
Exusia, do games w Fortnite’s next chapter adds Peter Griffin and Solid Snake to the game
@Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

Leaks? My brother in christ they are in the trailer, they’re coming to the BP.


Leak is clickbait terminology

Just how game companies “leak” their upcoming games, but it was an official statement by a paid spokesperson

@Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

A leak is something that isnt supposed to happen. That’s dumb as hell. 🙈


or sometimes it can be a pure accident and its pretty hilarious how some games get leaked sometimes

anyone remember how the last of us part two remastered was leaked?


Wait they remastered that game already? Didn’t it just fucking come out like a few years ago?


ikr, I hate how they’re using this such talented team of devs for just remasters because of the new TV Show or whatever



whoops, I posted this the same day the trailer came out and they didn’t hit my feed yet

jjjalljs, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

If fewer players would buy the shitty games, and stop buying the battle passes and mtx, they would stop selling them. It’s all about profit.

What do you think would have happened if Overwatch 2 launched and had a consistent player count of zero?

But it seems that a lot of people don’t care as much as I want them to, and a lot of people have less self control than a toddler. Little will change.


Those games make money on whale players. People who spend thousands of dollars.


But if whales have no one to play with those whales end up leaving too.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

I know I'm preaching to the choir, BlahajEnjoyer, but for anyone else reading this, this is why it's important to also not play these sorts of games in addition to not spending money on them, if stopping any of this is important to you.

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Sweet, sweet short term profits tho

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Enough people have left Overwatch 2 that they've resorted to putting it on Steam. Perhaps it's not happening on the timeline we would like, but people do seem to be tiring of live service nonsense.

@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

That decision is working out so well for them, too! It’s setting records!


@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

It hasn't stopped the game from being in the top 25 most played on Steam though. And I'll bet that number is disappointing to Blizzard too, but I'm going to guess a large number of those people leaving negative reviews are still playing the game, which doesn't help.


The vast majority of them probably never played the game in the first place.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Eh, I don't know about that. It's free to play and huge in popular culture because tons of people played it.

@comedy@kbin.social avatar

It's huge in popular culture because of the source filmmaker porn. Certainly not the game itself.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

That's an absurd take.

@comedy@kbin.social avatar

Actually, you're right. I take that back. I let my personal dislike for the game override my thought processes. There are plenty of people who like the game, as odd as I find that fact.


Exactly what you said. Most devs know they’re not putting out high quality games but the money flows in and that’s what they’re told to design.

KingThrillgore, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

wop wop wop wop wop

I have this feeling this is probably not the last controversy involving minors we will see shake out of his mustache this week. Justin Roiland had his empire also collapse from grooming. Guy is done.


That’s why drake is done too? The guy who beat the shit out of a woman and tattooed it on himself? Drake the groomer with his new album? That done?


The issue there is that all Drake fans are pedophiles.


That’s the thing right. Nobody gets “cancelled”
They get called out and shamed… and then carry on with business a few weeks later.

Rammstein is filling stadiums again, drd will come back from his vacation and keep on trucking on.

They never face consequences and yet they cry about a woke cancelculture that only exists in their heads to hype up their own bullshit


“Help! Help! I am being held accountable for my actions. The whole woke mob is coming after me and trying to cancel me!”


Did the allegations against rammstein ever amount to anything? I remember seeing the initial story, but then never any follow up about how the court cases went or whether it turned out to be true or not

@blackluster117@possumpat.io avatar

Wait, what happened with Rammstein?


I didn’t know what happened but I found this: www.dw.com/en/…/a-66716970

Apparently there were some women drugged and abused :/


Legally, no. But there was zero intention to investigate, or clear up anything from the band. No comments, distancing from such actions.

They just threw c&ds at the women in question and buried the topic. Ah and made fun of it of course.

@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

“You’re only as canceled as your next project.” – F.D. Signifier


did you mean chris brown for the tattoo thing?

Cruxifux, do gaming w Nintendo Forcing Garry's Mod To Delete 20 Years' Worth Of Content

Time to start pirating Nintendo games again

@Fidel_Cashflow@lemmy.ml avatar





Yarr me hearty


Should I use a VPN?


Depends on your country i guess




For direct downloads? No. For torrenting? YES, and make damn sure that you’re doing it correctly.


