
v4ld1z, do gaming w God I feel so bad for y'all
@v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

FPSs are especially bad

DosDude, do gaming w Fitting gaming into your schedule
@DosDude@retrolemmy.com avatar

If food is as much of a time sink as sleep you either sleep too little, or eat way too much

@TheGreenGolem@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It could be, maybe, just maybe, and here me out here, that the comic is not the absolute, actual depiction of one’s day to the second, just a generalism to get through the point. Which can be done through not too dense heads which are able to do a bit of imagination and not taking a comic literally. Geez.

@DosDude@retrolemmy.com avatar

You might be on to something. Try applying it to my previous comment.

@TheGreenGolem@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Nice try.

@Sphks@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If it’s time spent, you just have to be French.
(From a French spending the end of the year with familly and friends).

Buddahriffic, do gaming w The rainbows are nice...

PC gamers: either gay or confident enough in their sexuality to not be scared of being associated with rainbows.

At least I’d like to think that, but then gamergate was a thing, so it’s probably more accurate to say that a bunch think rainbows are gay but their rainbow LEDs are an exception or some shit.


I think gamergate was actually pushed pretty far by political actors. I believe that scumbag Steve Bannon actually had a lot of involvement there because he wanted to propagndize to “rootless white men” and create an army of assholes to vote the way he wants. :/


Seems like something Russia would have pushed (along with the opposing side) at the time, too.


Innuendo Studios did a good synopsis on the whole thing youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw?si=UxwjWAIi425KjG14

ExfilBravo, do gaming w People really hold their mouse like that?!

I use a thumb ball mouse FUCK YOUR GRIPS.


Trackpoint ftw 😁


Show me your nipple!


Love my ergo, only way my mucked up hands can even use the computer anymore.


I use a finger trackball. I have no idea how that grip fits in here.

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

i plug my motor cortex directly into the USB port

1984, (edited ) do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

It’s 2023, I really hope people are not using the same password in multiple places. Password managers solved this problem a decade ago. Use one, with multi factor auth on important sites like email.

!deleted6508 avatar

I’ve used the same password for everything since 1991. If anyone’s cracked it, they haven’t attempted to get into my shit. Probably because there’s nothing worthwhile to steal.


“I’ve never had covid, so it doesn’t exist” vibes.

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

If you dont care, just give me your password then. :)

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s *********.

Edit: I guess the site autohides passwords? 🤷🏻‍♂️

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

I tried putting the stars in there and it didn’t work!




Hey, you’re right!


First of all they wouldn’t know there’s nothing worthwhile until they got in. But most importantly if you’re using the same password for everything since 91 there’s around a 0% chance that password hasn’t been leaked. This means that a random person can have access to everything that you have that’s not 2fa protected without you even noticing. You said that no one tried to get into your things, how would you know? Most places don’t let you know when someone login successfully, and a lot of other places do so with an email which the attacker can quickly delete.

If you really use the same password for everything since a long while back anyone who knows your email address can get into anything yours, getting a hold of one of those password dumps is really easy, especially older ones.


if you’re using the same password for everything since 91 there’s around a 0% chance that password hasn’t been leaked

Plot twist, they’ve never had their password leaked due to never having a password.

They spend every last waking moment trolling through public or university libraries to find computers that people haven’t logged out of, and are still logged into social media, dialup modems, irc, bbs, mainframes, etc. It’s these accounts they make posts from.

Pretty lonely world when you only ever get to make one comment on one account at max like once a week. And then you never get to check the replies. You never get to check your email either, you don’t know if anyone has sent you and e-card for your birthday.

Oh and not to speak of constantly getting kicked out of those libraries once the librarians recognize you. To the point where you have to move to yet another city to have any online time again.

But hey, they’ve never had their password leak at least!


Like I said, almost 0%, there’s always a chance he’s the Phantom of the Library.

!deleted6508 avatar

Hey! Stop telling people my secrets!

!deleted6508 avatar

First of all they wouldn’t know there’s nothing worthwhile until they got in.

I mean, you can read all my comments and posts publicly, and social media accounts and such are just about the only thing I’ve ever had passwords for. 🤷🏻‍♂️

You finna steal my Lemmy account?

