Paradachshund, do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music?

Outer Wilds takes the cake for me.


That game takes the soundtrack cake for any category it has an entry in

MummifiedClient5000, do gaming w What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

Cut-scenes that can be paused, skipped and replayed later.


This so much. Hate it when the cat desides to destroy the whole flat for no actuall reason. You test the pause button just to see it is skipping and you did not safe before the cutscene. so no going back watching the scene.

scrubbles, (edited ) do gaming w Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.
!deleted6348 avatar

I don’t know, this whole 60fps thing is a new demand from gamers. Frankly I don’t care about reviews anymore. Everyone skews negative, and I’m tired of it.

My hard takes:

  • 60fps doesn’t matter. It’s not a shooter. Even CS1 I could only get 50ish on a new map, and that’s with hardware that’s 6 years newer than the game.
  • RAM should be used. For gaming it would be wasteful not to use it. If you aren’t using all your ram then you’re loading textures, shaders, and everything from disk, which is thousands of times slower and that would lead to … you guessed it, gamers bitching about lag. What are you using that ram for anyway when you’re gaming that’s a higher priority? If you’re watching someone and they’re complaining that a game is using too much ram shut them off. They don’t how computers work. These aren’t the days of 256MB of ram. I have 32 gigs. I want them to use it.
  • Marketers are paid to lie. They don’t understand what the game can do, they’re paid to sell it. Cyberpunk was disappointing for many because they believed marketers running unleashed, saying the game would be a revolution, that it would be gaming evolved. It wasn’t. Instead gamers “only” got a fun open world RPG and they were disappointed by it. (And bugs, they had legit concerns but marketing was stupid around that game and every one of their marketers should have been fired )
  • I find that people who watch reviewers are exponentially more disappointed in games because they let reviewers tell them how to feel. If you want to start enjoying games more, stop letting them tell you if you should be disappointed. They’re going for clicks and views, and the rage train gets a lot of them. Just try it and return it if you don’t like it.

I haven’t watched anything and I’m excited. I’m not “hyped”, I don’t think it will redefine city building forever. I think I will enjoy my time in a game that is by definition an iteration of the franchise. Maybe it’ll be great. Maybe it’ll be worse than the first, but I’m going to decide that myself, not let some reviewer begging me for a subscribe tell me.


60fps doesn’t matter. It’s not a shooter. Even CS1 I could only get 50ish on a new map, and that’s with hardware that’s 6 years newer than the game

It does not sound like 50 FPS on 6 years old hardware. Maybe half?

RAM should be used. For gaming it would be wasteful not to use it.

Don’t be afraid, I do use my RAM. Like, it’s full of other important programs and filesystem cache.
But the game shouldn’t take it away from other programs, and it should also be aware of the fact that windows starts swapping out programs when RAM usage has reached ~70%. This will significantly affect any programs you run simultaneously, but the game itself tooz because it’s less used memory pages will be swapped out more. Random access for reading back swapped pages is much slower than loading the resources in smaller groups sequentially.

16 GB usage sounds like the game has loaded ALL of its models and resources, even those that are not needed (not in view, and probably not even accessible to the player), and probably has multiple copies of most with different resolution and such.

Loading to RAM that much data would be fine if they managed it to only be loaded to a cache, that can be released for other programs, but I don’t think you can do that in any other way than using the filesystem cache, at which point the RAM usage does not even count against your process, or as usage at all.

If you aren’t using all your ram then you’re loading textures, shaders, and everything from disk, which is thousands of times slower and that would lead to .

Obviously the game does not have to use all the RAM. It only needs to preload textures and models that are useful on your system (based on graphics settings) and are in use right now or can be in use very soon.
Also, loading from disk is not as slow as you make it seem. Yes it is if your users install games to a drive that’s bad for that purpose (like SMR tech hard drives), or if you haven’t placed the resources strategically, by which I mean grouping resources so that commonly-used-together resources are placed sequentially for a quick and efficient read.
The first problem shouldn’t be your concern: the player shouldn’t expect top performance from hardware that was designed for a totally opposite task.

Marketers are paid to lie.

Yes, but they shouldn’t touch any technical information, including the hardware requirements section. Marketers don’t know shit about the game, just that they want to sell at much licenses as humanly possible.
The hardware requirements, however, is to be defined by those who know shit about the game. Preferably core developers or performance testers, who have an idea about the game’s inner workings and about how much is it expected to use in average and in the worst case.

I find that people who watch reviewers are exponentially more disappointed in games because they let reviewers tell them how to feel.

I can agree with that and your point on Cyberpunk. I haven’t played that game, but not because I’m not interested. It looked fun from content that I have seen.

But the performance concerns sound like that it’s actually a huge problem.

I like it that so far it has been described a solid lunch except land leveling and performance, because the first one can probably be addressed in a few months at most if they want it. But even the published hardware requirements were disappointing, and this is a signal that the game will hardly get any better than that, if it can reach it.


