Got an itch(dot)io bundle of games that goes to helping French devs, so I’ve been playing a couple of those. Specifically Flipon and Blocks That Matter.
Outside of those, also got into Symphonia and it’s pretty fun and so far has an amazing soundtrack. Also trying to make a level pack for Baba Is You, which is definitely harder than I thought it would be using the in game level editor.
Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition always comes to mind for making that game so much better to play and more stable than the base game. I wouldn’t replay FO3 any other way
Elden Ring Seamless Co-op is what ER co-op should have been to begin with. God it’s so good I put another couple hundred hours in to replay every inch of ER+DLC with a friend.
The Elden Ring Seamless Co-op is probably the only way I would have been able to finish the game and the DLC. It allowed myself and 3 others (who probably wouldn’t be able to complete it either) to beat most if not all the bosses.
I had two seamless coop playthroughs with friends. While the first one was buggy since it had just released, it is hands down some of the most fun I had with them. I’m shocked Fromsoft didn’t hire the developer to integrate it for real.
On the other hand, you should also know that you can play seamless co-op with mods. Seamless co-op with convergence mod is absolutely fantastic.
This answer is based on what I know from DS3 so may not be 100% applicable to ER.
Unfortunately, unless you were banned by some mistake by FromSoft, I think it is unlikely that they will unban your account. You can try to email their support staff, but they historically tend to be pretty rigid about these kind of things.
In the past people have been able to get back online on Steam by setting up family sharing accounts - however going through this route you won’t be able to use your preexisting characters and will need to start over again. I have no idea if this is still an option or not.
Do you have any idea about why the ban was applied to your account? Were you using any overhaul mods or other mods? For the future - a good amount of mods recommend that you put the game in offline mode to avoid getting flagged for banning when you log in to From’s servers, so always read the install instructions on any mods closely.
Gotcha, that’s a bummer. I think it’s unlikely that they would revert the ban. Does it straight up say you are banned or does it use the terminology “you have been penalized”?
At any rate - may be worth checking out the seamless multiplayer mod. I don’t have any personal experience with it but I do remember reading that it doesn’t technically use From’s servers. So if you use that offline it may not matter if you are banned by From - you could still be able to engage with multiplayer users of the mod. I can’t confirm this, but maybe someone else knows more.
Been slowly playing through Doom Eternal, raytracing looks really good on that super shotgun! Fun game, just wish they didn’t pop up tutorials any time they thought a player might be a little confused.
Also played a tutorial for Wingspan and was a bit overwhelmed but it seemed interesting. I need to sit down and give it a good play through to understand
I played some shapez. It’s fun, but some of the later designs are definitely a puzzle on how to make them. The sequel seems to be the same thing, but 3D graphics. Shoutout to the soundtrack by Peppsen, it’s fantastic.
Then I started re-playing the OG Final Fantasy VII, since I just finished Rebirth. I played the New Threat mod after Remake, so I didn’t really get how similar Remake is to the original game, and now Rebirth as well. Yes, the new games are a lot slower, and you get a bunch of fluff, but otherwise they are the same.
Jest lepiej, szczególnie pomogło wyczyszenie feeda (nawet jak już pół świadomie wejdę w korpomedia to i tak wyświetla mi się bardzo mało postów albo te które już widziałam). Nie widzę i nie czytam dram na grupkach, nie jestem tak przebodźcowana. Na wyczyszczenie czeka jeszcze instagram, ale tam udalo mi się nałożyć licznik czasu, że po pół godziny się wyłącza i nie ma większego problemu. Fajna sprawa to jeszcze znalezienie sobie zajęcia. Teraz np. zamiast na korpomedia wchodzę na apke do nauki języków, też wciąga a pożytek jest i nie psuje mózgu :)