Security is only important when you give a shit about what can be taken without it.


Bro that’s dumb as hell


Since 1992 I just use his creds and sign up for a bunch of shit

ChaoticEntropy, (edited )
@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

It’s cool… the password is “password123”, who would even expect that? It’s uncrackable.


That’s the password on my luggage!


Your luggage password has letters in it?


He’s a real Spaceball.


There are people who purposely forget their passwords, so they use the “forgot my password” link every time they need to login.

Hard to hack them.

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

Yeah some sites also dont have passwords, they just send a login link to your email every time.

I prefer passwords so I don’t have to go to my email to log in, but I understand it’s easier for some people to do it that way. Your email address becomes your identity then.


That’s just 2FA with extra steps

@emptyother@programming.dev avatar

Oh, they are. I keep telling people to WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORDS, and NEVER use same password on two sites. They dont listen. Its a lot easier to just remember 1-4 variations of a password and use that than carry around a password notebook. And they think themselves safe.

I’m thinking most people shouldnt use passwords at all anymore. They are a huge point of failure because people are people. We need something else to be the norm. How can we make hardware keys or something the norm for logging in? Have everyone carry around a bankcard-like thing that fit into every computer where people need credentials. Would’nt that be safer while still being accessible and convenient?

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

There are yubikeys you can use to login, but it requires installing stuff on each computer you want to access. Nothing is simpler then passwords. :)

I used a yubikey for a while, they are alright, but I could only use it for logging on to a computer, not for logging into specific sites. Even though I guess that could be solved with a password manager integration.

@emptyother@programming.dev avatar

Nothing is simpler than passwords. But we want something thats both simple and safe. Even for lazy people, tech-unsawy people, and people with bad memory.

What if every pc came with a jubikey-ish reader and every website supported a browser api for it? Probably not jubikey, but something that fit in a wallet like bank cards do (but also was an open tech so that anyone can implement and sell cards). Wouldn’t it be both safer and simpler than passwords? It would take some time to turn around of course but the same was probably the case for https, 2fa, ipv6, and tpm’s.


Those are called smart cards. Traditional smart cards needed centralized management of credentials, but FIDO2 smart cards exist that work like the keys. The reason tokens are more typically USB-based (or NFC) is every PC has USB, but most don’t have smart card readers.


It would take some time to turn around of course but the same was probably the case for https, 2fa, ipv6, and tpm’s.

Oh yeah… Definitely good IPv6 support everywhere. That really turned around, and we’re not dragging our feet on implementing IPv6 at all 🥲.


FIDO2 can be used for passwordless log in on a few sites, but the site and browser need to support the feature (no extra installation). It sets a pin on the yubikey and when entered the key does all the authentication. It will likely be seen more as Apple “passkeys” gain more popularity, Windows and Android already have native support but don’t market as hard.


suggest something like this

use your favorite password but add the site to it

so your lemmy password would be ilovemypasswordLEMMY

and your reddit password would be ilovemypasswordREDDIT

that way they can keep their shitty password but it won’t be the same password on every site and they have an easy way to remember what the proper password is for the site they want to accesss


I used to do this, but I realized that if someone got access to any of my passwords, they would easily spot the pattern.

In the end, using a password manager and generating large random passwords for each site was the best solution I found.


Still better than using the same password. My argument is if you can only convince them to do at least that, it’s better than every site using the same password


That’s horrible if you ever become the victim of a targeted attack. Compromise your password once on some random shitty site and they’ve got access to everything.

It’s also quite likely that incidents involving password dumps will have crackers filtering the dumped data looking for exactly passwords like this.


This will create individual passwords which is better than the same password everywhere. If it’s the least they will do, it’s better than not.


Oh, they are. I keep telling people to WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORDS, and NEVER use same password on two sites. They dont listen. Its a lot easier to just remember 1-4 variations of a password and use that than carry around a password notebook. And they think themselves safe.

Honestly, the best solution for this is a password manager and not a notebook. The average person is not going to come up with strong passwords on their own for every website. A password manager once setup can be more convenient than whatever they were doing before, so if you can get people to use one they’ll be in much better shape.

