sonori, do gaming w What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? avatar

Minecraft, you can only pretend to have gotten away for so long before the block game calls again.

blackluster117, avatar

They have bees now!

navi, avatar

We play it HARD a few weekends a year. So amazing to get lost in a new world every now and then.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

One thing I’ve gotten into doing is instead of starting a new game I just run off in some random direction for an hour. It’s neat to stumble across things you built years ago

I definitely get what you mean

echo64, do games w What are the best Samurai period games?

If you’re looking for a samurai game, rather than a samurai themed game. Then there’s really no question, it’s Ghosts of Tsushima. It’s the closest thing we’ll likely ever have to a Akira Kurosawa game.

JoeKrogan, avatar

And its coming to PC in may. Its on steam to wishlist for those who dont know


Thanks for the heads up! Super excited to get back into this one!


It’s also got a Kurosawa mode for that extra mid century Japanese movie feel

Zahille7, do games w What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?

Any “cozy” game. Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, others like those.

One that I personally really like, that sort of blends different aspects of AC and SV, is Paleo Pines. You have a ranch that you little by little clear out, fix up, and decorate; all with the help of adorable dinosaur friends. There’s actually a surprising number of species and map space in the game, and the vibe and aesthetic are ridiculously cute. I will say it’s slightly more laid back than SV as there are no real timers for the different quests and such, and there are fewer characters to keep track of/befriend.

theskyisfalling, do gaming w Who, in your opinion, is the most annoying character in any game?

Fucking Claptrap…

Helix, avatar

Naaaaw, I love him! He’s just a misunderstood ADHD robot without friends. Cut him some slack!

Did you play his sidequest with getting people to come to his birthday party in Borderlands 2?

I actually named my home server claptrap. My desktop is chappie (from the movie of the same name, with another anthro robot).


Wdym “another”? Claptrap isn’t an anthro robot lol. He’s a trash can with feet for hands (and I love him)


I did, I played all the borderlands until the third (which I just couldn’t put up with) multiple times and he just annoyed the piss out of me constantly xD


I agree, but I do think that is kind of the point with him.

I do not get every other character’s willingness to overlook it and treat him like just another quirky member of the gang. I mean, Tanisha has no social skills but she’s at least clever and has some clear utility to the Raiders.


I realise that is the point, doesn’t make it any less annoying though!

setsneedtofeed, do games w Recommendations for Pirate Games? avatar

I love Monkey Island!

refreeze, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

Grand Theft Auto.

All of them, but especially V. I have tried a few times to play them but never get more than a few missions in before losing interest in the story. I think I have to like or identify with a protagonist to enjoy a game, and most GTA characters are pretty unlikable.

Nipah, avatar

Shit, I forgot about GTA games in my reply...

I'm with you on this one. I can see the appeal, but for me it ends up being a cycle of: do a mission or two, get bored of the larger than life characters, do some open world stuff, get my wanted level up too high, die, repeat until I quickly get bored and shut it off.

Which is odd because I do that exact same thing in other games I love (BotW, WoW (long since quit) or Destiny) and its all golden... but in a game like GTA? Yawn.

1rre, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

One reason is that Epic are very dismissive of Linux, while Steam go out of their way to be supportive and GOG are supportive when it’s convenient

Another is trying to lock games into exclusives with them, which other distribution platforms don’t do so much

That said, if you don’t play games without cross platform multiplayer and don’t care about Linux support or see yourself caring any time soon, there’s not a huge reason to push you towards steam and away from epic. GOG is more of an anti-DRM thing, however barring sales the price and the cut for the devs is identical on all of them and it’s the same game aside from DRM.


for sure! steam liberated my machine from a windows dual boot partition. and made me go 100% linux all the time. gratitude is not really strong enough. it is more like when you have been captured, and then set free.

Krudler, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

For me it’s entirely self-centered and I’m dispensing with all the aspirational and political feelings that people have about the way businesses operate.

Quite simply I recommend Steam because it is a product with so many killer features, it’s really hard to take anybody else seriously.

