quite as good as the original games. It’s lacking a lot of depth in the story telling (it’s almost entirely voiced so there’s more brevity in any given conversation than the pages upon pages of text even a random nobody can give you in BG2), but makes up for it with mechanical depth.

    I agree it’s a big deal for a major release to not have MTX or a season pass or other bullshit, and that should definitely be applauded. But some of the things I’ve seen said about the game are out right fraudulent. Like an article the other day saying it is the most polished AAA game in over a decade, which is absurd. The game is plagued with issues and the polish is literally the one thing I can not give it praises for. It even feels amateur in a lot of ways. Like it has many little issues I would not expect from a seasoned developer, and many bugs ranging from minor inconveniences to full blown game breaking stuff like scripts firing wrong leading to an outcome you didn’t choose to take or characters becoming comoletely broken being unable to move or be interacted with.

    Story is great. It actually feels like a remix of the first Baldur’s Gate story. Characters are some of the best I’ve seen in a long time. The combat is super fun, especially when you try to do weird random shit just to see if it works; cuz 90% of the time it does. There is a depth to the changes you can have on the world at large that are extremely cool and haven’t been done on such a scale before in all the RPGs I’ve played over the years…

    Although that last part is where the previous talk about bugs really starts to drag the experience down. There have been so many points in my two playthroughs of the game where I took one path, but got the dialogue and changes to the world of another path. Like currently, my party keeps talking about one of the companions killing another. But they didn’t; I stopped that from happening. So now this character is standing around in the background while other characters talk about her death. And that’s not even the worst one I’ve encountered.


    I think it’s funny talking about the second coming. It really is the second coming if anyone follows it. The thing is, it’s not extraordinary in the grand scheme of gaming. It’s just not something we’ve had in a long time on a large scale. It pretty much follows the norm for 2000s/90s games, but that’s why it’s an outlier. We don’t get those anymore. Bioware used to make games like it, but they don’t now and they’ll tell you it’s not going to happen again despite technology being better.

    I understand that publishers will force them to do certain things, but most AAA studios have the capability of making games that follow the same standard (but maybe not scale) of BG3 if it weren’t for publishers. They shouldn’t copy it, but they should internalize that players want complete experiences in the box, and they want to be treated like adults who can think for themselves.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Like it has many little issues I would not expect from a seasoned developer

    You wouldn’t expect little bugs from a newly released AAA game? Really?

    It sounds like you were expecting 0% bugs.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Not all the issues are bugs. There are issues in the actual design of some systems that are amateur at best (such as the UI). Even most indie developers wouldn’t have these issues, so seeing them in a AAA game that was in early access as long as this one has is totally unacceptable.


    That sounds like your subjective opinion on how you’d make it and not like an objective fact to me

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Not all the issues are bugs.

    As a software developer of over 30 years, I’m aware of that.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Even most indie developers wouldn’t have these issues

    Got to be honest, I don’t think your perspective is very accurate on the subject.

    @BrudderAaron@lemmy.world avatar

    You know, you’ll go through life a lot happier if you stop restricting yourself from experiencing something just because it’s a popular thing.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    BG3 has still been riddled with bugs for me and since it doesn’t have MTX or a store or anything, it feels kinda worse. At least I know why the crap riddled with MTX is rife with issues; what is BG3’s excuse?

    I probably wouldn’t mind the bugs so much if the whole game was shit. But the game is fucking awesome. I just want to play it without being frustrated by technical issues. 😩

    I’m hoping that by the time the PS5 version launches, it’ll be much smoother.


    I actually agree with you. People praise BG3 as if it were the most perfect 10/10 video game in existence. Its far from it. It is riddled with bugs reaching from minor to game breaking. The best example is the very first few seconds of the game. The first thing the players are likely to interact with is the tadpole pool after awekening on the ship.

    Minor spoilerIt explodes, knocking you back and causing damage.

    As someone who made a few characters and played the intro section a lot, the animation is often times bugged and confusing. And thats the first interaction a player has with the game.
    A few seconds later you stand in front of a door. Usually the door opens and you can go through. But sometimes the opening animation doesn’t play. This happened on my very first time playing and I couldn’t figure out where to go, because my first instinct wasn’t to clip through the closed door. Things like this are absolutely unacceptable in the tutorial area.

    Even though they already have full controller support it is very clear why the console release is delayed. The console player base is expected to be a lot more casual and unless they iron out all the confusing bugs they run the risk of people being frustrated and dropping the game.

    And then there are other major things.

    • Why is there no native option for 3rd person WASD movement even though it is fully implemented for controllers?
    • Why does only the controller get a search area function but the keyboard doesn’t?
    • Why is there no camera sensitivity for controllers?
    • Why are there no deadzone settings for controller joysticks?
    • Why is there a 1 second delay on movement when using a controller?
    • Why can’t I set the text size below 64px when using a controller?
    • Why in a game that has been in early access for so long and a world full of magic can’t we change our characters appearance post creation? (I know it’s announced but why just now?)
    • Why do we not have advanced difficulty settings? (I’d love the enemies to be smart like “tactitian” but not be unhittable bullet sponges.)
    • Why is every adult character so goddamn hot in this game? I need my blood in my brain.
    • Why can we select a player voice, if the player isn’t voiced beyond some minor quips?
    • Why isn’t there a random name generator for your character?
    • Why can’t I shift + click multiple items or containers to queue them up for pickup or search?
    • Why do container windows open on top of each other or other inventory windows?
    • Why can’t I rename containers in my inventory?
    • Why can’t I filter out or hide wares in my inventory?
    • Why can’t I sort or filter items during trading or in the party view?
    • Why do containers always open in a 5x2 grid instead of trying to fit all the items without scrolling?
    • Why can I skip the rolling animation but not the success-continue animation?
    • etc.

