SturgiesYrFase, do gaming w GOG adding cloud gaming support via Amazon Luna "soon" avatar

Not really sure how I feel about this. IIRC Luna only works through Chrome/Chromium and that’s not how I wanna live my life…


Agreed. No Firefox means no monthly payment from me.

johannesvanderwhales, do gaming w GOG adding cloud gaming support via Amazon Luna "soon"

Would be much more interested if I could download the crap Amazon gives me on luna with gog.

Matt, do gaming w GOG adding cloud gaming support via Amazon Luna "soon"
graymess, do games w Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit

Did I somehow miss it or does the article not even mention what the mod is?


There were two heroes that were released as Xbox exclusive DLC back during the original release - Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress. The mod added them into the PC version by reskinning Ki Adi Mundi and Ayla Secura respectively. The Aspyr release uses the reskinned versions from the mod rather than the official models from Pandemic/Lucasarts which they presumably had permission to use but chose not to despite the fact that the original models don’t have graphical errors and do have the correct fighting style/animations.


Oh wow, that’s nuts.

starman2112, do games w Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit avatar

And this is not even beginning to touch content and features from other released versions of these games from 20 years ago not present, like four-screen splitscreen."

It’s so cool and amazing that we finally have home theatre systems in every fucking house, and that’s when devs decided we don’t get split screen anymore. Modern hardware is wasted on modern devs. Can we send them back in time to learn how to optimize, and bring back the ones that knew how to properly utilize hardware?

PillowTalk420, avatar

I would go back in time to 1995 and give John Carmack modern tools and maybe UE5 and see what happens.

ICastFist, avatar

Even if you gave him a current-day computer to play with (otherwise, even supercomputers of the time would struggle to run UE5), he wouldn’t achieve much, consumer grade computers back then really struggled with 3D graphics. Quake, released in 1996, would usually play around 10-20 FPS.


It’s not a question of capability. It’s a question of cost-benefit spending developer time on a feature not many people would use.

Couch coop was a thing because there was no way for you to play from your own homes. Nowadays it’s a nice-to-have, because you can jump online any time and play together, anywhere in the world, without organizing everyone to show up at one house.

ICastFist, avatar

It’s a question of cost-benefit spending developer time on a feature not many people would use

Which is super ironic when you look at games that had an obviously tacked-on, rushed multiplayer component in the first place, such as Spec Ops: The Line, Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 3


Goldeneye 007. Yeah seriously. The most famous multiplayer game of its generation very nearly didn’t have multiplayer. It was tacked on when they finished the game and had a little bit of extra time and ROM storage.


It also requires multiple copies of the game.


4x splitscreen needs approximately 4x VRAM with modern approaches to graphics: If you’re looking at something sufficiently different than another player there’s going to be nearly zero data in common between them, and you need VRAM for both sets. You go ahead and make a game run in 1/4th of its original budget.

starman2112, avatar

I can’t do that, but you know who could? The people who originally made the game. Had they simply re-released the game that they already made, it wouldn’t be an issue. Us fans of the old games didn’t stop playing because the graphics got too bad. Even if we did, this weird half step towards updating the graphics doesn’t do anything for me. Low poly models with textures that quadruple the game’s size are the worst possible middle ground.

My flatmates and I actually played through a galactic conquest campaign on the OG battlefront 2 like 2 months ago. It holds up.


I can’t do that, but you know who could? The people who originally made the game.

How to tell me you’re not a gamedev without telling me you’re not a gamedev. You don’t just turn a knob and the game uses less VRAM, a 4x budget difference is a completely new pipeline, including assets.

Low poly models with textures that quadruple the game’s size are the worst possible middle ground.

Speaking about redoing mesh assets. Textures are easy, especially if they already exist in a higher resolution which will be the case for a 2015 game, but producing slightly higher-res meshes from the original sculpts is manual work. Topology and weight-painting at minimum.

So, different proposal: Don’t do it yourself. Scrap together a couple of millions to have someone do it for you.

starman2112, avatar

Wait, are you under the impression that this is a rerelease of the 2015 battlefront?


I had no idea and it was the game that was listed without “2” or “3” etc. so that’s the specs I used.

Yeah no the 2004 thing should run in 16x splitscreen on a quadcore Ryzen with a 4G RX 570. With headroom.

The general point still stands, though, you can’t do the same thing with a 2015 game. On the flipside you should be able to run the 2004 game in different VMs on the same box, no native support required.


and 1/4 of it’s original resolution. Seems doable.


Output resolution has negligible impact on VRAM use: 32M for a 4-byte buffer for 4k, 8M for 1080p. It’s texture and mesh data that eats VRAM, texture and mesh data that’s bound to be different between different cameras and thus, as I already said, can’t be shared, you need to calculate with 4x VRAM use because you need to cover the worst-case scenario.

ipkpjersi, (edited )

Modern hardware is wasted on modern devs. Can we send them back in time to learn how to optimize, and bring back the ones that knew how to properly utilize hardware?

