
CaptainBasculin, do gaming w Epic Adds Ugly Tesla Cybertruck To Fortnite

Props to the car though; it’s way more easier to make a model out of it using 3d modeling software.


Found the fortnite developer. I didn’t know they ever let you guys take breaks!


can be rendered easily on 20yo hardware


Rendered easily on a stone tablet running Cuneiform.

Body 10 polygons, add 4 hexagon wheels...58 polygons.


In all seriousness, the BBC micro could probably render it.


My Amiga 500 certainly could,.

MagicShel, do gaming w Epic Adds Ugly Tesla Cybertruck To Fortnite

Question because I have no idea: would they have licensed the image and paid Musk for this or would Musk have paid them as marketing? Or neither?


I always wonder this with these brand crossovers that fortnite has become synonymous with. My guess is that it’s something close to “neither” - there is a contract that is signed, but I think because both parties benefit, very little money actually changes hands between Epic and the IP owner.


Car manufacturers get the last say on how their cars are used on any media; and they typically go with licence agreements of some sorts.

The licencing is typically done on a set time frame (which is why most car games that uses real cars does get taken off of stores like 5-7 years later.).

On Fortnite, revenue sharing is done between the IP owner and Epic Games based on how much the said item sells. Since they can this item launch as a limited time sale; this gives a big playerbase an incentive to buy it.

@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Usually, when it’s a one-off like this, the video game gets “paid” to put the stuff in their game. That payment may be in-kind advertising campaigns, etc.

For something like Need for Speed, Forza, etc, the game will be licensing the likeness of the vehicles and the company logos in the game. I don’t know the costs, but the fact that it’s also advertising will factor in.

In this case, there are a few likely scenarios:

  1. The game director or art director or someone high up at Epic has a hard-on for the Cybertruck and really wanted it in the game. So they pursued Tesla and made a deal.
  2. Epic wanted to add vehicles to the game and decided to go with licensed vehicles. Their merchandising people reached out to merchandising people at all the auto companies and then figured out some deals.
  3. Someone high up at Tesla (maybe even Musk) loves, or has a kid who loves, Fortnite and decided they want the Cybertruck in the game. So they pursued Epic to make a deal.

Number 2 is most likely, but I don’t know the game well enough to know the vehicle situation in it.

For all of them, you have to factor in a bunch of details to figure out who is paying who:

  • who wants it more (/ power imbalance)
  • how much money is it going to cost to make the models, animations, etc
  • how much is it going to cost players to get the item
  • are there aspects that either company finds undesirable (E.g. sometimes car companies don’t like their cars shown with damage)
  • who will be doing the bulk of the marketing, and who has the marketing budget to spend on the venture
  • probably a lot more

So, it’s hard to say without more inside info. Games I’ve worked on have had 1 and 2, but not 3 as far as I know. I think it was pretty much an in-kind deal for the 1 situation though (like we got the likenesses, they got advertising through the game, ostensibly we sold more games with the likenesses, but I think it just stroked someone’s ego…) All of the 2 situations were done to bring in money for the game’s marketing budget / or were in-kind marketing deals, possibly bringing money directly to the bottom line, but I don’t know.

SoupBrick, do gaming w Epic Adds Ugly Tesla Cybertruck To Fortnite

Imagine if this was the only vehicle that couldn’t go up hills and would get stuck in rough terrain.

CookieOfFortune, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

Oh so they’re just going to do beta testing on the users anyways, just after release…

MeaanBeaan, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

Is that not the purpose of a beta? That doesn’t seem like a good sign.


Traditional, pre-2006, beta tests were bug hunts in feature complete software. Then public beta tests became a thing that rapidly evolved into marketing for a finished game. Most public betas don’t see any bugs fixed on launch.


Not just marketing, they’re often also a load test for the networking infrastructure. Not much change to actual gameplay though.


Generally, devs have felt very pressured when given multiple release date goals. By that I mean getting out a playable E3 demo, a “beta”, a demo, an early access for preorders…

It means if, say, the character has always had a clipping issue with their holster but it’s not a priority, the team can focus on important work/bugs first and their QA just kind of acknowledges the weird holster. But anytime they’re releasing, every detail like that has to be trimmed up for however many levels are coming out.

So yeah, I’m in favor of them avoiding any marketing betas if it helps them.

warmaster, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

This game is fucked

hogunner, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

It says the beta was to test multiplayer so hopefully that means the PvP multiplayer mode and not the campaign co-op mode. If so, I’m fine with that; the pvp mode looked interesting but that’s not what I’m really buying it for.

Geek_King, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

My knee jerk reaction is that the rumors I heard that the game isn’t in a good place might be more then rumors. That sucks, I was really excited for this one, I hope it turns out great.


My guess is that the game gets really repative because that is kinda the Tyranid style. Waves and waves of teeth and claws. Maybe some variations, but how long can you send swarms of the same guy before its boring.

I guess Vermintide and 40k version (can’t remember name) make it work but they are very different games.


