
Blizzard, do gaming w 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

The remaining 40% was Baldur’s Gate 3.


Only because it didn’t came out at the beginning of year.

zik, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

I mean one studio makes a great game and a bunch of other studios make shitty games… then gamers like the game which is better and want more games to be like that. Traditionally that’s called market forces, not a weapon.

TachyonTele, do gaming w Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game

Leave Bethsoft alone guys. They’re all out of fun game ideas and need something to do.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

They’re all out of fun game ideas and need something to do.

They could try fixing something for a change

Fizz, do gaming w Nintendo Forcing Garry's Mod To Delete 20 Years' Worth Of Content
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

You’re… planning to do WHAT to the goombas?!

Chet_Awesomelad, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@Chet_Awesomelad@kbin.social avatar

Lmfao the trailer doesn't even include any dialogue from Will Smith's character?! Imagine paying (I assume) millions of dollars to get an A-list Hollywood celebrity in your game and you don't even show them in your trailer!


I watched a sunkey video for it, indont think there is any dialogue from will smiths character. Like they didnt bother to record it. There was one or two instances where he spoke, and it wasn’t will smith.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Wait, so they just licensed Will Smith’s likeness?

They couldn’t have just done a character that looks sort of like Will Smith?

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

That’s what I thought it happened when I saw the dunkey video.


He does sort of look like Will Smith.

He looks like a Chinese Will Smith.


What would be cringingly terrible, but entirely possible, is if Will DID record lines for his character, but content pipeline faults/laziness or programming errors mean it doesn’t play ingame.

I even feel like that same circumstance has happened before…

qooqie, do gaming w GTA 6 Production Reportedly Falling Behind, Rockstar Urges Staff To Return To Office To Avoid Delay

I fail to feel any sympathy for higher ups in any company these days especially video games. “You are already working 80 hour weeks please do more so I can make more money”

@DrDominate@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, but I have to feel sympathy for the devs here. Definitely need a game Dev Union strike like the writers strike did, I think. Though that’s difficult to pull off.


I definitely prefer the world in which we have unions and better worker rights, but I am starting to be aware of that world’s drawbacks.

Take a look at the great pyramids of Egypt. Take a look at classic anime, filled with intensely detailed high-framerate animation. These are fantastic works that, in some way, are made possible by people that are working far, far longer than a healthy work day for probably mediocre compensation. It’s almost lead to a zeitgeist where many games have not reached the height of the 360/PS3 era due to a mass of brain drain in development - thousands of really talented developers focusing on their life plan rather than passions.

In a utopia, one day we’d have high-paying employers that can truly willingly rally the greatest minds, but I think too many studios and publishers are growth/profit-minded to really get there.


“Worker’s rights suck because only extreme capitalist exploitation can create true art, like the video game I am entitled to play now now noww” - this fool right here


There’s awesome art made under fair working conditions, but I can’t imagine how you’d put together the kind that needs ludicrous hours. The kind that involves hundreds of thousands of hand drawn frames all in the same art style.

When it needs both creativity and intense devotion, it no longer becomes a 9-5 thing, even if you’re your own boss. Some people do that voluntarily but end up with carpal tunnel, sleep issues, etc. That has even been the case with a lot of Japanese creators I’ve seen.


honestly, if it’s forced under the threat of destitution, then fuck that kind of “art”


I generally agree with that, and yet we have a lot of it around that people lament being “not perfect” or demand more of faster; so there’s societal pressure to keep it up. It also feels terrible to have appreciated something amazing, but then afterwards learn its creation process essentially involved boiling kittens or something.


If it takes slavery to make a pyramid or an anime that I enjoy then I don’t need either of them. And no one should feel differently but that’s just my opinion.


I completely agree with that, which is why the first thing I said is I prefer a world where we don’t have those.

I can still admit the pyramids are nice to look at - but if I’m reminded of the kind of human cost put into creating them, I’d rather not have them.


I got that as well but my point was lack of wonders like pyramid and some media doesn’t even count as a drawback if we can abolish slavery, which still exist in a different form and name. They simply aren’t on the same balance.


I don’t really follow what “on the same balance” means; I guess it’s simply that the benefit far, far outweighs the negative? Or, that the negative should never be mentioned because it implies benefits behind something horrible?

I can marginally understand the latter. It’s a bit like trying to praise a piece of artwork on its own (because it’s a really amazing piece, and it could even inspire other people) while trying to set aside that its artist was a terrible person who deserves no recognition.

Part of the reason I bring it up is, I’d like to hear more vocalizations on whether these things should exist. Under a certain forward-thinking mindset, it could be that neither GTA 6 or Elder Scrolls 6 ever comes out - or they cost $100 and take 10 years, to adequately pay the developers and give them healthy time off. The math is never straightforward, of course, but it’s something of a thought experiment to get people to think about what they care about most.