It’s just shy of 2024, and Epic is still a non-realized alpha product. Their website, store, and launcher/library is a perfunctory effort at best. The most recent feature they added that I even consider to be an improvement would be the ability to look at my own games library - that should sound like a pretty funny joke but it’s said deadpan. They don’t even have proper controller support for PC, whereas Steam for example recognizes that PC gamers come with a variety of input hardware.

I mean it’s so simply that steam is such a mature product that offers so much to the gamer, and epic just wants money and they’re not really doing anything to compel me to want to use that platform.

GOG is great, it’s a simple system that gives you the power to own your own games and I very much appreciate that. Personally I don’t like to splinter my collection across different services so I’m mostly avoid them but I can’t say anything really negative.

Anyways this is just my opinion, I feel like steam has tons of killer features, the otherS simply don’t. There’s lots of valid discussion in other areas about ethics and things like that but really I’m just looking at it from the perspective of what do I want from my money. Steam gives me the most, and the others don’t even hold a candle.


Does the EGS store even have a shopping cart feature yet?


I think they finally got it after like 3 or 4 years, but 5 years on and they are still not profitable


I try so hard to be a rational consumer and not an emotion-driven zealot for any company or product. I just look at Epic and what they tell and show gamers/devs/publishers about who they are as a company. They don’t hide it.

Epic doesn’t seem to add any killer (and at times rudimentary) features while they focus their pitch down to more money for publishers now but we own your soul; By comparison Valve says here’s a robust and trusted, feature-rich platform you can deploy upon and we’re improving it constantly.

Valve engages in continual expansion of their Steam ecosystem (look at the Deck alone and how much value that added overnight); Valve does continual short-lived research projects like the Steam Link / Steam Controller, which don’t survive as stand-alone products but pound one novel killer-feature after the next into the platform; Epic treats their product like an afterthought and their customers as wallets.

This is really what is at the crux of it. I am not sympathetic to Epic’s way of doing business where the customer is last, the developers and their art are the pawns, and publishers are plied with sweet, predictable short-money in exchange for souls.

I’ve seen enough enshittification to know at this point that doing business with a bean-counting, value-wringing company hurts us all, and perhaps I’m out on a limb here but I feel like this sentiment is becoming highly solidified among many.

Cybersteel, avatar

It just how the way the world capitalism works baby. If you don’t like it best move to some communist state like China or something.


They’ve had it for years now.



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  • pivot_root,

    The whole idea of digital licenses are stupid and risky. If you can find it on GOG, it’s preferable to get it there. The games are DRM-free, and you can directly download the installers and make an offline backup of them.

    What if Steam went bankrupt, or start playing less nice?

    Thankfully, there’s not too much reason to worry about this yet. Steam is a money-printing machine, and it’s not a public company or beholden to investors who demand increasing profitability every quarter. As long as Gabe Newell is still alive and doesn’t sell out by taking Valve public, things probably won’t change much.


    It’s important to note that just because you got it on GOG does not guarantee it is DRM free but they do try. (Unless things have changed since I last looked)


    This is where I’m often torn. My sentiments lean fully to the principle of the user owning his/her purchased software.

    But I want Valve to have my money and I trust them, because their entire business model is giving me the power to play my games in the most ways possible, and in ways that having the OG installer on my Desktop can’t do.

    I can stream my entire 900 game Steam library to my phone and when my Deck gets here I’ll have access to it all there as well. Muahahaha. Take my money. No GOG RAR Installer is going to give me that, ever. This doesn’t seem to get talked about enough. Valve adds so much value, they make it so I don’t even want to pirate.

    cottonmon, avatar

    They also supposedly have a plan where everyone will still have access to their games in the unlikely event that Valve shuts down.

    Kaldo, do gaming w Cyberpunk dlc sucks. 10 side missions and like 5 story missions for 30 bucks. avatar

    I disagree, with or without taking bugs into consideration. It was a great experience and if you liked the base game you'll probably like the expansion too, if you didn't like the base game then you won't.


    thats the thing i didnt hate it. i like the base game. this is really just more of the same, i just dont think its good value for 30 bucks.