The prequel had mostly orks in the beginning, but they sprinkled in some other enemies later on. So I assume they’ll do something similar here.

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Gene stealers, Lictors, a carnifex here or there.


Tyranids can have plenty of variety if you are familiar with the full breadth of their forces.


Dark Tide hardly works. The “cultists” that are everywhere are usually chaos and die to a stern glare. The game has serious grind problems. The over-the-top waves of 40k make for really boring gameplay.

JoMiran, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Good thing I am a patient gamer.

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

I had the same thought.

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

This is not a good sign.

NOT_RICK, do games w Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure how to feel about this

pyre, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

I’m shocked that yet another anti-woke pos who gets triggered by pronouns turned out to be a predator. would’ve never guessed!

MikeOToxin, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

I’m no fucking predator or pedophile

Well… If the person was a minor, and you weren’t, and you knew they were young and the messages were ‘leaning inappropriate’, you’re a pedophile.

Also a predator.


That is not the words you should use for a 17 year old he didn’t even know was underage.


He said he knew in his post.


Still not a pedophile nor a predator even for flirting. This is not a 12 year old, but in many jurisdictions a responsible adult.


He’s a morally reprehensible asshole either way.


Yeah, he is mainly a cheater on his wife. Not exactly great, but conversations on this sound like by people who never leave their basement and talk to people.


A pedophile predator is somebody who systematically texts underage people, and fishes out the vulnerable ones to exploit their weaknesses for their own satisfaction and exerts control over them. Speaking to a single, depending on the jurisdiction (±1 year), consenting adult (17 is young, but not completely stupid), with slightly flirty messages is absolutely not that. it isn’t even toxic. in fact, it devalues this tag for behaviour which is not cool due to the cheating and a bit skittish because of the age difference, but is otherwise kind of okay. See, next time somebody tells me about a pedophile predator I will be thinking about a conversation between two adults, or almost adult and not nasty abuse scarring people for life.


Have you talked to 17 year olds? They are far from developed in most cases. Anyone even in their late 20s should notice the difference in development and stay clear.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah that’s a fair take.

It is reprehensible and disgusting behavior, but it doesn’t mean we should universally apply labels across vast swaths of different issues, as it devalues said label and poisons future discussion.

Simple labels simplify discussion of course, but that runs the risk of losing nuance for the specific way someone was a disgusting creep.

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

No it’s not. Beahm, a 38 year old man at the time, was sexting a minor. That makes him a pedo.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

I did not disagree with that, so I’m not sure what you’re on about.

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

So you agree that Beahm is a pedo? You replied to a person that does not think he is a pedo with “fair take”. Maybe you replied to the wrong person.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I do. I disagree with most of their posts, but I agree with the motion that using the same labels indiscriminately is a problem in online discourse.

For example, far as I know so far, I’d call him a pedo, but I am unsure whether I’d call him a predator (of course, language differences apply, too). That’s just because I need words to express the predatory nature of people like Maxwell who prey on teens and YA.

That’s kinda what I meant, there’s too few words to just use the same label across the board sometimes. Doesn’t make something someone does less reprehensible. Rather i prefer to sometimes use full sentences instead of quick labels because it more accurately expresses the matter.

@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

but I am unsure whether I’d call him a predator (of course, language differences apply, too). That’s just because I need words to express the predatory nature of people like Maxwell who prey on teens and YA.

What do you mean by this? Beahm was preying on a minor by sexting that minor and asking to meetup at twitch con. Are you specifically referring to people operating child sex rings? In either case, I don’t think anyone else uses your ultra-specific definition. For myself, and I assume most others, pedophiles are merely a type of predator. For example, the show, to catch a predator, was about creeps sexting kids online. This is precisely what Beahm was doing so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call him a predator.


Unlike you who leaves in his windowless van to go hang out with your girlfriend at her highschool.


No point in leaving the windowless van, if I chained my highscool girlfriend inside it.


I leave my basement and talk to people every day without hitting on underage girls


Dubious take.


Not in the jurisdiction he was in, and that’s all that matters.

Also, while sending sexually explicit texts (using only words) is not illegal, I’m pretty sure we can correlate what his intent was. What, do you think he’s going to come out and fully admit he’s a pedophile? No.

Also, nowhere in any of his statement has he clarified that he didn’t know they were underage. If it were the case that he didn’t know, that’s a pretty fucking big deal and he should know how important it is to explain that. He didn’t though.

Stop defending pedophiles.


Mfers out here googling what age a legal adult is to defend predators


Where did that age come from?

NatakuNox, (edited )

Are you seriously taking the pedophiles side on this?!


It isn’t pedophilia, that is the point. It is flirting with a, in many countries and states, consenting person.

braindefragger, (edited )


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  • Aurix,

    Then why aim at me and not change the legislation?


    Ya he was just trying to be a pedophile. Totally different…

    weastie, (edited )

    I hate to get so semantical but using the word pedophile incorrectly just desensitizes the word. Pedophilia means being attracted to children, primarily meaning before or in the early stages of puberty, usually younger than 13. In fact, many pedophiles would not be attracted to someone aged 15+ because they are typically exclusively or primarily interested in prepubescent bodies.