I’m thinking most people shouldnt use passwords at all anymore. They are a huge point of failure because people are people. We need something else to be the norm. How can we make hardware keys or something the norm for logging in? Have everyone carry around a bankcard-like thing that fit into every computer where people need credentials. Would’nt that be safer while still being accessible and convenient?

My understanding is that this is basically what the whole passkeys initiative is. I have sort of mixed feelings on it. Hardware tokens for logging in is great, but I worry about people stealing the hardware tokens from others. Mostly people are going to use their phones, though, which should have some other mechanism of authentication.

Four_lights77, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Maybe we need to update the nomenclature. Software with loot boxes, pay to win mechanics, predatory gameplay loops, and storefront-first design should now be called “casinos”. They should have disclaimers about gambling and addiction in their load screen, have age restrictions, and should be forced to institute limits on what can be spent in a certain time frame. Feature-complete software with zero storefronts of any kind would be allowed to brand themselves as “games”.


Better idea: just make that shit illegal.


That’ll happen when pigs fly.

Hell, when customers actually learn to have some self respect for themselves.


I guess pigs fly in Belgium and Netherlands


Fair but let me make a vain attempt to save face: Did that actually make an impact in the industry, given they’re small countries with not much customers.


Not really for now, most games usually just skip releasing in banned countries. But let’s hope EU will adopt this in near future


It’s not always about making a big impact. Sometimes you just need to set an example.


Oohh. I like this. I’ve been bothered by the rise of gambling in different packaging in the world over the last decade. We really should be acknowledging that gambling is different from gaming, separating them meaningfully. Are toy department shelves still full of child gambling reandom toy bullshit too? I haven’t had reason or opportunity to pay attention to that for a few years.


I’m not sure about toys, but watching my son grow up with app stores has made me very aware of how so called “games” have been monetizing our children makes me want some real legislation and restrictions on what is legal to market to children. The “idle” category of games is just egregious. They’re a flimsy and thin veneer of game painted over a bank machine. AAA is not much better - they just have more complicated routes take your money.

buddascrayon, do gaming w Imagine, if you can.


Post this kinda shit on a Friday so I can fucking dream.

!deleted6508 avatar

Do you have school tomorrow? 🤔


Some of us made the mistake of becoming teachers

!deleted6508 avatar

“Do you want kids?”

“Yes! I want around 30. And then about another 30 two hours later.”


“jeeze, it’s a pelvis, not a clown car.”


I have a job. I am currently getting ready to go to it. Then, since it is now Friday. I’m gonna order a god damned large pizza and then I’mma sit down in front of my big ass television set and play video games and eat pizza till I’m too tired to do either anymore.

Which, because I’m fucking old now, will probably be around 10:00 p.m. 😢




It was Friday for over half the timezones on the planet when you posted that.

Katana314, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

So, someone in my Discord channel posted a tweet that maybe alters perspective a bit;


To summarize or if the link breaks, one of the devs “knew beforehand” they’d have to require PSN accounts post launch, but disabled them for a smooth launch. That’s interesting, but as long as Sony was acting as publisher I feel like the blame still goes on them for selling the game to non-PSN countries initially.


FYI l: That’s the CEO of Arrowhead, who made the game.

Tagger, do gaming w Well now I'm sad

I quite like how Sniper elite handles this. As you are tagging enemies, small snippets about them pop up. So the Nazi you have in your scopes might love jazz music even though it’s illegal, or might draw caricatures of his fellow soldiers that give them some light hearted relief or might have tried out for the ss and failed the medical and takes his anger out on the locals.

It genuinely changes how I play the game. If they seem like they are just someone caught in the Nazi machine I tend to spare them if I can but I make pretty sure to end the true believers.


Which installment?


certainly 5, I think in 4 and maybe before


Oh, that explains why I never see it lol. I only have up until 3.


If you have game pass 5 is on there at the minute

@tetris11@lemmy.ml avatar

Judgement is a spectrum:


bionicjoey, do games w The sequel to Kingdom Come Deliverance will be revealed April 18th!