Yeah, with torrenting I know I need tk be hyper cautious. But alright. Download it is without VPN

VaultBoyNewVegas, (edited )

Saving this site. I was still using 1337x through a proxy.

Edit: Actually just clicked the link and noticed that I used it before I think for 2 trails games, maybe. I had already bought it on PlayStation and wanted to play it on PC as the whole trails series is on PC and not PlayStation and I owned most of the games at the time on PC so wanted the last of the 2 cold steel games to finish the collection and that way they were in one place.


again? why did you stop?

Remember, pirating Nintendo is never wrong!

sleepmode, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

Dunkie’s review is hilarious

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

If that's a review our terminology is getting a little... Loose


I mean, the key part of that sentence was Dunkey. Its kind of funny too because I now feel similar about Dunkey as I do Smith. They did that one persona REALLY WELL, but its just one persona, and eventually it gets old

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

Agreed, I used to really like Dunkey, then i watched his videos on Death Stranding after immensely enjoying the game myself and found them a little played up for content while painting the gameplay in a less than generous light.

That being said, I do realize it's a persona, and even his "reviews" are called dunkviews, and at times he does certainly have some nice insight, and he's funny for certain, I don't think he's a bad YouTuber or anything, but I hope people don't use his videos as purchasing advice like you might a true review


I don’t disagree with either of you. But what do we call it? A riff track?

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I'm cool with dunkview, he calls it that for a reason. Some people will still use it as a review, like the original guy I commented to. It's a shame if someone treats it that seriously, but I don't think Dunkey is out there pretending to tell you the grand worth of games, it's, in my eyes, obviously enough comedy.

That being said, not even the zombie game video was called a dunkview, that was just... A video. So some people will use anything as a review, I suppose

Demuniac, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

How are these people not seeing that they are actively trying to censor shit with the shyte excuse “keep politics out of my games”, and then turn around and yell censorship as soon as people ignore their bigoted crap.

You don’t need to answer, it’s rhetorical.

librechad, (edited )

The rhetorical question highlights the complex nature of the debates around modding and game customization. The term “censorship” can indeed be used selectively to further one’s viewpoint, whether it’s calling for the removal of political elements from games or protesting the removal of a mod.

However, maybe it’s worth considering that people may hold these opinions without necessarily harboring bigoted intentions. The desire to keep politics out of games, for some, might stem from the view that games should be an escape from real-world issues. Conversely, concerns about censorship could arise from a belief in preserving the open nature of modding communities.

What we’re really grappling with is how to balance the broad spectrum of user needs and societal responsibilities. Accusations of bigotry or censorship often serve to shut down dialogue rather than facilitate a nuanced discussion about these complex issues.

So while your question is rhetorical, it does bring to light the need for more open and honest conversations about the competing values that are in play here.


In my opinion this entire debate is not political at all but is simply made to be a political statement because people don’t understand it.

Having someone forbid the use of cheese in video games because that person doesn’t like cheese is just never going to happen. If cheese comes out to be an extreme health hazard like smoking it can become political but if the only argument is “because I don’t like it” you are always going to be wrong.

Your arguing about taste and feelings. There is no point to it, as there is nothing to convince. At that point you are just telling someone their taste or feeling is wrong.

But for some reason people think they can influence someone else’s own feelings about how they feel when they get addressed as their birth gender. And for some reason it is made into a political problem because of how strongly people think they have to have control over this. It doesn’t affect them, and the only possible outcome is that a minority will suppress their emotions. There are no competing values in any way.

I don’t like cheese, but you won’t hear me bitching about people eating cheese next to me in a restaurant even if I don’t like the smell. And you especially won’t see me making this political, because that is so incredibly selfish and ignorant that it wouldn’t even be something I’d ever consider.

MajorHavoc, do gaming w Helldivers 2 Community At War Over Controversial PSN Requirement

A third party login requirement is usually a deal-breaker for me, but not in an exciting way. I just have a lot of games to catch up on that don’t require me to go make an account.

slimerancher, do gaming w Nintendo Forcing Garry's Mod To Delete 20 Years' Worth Of Content
@slimerancher@lemmy.world avatar

According to a comment on another post on lemmy. The takedown notice is fake, probably sent by some troll. Garry’s Mod is still removing stuff though, because they think it’s real.