    MaxPower, avatar

    i just dont think its good value for 30 bucks

    OK that’s your opinion. If you are poor and/or from a low income country that’s even understandable.

    OTOH, 3 million people thought otherwise and bought it. Wake me up when you have made a game and an expansion for it for 3 people, let’s see how buggy those are. I will take the time to online shit-talk about those, too!


    What a shit take lmao


    I cant even…

    Shalakushka, avatar

    You don't like a AAA game? Make ur own AAA game lmao gotem


    How is your upvote ratio positive dude


    tells you anything you need to know about this sub i guess…


    Beehaw doesn’t have downvotes enabled. We try to be positive here.

    amju_wolf, avatar

    That sounds really stupid.


    I don’t have a bone in this fight, but that’s a really dumb take. Crapware like FIFA sells millions of copies, by your logic they’re amazing shit.

    ChaoticEntropy, avatar

    What is worth 30 dollars to you…? You said you’d have paid 15 for this, which is absurdly low in this day and age. A small expansion pack in the early 2000s would have cost more than that.

    You want double the content in this DLC for 30?


    I think that 20 side missions and a bit more of story would have made this more acceptable. The base game is what 60 side missions for 60 bucks? Why should you get less value from this? Most of the work was already done

    ChaoticEntropy, avatar

    What a bizarrely corporate measure of quality this is… this is how you end up with mile wide, inch deep grind fests that just ooze “value” by pure volume. I think expecting this amount of content for $15 at this point just means that you can expect no content at all, because it won’t be commercially viable to keep all your dev teams spun up to work on it, along with patches.


    He probably loved the amount of “content” in Starfield.


    I didn’t.


    These 10 side quests are not exactly great. They are worse than the base game and you get a pointless choice at the end of each

    CorrodedCranium, (edited ) do gaming w What's the most surprising facts about a game you've gleaned by reading a game's achievement/trophy acquisition percentage? avatar

    There are a lot of games where a sizeable amount of players won’t have the initial achievements.

    They may have just launched the game and never played it, achievements could have been added later on after the release like with Grand Theft Auto IV, some people only play multiplayer, or there may be something in place to disable achievements when you mod the game like in Fallout New Vegas.


    You mean like Terraria’s achievement to chop down a tree, that over 13% of Steam players haven’t done?

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Yup, the sample size is out of people who've booted up the game ever. So 13% of players downloaded it, installed it, thought about playing it, and didn't get much further than the menu screen. 7% of players of Fallout: New Vegas never finished the first mission.


    7% seems like a reasonable number of people who never opened the game after getting it on sale/in a bundle


    or there may be something in place to disable achievements when you mod the game like in Fallout New Vegas.

    This is why my achievements for Skyrim look completely incongruent with my play time. Someone might assume that I’d spent 700 hours in the character creator…

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    Exactly. Even though there are achievement enabler mods for Fallout 3/NV/4 and Skyrim I imagine a sizeable chunk of players just couldn’t be bothered.


    I actually didn’t even realise those mods existed. I know what I’m adding to my next Skyrim playthrough. There are so many achievements I don’t have…


    I didn’t realise Skyrim blocked achievements when modding, I’d definitely didn’t back in the day, it’s one of the few games that I have all achievements on and I’ve modded it to hell basically every time.


    I think it didn’t used to either, as I have some achievements on the original version of the game, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never played it unmodded. But I have no achievements at all on the later editions, despite many, many hours of playtime.

    Navar4477, do games w What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved?

    I feel like Outer Wilds was drowned out by Outer Worlds, and the two often get mixed up, usually to Outer Worlds’ favor.

    One of my top 10 games.

    FireTower, avatar

    Really unfortunate they both came out around the same time. Although I think the actual target markets were different.