    I know I’m nitpicking here, but for a game that is as highly praised as this, I expect it also to nail all those minor things that other games have already figured out already (some of which were even their own older titles). Especially because it was Early Access and they had a lot of user feedback. I see it times and times again that studios apparently throw out all their previous knowledge of videogames and seemingly start from scratch on every title, making small stupid mistakes that could have been easily avoided. It’s like the research process for video mechanics and UI never consists of actually looking at other games.

    So for me, it’s a very pretty game, its a beautifully sounding game and even a very fun game. But nowhere near a 10/10. It’s a 7/10 game. Fix the bugs to bump it up to 8/10 implement some QoL for 9/10 and release modding tools so the community can make it a 10/10.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Why is everyone so damn hot?

    I can’t say for anyone else, but Karlach is hot because of that infernal engine she has for a heart. :P

    Why can’t I sort or filter items during trading or in the party view?

    You can on a controller. Press in the left stick. The fact the UI between a controller and the M&KB is so completely different and you get dumb differences like this is another amateur hour move. I’ve played entirely on controller, but from talking to other people and seeing my sister play on her laptop, the M&KB interface is garbage and offers for fewer options far some damn reason.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    I know I’m nitpicking here, but for a game that is as highly praised as this, I expect it also to nail all those minor things that other games have already figured out already

    You realize that smaller companies have to do triage and prioritize what they’re working on, yes? Take bugs/enhancements in a certain order? And usually the major things get taken care of first before the minor things are.

    Also, some of the things you ask for, they may just not agree with you as being needed in the game.

    Have you submitted that list to them for their consideration, directly (Github, etc.)?

    Edit: typo

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Stupid question, but have you been letting Steam do game updates?

    Unless you’ve changed the default settings, you have to let Steam do updates while not playing any games through Steam. By default it won’t do any updates in the background.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Yes, everything updates automatically. I’ve gotten all the updates so far. Only a few of the changes made in any of them actually affected me. Most of the things I’ve experienced have yet to be addressed.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Most of the things I’ve experienced have yet to be addressed.

    I was going to reply humorously with a comment along the lines of you should be moving from a technical to a spiritual solution, an exorcism perhaps, but I don’t want to kick somebody when they’re down, for the sake of comedy.

    Kecessa, do gaming w You want the one that's not compensating

    Logitech G502 or nothing!

    @The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

    G502 master race


    Mine is starting to double click, but I’ll probably get the same one again like a bitch

    @The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m already happy with how long mine has lasted. It’s survived 2-3x the life of the Razer mice that I had before it. These things seem durable.

    If it ever breaks, I’d happily pick up another.

    Quetzalcutlass, (edited )

    My G500 started double clicking within a month of purchasing it. I just bound left click to a side button and never looked back. I’ve been using that broken mouse for over a decade now because they’re just that good.

    Logitech was so close to creating the perfect mouse. Why they haven’t fixed their terrible internals is beyond me (planned obsolescence aside).


    Double clicking is because Logitech cheaped out on the hardware of the revision. Thus, Proteus Spectrum will always be superior to the Hero.


    I used to feel this way about the mx510/mx518/g400s

    Now I have a 502 light speed but I want something lighter


    Even without the weights inside?

    I’ve got the wired version (Hero and X versions) and the X version is very light (to me anyway)


    It’s probably not too hard to undo a couple screws and glue a fishing weight in there, if it bothers you.


    Yea even with the weights in, think I want to try a G pro


    I still feel that way about the old MX510/518/400 line. When the G series first came out, Target had a whole shelf of MX518 on 90% off clearance and I bought them all. Gave a bunch away as gifts, but they lasted me almost until Logitech made the re-release of the MX518 with newer internals. I bought a few of them and am still on the first one after a few years. I bought a 502 on clearance to see if they were any better than the MX518. Nope, so it’s now living in the backup hardware box.


    I’ve kept my g400s as a backup, and my mx510 is still packed away for nostalgia. I even put new feet on it!


    I went through so many feet on my old MX510 and MX518 that I bought a huge roll of 1/2" wide industrial teflon tape to put over the feet. The newer models have much bigger and thicker feet so that’s not needed anymore, but man those old ones wore away quick.


    I love my 502


    Same, although i don’t like having to charge it as much as i do. nor how difficult it is to take apart


    Never had that problem, because I didn’t even know there is a wireless version.

    @Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m still on the 500, and I have a couple I got way back. I’m hopeful that when they eventually die, Logitech has available something decent. I don’t have much hope though.


    I used to use G502 for 5 years before discovering the wonders of lightweight mice and low sensitivity.

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    Yep. Although I preferred smaller mice always due to my hands size. Had G9 which lasted for eternity, then USB cable broke and me being an idiot got rid of it instead of looking for a fix. Still regret that decision. Then I wandered through bunch of different device and finally settled on GPro.


    G604 Lightspeed!

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