Source: twitter.com/…/1783244871119106415


Legally, they have to, until they get a counter-notice (or realize it’s fake).

@slimerancher@lemmy.world avatar

Apparently they confirmed, and it isn’t fake 😀

A_Random_Idiot, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO, than PC players are.



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  • konalt,
    @konalt@lemmy.world avatar

    Some PC sales are better than none.


    What does PC piracy have to do with console sales?

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    They want a year of solid sales on consoles before they release on PC


    Is this type of comment helpful for you? Are people supposed to follow-up with some comment about PC players are sheep and will be buy the game for consoles and then buy it PC when it releases there?

    This platform war nonsense is tiring.


    GTA5 PC players usually play on modded servers that don’t use shark cards. I think that’s what they meant.


    Yeah, I’m unconvinced that PC players don’t purchase micro-transactions.


    Good thing no one said that


    Yes, my post was hyperbole, I should have been more accurate.

    You didn’t address the topic though, are you just here to score points?


    "Hyperbole" is just a euphemism for strawman. No one said PC players don't buy shark cards. You made their argument look ridiculous by misrepresenting what they said. That isn't a good faith argument to begin with.


    I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO.

    …isn’t an example what I would consider a “good faith argument” to begin with, but I do apologize if my responses come off as blunt.


    I never said they didnt. But PC can be modded and exploited much easier than consoles can, Which can impact their sales of blatant bullshit ripoff micro transactions.


    Can impact, but likely not a huge one. Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods, most people playing GTA games aren’t going to bother with mods and modded servers.

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I’d rather mod myself game money than spend on MTX with T2.
    And the majority of minimal tech literate gamers are nearly the same.


    Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods


    Edit to expand: I honestly don’t think I would’ve played it if it wasn’t for mods. The interface is so blatantly consoley and clunky that every action takes way more effort than it needs to.

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    The likelyhood of a console player buying MTX and a pc player buying MTX is IMO more likely biased towards console.
    There certainly are whales on all platforms but mobile doesnt count right now.


    mobile doesnt count right now.

    Why not? It’s the biggest market.

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    In this argument…
    Mobile eclipses probably all platforms combined.


    my friend, you need to have a nice refreshing bowl of chill the fuck out.

    Cause you are literally just inventing narratives to be pissed about.


    Just calling out nonsense when I see it.


    Think of your family and calm down and stop getting irrationally angry at your own imagination


    It’s OK if someone disagrees with you on the internet, you know. Your world isn’t going to end, haha.


    Says the guy raging and inventing narratives to be angry at.


    You seem just as angry as I am? Why else would you still be responding? Just downvote me and move on.


    Lol, every pc gamer I’ve ever encountered has to have the latest video card due to FOMO. The thought of only getting 59 FPS keeps them up at night, keeps them from playing the games they’ve already paid for.


    Wow, I’m amazed that you’ve met literally every PC gamer on the planet.

    how many years did that take?

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    actually all it took was one discord call. they all answered


    Obviously not, since I have no recallection of this, and have zero interest in the latest overpriced bullshit video cards.

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    well, we didnt talk to random idiots so maybe thats why


    we didnt talk to random idiots

    every gamer on the planet

    So what’s the truth

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    his username. look at it


    I’m aware, I just couldn’t miss the chance to call gamers idiots. Because we are.

    whodatdair, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

    I hereby announce that I don’t have enough money, and I want more.

    @boCash@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

    I’m sorry, we don’t acknowledge that query. It sounded like you said: “what’s wrong with the world”. Would you like lifelong, wistful depression or the psychopathy required for C-suite?

    janonymous, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

    If your games are on steam, you’re already not owning them. The only difference seems to be that steam doesn’t demand a monthly subscription cost, yet

    We already have game pass so it’s not like this is something completely new either.

    If this makes money, other big publishers will join and in 10 years it’s the norm.

    Personally, I’ll try my best to keep buying on GOG and itch.io where I get to actually own my games.


    Agree, I own a lot of games in Steam but most come from bundles or were not bought a full price. I do buy full price games on GOG because I can have a backup offline.


    If your games are on steam, you’re already not owning them

    Almost as if all the “evil” in the game’s industry Valve started.