Kingdom Come 2: Returnerance


Kingdom Came: Deliveranced

M4thG33k, do gaming w I think it must be an urban legend

Never thought I’d see a Quest 64 reference in the wild. Great game.


Omg I was trying to think of the name of this game last week! I loved Quest64. I need to find an emulator…

CptEnder, (edited ) do gaming w The people who made these back in the day are heroes

Back in 97 my older sister got a both babe job at E3 and got extra tickets for me and my mom to take me. This is back when it was strictly a trade conference and not really open to the public. I was waiting in line for a new Gameboy game when a dude overhead me rambling to my mom about the Brady guides I loved to read so much back then (my mom is a patient saint haha) when a dude in line interrupted me and told my mom about his website that had free guides for all the new games online. My mom was pretty excited about free guides and he handed her his card which I looked at eagerly, it was Jeff Veasey, the creator of gamefaqs.com.

I can’t tell you how much of my parents toner i burnt through over the years printing from that website, it was probably cheaper to just buy the guides haha. Still one of my all time favorite sites.

Oh yeah that Gameboy game I was waiting to see was some new Japanese monster game called Pokemon.

@v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

Pokemon? Sounds interesting. What was it about?


I remember printing out a 100% guide for Ocarina of Time in the late 90s. IIRC, it came out to ~100 pages. Computer teacher was not happy, lol!

MagnyusG, do gaming w I may have said this before...

I feel like this complaint only applies to other mmoheads coming from endgame in WoW or some other MMO, or already established gamers with little to no experience with MMOs that are trying it out for the first time.

Every MMO is a slow burn at the beginning because you have little to no skills and they’re just trying to introduce you to the characters and the setting.

Meanwhile the literal thousands of newcomers fall in love with the game as soon as they start even when it’s “nothing but fetch quests” or “boring as hell” according to the aforementioned vocal minority.

BeigeAgenda, (edited )
@BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca avatar

Yep WoTLK on free servers for me is questing and a bit of farming to get some gold for necessities.

Back in the day I painstakingly (while having fun) managed to level up to 60 but hadn’t paid for the expansions, and then I took a break to finish a project in school, when I finally came back to WoW Cataclysm happened and everything changed, then I lost interest.

@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

One of the reasons I really liked SWTOR, despite the many things I dislike, is the class stories give you something to keep your interest really early on. I’ve never really been able to get in to other MMOs that are mechanically similar because I’m bored out of my fucking mind with only a promise of potentially interesting end game content.

Every few years someone talks me into trying WoW and I spend one miserable night leveling then wondering why on earth anyone does this.


I came from WoW (after leveling every class through Shadowlands), and when I started FFxiv, I was thinking “it’s not amazing, but it’s better than WoW at this same level.” It was still fun to play, and it wasn’t a straight slog, the whole story ramped up over time.

And then I hit the first expansion, and it was better than most of WoW except maybe Legion (my favorite expansion). There was a moment, right before a trial, where you’re on a bridge and the music ramps up (anyone who has played probably knows what I’m talking about), and I had to just sit and let it wash over me for awhile before queueing up. Just standing on a bridge, hearing a song telling the whole story I had learned over an entire expansion.

And then it just continued ramping up. So it starts out about equivalent to WoW and then gets better at a much faster rate. And then, when you finish the main story quest, instead of the choice of “mythics or raids, that’s all you get, hope you like dungeons,” You find there’s more to do outside of the main story quest than in. There’s so much to do.


If a game isn’t interesting from the start, then the game is badly designed.

MMO’s are made for people who can put multiple hours a day into it. To them having to grind is part of the course. For everyone else it is a waste of time.

Just imagine having to grind 8 hours for a specific item. To someone who can only play a single hour a day after the kids are asleep, that is an entire week of playtime. It just isn’t worth it when they could have spend that same amount of time on a different game where they got to kill like 5 bosses.


It is interesting from the very start though. My point is that players from those two camps are biased in thinking that it’s not because there either too accustomed to having everything or they’re not aware of how the genre works.