    That doesn’t mean this guy isn’t a total asshole, but he’s not a pedophile, and I think anyone can understand an adult sexting an older teen, while still absolutely horrid, is quite different from sexting a child.

    Once again, absolutely not defending this guy, I don’t even know who he is… but I think it’s important not to desensitize the word.


    I know the distinction, but hebephile doesn’t carry the same weight. Also, I believe I read the minor was 12. So… Pedo.

    I stand by what I said. We don’t need to be apologistic towards the scum of the earth. Kids are kids.


    Oh fuck. I heard she was 17 and that was fucking bad enough as is. Fucking hell this man is awful.

    @christian@lemmy.ml avatar


  • Loading...
  • MikeOToxin,

    Colloquially, it’s a catch-all nowadays. Like I said in another reply, we don’t need to differentiate between lowest common denominators. That gets into sounding sympathetic to these fucks, and anyone who sympathizes might as well be one themselves.


    You sound like a pedophile.


    I’ve attended a seminar for child protection before that was delivered by a former cop (that worked in the sex crimes division) and they said the exact same thing - in the context of correctly making the distinction between paedophile and sex offender.

    Sounds like he was grooming her.

    hexadence, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
    @hexadence@lemmy.world avatar

    Ah, there it is. The sponsored hate train. Like reddit, but cheaper. But hey, thanks for keeping this site running.

    Akasazh, (edited )
    @Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

    Pls show me where I can get some of this sponsorship money. I’m not usually one to hate train, but this fellow makes it easy, so I’ll take my easy money.

    @hexadence@lemmy.world avatar

    Sure. What’s another landfill on the internet.

    Step 1: Make your own “social” website.

    Step 2: Prevent bots from signing in. (You really don’t want to miss this step, otherwise you’re free real estate.)

    Step 3: Write your own bots that will scrape other “social” websites for content. This is to attract people before original content begins to form.

    Step 4: Sell post priority and upvotes. And there you have it. Your own money generating cesspool of gradual deterioration.

    That’s it. And yes… Easier said than done. Step 2 is really the hardest one. Perhaps make it obligatory to sign in with a phone number or something, cause capchas are a whole battlefield in itself. I don’t really know how hard / easy it is to get a bunch of phone numbers to use for this purpose…

    @Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

    I need some extra information on step 4. I’m kind of needy of others’ perceived opinion on me and convinced that ‘number go up’ will convince people of the quality of my ideas.

    As such I want to inflate my imaginary numbers, with as little effort as possible. So doing steps one through three is too much hassle.

    Where could I aquire me a bunch of upclicks to fill my empty husk of a soul?

    @hexadence@lemmy.world avatar

    You can only do this to sites that skipped or didn’t take seriously enough step 2. Depending on how good the sites filtering requests is, this can range from 100$ linux server running python scripts for account creation. 100 accounts = 100 upvotes. All the way to very sophisticated proxy networking, capcha cracking, in some cases even AI driven internet monopoly demon that isn’t too cheap, so it better be making everyone else miserable enough to make you not think about doing a ninja flip from a 4 story building into a wood chipping machine for a couple of minutes.

    @Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

    Comprehensive reading isn’t really your strong suit, is it?

    @hexadence@lemmy.world avatar

    What made you come to that conclusion?

    @frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Man, I knew your instance was a nazi bar, but a pedo bar too? 🤮

    KingThrillgore, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    wop wop wop wop wop

    I have this feeling this is probably not the last controversy involving minors we will see shake out of his mustache this week. Justin Roiland had his empire also collapse from grooming. Guy is done.


    That’s why drake is done too? The guy who beat the shit out of a woman and tattooed it on himself? Drake the groomer with his new album? That done?


    The issue there is that all Drake fans are pedophiles.


    That’s the thing right. Nobody gets “cancelled”
    They get called out and shamed… and then carry on with business a few weeks later.

    Rammstein is filling stadiums again, drd will come back from his vacation and keep on trucking on.

    They never face consequences and yet they cry about a woke cancelculture that only exists in their heads to hype up their own bullshit


    “Help! Help! I am being held accountable for my actions. The whole woke mob is coming after me and trying to cancel me!”


    Did the allegations against rammstein ever amount to anything? I remember seeing the initial story, but then never any follow up about how the court cases went or whether it turned out to be true or not

    @blackluster117@possumpat.io avatar

    Wait, what happened with Rammstein?


    I didn’t know what happened but I found this: www.dw.com/en/…/a-66716970

    Apparently there were some women drugged and abused :/


    Legally, no. But there was zero intention to investigate, or clear up anything from the band. No comments, distancing from such actions.

    They just threw c&ds at the women in question and buried the topic. Ah and made fun of it of course.

    @frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    “You’re only as canceled as your next project.” – F.D. Signifier


    did you mean chris brown for the tattoo thing?

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