
Davel23, do games w [IGN - Review in progress] Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game

If they don't license the theme song I'm boycotting.

SzethFriendOfNimi, do games w [IGN - Review in progress] Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game

That movie was bonkers… and then they made a game inspired by it? That’s…. Weird


The movie is bonkers by definition! Kinda the whole point. Hopefully the game can make the same!


If they did it the other way around, and you’re a clown from outer space, that would be fun.

NegativeLookBehind, do gaming w Star Citizen Pushes Through the $700 Million Raised Mark and No, There Still Isn’t a Release Date
@NegativeLookBehind@lemmy.world avatar

Is it still a clunky, GPU melting mess?

@Iheartcheese@lemmy.world avatar

I tried it like a year ago? Lasted about 2 weeks before I refunded. It was a stuttery mess for me. They have to reset the servers because they go to crap constantly. Several times a day I would run into some game breaking bug that, when I googled it, I would find people talking about how its been that way for years and then there would be the 15 step 20 minute work around. I remember one in particular…I decided to try crime. Did some smuggling to this (honestly really cool) outlaw base in an asteroid. Once I got there I couldn’t sell. People said its just like that and keep trying. Gave up after a few days of trying to sell there. Any and all complaints about anything wrong with the game are met with frothing screams of the world alpha and thats how things are in gaming when a game is this ‘early in development’

Its a shame because beneath under the Everest size mountain of bugs and poorly optimized crap is my dream space game.

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

thats how things are in gaming when a game is this ‘early in development’


@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

It has the potential to be an amazing game. But it probably never will be.

I fire it up once or twice per year. It looks great. Beyond that… it’s kind of fun to explore a bit, but that’s pretty much it. Not sure if anything will ever become of it.


If you have a chance jump into the free fly today before it ends tomorrow. 3.23 has been a giant QoL patch and added Vulcan with upscaling.



It's Vulkan. And from the user reports I've seen it doesn't really seem to affect the still garbage performance.


Well I can say for sure 100% vulkan will not get you any improvements at the moment especially as multi threading isn’t enabled yet, but with dx11 I’ve been hitting 60fps+ when I never did before this last patch. It’s been very smooth as far as my PC performance. Server performance will suck until hopefully later this year after server meshing is enabled and the initial jank is worked out.


Last I saw it the game was pretty functional in some aspects but we’re now at a point where some of the older assets look 2 generations out of date so the game is accumulating a growing amount of artistic debt where the old stuff just doesn’t fit with the newer stuff anymore.

bjoern_tantau, do gaming w Star Citizen Pushes Through the $700 Million Raised Mark and No, There Still Isn’t a Release Date
@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

I mean, are people playing and somewhat satisfied? If yes, who gives a fuck about any arbitrary release date?


Why not just release it then if nobody cares anyway?

@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

It’s not meh, it’s “we’ve almost raised a BILLION dollars by not releasing this game. Oh by the way, there’s no release date yet.”



Not like people are paying for the release date. And they did release a product, just not under “version 1.0”.

Seems like people are just mad that a game they don’t like made money.


Nobody’s mad that didn’t throw money in the pit. It’s just a funny story that never seems to end. Every year they don’t have a finished product, the joke gets funnier.


Idk I’ve seen a lot of people getting genuinely upset over this stuff.


I don’t have a horse in this race, but it’s the perfect counterpart to companies like EA Games where unfinished games come out because developers had to meet an arbitrary deadline. Star Citizen is right at the other end of the spectrum and you see what happens when there are no deadlines and the product is never finished. I would love to play it, but my backlog is so big that I can afford to be a patient gamer. I have about 35 years until I retire and if version 1.0 is out by then I’ll be happy to take another look.


On the bright side though, they are consistently updating the game. I don’t play, but several of my friends play it all the time, and to them it definitely seems to be worth what they paid.


consistently updating the game

People are still falling through elevators and delivery missions are still bugged to hell four years after I quit for those reasons, but hey, they have beards now! 😂


What you mentioned is actually a comment I just made, but in favor of it. It’s just like konami and kojima, they gave him the boot because he’s a perfectionist and would take forever (but make an amazing game at the end). I see this as the same kind of thing. It’s taking forever but I have absolutely no doubt it will come soon™

Server meshing is the last major tech absolutely necessary for star citizen to run, for you to not be falling through floors, for box missions to work, etc. it’s all server issues caused by the fact that there’s only one server running everything for 100 people. Once server meshing is completed (early next year, a partial implementation is coming this summer) they can then move on to the already discussed “1.0 release.”

It’s actually coming much sooner than these ignorant lazy fools who write these articles would have you think. SQ42 is literally in the final polishing phases and during their big citizencon event this year they’re more than likely to announce its release date.