I think a lot of the blame is erroneously placed on devs, or it’s used as a colloquialism. Anyone who has worked in a corporate environment as a developer knows that the developers are not the ones making the decisions. You really think that developers want to create a game that is bad, to have their name attached to something that is bad and to also know that they created something that is bad? No, developers want to make a good game, but time constraints and horrible management prioritizing the wrong things (mostly, microtransactions, monetizing the hell out of games, etc) results in bad games being created. Also, game development is more complex since games are more complex, hardware is more complex, and developers are expected to produce results in less time than ever before - it’s not exactly easy, either.

It’s an annoyance of mine and I’m sure you meant no harm by it, but as a developer (and as someone who has done game development on the side and knows a lot about the game development industry), it’s something that bothers me when people blame bad games solely on devs, and not on the management who made decisions which ended up with games in a bad state.

With that said, I agree with your sentiments about modern hardware not being able to take advantage of long-forgotten cool features like four-screen splitscreen, offline modes (mostly in online games), arcade modes, etc. I really wish these features were prioritized.


I agree with you on this point. I think”devs” is conflated for the developing company and its management and not individual devs.

KingThrillgore, do games w Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit avatar

Embracer Group, blink twice if you are in trouble.

[blinks 20 times]

yamanii, do games w Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit avatar

Seems like Tomb raider collection was the fluke, because that one is almost perfect. But I tried out the dark forces remastered and was met with a godawful AI laser rifle with visible artifacts.

_sideffect, do games w Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales

Just bought it on PS5 last night… Playing Solo is VERY hard, at least at the start, as you get overrun by bugs/bots easily.

Today, playing online, a young Spanish kid was on the team who didn’t know English and kept talking on the mic and killing us (his teammates) and then laughing hysterically.

I then killed him and one of our team mates revived him for some reason.

After he came back he tried to hunt me down, but I killed him again, and then no one revived him and he left the game and then blocked me, lol

For democracy!

Computerchairgeneral, do games w Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit

Aspyr really keeps stepping on rakes with this one don't they? Rereleasing a classic like this should have been a slam dunk. It's really becoming a trend with Aspyr to have issues with their Star Wars ports, but at the same time I have to wonder if if there was pressure from Embracer to rush this out the door. When you're still desperately axing and selling off studios, rereleasing a fan favorite Star Wars game probably sounds like easy money no matter how much more time the game needs to be finished.

frozen, do games w Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit avatar

Aspyr has a history of laziness and incompetence, unfortunately. I really want to like the company because they were one of the few companies bringing my favorite games to Linux (KotOR and the Civ series) before Steam and Proton got so damn good. But their Civ ports were always plagued with weird bugs not in the original games, not to mention they didn’t have cross-platform multiplayer, preventing me from playing online with my Windows-using friends unless I dual-booted or tried to fight Wine. And somehow their Civ save file format is different, so you couldn’t even switch between Windows and Linux and continue the same game. It was baffling.


Only good game they did was Episode 1: Pod Racer.

Coelacanth, do games w Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales avatar

How fun is this game without a friend group that also plays it? I’ve seen some clips, but most of the fun seems to lie in squad based gameplay.

Deceptichum, avatar

It’s playable but I wouldn’t recommend it, essentially not with the issue of toxic meta gamers vs casuals.


I have yet to encounter any toxicity, but I’m sure it’s out there somewhere. For reference, I’m lvl 40.


It’s really easy to have people join your game, or for you to join others. Also, it’s not terrible playing solo either. I’m really enjoying it both ways. Feel free to add me on steam (same name) if you’re on PC, or if on PS5 DM me and I can send you a friend invite if you want to team up and spread some democracy.


It’s fun as a pickup with randos or playing with friends. As long as people try to talk that is

Coelacanth, avatar

That’s about what I figured. I’m not that great with strangers, and English is my second language. I’ve tried other squad based games that rely on voice comms to be enjoyable, and I only really enjoy them when playing with a group of people I’m comfortable with.


You would be surprised how much you can communicate by just pinging stuff. I’ve had many missions with randos where a single word wasn’t spoken, but we were all actively pinging high priority targets and putting markers on the map for our intentions.

MonkderZweite, do games w Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales

So this is sci-fi, not mythologic?

SuperSynthia, do games w Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales

I may honestly check it out. Watched some gameplay vids last night and it looked like a blast. I’m especially intrigued by friendly fire always being on, as that was such fun gameplay addition but this is entirely baked into the experience


I’m definitely glad one of the call outs is, “I’m sorry”

Neato, avatar

I was about to throw orbital strike buoy and my teammate accidentally melee striked me causing me to drop it. Was confused since I didn’t even know that was a thing and as we were figuring out the orbital strike blew us to hell. And that’s how I got the AAAAaaah! achievement.

Fun times.


Fucking sick

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

You won’t regret it. I’ve gotten so much fun out of this game so far.


You sold it to me!

