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drkt, w Your Minecraft account might be gone forever unless you act now

You should be playing better games, anyway


It really is. It’s great seeing how much progress the game had made in a few years, although it’s still far from perfect.


Interesting. Thank you!

WaterWaiver, (edited )

The trailer video makes it look full of micro-management. Micro-blocks to construct tools?

miss_brainfart, (edited ) avatar

I’d be happier if the site didn’t violate the GDPR

A bit of added context:
They are based in Latvia, which is part of the EU, so subject to the GDPR. And under the GDPR, the use of Google Analytics is in fact unlawful without getting explicit and informed (that one’s very important) consent from the user.

Article 44 is the relevant one here, detailing data transfers to so-called third countries outside the EU.

Blizzard, w Emmanuel Macron backtracks on video games after blaming them for French riots

A bribe from Ubisoft or are there some elections voming up in France?


Probably just got a friendly reminder that there are some big and long standing games companies in France. He is a boomer businessman after all.


He’s actually late Gen X, though he has a certain… fondness for boomers.


The couldn’t have Brigitte Bardot, so he settled on another Brigitte.

dudewitbow, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

Do people not realize that some, if not all store fronts have a clause that the base price of a game has to be the same on other storefronts.

I know its true for steam vs other pc store fronts, but i believe its probably true for consoles as well.

orca, w Emmanuel Macron backtracks on video games after blaming them for French riots avatar

I see we’ve teleported back into the 1990s during the violent video games scare among parents. Gotta make excuses instead of, you know, actually facing the real problems.

BrudderAaron, avatar

So a typical Politician’s job!


Some of the more conspiratorial political stuff out there is basically Satanic Panic 2.0.


You mean how some of the rightwing literally believe that they are somehow part of a war with Satan?

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Don’t worry that never stopped.

dan1101, w A quarter of Starfield players couldn’t even be bothered to finish the first mission

I think that 25% would be comprised of people that bought the game and haven’t had much time to play, or use console command right away and disable achievements. Speedrunners, modmakers, and general hackers would use console commands liberally as they should be the same as Fallout/Elder Scrolls games.


The article says mods disable it unless you add an extra mod to re-enable them.

That's really all the explanation you need to throw out the usefulness of the numbers completely.


Yeah, for a Bethesda game, 25% of people using mods right out of the gate is frankly totally believable.

And while starfield isn’t perfect, people not finishing the first mission would hardly be an indictment against the game itself, who judges if a game is worth playing in the first mission? Usually - and especially in games like this - the first mission has practically nothing to do with the standard gameplay


I wouldn't be surprised if it's higher; there are people who mod who will also go out of their way to get achievements and people who don't care about achievements at all.

I personally love the game for what it is. There's no one else out there making anything all that similar to a Bethesda RPG. I do think that some portion saw the performance and set it aside for that reason, though. Especially gamepass people.


I definetely fall under that umbrella, I’ve got mods downloaded, but didn’t bother with the achievement mod. I downloaded my mods after the first mission though.

I’m enjoying starfield for sure, but I think it does have a fair few faults, though I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of them are subjective. For instance I can’t stand bullet sponge enemies and the bullet sponge is strong with starfield. Drives me crazy when I can literally empty an entire magazine of an auto shotgun pointblank into an enemies face, and have it only take them down to like 40% health lol. I grabbed a mod that helps with it, but its still pretty bad, even with that mod, and it breaks the balance a bit. Hoping that once proper mod support is in we get something better.

I also think the whole “spaceship” part of the game is pretty half-baked, I wasn’t expecting E:D levels of piloting immersion, but I’d have hoped for more than basically a series of menus and loading screens for interstellar travel. Additionally ship combat balancing is pretty rough, all the encounters I’ve done so far have felt comically easy, or ridiculously hard (The final mission of a certain UC Vanguard mission comes to mind…)

Overall though I’m definetely having a lot of fun though, and while there are bugs, it’s definetely one the least buggy Bethesda titles we’ve seen so far, and definetely less buggy (in my experience) than BG3


So the way I play, I bought a silenced rifle early and spent my perks on stealth and ballistics. Most humans a few levels above me are single headshots from stealth or 2-3 shots once they know where I am. To me, that TTK feels pretty good, and I tend to be able to use space to attack at range and the boost pack for position.

I could see other approaches feeling less good, but that specific style feels pretty comparable to the later Deus Ex games I liked or Cyberpunk, but with better mobility.

