I couldn’t pick a single one, but I got endless joy from all the Quake mods back in the day. Not just level designs and sprite replacement, but complete weapon changes that made everything different, Quake Kart, Cujo, etc. It seemed the sky was the limit.
My favorite Metroid is a knockoff. Environmental Station Alpha. I can’t help but recommend it in any thread that’s even remotely on topic. It’s not “better” than the official titles but I end up replaying ESA way more. The astmosphere and music just really hit me, and the gameplay is tight with lots of secrets.
My favorite official title is Fusion though. It was so awesome being able to play that on the train to school and lunch breaks.
Going to use this thread to recommend AM2R which is so high quality Nintendo could have made it themselves. It also has a great Prime-style OST in a 2d game which none of the other games have done
Chill game. Named my cat Pumpkin. I’m interested in seeing where the story takes me in April.
Really like the idea of using the camcorder to record collectibles and make memoirs, though I did have an issue with some scenes I filmed not saving properly. I’d shoot something, then in a future chapter the scene in the edit menu would be replaced with a white square and the footage would be gone. Didn’t prevent me from progressing the story or unlocking any achievements, but not being able to watch some of my completed memoirs was disappointing.
Fusion has always been my favorite. I “want” to not like how linear it is compared to the rest of the series, but when I get started playing it again that never seems to matter to me anymore. And because of that game structure, the game is very well broken up into chunks of 20-30 minutes of gameplay at a time which makes it excellent for playing on a portable console. I played it on a borrowed GBA-SP for the first time back in the day, a few more times after that emulated, and most recently I’ve been playing it again on my Steam Deck within the past week, I’m like 2/3 of the way back through it again, just took down Yakuza for the Space Jump last night before bed.
Fusion is also a huge story point for the series as a whole. It introduces the X and by doing so gives context to the existence of the metroids. And seeing that referenced again later in Dread was maybe one of the coolest moments I’ve experienced in the Metroid series.
Speaking of Dread, that one is a very close follow up though. I was super hype for Dread when it released and it is one of few games in recent memory that completely lived up to that hype. I was a big fan.
Ori and the Blind Forest! The story, the gameplay, the progression, the level design. Everything just fits together perfectly and then there’s the soundtrack. God, I love that game!
Screw Gothic 3 and 4, this is the real sequel us Gothic fans have been waiting for! A genuine delight to play through, and the Polish voice acting was just as incredible as it was in Gothic 1 and 2, despite being a fan project! Waiting patiently for the Mod of the Decade edition to re-play it again and try out all the new things they add (very excited for the teased mage path!)
Dread. The movement feels incredible and I feel like its map naturally leads players to the next relevant area the best without as much backtracking and getting lost. Brilliant game.
I would agree with Dread. It is such a a nice clean game and that last boss was an actual challenge. Many games are awesome but fumble the last boss.
Before Dread, I would say the Super Metroid on SNES, that game introduced (at least me) the wall jumps and the sprint to down boost jump thing. I always tired to saved the animals when leaving the planet, but it’s not like they were able to get off the planet, so I’m not sure if it really helped.