"A lot" is an interesting descriptor, especially when comparing loud easily defined groups with quieter more subtle groups.

Its the difference between those animals that puff themselves out to five times their normal size and those that prefer not to be seen at all. Are there a significant portion of the first as compared to the second, just because you see them more blatantly?


Yep, “I’ve seen a lot” does in fact refer to the portion I’ve seen, which is a lot.


People are mad about empty promises and vaporware that seemingly only exists to make CR even fatter.


I have friends that play this game basically all day every day. Doesn’t seem like vaporware to me.

Empty promises maybe, but it would be disingenuous to deny it’s perfectly playable in its current state.


It’s not vaporware, I agree.
It is however, a money scam.


And I have "played" it multiple times for a short while over the years myself. Anyone saying it is perfectly playable in its current state is a liar and part of the cult. It's a glorified half broken tech demo.

And yes, it is vaporware, because there's so much feature creep that it will never see the light of day. They constantly completely re-write systems, often times systems that have been already re-written a couple of times. A lot of newer systems don't fit in well with previous systems or other aspects that are now very much outdated, which means they have to redo them too (like various ships). It's a constant redoing of things that have been done already. All while the major tech needed for what they claim to aim at is still not really there. And all of this comes on top of them adding completely new features instead of focusing on fixing & finishing what's already there.


Those billion dollars come from people buying the game and playing it in its current state.

TachyonTele, (edited )

Lol no it doesn’t. It comes from insanely high priced jpegs of ships, and sometimes the rare in game ship.

perfect example 13 days ago on reddit

The RSI Galaxy is a great ship (currently ~$300) and the loaner is an Anvil Carrack which is (currently $600). The Carrack is one of the biggest and best ships for all around activity, but no pilot guns.
Origin 890 Jump ($900) for luxury and is the biggest in-game ship you can buy.
Hammerhead ($700) is the largest combat/gun ship currently, with the Polaris coming out soon.
Reclaimer ($400) is the largest industrial salvage ship.

Absolutely can’t wait until my Galaxy is flyable, still hoping for it to be here by the end of the year


With the purchase of any ship (the cheapest ones being $45) you get to play the game and fly the ship(s) you bought in-game.

TLDR it’s a $45 game with microtransactions


Completely ignoring it, are we? Cool cool


They are not finished with it yet and the folks backing it are playing so they see the work and are having fun.


You can go buy it right now, where do you think the 700m has come from?


From alpha and beta players and of those mostly for stuff in the game, not the game itself. What does that have to do with the topic?


A tiny amount is, and most aren't. So that should answer your last question.

TheTetrapod, do gaming w Star Citizen Pushes Through the $700 Million Raised Mark and No, There Still Isn’t a Release Date

Reminder that the SC episode of Down the Rabbit Hole came out 7 years ago.

@ZombieMantis@lemmy.world avatar
stanleytweedle, do gaming w Star Citizen Pushes Through the $700 Million Raised Mark and No, There Still Isn’t a Release Date


Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don’t want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

MojoMcJojo, (edited ) do gaming w Star Citizen Pushes Through the $700 Million Raised Mark and No, There Still Isn’t a Release Date

Everyone: It’s a scam, game runs like crap, so many bugs, etc. etc., all valid points.

People who like it anyway: vrrroooommm weeeeeee, pew pew pew, vsksshhh, crash. Reload. Vrrroooooommm…

Who cares, go have your own fun, leave us to ours 🙄

Edit: down voted for wanting to have my own fun? Fine, I’ll go play with my toy spaceship with out you.


If you squint, the Star Citizen logo kinda looks like the symbol for The People’s Temple


You’re not going to have any luck with the general population. They’ve been conditioned to hate star citizen by all these lazy asshole “journalists” that can’t be bothered to look into what they’re writing about past the big dollar sign…

What really pisses me off though is we get the whole “stupid AAA publishers rushed out XYZ game to meet a quarterly financial report!” with every single game that comes out. “Why didn’t they just give it time to cook! Release when it’s ready!

Now we have star citizen almost entirely backed by users with no date pressure as there is no publishing company forcing their hand and they’re building what will be the most amazing space MMO we’re likely to ever see because they have the time and the resources, but instead of awe we get this trash “ItS nOt ReAdY yEt!? MiLlIoNs Of DoLlArS!” article over and over and over again…

If they did actually follow the project they’d know that SQ42 is likely to be released next year and star citizen is already talking about release 1.0…

Bahh bahh bahh goes the media sheep.


