
Anticorp, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

New expectations? Lol. These were always the expectations!


That’s what I don’t get. These are expectations that I’ve had for years. The indie space has kinda proven that creativity will take a game a hell of a lot farther than cash ever will. With few exceptions I simply don’t buy AAA games anymore because honestly I just don’t expect the same level of effort will be put into making them.

setsneedtofeed, do gaming w Ignore me, I'm not here
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

More like level 3 bandits appearing out of the woods and smugly threatening to mug me when I have armor made by a dwarven hellsmith and am holding the sword of Dragon Agony.

The bandit looks at me and thinks “Yeah. This guy is going to get it.” as he brings up his rusty shiv.


Besides, I ain’t givin’ it to him. I’m buyin’ somethin’ for my money. Wanna know what I’m buyin’ Ringo?


JULES Your life. I’m givin’ you that money so I don’t hafta kill your ass.


Unless it’s one on the games where they level with you. Starting area bandits are now wearing crystal armor worth more than all the items in town


Damnit, I can’t find the bandit greentext. Think I’ve got it saved at home.


Bandit Green text?

AngryCommieKender, (edited )


Edit: I kinda feel sorry for all the bandits, townspeople, and guards that I massacred in Morrowind, and Skyrim now.

Edit 2: Shoulda flown to Morrowind! Fucking roflmao




Another stupid form of this is when they level up with you. The bandits sudddenly have armor made of daedra foreskins wielding flaming dragon bone swords and are level 9 gazillion.

Both ruin the immersion but it’s easier for me to justify bandits being fucked in the head than it is justifying them having turbo rare shit all of a sudden.


Never should’ve come here

runswithjedi, do gaming w How times change


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  • DragonTypeWyvern,

    I’m shocked that a meme creator that used Soldier Boy as the Glorious Past had nostalgia goggles on!

    Ok, well, not that shocked, but honestly I don’t remember it happening either.


    The cart sequence in the Armored Armadillo stage of Megaman X drops to like 1FPS if you get enough sprites on the screen.

    dustyData, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

    How does it go?

    I want smaller games, with lower quality graphics. Made by happier developers who are paid more to work less. And I’m not kidding!


    I mean we can have large games with detailed graphics and have employees treated well. We just need to accept 10+ year timelines for releases on big games which I’m ok with as long as we get quality results and the team is treated well.

    I follow star citizen though so I could be the weird one here lol


    And then you need someone to foot the bill for all that. Preferrably ahead of time.

    That’s kinda how lucky Star Citizen got, but that’s not a business model you can replicate a second time.


    That’s a valid point. As long as there’s a publisher and investors we’re more than likely never going to see what I suggested, I kinda forgot star citizen is what it is because it’s funded by us.

    It’s always the same crunch time for employees and rushed buggy products to feed the investors from “AAA” corps. Hope we can push for some positive change :/


    I can’t understand why crunch time has become so normalised. There’s no other software development project where constantly failing to plan for the needed time requirement would be accepted. Crunch is a sign of bad project management, it isn’t normal.


    But when it works, when that day comes, we’ll make a hell of a lot of money for the shareholders! Isn’t that nice?

    @AnyOldName3@lemmy.world avatar

    At some point, people figured out that during a couple of weeks of mad rush right before a deadline, if you’ve got committed, well-rested employees who know they’re going to get a rest afterwards, they tend to be much more productive than they normally are. Some bad managers only paid attention to part of that, and determined that eighty hour weeks are more than twice as productive as forty hour ones, and intentionally started inducing crunch. They somehow didn’t notice that the third week of crunch is only about as productive as a regular week, and after that, it’s way less productive as everyone’s exhausted. Combine this with the fact that people with management knowledge tend to flee from the games industry rather than to it, and you end up with the software engineering industry’s least effective managers running things with easily debunked dogma.


    The main differences with Star Citizen are that it’s

    • Funded in advance
    • Funded by people who have no say in how the product/company should work
    • Massively overfunded

    This means, CIG has no pressure to ship soon or even at all (if the project fails, they have no liability). They also have nobody telling them what to with the money. They have already made their profit.