    @Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

    We did it guys, we found the source of corporate greed!


    G*mers will do anything to avoid saying anything bad about Lord Gaben


    The only difference is a huge difference though. Pay once for a game that you can access anytime versus paying continuously for the rest of your life to keep access to a game.

    Some games are not worth keeping access to and subscription may end up being cheaper, but it is trading one benefit for another.

    @Wodge@lemmy.world avatar

    The only difference seems to be that steam doesn’t demand a monthly subscription cost, yet

    Which Ubisoft isn’t doing either. This is just Ubisoft’s gamepass style subscription, which has been available for a few years now, it’s just getting a 2 tier pricing model.

    @Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

    I’m not enough of a Linux user to inconvenience myself so I’m just using Steam. The cloud sync is the killer feature for me - if GOG had something like it even if I have to pay extra, I’d so use it.

    Aremel, do games w Kotaku Asks: How Soon Is Too Soon For A Video Game Remaster Or Remake?

    My vote is 10 years as an arbitrary number, or 2 or more console generations as the graphics technology will have (hopefully) have advanced enough to make an impactful difference in graphics quality.

    Control schemes have largely not changed since the PS3/360 era, so there would be no point in remaking a game solely for that, at least not if it’s from around that era. For anyone that has played the Rare Replay, Rare Studio’s entire collection of games, Jetforce Gemini (a N64 game) had an option in the control settings to make the controls modernized.

    All in all, a game should be remade/remastered if it is going to be significantly different to its original form. A fresh coat of paint does not a remake, uh make. For the best example of proper remakes in my opinion, see the Demon Souls remake or the Halo 2 Anniversary edition.


    The Resident Evil remakes are also great examples of doing it right.

    They’re not just a coat of paint, they’re the clearest examples of remakes with better everything.

    KingThrillgore, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    Are you sure about this picture? I’m sure that instead of nice cool looking ships most I make are just flying bricks or dicks.

    Errrmmm, disks, I mean disks.



    radix, do games w Ubisoft Excited To Let You Know Prince Of Persia Remake Is Still Years Away
    @radix@lemmy.world avatar

    Don’t worry, though. It’s not in development hell, it’s going to be a AAAAA game, and that takes time.


    Part of the development process is finding a fifth A

    @random_character_a@lemmy.world avatar

    You mean coming up with bullshit for adding another A


    Relevant username


    Where do you think the bulk of the budget goes to?


    They have a legion of people toiling in the letter mines in order to dig up more A’s

    aksdb, do games w Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking

    I am not a marketing expert, but when headlines pile up implicating that Microsoft doesn’t fully stand behind XBox anymore, no wonder the number for new customers tank. I wouldn’t “invest” in something that seems to be on the way out either.

    @ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

    Judging by how Sony is doing even though they clearly “won” with the PS5, it looks like consoles as we know them are not long for this world, and that seems to be the idea Microsoft is pivoting around.


    Xbox should just go straight pc game setup for the living room. A mass produced windows (I know, blegh) pc with a pretty solid gpu and Xbox controllers. Basically the steam deck treatment for the living room.

    @ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

    I think signs are pointing toward that being their plan.

    @wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    That’s pretty much what the Xbox has been since the beginning. The original runs fucking directX and runs so similarly to PCs of the era under the hood that porting shit to it is famously easy. It’s why the homebrew scene for it was so mind bogglingly huge.

    Numerous times at E3 when they had demo units of new consoles people saw that the debug menus meant for staff were some mangled form of the current (at the time) Windows OS.

    Most modern game consoles don’t use much specialty hardware anymore. The OG Switch uses the nvidea shield CPU just downclocked, and can run android easily. Some emulators literally run better on the Switch through Android than as homebrew “native” apps.


    Yes, but games were always “xbox” games. I straight up mean open for pretty much all PC games to run on. If a game dev makes their game work with an x box control scheme, you can play it.

    @VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

    Or if you want to plug in a mouse and keyboard. Or they could support controller mapping, like Steam. Or they could just let you install Steam on it.


    I remember the OG XBOX was a Celeron processor and off the shelf PC components.


    And it is very bad for the consumers, as the console market highly needs the competition. It’s a shame how MS is dropping the ball with Xbox

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