Alright, have fun, just remember; don’t drink the Kool-aid!



herrcaptain, do games w Manor Lords First Major Patch Available Now

It looks like that takes care of the worst of the initial bugs, at least those that I experienced. I’m really looking forward to seeing where this game develops from here, especially now that the developer is unexpectedly rich after just the first day of sales. It sounds like he already had a great track record of listening to his community during the pre-release alpha testing, so that’s encouraging.


It’s having experiences like this with early access games that keeps me coming back. I buy them less frequently now, but I love when an indie dev does it well and then ends up earning well from it.


Yeah, I’ve been burned a few times but things like this and Rimworld (back when it was still EA) redeem the concept of early access for me.


Oh absolutely, I have quite a few that just died and went nowhere. Then you’ve got games like you mentioned, Rust, Planet Crafter, 7 Days to Die, The Forest, Sons of the forest… Well, I think it’s kinda obvious what kind of games I like now. And most start in EA, which is fun to watch evolve. I’m definitely more picky these days though due to the small graveyard of other games that went nowhere.


You’re a person of good taste! 7 days to die is the go-to co-op game in my friend group, and my wife and I are big fans of The Forest (still haven’t gotten the sequel but I hear it’s great).

As for bad early access games, I literally have a category in my Steam library called “mistakes” where they live so I can hide their shame.

stardust, do games w Like a Dragon: Yakuza Live-Action Series Announced for Amazon Prime Video This Fall

I wish it was an anime adaptation so the voice actors could reprise their roles.

Aielman15, do games w Like a Dragon: Yakuza Live-Action Series Announced for Amazon Prime Video This Fall
@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I gave Amazon the benefit of the doubt with Wheel of Time. Never again.

@nave@lemmy.ca avatar

I mean they also made Fallout…

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it’s because I’m not a Fallout fan, but I didn’t like that one either. I didn’t finish it, to be fair, but I watched the first 3-4 episodes and I found it nonsensical for the most part.

From people and animals healing within seconds of them injecting some sort of Jesus juice, to armor suits protecting against explosions and extreme fall damage but not angry bears, or people living for centuries in the surface but from the looks of it the apocalypse happened just two days earlier, with no one bothering to clean up their own house a bit. In one scene you see soldiers wearing thick metal armor flying around on helicopters, in the next scene there’s people using bottle caps as a barter resource.

And that’s just about the verisimilitude of the setting and the events. The writing felt very amateurish/childish for the most part. Again, I have no reference to the source material, but from an outside perspective, I wasn’t impressed.

The visuals are very good (not ground-breaking by any means, but they do their job well), but that’s the extent of the praise I’d give to that series.

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Fallout’s success is on Jonathan Nolan, not Amazon.

@nave@lemmy.ca avatar

Well then wheel of times failure is based on whoever wrote it too. Either way OPs comment doesn’t really make sense.


As a wheel of time, invincible, the boys, and fallout fan I feel extremely targeted. I’m a Yakuza superfan so I will have to watch this but I hope they don’t mess it up. I’m still playing infinite wealth but once I’m done I’ll have completed every rgg game except of the end and that PSP exclusive neither of which I’m going to go back to.

prole, do games w Like a Dragon: Yakuza Live-Action Series Announced for Amazon Prime Video This Fall

I really hope this isn’t shit.

By “original”, I assume they mean Yakuza [Kiwami] 1 not Yakuza 0?


Yeah Y0 is too far back to go for a show I imagine

garretble, do games w Like a Dragon: Yakuza Live-Action Series Announced for Amazon Prime Video This Fall
@garretble@lemmy.world avatar

I like the games but hate Amazon so I’ll skip it.

But hopefully the show itself is good.

Fl1ppyR34, do games w Like a Dragon: Yakuza Live-Action Series Announced for Amazon Prime Video This Fall

They’ve already done a live action adaptation of the original game back in 2006. It was a bit… odd, and definitely not the way you’d wanna experience the yakuza 1 story for the first time, but it is an entertaining enough shitshow of a time for people that just want more yakuza.

(Also the entire thing is on YouTube but don’t tell Sega that)

Rayspekt, do games w Like a Dragon: Yakuza Live-Action Series Announced for Amazon Prime Video This Fall

This has infinite potential. Let’s hope they let the director cook and he knows what he’s doing. I’m totally down for live-action Yakuza weirdness.

On a side note: I hope it will feature a sad scene with the classical sob-story piano song.

Am even sider note: If we don’t get Bakamitai then gtfo.

li10, do gaming w Alan Wake 2 Night Springs Expansion Announced, Releasing June 8

Releasing June 8

looks at calendar



They announced it at summer game fest a couple of days ago, then announced it would be released in 24 hrs.

Bit of a double whammy, but a well received one.

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