I don't love the spaceship combat, at least that I've played so far (though it's been kind of minimal through 20 hours), but I don't like many. The only exception I can think of that really clicked for me was star citizen with a full stick and throttle, and I don't love most others, so I can't really evaluate that super well. I definitely don't think it's the focus, but it's weird that people expected stuff that only a very small handful of pretty pure space sims do and they never promised (flying down to planets). I don't love the number of loading screens, but on steam deck the length isn't awful, so I live with them.


That would probably help, but I find stealth builds to be really dull in Bethesda games. I do agree though that the mobility is great, I just wish there was zero-g combat (if there is, and I haven’t gotten there yet, no spoilers plz)

And yeah star citizen has the best flight model and ship combat mechanics imo - it’s a shame about the rest of the game… And to be fair there, there’s only so much you can do that with a flight model when it’s primarily going to be played on KBM or a game pad, but some games manage to do pretty damn well (Everspace comes to mind as a game with really excellent gamepad controls for spaceflight)

to be fair regarding what was promised, the vast majority of gamers arent out here reading every interview about the game ahead of time, so you can’t blame them for seeing a game that takes place in space, with stuff like ship building being one of its big selling points, and then blame them for expecting it to have features on par with the other big name space games from the last decade. Just because it’s not promised, doesn’t mean it’s not missed 🤷🏼‍♂️ like I said though, it’s really not a deal breaker, it just would have been a big selling point for me personally.


There’s some zero G combat areas you can come across. Like other Bethesda games, the main quest isn’t where you have the best interactions.

Level up the ship building skills and turrets will kill in space battles sometimes too fast. I rarely get the chance to board and steal the ships unless I scale back and turn off weapons.

If you want to stay in the game, you can target planets and moons from the cockpit to travel without opening up the Star map. Only scanning has to bring up the map. Random space encounters can be more enjoyable than some of the Fallout 4 ones.

Just be careful not to kill the nice granny


the main quest isn’t where you have the best interactions.

No worries there, I’ve been focusing on faction quests and stuff like that for the most part, only occasionally dipping into the main quest for a few missions. One thing I feel like Bethesda did well with the writing of Starfield is that they finally made the main quest not world-saving urgent (at least not from the get-go). In practically every other bethesda game I can think of, the player starts off pretty much right from the start with a “Hurry! We need to do [Quest] before [Bad Thing] happens!”, which inevitably kills the immersion a bit when you go fuck around for a solid month just exploring and doing side-quests. But in Starfield it makes perfect sense that you’re not necessarily out there every single day chasing down artifacts, at the beginning of the game, they’re just a curiosity


It's not something that's close to regular for space games, either. I can name one game off the top of my head that has it (No Man's Sky), and there's very little else going for it. That one feature combined with endless planets less interesting than Starfield's is close to the whole game.


Just off the top of my head

  • No Man’s Sky
  • Elite: Dangerous
  • Star Citizen
  • Space Engineers
  • Kerbal Space Program

I’m sure there are others, but it’s really not as uncommon as you’re making it sound, especially for AAA titles. I’d also argue it’s disingenuous to say that No Man’s Sky has “very little else going for it”. It was shit at launch, but they’ve built a really solid game now.

Again (and I feel like I need to keep re-iterating this, because people on this site are so sensitive about any criticism to their favorite games) Starfield is fun. That just doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have been better, and there’s nothing wrong with pointing out the areas we feel it fell short. Really, I think what Yahtzee Croshaw said about Tears of the Kingdom applies here - “If the game had these things, you wouldn’t be saying they didn’t matter


Especially on the first days - driver bugs, enable/disable features, QoL fixes, etc.

Lojcs, w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only

Xbox X Series +X user base in shambles

TootSweet, w Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of September, 18, 2023

Tears of the Kingdom. I’m determined to 100% it like I did Breath of the Wild.

dan1101, w Marvel's Avengers receives hulking discount ahead of delisting

Will it still be playable online co-op after Sep 30?

sadreality, (edited ) w EGDF: Unity’s Install Fees Are a Sign of Looming Game Engine Market Failure

I love how we can't [have] this shit in b2b but having non negotiable terms in b2c context is totally fine 🤡

Because we are all stupid consumers to be fucked over for profit. That's normal and healthy and how system is intended to work eyy?