    I am not knocking CIG for this situation, but if you put it like this, it’s easy to see why for each CIG out there, there are tens of thousands of games on crowdfunding sites that either

    • Failed to raise funds
    • Failed to get a decent company/legal structure running with the money they raised
    • Failed to actually ever deliver anything in an usable state
    • Are just pure scams

    So as a general business model rather than just an insane stroke of luck, I don’t think this is a good option.

    A business model that only earns money after release (like the classic publisher-funded development model) is bad for the obvious cash-grabby and buggy reasons, but at least it consistently delivers games. Contrary to the “earn money before you start development” model that is enabled by crowdfunding, which in general does not deliver games.

    In my (not very educated) opinion, early access is probably the best middle ground. You start off with little initial funding required, but by the time you turn to the crowd, you already have a working prototype and company structure. That makes it much more likely for the game to eventually be released in a full version. This option obviously comes with its own downsides as well, but many of my favourite games have been small studios or even individuals who use early acces to fund development.


    Dreaming of riding an army of unicorns to battle.


    Does this include Hollow Knight? Because I want more of that. I can’t wait for Silksong!

    BreadstickNinja, (edited )

    Hollow Knight is the definition of “Rockstar-level nonsense for scope”

    I can’t believe the large majority of it was made by two people. I have 70 hours in that game and still have a couple things I haven’t beaten yet.

    Also cannot wait for Silksong!

    umbrella, (edited ) do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    i got made fun of when i said microtransactions were a slippery slope and this was gonna end up happening


    The thing with microtransactions is that people actually buy it. And it makes gobs of money. We don’t deserve full games.


    Whales buy it. For every 1,000 fans upset by this decision there is 1 fan who is rich enough that spending $1,000 on the game is nothing. A lot of these aggressive monetization schemes aren’t meant to make money on the average player.

    @gmr_leon@mstdn.social avatar

    The sad part is, those preyed upon aren't always necessarily well off enough to afford it.

    It's one of those situations where either the microtransactions are in fact small, so the low costs add up over time before the victims realize it, or they're set up to pressure people into multiple rapid transactions, and so they either exploit some people's poor impulse control or gambling addictions, or more often than not, both.


    It’s not that this monetization isn’t meant to target the average player specifically, it’s made to entice singular one-time purchases in a similar fashion to how places like Walmart work. Yes, they have the data that shows a few whales will make those transactions worth it, at the same time they are counting on catching the occasional non-whale slacking. Trick enough minnows into a net and you have the same mass as a whale.

    I know this is a small difference in context, to a business it can mean millions of additional dollars. So remember: They know whales will pay. At the same time they are expecting to catch more than a few smaller fish in the process.

    It’s up to us to prove them wrong where we can.

    @TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes, they have the data that shows a few whales will make those transactions worth it, at the same time they are counting on catching the occasional non-whale slacking. Trick enough minnows into a net and you have the same mass as a whale.

    You’re actually thinking much more intelligently than they do. I was in games for almost two decades, left a couple years ago. The vast, vast, vast, vast majority of money made is from whales, it’s not even close. I’ve worked on games where we had to speak to banks in both Canada and the UAE to allow a man to make six figure purchases per week. He and one other whale were over 75% of our revenue.

    Now the intelligent thing to do to make money here would be, as you said, getting minnows to spend – but that takes too long and the people who run these things want it now.

    So rather than selling each armour colour or whatever for 50 cents each, they’ll charge 20 bucks for all of it, pricing out 90% of users*, and barely making money on it, instead of a million people buying it making them a tonne of money. (*this is a personal experience tale, this did happen, these numbers are unaltered.)


    I was under the assumption this was the case for the mobile market. I didn’t realize this extended to larger titles. I mean, I guessed everyone is whale hunting, just didn’t realize to what extent. I appreciate the perspective!

    @TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

    To be 100% fair here, that anecdote I used was a mobile game, but the same thing does happen in larger PC/Console game titles, it’s just not 75% of (player) paid revenue.

    This is especially so in games that have battlepasses – far fewer people buy those every time thank you’d think, and the ones who do are a small percentage of total players, but make up a lions share of the total revenue earned from said battlepass. Those are also the people (the every pass ones) who buy everything in the shop. 50 dollar cape or whatever, they buy it on release.