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Y’know, I distinctly remember the friendly fire being the thing I didn’t like about the first one. It was initially very “Oh haha you killed me!” but then something kept you from getting to play again for a long time, and so it was hard to just shrug it off. I’m assuming it’s something somewhat different now.


From the vids I saw, a lot of it is early hijinks at first. Then when shit starts hitting the fan constant communication necessary so you don’t accidentally merc your homies


It’s not as bad as the first one. Some weapons and stratagems are more prone to it (looking at you airburst radius that always seems too big) but since there’s more of a height component you aren’t constantly getting shot by teammates. and because you aren’t confined to the same small area there’s less of a chance of stratagem strikes and hellbombs killing everyone.

There is a bit of a learning curve in terms of knowing the radius of certain stratagems and backblasts and arc range of some of the weapons, but once you get past that friendly fire incidents are much lower. That being said, if you run into someone else’s line of fire you are partially to blame as well.

agent_flounder, avatar

With all the talk I may have to break down and give it a try. Haven’t done an online shooter since medal of honor allied assault lol.

Aussiemandeus, avatar

You won’t be disappointed, it’s a great game.

I never recommend games but this bg3 and outerwilds are my favourites

Jubei_K_08, do games w Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales

The game really looks fantastic. I watched 2 minutes of it and got motion sick 🥲


Compression and motion blur is not a good combo. I’m sure it would be way better if you played it yourself


I think it’s one of those games it’s absolutely designed for an HDR display and I just don’t have one so it kind of looks murky. It’s a good game but I wouldn’t say the graphics are particularly phenomenal, although the explosions look good.


You can disable camera shaking and some post process features such as motion blur, then it’s no different from any other shooter game in terms of motion patterns.

gramathy, do games w Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales

The only real complaint I have with helldivers is the controls are a little muggy. They put out a polished product with good options that isn’t so paywalled as to be difficult to make progress with but still gives them a revenue stream to keep the live service, which actually adds value beyond “play the game”, running.


What do you mean about the controls? I have no complaints in that realm but maybe I’m overlooking something.

all-knight-party, avatar

It's possible people could interpret the way that the reticle follows the actual barrel position of the gun as "muggy" because it can be quite unwieldy if you're not being careful about it, but it's a very deliberate choice and makes the chaos more chaotic and really accentuates how controlled you need to be even when shit gets wild

Neato, avatar

I didn’t realize it was happening until I used machine gun where it’s slow. I actually like it but if you didn’t realize I could see it being confusing.

Also the key binds aren’t super. There’s a lot of overlap and weird finger positioning for some stuff. The stratagems especially. I’m running, holding L1 and using my right hand to dial in the d pad like I’m hacking the matrix. It’s kinda fun and stressful but I could see complaints about it.

all-knight-party, (edited ) avatar

I play on PC so it's hard to say how that stuff feels comparatively. Can you move and use stratagems at the same time?! For me, WASD is both my movement and the stratagems, so if I press CTRL to pull up the menu I can't walk anymore.

And yeah, different guns have different aim speeds to balance them. That's where you may find the machine gun too unwieldy and want to try the stalwart LMG instead

Edit: by default on PC stratagems are done with WASD like the first game, and I just stuck with that. If I rebind to arrow keys then I can move and input stratagems at the same time, but I'll have to relearn all my Helldivers 1 muscle memory haha


Yes, pro tip is to bind the strategem controls to arrow keys or something on your mouse so you can keep moving.

all-knight-party, avatar

I've done it, I'll get to practicing, moving and inputting is extremely clutch, I wish they informed you in-game that that's a thing


I wonder, did they change the defaults at some point? Mine was already bound to the arrow keys, I never had to explicitly set that.

all-knight-party, avatar

I had it maybe a week after it came out, so I'm not sure, that was default for me.


The rebinding options are amazing, though. Being able to choose between tap, double tap, press, long press and hold for every input is fantastic. Two seconds after discovering this, press ctrl was crouch while double tap was prone and hold shift was dash while double tap was dive, and it feels so good.

Idk about controller, but keyboard support is amazing.


Personally there are a few UX issues with the controls. Like getting stuck after diving into prone (I believe it’s because you have to press run after you land to get back up, there’s no action queueing), climbing over stuff you didn’t want to climb over because of auto-climb, and a few other similar things. Both of the above have resulted in me and friends dying during intense moments, and because it’s caused by the game not listening to what you want to do, it doesn’t feel good to die that way.


Also not being able to jump over things you think you should be able to jump over because it’s a few pixels too tall. So you just run up against it and stop.

Also the trees are rigid so if you run into a tree it’s like a brick wall it doesn’t brush out of the way or snap like it obviously should when you’re charging at it.


The cross platform friend requests bugs mean I still havent been able to play with the friends who convinced me to buy the game in the first place. But yeah, otherwise quite fun.

Its 100x better of a starship troopers game than the actual starship troopers game that came out last year


Eh, they grew on me

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