FoundTheVegan, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet avatar

Well that makes sense. The switch is a less powerful platform, an intentional trade off for the mobility. And at this point, it's on the older side. Either accept the trade off so you can play on an airplane or buy a more powerful modern device like a steam deck.

adriator, w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only

The official announcement teaser for The Elder Scrolls VI came out in June of 2018. That means Bethesda will have most likely started advertising the game a full decade before it came out, if the game is at least five years away at this point.

ChicoSuave, w The ROG Ally gets a new Zen 4c chip and a worrying price tag

ASUS seems to think their ROG brand has a ravenous following that would ignore better hardware for brand loyalty. But the entire PC users segment they grab with their ROG label are also focused on performance using frames and milliseconds. Losing 2/3s of the power is like asking them to throw their money away. PC gamers will never be as brand loyal as they are performance loyal.


Especially to Asus.

There’s a reason gigantic boring car companies wear a mask to make fancy luxury cars.

Sanctus, w Unity apologises for "confusion and angst" over fee changes avatar

When there is nothing left to squeeze for profits, customers are consumed.

Sanctus, w Starfield players are being haunted by asteroids avatar

For all we know “space” is the same map for each planet and only a few assets get swapped depending on orbit. Maybe this was a cheeky way to make their ancient engine run all these new features without crashing.


Would not be surprised if this were true.

all-knight-party, avatar

My best guess is that it's a debris effect from your ship taking damage, and it's supposed to fly away and expire, but somehow got stuck instead of disappearing, so now it's an "effect" on your character that doesn't know its supposed to have timed out already.

Other Bethesda games, especially Skyrim, had bugs like this of status effects that would get stuck on your character longer than they were supposed to and you'd only realize hours later when your character has some weird blue fog following them

Sanctus, avatar

That has precedent and is a very interesting conjecture. I vote this explanation.

Toribor, avatar

I’m having memories of Bethesda getting trains to work in Fallout 3 by making an NPC wear a train as a hat and then run really fast.

Sanctus, avatar

Its all smoke and mirrors, my friend. The cake is a lie.

Coelacanth, avatar
Wisely, (edited ) w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only


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  • WarmSoda,

    You must be new to Bethesda games.



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  • CaptainEffort,

    You haven’t missed much. Since then we’ve had an aggressively mediocre Fallout game, and a horrible Fallout game. Oh, and a mobile Fallout game!

    Wisely, (edited )


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  • CaptainEffort,

    I’m guessing they don’t see much of a need to make it just yet, considering they’re still making money off of Skyrim re-releases. But who knows.


    All they have are Elder Scrolls and Fallout.
    Well, and now Starfield.

    Neato, avatar

    Well we saw how Starfield turned out and they worked on that for 6yr+. I'm not in a hurry to get another gamebryo title.

    snooggums, avatar

    Yeah, but they can make money off Skyrim re-released until then to give them plenty of breathing room on the release date.


    That’s wild that they don’t even feel the need to come out with a new game once every 20 years though.


    On the one hand I fully agree. They have plenty of resources to be working on multiple projects at once.

    On the other, it’s very easy for studios to lose their way when spread too thin. There is value in staying focused.

    On the third hand, it’s taking an absurdly long time to build their games now. It’s clear the Gamebryo/Creation Engine is no longer fit for purpose. I don’t give a fuck about object permanence for 10,000 cheese wheels. I want fewer loading screens, much better facial animations, much better lighting, much better performance, and MUCH better collision handling. Unreal proved YEARS ago that functionally unlimited polygon assets were achievable with good performance with dynamic mesh loading. Gamebryo is absolutely shitting the bed with the assets in Starfield. Maybe it wouldn’t take 5+ years to build these games if they weren’t shackled to Gamebryo.


    On the third hand

    Are you a mutant or an alien?


    He’s a Bethesda coder

    bogdugg, avatar

    It’s weird, because they absolutely need to switch things up… but also they have a winning formula and so long as the games sell they will never adapt.

    For me, the biggest fault isn’t the tech itself (at least not directly), but the game design. Every time they strap another system to that Frankenstein’s monster of an engine, those systems need to be justified in gameplay, which is harder to do the more there are. As everything grows in scale and scope, each component, whether locations or mechanics, feels less individually compelling. Then they hide mechanics behind the tech tree, which solves one issue by focusing the player experience, but now the quests feel even more bland because they need to appeal to every possible build.

    Chailles, avatar

    Except you’re looking at Unreal from a purely graphical perspective and as if Bethesda’s slowest process was making the engine work. If either of those two points were the issue, we’d have a whole bunch of Bethesda-style games on Unreal already, but we don’t.

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