    @AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

    Exactly. They also have to know the number of “whales” is rapidly shrinking as more and more money is moved to fewer and fewer hands. Eventually they’ll be left with like 4-5 whales and only a couple live minnows.

    Vlyn, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.

    That was fast. Their claim of 5 years in development is histerical.

    The city map is a bought asset for a few hundred bucks. The survival mechanics were a bought kit too.

    If you cut out marketing you could build that type of asset flip in weeks to months.


    I’m not even sure they paid for those assets. Asset piracy is a thing.

    smokin_shinobi, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

    Capcom continually hamstringing themselves. With this and Street Fighter 6 having 100 dollar costume sets they can fuck all the way off. I expect RE9 to let you buy ammo for cash.


    I mean, the RE4make let you buy weapon upgrades with cash, DMC 5 let you just buy all the currencies in game directly, I don’t even know where to begin with Monster Hunter World’s microtransactions. It’s shitty, but Capcom does this in literally all of their games now, so absolutely you’ll see dumb mtx in RE9 and Monster Hunter Rise.

    @The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

    I saw someone calling Capcom “Japan’s EA”


    That’s almost too harsh. The one positive thing you can say on the matter is that Capcom isn’t running around shuttering development of games to lay-off developers in order to manufacture like 3 points of profit. The Western AAA games industry is fucking disgusting in their greed, the Eastern AAA industry is just kinda confusing.

    Except Konami, they can stay fucked forever.


    Yup, Konami is the true “EA of Japan”. Fuck them.


    We much as it breaks my heart to say it. Japan’s EA is Square with out any doubt.


    Weird thing is no one went and review bombed DMC 5. It’s still talked up as being one of the best hack and slashes. Re4 was continuously talked up as game of the year. If people are going after DD2 then be fucking consistent towards other games too.

    Lupus108, do games w What game fits this?

    Can confirm. I have been playing since the beta and I hate it, yet I keep coming back…

    @Speculater@lemmy.world avatar

    As someone who recently installed it, it took all of 20 hours to realize there’s either no or minimal MMR and I said fuck this.

    @ALERT@sh.itjust.works avatar

    yeah. keep donating to russian businesses.


    They need help. It’s literally the topic.

    vala, do gaming w Deflated

    One time my buddy was tripping super hard and he went to play a new game, stared at the TOS for like 5-10 mins then hit “do not accept” and backed out to the home screen.

    I’ll never forget that.

    @whoisearth@lemmy.ca avatar

    I have purchased games, have it ask for me to create an account, and promptly never play the game. What’s annoying is a lot of sports games are like this now.


    I bought NBA 2k since I hadn’t played a basketball game since NBA Live 2001. It took like 15 minutes to get a account set up. A few days later my account was gone. Haven’t played since.

    schema, (edited ) do gaming w ANTI-UNITY STRATEGY

    They have a clause in the announcement that if two games are sufficiently similar is content, they are counted as the same game.

    How arethey are going to determine that you ask? Probably the same way they are using to determine install count: pulling it out of their ass.

    Macaroni_ninja, do games w Anyone remember Xfire?
    @Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world avatar

    I used this and Hamachi for years

    @ArmoredCavalry@lemmy.world avatar

    Ah yeah, I forgot about Hamachi! It was great for games that only supported LAN multiplayer.


    I used hamachi because no one aside from me in my group of friends knew how to port forward, but it didn’t work on my network and it took me 4 years to figure out it was because at&t has it’s own network on it’s dialup modems by default.

    They still do that to this day with their fiber modem/routers! I hate it! And even if you do passthrough to have your own up for only your router, your ping is still never below 23ms because there’s two stop points in the chain, that and at&t’s dns resolution is ass.

    Damn internet oligopolies.


    The nice thing about awful isp dns is it is trivial to make your router just serve cloudflare’s instead (


    I think I’d have to change it in their modem but I’m not 100% sure, I remember having troubles the last time I tried this


    That is if u want it for the whole network but u can set dns in ur devices as well. It’s usually under ipv4 section for pc and connections on Android.