Yeah, same, I’ll reserve my judgement for later. If it’s truly awful and unplayable then I’ll have to finish building my RTX 3090 system, lol.


60fps complaints go back to the dark days of 360/ps3 ports where HD resolutions on the consoles meant high framerate was no longer a viable option there. Since AAA games started using console as lead platform pc became saddled with 30fps caps as well. It possibly happened even earlier, but that was the time where I started noticing it.

T0RB1T, do gaming w Quick note about Gamescensor avatar

Tangentially related. Does anybody know if there’s a browser extension or database that collects the obviously LLM generated websites?

I run into lots of websites where all I think is “this can’t possibly be a human writing this, right?” All I can do is show it to my friends and family for validation.


Time to make one, or roll it into a ublock origin filter


yes please; we need a ublock filter

pixel, avatar

This is a great idea and if it exists I’d love to use it


If the writing is that bad, it belongs on the list. If it’s that bad and is still written by a human it belongs on possibly an even worse list.

simple, do gaming w I am so pumped for Phantom Liberty and Cyberpunk 2077 v2.0!

Being a patient gamer has worked out once again. I’m planning on picking the game up in about a month after they ironed out most of the issues with the big update. Excited to finally try the game after hearing so much about it.


Ditto. Next big sale after 2.0 launch is when I’ll play it for the first time. I’ve not begun Starfield either, already we know they’re going to fix the HDR and add some QoL improvements.


Honestly not sure what they can do to fix Starfield. Bug fixes and QoL aren’t going to help the systemic issues the game has.


Yeah I don’t mean make it a different game but stuff like HDR settings, eat button, mod support can make it a much better experience than what it was during vip access or launch.

Stillhart, (edited )

Modding maybe, but that doesn’t help console players. An eat button and HDR settings are so hilariously inadequate that I think the people excited for those changes already like the game and don’t see the actual issues.


ICYMI Mod support would come to consoles as well, now how good or bad it would be is something we’ll have to see.

Yeah, I mean if someone is excited to play any game and they can’t even adjust brightness or have to witness very long loading screens, they would want it to be fixed before their playthrough.


I waited on CP2077 till a year into release and had a blast playing it on the Deck. I’m going to do the same thing with Starfield where I will wait to see if they can get it running in the Deck and maybe then give it a shot.


It’s already improving almost every week. 3.5 update further improves Starfield’s performance.


It was already awesome. It’s gonna be so sick.

eldrichhydralisk, do games w whats your unconcious sign that you really really like the game you are playing

I can tell I’m really into a game when I end up ditching the objectives to just screw around. If I’m following the quest arrow I’m probably just in it for the plot or for some completionist urge, but if I really like the game I’ll start wandering off the main path to just enjoy the environment and satisfy my own curiosity about things.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Similarly, it’s if I really start looking at the scenery. Like zooming in on desks and and where textures meet and stuff to a) see all the worldbuilding details, and b) to see the level designer / env artist’s work up closer.


I was like level 20 before I started the main quests in Skyrim. 😂


Wait, Skyrim has a main quest?

Deestan, do games w What are some great open source games?

OpenTTD ( ) is pretty popular and has been for a long time.

nerdschleife, (edited ) do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?

Would suggest jellyfin over Plex due to the latter’s increasing corporate greed.

  • Radar - for movies
  • Sonarr - for series
  • Prowlarr - for indexing


  • Jellyseer - a nice frontend for the above
  • Bazarr - subtitles

This is a super simplified list, but the wikis are easy enough to get started with.

Edit: cjf has listed some useful links for the same

Appoxo, avatar

Mobile alternative (Android) frontend: NZB360

couscouscivil, do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion

Can’t migrate. Will not accept ULA. I now have to rely on pirated version for a game I paid twice. This does not make sense.

metaStatic, do piracy w Is Direct Connect still 'a thing'?

a few years ago in the late 1900s

ultratiem, avatar

Oh man why didn’t you say it was last week!


In the 20th century

PenguinTD, do gaming w Super Mario Wonder's online multiplayer may be disappointing, but we have already witnessed that the alternative would be far worse.

It’s because Nintendo still haven’t implement server client networking and host their own dedicated servers. It’s why people paid Nintendo Online to play multiplayer Nintendo games are getting scammed.(even Capcom or EA/Epic did batter job on switch then Nintendo.)

That’s why you get no real online plays, blame Nintendo’s internal policy, not networking complexity.

loboaureo, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

Bg3 it’s not an strategy game, it’s and RPG, in fact based in the trrpg rules of d&d 5

Also BG1 and 2, weren’t grided, so it’s not like they doing it to “modernize” the game.

I really enjoyed all xcoms (from the msdos first games, so many hours wasted with xcom apocalypse…) But also enjoyed al bg (including not MMO Neverwinter, icewind Dale, etc)

Simply, it’s not one of these games.