Maybe some MMOs are made for people with all the time in the world, like no-lifers and teenagers, but the topic is about FFXIV. XIV has been designed with the working man in mind since at least ARR, it is very much expected to be played in short bursts (people with jobs generally play video games about 2-4 hours a day.) In that span of time you can easily progress a fair amount through the Main Scenario Quest or do dailies which would be the equivalent of “killing 5 bosses,” if not more. Each expansion averages at around 40-50 hours of MSQ, so even assuming the least amount of gameplay time, it takes about a month to complete, barely any different than any other major video game release, for example, Tears of the Kingdom takes approx. 55-70 hours to beat.

Not sure what you’re referring to with the grinding “8 hours for a specific item” thing, unless you’re talking about savage raiding which is endgame, not the beginning/middle (the story) like we’re all talking about and isn’t required to do the story. Even then, there’s plenty of people with jobs that will dedicate upwards of 6 hours to raiding.


Came here to say this, the complaint has no idea how MMOs work (not to mention how much better and more story XIV has, even in— and sometimes especially in— all the side content)

RIP_Cheems, do gaming w We've had a few killer games recently
@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

The key difference is Originality.

@Ipodjockey@lemmy.world avatar



And not coming from a massive company

@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

Not always. Remember starwars battlefront? What ruined it wasn’t because of it being starwars related, but because ea gave up on it. Even in a broken state, people were still having fun.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

I dont really see how that refutes the claim that massive companies ruin games.


“Originality” is overvalued. Yes, it’s an important aspect, but even near-clones can be great. Just look at Stardew Valley vs Harvest Moon.

Imo, the real key to making a great game (along with skill) is heart/care. If a dev is only making a game to make bank, it’s going to come through. And when a game is made with care and attention, that comes through in spades. All of these games have creators that clearly care about the game itself and, while they are being rewarded for their efforts, that wasn’t and isn’t their primary drive in developing or maintaining the games.

@CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

Counterpoint, “originality” almost never really refers to something that has never been done before. Instead it refers to something that the intended consumer has no, or little, reference for. Prime example is stardew valley and Helldivers.

Harvest moon has existed for awhile but few potential consumers have reference for it when playing stardew. So it succeeds. Helldivers is an alt version of many games but earth defense force is one of the genres it’s in. They’re very similar games at the core. Yet most people have no reference for it so it can still be “original” to them.

While I agree these games have heart and care, the success is largely to do with having a genre that already works with some audiences and then polishing it up and adding that heart factor to reskin it and try a new audience.

This is what indie games are great for. Take core ideas from big studios that work. Then don’t skip the part where the heart is ripped out for profit. And bam it’s a good game.


Instead it refers to something that the intended consumer has no, or little, reference for.

I’d argue that’s novelty, not originality, though you may be right in that it’s what was meant. I’d still say that’s not the critical piece in a successful game. Passion and care matter much more, imo.


Yep, it’s usually passion that drives a game (or any art) to greatness. If you’re passionate about it then you’ll see the flaws. If you’re just doing a job then you only care about completing goals and getting it done.


Lethal Company seems pretty original but the other 2 are franchise games built upon very saturated genres, so idk about that take.

AllonzeeLV, (edited ) do gaming w Just fuck off back to ranked already

It doesn’t matter the domain, on a long enough time frame, humans will take the fun activity they made and, in their quest to maximize/extract fun from it, destroy it.

Professional sports/games are oxymorons. When no one playing is having fun, the point is lost.

Our addiction to making everything in life into a serious competition against one another will be our species’ end. We claim to be intelligent animals, we get drunk on the idea of our own self-importance as a species, but if we were intelligent, we wouldn’t shun mutual cooperation for mutual benefit as much of civilization, and American society to be sure, does. We can’t even have interactive fun without it being turned into some hyper-serious struggle for dominance by some assholes.


… We’re talking about video games. People can have fun being hyper competitive or have fun being casual. I don’t know what the fuck is up with this site all this hyper dramatic “absolutist” type bullshit, as if shades of grey for any situation simply don’t exist. Damn bro. If anyone is getting self important, it’s you writing this comment.

Don’t even get me fuckin started on the professional athletes bit, Jesus Christ

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