    @Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world avatar

    Terraria before proper multiplayer support was our prime Hamachi game. We had like 7-8 people from an internet forum playing on and off through our hamachi virtual network.

    Awesome times!


    I still have my old terraria group instances saved with the eloquent passwords such as “butthole” and “42069” for ease of reference.


    I played a lot of sup comm fa on there myself. I also used gameranger as a match maker for some of my more…busted…games.

    NOT_RICK, do gaming w I've seen lecture halls larger than this.
    @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

    Sheesh, I didn’t realize it was doing that bad. I recall hearing them implement some really questionable business moves in Payday 2, so this is pretty funny to see.

    @EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

    Payday 2 was great. Then suddenly they started adding pay to win shit.

    @mac@infosec.pub avatar

    Questionable business moves in a game about literally robbing banks is a pretty funny sentiment.


    More like explicitly stating no loot boxes, then several years later announcing loot boxes and editing their own forum post to remove the no loot boxes section of the comment.

    Not to mention the conviction of the previous CEO of insider trading.


    I don’t get why companies everywhere think that making a promise, then quietly editing it out before breaking the promise is going to work at all for them?


    They don’t give a fuck. The worst that can happen is that the CEO has a golden parachute.

    The greed is strong.

    @themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Steam charts isn’t really accurate, but yeah game’s dead.

    finkrat, do gaming w Ignorance is bliss

    It’s just setting up a keylogger so it can help you when you suck at your new pirated game :)

    dual_sport_dork, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity
    @dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

    You forgot:

    • Forced to create an account with a password of arbitrary complexity.
    • Get sent a code to verify your email.
    • Have to solve a captcha to put in the code.
    • Captcha doesn’t work.
    • "Your code is expired, please try again."
    • Mandatory shitty launcher that defaults to running in the background all the time.
    • “Severs offline, please try again later.”
    • “You are logged in in too many locations.”
    • "Exclusive: $31.99 $29.95 for DLC content that should have been in the base game! Flash Sale! Buy now!

    2 years later.

    Subject: recent security breach

    We stored your credit card and account information in clear text and hackers penetrated our “secure systems” and took them.

    5 years later

    Subject: compensation for security incident.

    Here is $12 in credit for our store as compensation for mishandeling your PII.


    You forgot *nothing in the store cost less then 39.99$


    No no no, you buy store credit in multiples of 400 credits but things cost multiples of 700 credits.


    Just that, and then you somehow end up with 3 credits that will forever be stuck there because nothing ever cost anything that can make the 3 go away. So you will never have a round number of credits again.

    How could I forget that.

    GrammatonCleric, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)
    @GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Is no one gonna ask? Just me? Alright.

    Why are there two scroll wheels on one mouse? My mind can’t handle being this confounded


    Yo, dawg. I heard you liked scrolling so we put a wheel behind your wheel so you can scroll while you scroll.


    Scroll wheel 2


    I had a mouse where one was vertical and the other horizontal, but I seem to think the horizontal scroll was oriented horizontally. Having googled the mouse in the picture, it says one is programmable and suggests it starts with volume.


    Why wouldn’t there just be a small trackball on the nose, wouldn’t that be more practical?


    Because you’d be constantly changing your volume up and down slightly while scrolling.

    @VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

    For navigating a great big thing that benefits from two axis scrolling? Yes. For literally anything else a scroll wheel might be used for, like swapping weapons in games? No. The clickyness of the average scroll wheel is actually pretty useful and can’t really be applied to a trackball.


    Bhopping in csgo


    I’ve got one of these for Photoshop. I’ve got the front wheel set up as normal, but the second wheel is set to change the brush size. It makes working much smoother, as I don’t have to use the keyboard.

    @Obi@sopuli.xyz avatar


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  • Texas_Hangover,

    Well lah-di-dah for you.


    This mouse model was made decades ago for the time when would come the chosen one. The scroll master. He’s here to equilibrate the world with his scroll powers. Zoom in, zoom out. Volume up, volume down. Everything is possible, with, THE. DOUBLE. SCROLL. WHEEL.

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