Former actually, as you said pretty much every good thing had some negatives, it’s all a trade off on one way or another. But if it was between art and slavery, one outweigh the other heavily. And I feel the same for games as well, I don’t mind waiting and paying a higher price if I have to.


Current anime is still largely made by underpaid and overworked animators, that really isn’t what changed…


Speaking as someone who’s worked inside a couple “AAA” studios, sympathy to a union has definitely increased in the past decade. It’s no coincidence that bonuses and profit sharing (a major part of compensation) have plummeted over that same time. As much as fans hate unambitious and venal design choices in recent games I assure them that devs hate them just as much or even more, since they ruin years of work. We have steadily decreasing feedback into these choices and are expected more and more to stick to our corner pushing pixels and writing code. Morale is probably the lowest I’ve ever experienced and mandatory RTO adds insult to injury.

The various QA Union success stories have lots of support on the dev side. However many people believe it’s impossible somehow, or that they personally would get laid off or have their job outsourced if there is even a hint of organizing. Especially the past 12 months, the bloodbath has workers terrified. Everyone is trying to keep their heads down as much as possible. I unfortunately don’t see this ending well unless funding loosens up and people can start small studios again. There was a wave of this during Covid but those studios are all dying now. It’s seriously depressing. I’m a refugee from the VFX world and I feel like I’m watching the sequel.

Sentinian, do games w Kotaku Asks: How Soon Is Too Soon For A Video Game Remaster Or Remake?
@Sentinian@lemmy.one avatar

I think the issue is calling a next gen port a remaster. Yea it is technically a remaster but adding that to the title makes it seem like more then that.

If said game was released as definite or something nobody would be talking rn


Those words never meant anything anyway


No one would be complaining if it was labeled as a director’s cut but maybe theres a legit marketing reason to avoid the label

Treczoks, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

Well, if you think your game prices are too low, just raise them. The market will regulate this all on it's own.


He knows that. Which is why he’s talking about it and not actually doing it.

He’s basically just whining about it to us.


I’m worried that he’s actually speaking to other CEOs. “If you raise prices, so will we.”

@Skray@kbin.social avatar

They largely are. $70 is becoming the new price point for a new game.


Yeah, and aside from less expensive indies I’ve bought fewer new games than ever this year.


First of all, consider how many hours of use you usually get out of such a AAA title, and you will see that it's actually quite cheap entertainment. And second, there are good games (to waste countless hours on) that are way cheaper.


Hell, if you’re patient, various platforms give away good games for free all the time.

burgers, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

very funny to release what is clearly a meticulously crafted response to career ending allegations of pedophilia while still staying in character as like the bad guy in a movie where a golden retriever learns to play counter strike

ClockworkOtter, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp

The Bandcamp sale is hopefully good news. Songtradr looks like they’re just in the music business and don’t (from their Wikipedia page) have any obviously dodgy investors.


Narrator: No dodgy investors… Yet.



@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

They also bought 7digital.com this year, which is a site I sometimes buy MP3s from since they have a better selection of mainstream record-label stuff than Bandcamp (no Amazon MP3s here in Canada).

sturmblast, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power

that’s because Nintendo knows that the games matter more than the hardware


It’s because Nintendo knows that portables sell massively higher than consoles for them, and that’s the reality of making a portable. Nintendo cares massively about the hardware and put a lot of effort into making something that fits their ambitions and audience.

ToxicWaste, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Nowadays everything seems newsworthy… I would not be mad about it if Bethesda did not include a pronoun setting, i am not mad someone made a mod to remove said option, i am not mad nexus keeping its sovereignty to decide what they host…

What is everyone mad about? Just let ppl do whatever they do.


Exactly this. It’s a game guys, not real life.


The way you worded this makes it look like you’re against pronouns

librechad, (edited )

Ok, how am I against pronouns now? I agree with the fact that people should have personal preference whether they agree with having the pronoun feature in the game or not. It’s not about being against pronouns, it’s about freedom of individual choice.

Now, I’m not forcing them to reupload the mod. But, if a moderator just solely removes the mod based on their own political idealogy, then you’re stripping the freedom away from everyone else. We can have a kill children mod but god forbid we have a remove pronouns mod.

I’ve used Nexus Mods for the past 6-7 years, I’m honestly just sad to see them take this route.


Nah man I totally agree, I just mean when you said “it’s a game, not real life”, some people could take it wrong. Nothing against you but I guess my message came across wrong too


I am, like, mildly upset about it being removed, at most. Seems like moderation team is going a bit overboard, deleting something that seems extremely mild.


It does nothing but act as a middle finger toward a threatened minority.


Lets worry about real homophobic/ transphobic problems please. I won’t go into whether the author of the mod was giving a middle finger to ppl or just always wanted the pronouns of the perceived gender for their game. Without reading the description, it is pure speculation. Even with the description, it will likely be a good amount of speculation.