    Yeah, completely different markets. My friend bought the wrong one and for months he wouldn’t try outer wilds because it “wasn’t his sort of game” when it totally was.


    Best game ever made, really is. First I’d played in years that felt like a fresh new experience.


    It really did

    pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

    Outer Worlds is an actual work of art that still manages to play and feel great.

    beefcat, (edited ) avatar

    the PC version is pretty fucked in the “feel great” department. the engine itself renders frames at arbitrary framerates just fine, but the animations (including the camera) only update at up to 60 FPS, with no in-game option to cap the frame rate to that animation rate. vsync doesn’t work properly with high refresh rates, and external framerate limiters aren’t able to get a good match. it’s borderline impossible to get this game to feel smooth with proper frame pacing, even with a vrr display.

    best i could get was to use external tools to force the game to set my monitor to 60 hz, then turn on vsync in game, but this added a ton of input lag

    pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

    Ah that’s too bad to hear, it felt just right on PS4


    Seems to me like Outer Wilds outshone Outer Worlds if anything. I never hear anyone talking of Outer Worlds anymore, but Outer Wilds is still brought up as one of the greatest indie games out there.


    In a way, yeah! But I stand by the fact that a lot of people bought Outer Worlds thinking it was Outer Wilds.


    Mannnn. Outer Wilds is so freaking good. I had put it off for a while, but then last year I decided to go through it. It managed to be the perfect game at the perfect time. Raw intrigue and fascination turned into somehow helping me cope with the loss of my sister and dad who I had lost very recently at the time.


    I’ve never heard about Outer Wolrd, however, have been recommended Outer Wilds and it was supposed to be my summer game (but I forgot)

    Kolanaki, (edited ) do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore?
    !deleted6508 avatar

    If they’re on Fandom, it’s because Fandom fucking sucks to work with. It sucks to view, and it sucks to edit. So I could understand people not wanting to deal with that shit.

    They’re also still new and fairly large games. Unless the dev itself makes the wiki, they don’t usually have much content the first year or so of a game’s life.

    Confetti_Camouflage, do piracy w Why are categories basically useless in qbittorrent? avatar

    Tools > Preferences > Downloads > Saving Management

    Change “Default Torrent Management Mode” to automatic


    what does this do?


    It will move files to location you have set in category settings. If you are using sonarr it can automatically set tv-sonarr category and then qbittorrent will move it to your tv shows folder.

    Confetti_Camouflage, avatar

    Qbittorrent will save downloads to the assigned category’s folder instead of manually specifying the download location each time.

    UntouchedWagons, avatar

    Oh okay, thanks!

    coffeentacos, do gaming w Beautiful games? avatar

    17 years on, Okami is still one of the best.


    Hell yeah. I love that game, but got stuck on the last block guard guy. :_(


    Use a piece of paper :)


    Just gave me a flashback of my friends and I doing the same thing on a CRT lol.


    That’s how these puzzles are meant to be solved and I won’t accept any other answer! Lol :D


    Just picked up the HD remake and was thrilled to see someone made a mod to patch out the film grain and motion blur. I’m puking rainbows.


    I came to say the same thing

    Aurenkin, do gaming w If the same game is available and on sale on GOG and Steam, on which platform you rather buy it?

    Used to be GoG but now Steam. I run Linux so it’s nice to have a client that makes that easy rather than having to rely on a 3rd party one.


    Check out Heroic Game Launcher. It works with GoG, handles GoG Galaxy Cloud Save support, and works with Proton (similar to Steam). A very good client.


    As someone also using Linux, Steam has an official client, the workshop and is continuously advancing gaming on Linux. While GOG promised a native client years ago they haven’t delivered and Heroic has much fewer features than Steam.


    Yeah, heroic is amazing and I really appreciate the amount of work that’s gone into it. It’s still much more convenient to buy direct from Steam and it rewards the company for the efforts to push gaming on Linux forward.


    I’ve been trying to get Heroic working with my Epic account to no success.

    Generally, that has been my experience with most open source solutions to closed source app gardens.

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