5e rules explicitly refer to spaces on a grid and had to be changed in several ways to work in a gridless setting.

BiNonBi, avatar

I believe that’s officially a variant rule. The system itself works fine without a grid. It can be done completely in the theater of the mind.

The grid is just commonly used because it simplifies movement and positioning greatly.


Right? I only played like a campaign and a half of 5e, but I specifically remember the 5’ spaced grids.

Imprint9816, do piracy w Meta

I propose a new challenge:

Don’t write anymore of these posts.

ram, avatar

I propose a new challenge:

Descriptive post titles.

Nia, do gaming w Steam Deck VS rivals

Still I’m not convinced of Steam OS compared to Windows 11, since I would like to play also Epic games and maybe some emulators

You can actually play games from Epic Games and other stores on Steam Deck with Lutris or Heroic Games Launcher (or a few other options) and you can install emulators on it too, it has a desktop mode, so you’re not locked into only Steam stuff. Also, you can put Windows on the Steam Deck too as an option if you prefer, I don’t know many people who have but the option is there.

Stefh, avatar

Thank you. And do most of Epic games run well? I’m not interested into latest triple A games and the best of the best performance and resolution, but I would like to some of them being at least playable. What do you think of the Chinese alternatives of the Steam Deck?

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

And do most of Epic games run well?


I don’t have a steam deck, but I use Linux and often play games from the epic store through the heroic launcher. I haven’t had an issue with a game not working. Worst case scenario, I just had to switch proton versions, which heroic makes really easy.


They should for most. If the games are on both Epic and Steam you can check to get a general idea of how well it will run, for any games that are only on Epic, I’d recommend doing some quick searches to see how much luck people have had getting them to run on steam deck/linux. Most games for me have worked perfectly fine with similar performance as Windows, and installing Windows on the Deck is still an option for the games that don’t.

As for the alternatives to the Steam Deck, I wouldn’t go for them over the Deck personally, but I have never used them. I would think the games that have been optimized for the deck would run better on the deck than the alternatives due to its popularity. I might consider them if they were a good bit cheaper than the Deck though and it was a good deal.

Edit: I should also note that I play on a Linux Desktop, not the Deck, but aside from the specs difference the games actually working or not would be almost exactly the same between the two because of how Proton and Wine work.

!deleted6348 avatar

Check out emudeck as well, emulators on the deck have already been done and they work great. Only one that doesn’t is Xenia, but it’s pretty close.

bermuda, do gaming w what's some of the best dialogue systems you've seen and why?

This wasn’t wholly your question but you might like to look into what NOT to do with LA Noire. Originally the game’s dialogue options were labeled, “Coax,” “Force,” and “Lie.” You play a 1940’s police detective who has to solve crimes, so dialogue naturally comes up when you are interviewing witnesses or interrogating suspects. However, Rockstar as publisher made a shock change late in development where the devs had to change the options to “Truth,” “Doubt,” and “Lie.” These options, however, don’t actually quite fit with the actual dialogue of the game. Something I noticed a lot when I played the game was when I selected “Doubt,” to theoretically doubt what I thought was an obvious logical error or a half-truth, phelps instead just started screaming at the top of his lungs about executing people. Or other times I’d select “Truth” because the witness wasn’t lying but just being cautious with their words. It turns out that option was ‘wrong’ because I didn’t force out the key info I needed.

It wasn’t until I learned later on in my playthrough of this fatal publisher error that I instantly became way better at the game. Just had to switch around the words in my mind to what the original devs intended. Later releases of the game had “Truth” and “Doubt” changed to “Good cop” and “bad cop” but both of those also don’t really fit too well. Phelps isn’t always bad cop when forcing the truth, sometimes he’s just yelling because the witness is an asshole.

The reason Lie was never changed is because when you select Lie, you’re doubting their version and coming up with evidence to prove the contrary, like in Ace Attorney.

Just a little thing to keep in mind about dialogue options. Even though the words “Coax” and “Force” sound a little… advanced I guess, they still work way better mentally just because they actually describe the options. Truth and Doubt might help you reach a younger or less intelligent audience, but they don’t work because they don’t actually describe what the options give.

Donnagen, avatar

I had no idea about the original labels, that makes Phelps’ dialogue make way more sense!


This was a meme for some time, like he’s talking to a little girl and suddenly screaming at her. Didn’t know the labels changed but that the dialog a huge joke.

itsgallus, (edited )

Wow, that makes so much sense! I hated that I could never predict the dialogue outcome in that game. Maybe it’s time for a revisit?


Ah, I noticed this, I felt the same didn’t understand why the truth, doubt system didn’t seem to match up with the response.

Still a great game though at the time and I felt it hard to play other immersive games where the character face animation was so poor in comparison


Press [X] to Doubt


“Coax,” “Force,” and “Lie.”

I’m pretty sure the original was “Accuse” instead of “Lie”, and the dialogs also made more sense thinking the response was “Accuse”.

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