In my opinion, we should worry about things that are not argumentative. Because that muddies the pool and makes future arguments harder…

mindbleach, (edited )

it is pure speculation.

Horseshit. It targets a feature right-wing cranks are frothing about, and it has exactly the same effect as ignoring the option. Stop feigning ignorance about what diet Nazi trolls openly despise.

Nobody cares about your willful apathy on this topic. If you don’t care, stop talking.


Look i am about done arguing here, so don’t expect further comments here from me.

You and I probably have similar political interests. However, at least to me, your aggressive approach is off-putting and does not invite for discussions. It reminds me of what is happening in Germany: The far right crazy party is being excluded by a ‘firewall’. Whatever the right extremist party wants is categorically rejected, even in the rare case that it is nothing stupid (like rise funding for a public theater). It does not solve the problem, but further radicalised the members and even gave them a boost in voters. What they are presented with, is that they have to achieve more than 50%. Otherwise those far rightists wont achieve anything. Politics is about discussions and finding the path that is the most agreeable for the largest amount of people possible.

TLDR: I agree with your goals, not your methods.


Because appeasing the far right in Germany went so well for so many.

The methods in this case are a website saying “no thank you.”

If that’s beyond the pale, what the fuck is left?

Riven, (edited )
@Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Mind leach above made an extremely good point so I’m just gonna copy paste it.

Trolls escalate. They keep pushing until they get smacked down, then cry and scream and pretend they’ve been proven right. Being ignored doesn’t just embolden them, it bores them, and tells them they need to get worse to get attention. No matter what happens - no matter what anyone says to them - they get to use it in their stupid little word game.

The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer.

You have to simply get rid of it, and the sooner, the better.

JoMiran, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Fine. I won’t pick a side. I won’t crucify anyone without evidence. So…release the transcripts. That seems like the logical step.


Twitch settled with him instead of losing in arbitration for banning him. I want to see the the transcripts. It sounds like part of his settlement was that he couldn’t talk about it but ex twitter employees violated the nda. That’s a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

He’s a massive pos so it Wouldn’t surprise me if he did do something worthy of this witch hint but damnit i want to see the texts before i burn him when twitch is being so weird about it.


That’s a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

I don’t think that’s weird, twitch really doesn’t want the pr of being wrong or having a pedo on their platform, its a lose-lose and I would expect them to try and cover it up regardless.


The transcripts won't be released unless they're leaked. Giving out any details about the minor he was chatting with risks exposing the victim, who is possibly still a minor. Releasing the transcripts would be an incredibly damaging move, and not to Beahm; people would almost certainly doxx the kid immediately, possibly putting them at even greater risk of harm than they would have been in to begin with.

We don't need to see them, anyway. We're not involved. We have nothing to gain from reading the details. If self-admitting to having inappropriate conversations with minors isn't evidence enough to convince you one way or the other, then I really don't see how reading a sext thread with a child will make much of a difference.


It was seven years ago. Unless he was talking to a ten year old, they’re not a minor anymore.


And if they are…well, first of all, yikes, and second of all his career as a content creator is going to go from “damaged” to “gone” as no platform would let him stream after that.

canis_majoris, do gaming w Nintendo DMCAs Palworld Mod That Makes Everything Pokémon
@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I don’t get how this is news, it’s the most predictable, obvious outcome.

Nintendo literally DMCA’s hentai artists bro.


Slow news day for games journalism and writers trying to justify their paychecks. Plus, I’d imagine it helps those who were running bets not on if Nintendo would crush it, but how long before they did.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

One of these days I want to see it go to court just so that the judge and jury has to discuss the legitimacy of sexualized cartoon animals, with the defence forced to keep a straight face as they try to explain why a person banging a goodra with giant jugs in a wedding dress isn’t infringing copyright. Just a bunch of professional adults in a room forced to dance around the elephant in the room because it’s irrelevant to the case.

Lucidlethargy, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Well, that’s shitty. I’ll never understand why some of these companies are so dated in their thinking.




Less QA work needed upfront, with the added benefit of selling the game twice to a lot of people when PC finally releases.

It’s not dated thinking, it’s profit focused.


I am not entirely sure that is “profit focused”. It’s profit on a real world situation, you said it yourself - less QA work which makes it able to release faster. They are only taking advantage of that fact. They would have to focus on not profit for it to happen any other way.


Why not just double the amount of QA testers and devs to make it in the same amount of time then?

They’re going for the double dip.


Because they know most PC gamers have at least one console as well, and they’ll buy it on release at full price, and then again on PC for the better gaming experience.


Cause idiots literally go out and buy a console , then get the game there, then get it again on their PC in 18 months and literally foam at the mouth all the while.

Remember these publishers are in an ouroboros style circle jerk with console makers. They move without giving a tug, and never move without getting a tug. They go console exclusive to boost console sales in the first year, use that time to continue to improve the half baked game, then release on PC with higher specs to reap the PC fans marveling at the higher graphics.

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