@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar



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@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

How are the decisions taken by the highier-ups related to workers unionizing?

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Also explains why Steam is still a 32-bit binary and didn’t get ARM port on any platform.

I think the point is that with this kind of upkeep costs it’s hard to argue that Steam sales cut is fair, especially given near-monopoly in PC gaming space.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Their cut is mathematically fair but the inputs for this formula are mostly pain tolerance levels of consumers and producers. I meant fair for having a monopoly. Either you’re a utility or need to be broken up so that actual competition can take place.

Steam Deck and Proton killed Linux gaming because nobody bothers to do native ports. While I don’t agree with that approach it kinda works but it’s not that Valve does this because they like Linux. They’re scared of losing their monopoly in case Windows changes too much.

There are ARM native games on Mac (Disco Elysium for example) and Steam has no issues with them. Not having ARM client though means that you’re running a dynamically recompiling web browser through a translation layer resulting in terrible performance.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’ve been reading Ars Technica for over 20 years now but that’s because I like their points, not because I write for them xd

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Pain tolerance to prices, how good the support is, how snappy the app is etc. Within the space of game marketplaces they’re average and that’s because every one of them kind of sucks. If Epic was first to monopolize PC game marketplaces people would be defending them like they defend Valve now because they want all of their games in one place.

Linux gaming was stable before Proton. It was never big but mainstream titles were getting released. These days there’s nothing. Titles could be broken at any moment by a developer and nobody will have any responsibility to fix it. I very much doubt that a for profit company does anything because they “like” something like Linux. They’re there to make money, period.

I’m not saying Valve should port their games to ARM or update them, it’s up to them and they don’t seem to be interested in developing games all that much these days. My point wad that plenty of games run via Rosetta2 fine. Steam doesn’t run fine because essentially it’s a web browser and that’s where you can say that 80 developers might not be enough to support this money printing machine.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

The cut would be less if competition was possible. I will bet my arm, first child and souls on this.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yeah, I gathered as much while trying to figure out who that is :)

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

You don’t seem to understand what a monopoly is. Having some small competition that’s not ever going to threaten you because you can leverage your dominant position is also a case of a monopoly.

Epic poured billions of Fortnite money with little to show for it. How is anyone going to compete with a platform that most gamers have all of their games on? This is why they need to be broken up or brought to order via regulations. Companies are not your friends.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yes, developers are also victims of this monopoly. It’s obviously better (“worth it”) to pay 30% for visibility on the biggest marketplace.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Leveraging dominant position to keep your monopoly is illegal even in the US.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Those things are up to developers / publishers, not the marketplace.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

EGS would have all this in that hypothetical scenario, why wouldn’t it?

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Those free games weren’t actually free, Epic paid for them, you know.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

If EGS mandated those things it would be as successful as GOG. Which is irrelevant compared to Steam. Steam didn’t become successful because of tags. It’s because they were first.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Boutique shop successful, therefore Amazon is not a monopoly.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yes, it’s a nice cage.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m accelerating late stage capitalism by being critical of monopolies? What???

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

At some point you’re so entrenched in the market you don’t have to do anything anymore. I was quite surprised that Valve somehow evaded EU Digital Markets Act gatekeeper criteria.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar
@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

I give up. Are you an American or something?

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Weird response to plastic chipping issue on every Analogue Pocket after first batches.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Eh, this doesn’t top gold Analogue Nt they sold for $5k. It’s Analogue being a bunch of goofs.

Nieoczekiwany wynik wyborów w Indiach. Rządząca partia słabnie (wydarzenia.interia.pl)

Rządząca od blisko dziesięciu lat Indyjska Partia Ludowa (BJP) wygrała wybory, ale straciła samodzielną większość w parlamencie - wynika z danych opublikowanych w nocy z wtorku na środę przez centralną komisję wyborczą. Premier Narendra Modi pozostanie przy władzy na trzecią kadencję, ale będzie się mierzył z...

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Dobre wieści, ale czy są jakieś prognozy co do koalicjanta? Czy BJP będzie musiało dogadywać się z lokalnym Braunem czy Gowinem?

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Every piece of hardware in a given budget is ultimately a product of compromise. 3D capabilities of N64 are way beyond what PS can offer - texture filtering and Z buffer just put Playstation to shame. No CD is equally embarrassing to N64. The controller… well, it was a weird time.

Kto podpalił halę Marywilska? Poszlaki wskazują, że stoją za tym Rosjanie (www.rp.pl)

"Dziś już wiadomo, że Rosja, oferując duże pieniądze – od 10 do 15 tys. euro – werbuje m.in. przez rosyjskojęzyczny Telegram ludzi, którym zleca podpalenia miejsc publicznych w dużych miastach. W ubiegłym tygodniu ABW zatrzymała pięć osób, w tym Ukraińców i Rosjanina z kanadyjskim paszportem, za podpalenie...

misk, (edited )
@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

To internet więc uprasza się nie rzucać we mnie kapciem za nie rozpoznany sarkazm [edit] w komentarzu powyżej.

Zważywszy na układy rządzących z developerami i mafiami śmieciowymi oraz ostatni klimat polityczny zawsze będę miał z tyłu głowy to, że publicznie komunikowanie motywy podpalaczy wcale nie muszą być prawdziwe.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ja pisałem na poważnie, ale nie jestem czy przedmówca też.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar
@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Najwyższa przyjemność w moim życiu to mówienie “a nie mówiłem?”, ale muszę trochę zmienić prognozę na to, że reddit nie zamieni się w wypok, a Facebook. Dokręcą śrubę z algorytmiczną prezentacją treści, monetyzacją, a za jakiś czas ludzie będą tam siedzieć dla niszowych grupek, bo te większe nie będą nadawać się do użytku.

misk, (edited )
@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Things are getting back to normal in a way. People rented games for 8/16-bit consoles from video rental stores commonly. These days it’s common for people playing on consoles to buy, play through and sell games because there are no such stores anymore.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Brak porównania do innych pokoleń w tym samym wieku?

“Ci dzisiejsi młodzi są gorsi niż młodzi kiedyś i na pewno jestem pierwszą osobą w historii, która to zauważa”.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Wprowadzanie takich zmian bez uprzedniego wprowadzenia exit tax? Żodyn nie przewidział, bo to celowy sabotaż.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Powiem wam, że nie przewidziałbym tych trendów w transporcie jeszcze 5 minut temu.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Labor is relatively cheap despite how much IT is raking in at the moment. Most developers in Poland are registered as sole proprietors which contributes to one of highest rates of self-employment in Europe (source). Tax system favors those over regular work contracts leading to regressive burden (source) and to the point we could be classified as tax haven. Also means those developers are not covered under normal labor protection.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Dang, I haven’t heard of this before and I still play Settlers II via Return to the Roots. Genuine thanks for sharing.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

They could get on with BG3 = DOS3 thing and just go ahead with Divinity: Original Sin 4 for their next title.

@misk@sopuli.xyz avatar

Usunąłem z tytułu “dopiero”. To jest kurwa skandal.

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